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Star Dust (Force Of Gravity Book 1)

Page 26

by Ali Winters

  “You will die for this!”

  Oriana whimpered as their forms moved closer and closer to where Lucian’s body lay, the two of them all but forgotten in the center of the fight. She leaned over his body, shielding him.

  From behind the curtain of her hair, she watched as Erik exchanged hit after hit with his father.

  He’s fighting… Erik is… defending us?

  Oriana didn’t know who to root for. The King was vile but old. They could build reinforcements faster than Eris could if it came down to it, but… Prince Erik, he was unknown. Not knowing his motives frightened her more than she wanted to admit. Was he fighting to do what was right, or was it just an opportunity to take over the throne, years before his reign would otherwise begin?

  Sweat dripped down the old King’s face. Sword lifted and ready to bring the blade down on his son.

  Leaping up, Erik struck—the tip of the sword piercing the King’s heart. His mouth dropped open in a silent scream, as his body fell back. His limp form still on the floor, next to his Queen’s.

  “Guards of Eris,” Erik called out, his voice rising above the clamor. “Put down your weapons. The fight is over. King Mobius is dead!”

  Obediently, the Citinal sheathed their swords and stepped back.

  Seizing the advantage, Jupiter’s guards surrounded the remaining Erisian guards and forced them to kneel, their weapons hovering at menacing proximity to vital veins and organs.

  Just like that, the fight was over.

  Scanning over the four Citinals, most were injured but remained standing. It was a relief, even for the Erisian’s, that more bodies did not litter the floors.

  “Erik?” Oriana spoke softly, not realizing she’d spoken his name out loud until he turned his gaze to her and held out his hand.

  Glancing down at Lucian, then over to Caelan being assisted to his feet by one of his own guards, she allowed Erik to help her up. He opened his mouth to speak, but she held up a hand, silencing him.

  “We must get Prince Lucian to a healer. Go back to Eris. I will send for you to discuss what is to happen when things have settled.” She turned her back on the Erisian Prince and faced Caelan and his men. “I need your help Caelan.”

  “Say no more.” He nodded then turned to call out orders for his Citinal to take all the injured back to Jupiter’s infirmary. Turning back to Oriana, he let out a sigh.

  “We will make sure he makes it home safe, I will send word when he is well.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “He will live.” He placed a hand on her shoulder as her eyes followed the two guards carry Lucian away.

  At his words, relief flooded through her.

  Sirena and Teresina gave orders for their guards to cuff the Citinal responsible for the attacks and lead them out toward the Outer Gateway. The Erisians who attacked would be held on Neptune until a decision could be made on how to handle their fate. The prisons on the water planet were the most secure. The wristbands keeping the floor of the cell solid, while making the rest of the world liquid, preventing any chance of escape.

  Queen Kastria waited near the open doors with two Citali guards that had remained. Oriana sighed. She wasn’t looking forward to the talk she’d need to have with her. While the Queen had brought her Citinal to her aide, Vashti’s actions complicated things.

  “Oriana?” Caelan’s voice was laced with uncertainty. Dragging her gaze away from the others, she looked up, eyebrows drawn.

  “There is a lot of damage on all worlds. I will be busy rebuilding Jupiter and training new Citali guards to all the planets. I know you must remain here to rebuild Soleis…” he trailed off an unreadable expression crossing his face before he continued, “I will honor the betrothal if it is what you want, but I believe we owe it to our worlds to give them everything. I would not take you from here, knowing you are their leader now.”

  Her mouth dried with the sudden shock of his words. Sorrow, relief, fear, loneliness… it was impossible to tell which emotion she was feeling more.

  Keeping her face passive, she nodded. “Yes, our duty is first and for most to our people. This will have no effect on the treaty between our worlds.”

  “If in the future you are inclined to reinstate it…” he trailed off leaving his thoughts unfinished.

  Is he relieved, or hopeful?

  “We have time to discuss this once things settle.”

  “With your permission, I will send Flix to assist you. He will help you escort the Royals back to their respective planets.”

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice catching.

  He lifted her hand to his chest and squeezed.

  “Don’t do it alone. Please, wait for him.” Caelan bowed and brushed his lips her knuckles in a chaste kiss. “We will speak soon,” he said and turned following the two guards that had taken Lucian away.

  His words left her feeling like she’d missed something. The strength quickly left her body.

  Now isn’t the time to think about the meaning of words.

  It was finally over. The pain and suffering could end, and the worlds of the Inner Ring could begin to heal.

  A stone clattered across the floor, drawing Oriana’s attention to the blonde and red haired Princess climbing out from behind a broken pillar. Vashti scurried toward the retreating forms of the Erisians, holding her head down as she tried to blend in with the survivors.

  Fresh anger came to the front. With narrowed eyes, she called out, “Vashti!”

  The woman froze, cringing to herself as she turned to face her. Oriana marched forward toward her.

  “For your actions against Soleis, Earth and the Inner ring, you are hereby banished to Venus.”

  “No!” Vashti cried, “I was just trying—”

  Oriana continued as if the girl hadn’t spoken.

  “If you set foot off the soil of your world, you will be punished by pain of death. The treaty your planet holds with Soleis has been severely damaged. You have brought suffering to your people that you alone are responsible for. May the stars guide you.”

  Kastria approached with her guards. “Your Highness,” she bowed. “I assure you, Vashti will be dealt with. It is my sincerest hope that we will be able to mend the damage that has been done.”

  “Yes, after the repairs have been made, we will begin the necessary meetings.”

  Nodding, Queen Kastria bowed and motioned for the guards to lead the Princess out of the castle.

  An eerie silence filled the air as Oriana stood on the dais. The blood-soaked skirt of her dress had dried sometime between all of the Citali leaving and taking their fallen with them.

  Bending down, she scooped up the crystal shards that lay at her feet. The pieces sparkled in her palm as light danced through the many facets and broken edges. She needed to make sure no one ever got their hands on it again. It held too much power.

  Oriana grabbed at the hem of her skirt and looked for a small section with less blood on it, she tore a strip and placed it on the ground. The shards of the crystal poured from her palm onto the red splattered material, shattered remains of a small trinket given to her long ago by her mother. One that brought her comfort in its weight as it hung around her neck.

  She tied the excess material around them, in a makeshift bag and stuffed it under her belt. The shards pressed against her skin, their sharp edges comforting her. No one would ever get their hands on it again.

  Flix would be returning soon to help her with the Royals still stuck in the dungeon below her feet. Once she was finished with that task, she would scatter the pieces of her crystal around the universe, hiding them for the rest of eternity.

  “Your Majesty?”

  Jerking her head up at the unexpected voice, she saw Flix, standing in the doorway of the ballroom, looking up at her expectantly. He approached her gingerly, as though she would be frightened if he moved too fast.

  Oriana walked down the steps and met him in the center of the room. She gave him a weak smile
and said, “Shall we get to it then? I’m sure the Royals are more than ready to leave. I can’t say I blame them.” Her attempt at lightening the moment fell flat, but at least the man had the decency to smile.

  “Of course, your Majesty,” he bowed and followed her through the halls, down into the dark underground passage.

  The surviving royals were all finally back on their home worlds. It had been relatively fast work, as she and Flix unlocked the cells, ending their captivity. Most could walk on their own, but a few had needed assistance.

  Oriana stepped through the gateway door and back into her empty palace. Silence surrounded her like a overly-suffocating blanket. Pressing the door behind her shut, she let her shoulders slump and leaned her back against the cold crystal surface.

  A smile graced her lips.

  Flix had parted ways with her in the Gateway on their return from Mercury, after assisting the wounded King Nero and Queen Alistrina home. It was a trip she had looked forward to.

  Princess Cassia played with Erin on the floor of the playroom.

  “Oriana!” she cried, jumping up and running into her arms. “You came back!”

  She scooped her up into her arms and held her tight. “I missed you,” Oriana said as she placed the girl back on her feet. Turning to Erin, she smiled. “Thank you for taking care of her.”

  “It was my pleasure, Princess.”

  “I hate to ask more of you than I already have…”

  “I will be glad to do anything you may need from me. You’ve returned the King and Queen to us.”

  She glanced down at the young girl before she led Erin to the far side of the room. “My home has been destroyed, and I must see it rebuilt. I can’t bring Cassia there, but she has no one…”

  Erin placed her hand on her arm and said, “She has me. If the King and Queen allow, I will be her guardian, until the day she is ready to rule her Kingdom again.”

  Letting out a sigh, Oriana pulled her in for a hug. “Thank you so much. If either of you need anything, don’t hesitate to come to me.”

  Nero and Alistrina had allowed Erin to become the child’s guardian, sending some of their Citali guards to accompany them.

  After everything that had happened, it warmed Oriana’s heart to see something so touching come from the horrific attacks.

  Flix had been her constant companion since he’d come to help her. But Flix had left days ago and, with the absence of everyone she knew, she let herself break down, finally allowing everything to sink in. The space was empty, lonely… the cries and screams of the dead haunting her. Wisps of energy danced around her, highlighting the void of voices, and busy sounds of life she’d grown up hearing, making the silence unbearable.

  Oriana wrapped her arms around herself and walked up the staircase. The empty hall felt foreign. The pieces of art that had adorned the area for as long as she could remember, broken in the attack, had been cleaned and removed. Nothing about this place felt right, none of it felt familiar, like the home her heart longed for. Tears burned her eyes, threatening to spill.

  Moving toward the library, she continued down the secret passage to the private study. The room looked just as it had the last time she and Lucian were there. Papers strewn across the desk, furniture moved at odd angles. A plush blanket hung over the back of the couch, the same couch Lucian and stretched out on a lifetime ago.

  She crossed the room and grabbed the blanket and settling herself down on the soft cushions, let them cradle her body.

  Wrapping the blanket around her, she buried her face in a pillow, imagining that the faintest hint of his musky scent lingered. Even if she could have been able to endure going into her room once more, she would have chosen to sleep in the relative comfort and safety of the hidden study. Even if the safety it provided was only in her mind, it was something… the only thing she had to hold on to.

  Her breathing became ragged and tears fell from her eyes, flowing like endless rivers from her broken heart. She cried, allowing the pain to swallow her up, until she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t stop the relentless flow of tears.

  The passage of time was impossible to track from the underground room, but she allowed herself to cry, hoping sleep would come. The black unconsciousness she longed for, however, never came. Nightmares plagued her every night and she would wake screaming and frantic—confused. Panic, screams and terror cursed her every thought, the acrid burn of smoke that lingered, burned her nose as she woke up screaming until her throat was raw. It would take her several minutes to realize where she was and as she did, the tears would once again fall in their unrelenting rush.

  Minutes, hours, days, weeks… it didn’t matter how long she stayed, unmoving in her sanctuary. The agony of her heart paralyzed her. For a while, she thought her tears would never dry and it didn’t matter to her if they ever did.

  Eventually, tired, weak, and puffy-eyed, she woke. The hurt still all too real, but the tears had stopped.

  Pushing herself up, she stood on shaky legs and walked up through the tunnel, emerging into the bright light of the day.


  Oriana stood in the center of the Gateway, two Jovian Citali behind her, close enough if she needed them. This wasn’t a meeting she looked forward to, but it needed to be done.

  She faced Erik with hard eyes.

  He stood before her, holding his chin up, but his gaze remained downcast. Part of her heart wanted to go out to the man, he was, after all, a victim of his parent’s plan, and he would pay the price. However, in this instance, he had an almost childlike quality about him.

  It was ridiculous. He might not have planned the attacks, but it was his world, and it was his duty to ensure that he repaired the damage.

  He doesn’t deserve your pity. Not after everything that happened… Regardless of what he did in the end.

  Looking at him now only reminded her of the pain she, and countless others had suffered at the hands of his world. Her only hope was that this meeting would be the first step in healing, a step toward peace for the future.

  His foot kicked at a small rock. “I know after everything that’s happened, it doesn’t mean much, but I apologize, for everything,” Erik said.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he held his hand up, halting her words.

  “Please, let me explain. By the time I figured out my father’s plan, it was too late to stop it. Shortly after our visit, a mine of explosive minerals was discovered,” he shook his head in disgust. “My father was still so furious over what he deemed ‘failed negotiations,’ that he used this new material to try and get what he felt he was owed. It was like nothing I had ever seen. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn’t listen. I am so sorry for everything he has done.”

  The explosions, the powder… it was new, even to them.

  No wonder Caelan had never heard of it before.

  Oriana paled. “Something must be done to assure us that this substance will never be used in such a way ever again.”

  “We will do everything in our power to do what is required. The mines are being collapsed as we speak.” He bowed low at the waist. “If there is anything I can do to help in the restoration…”

  “No, I think Eris has done enough,” she sighed, the embarrassment, shame, sorrow on his face made her continue. “While it wasn’t your doing, we must rebuild before an alliance can be considered. Trust will not come easy,” she paused, “I am afraid it will be some time before we can trust your motives enough to begin negotiations again.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard before answering, “That is understandable, I will patiently await the day I will be able to prove to you that my intentions are innocent.” A piece of hair fell across his forehead as he continued to look at her with wide, hopeful, eyes.

  Before she could stop herself, the words fell from her lips. “Thank you, for all you have done in assisting us. I won’t pretend that you didn’t help us more than we could have hoped for during th
e fight. I believe you will be a great leader in time.” With that, she turned and walked away, toward the two Citali, who waited to escort her back to Soleis.

  “I would never have allowed the union to happen,” Erik called after her.

  Her footsteps faltered. Glancing over her shoulder, she met the endless black of his eyes.

  “Thank you, Oriana. We will do what we can to build a trust between the Inner Ring and us.”

  She nodded and watched him meet Edin at the edge of the path that led to Eris.

  The two men walked, stress evident in the way they held their shoulders. The timbre of their quiet voices reached her as Edin placed a hand on Erik’s shoulder.

  Part of her had been afraid Prince… King Erik would act out in anger over her denial of a treaty, but everything about him… his words and demeanor, felt genuine. She hoped she was right, and that he was nothing like his father.

  Only time would tell.


  Lucian shifted, the mattress groaning under his weight. Sunlight filtered through his eyelids surrounding him in a veil of red. A dark shadow moved past, obstructing the light.

  “It’s about time you woke up.”

  Lucian groaned and cracked open an eye, “Look,” he mumbled squinting up at Jupiter’s crowned Prince.

  “I know you’re used to projecting your voice and whatever to large audiences, but do you think you could lower your voice while you’re in here?”

  The man stood, towering above him with his already impressive height, seeming even taller now as Lucian lay on his back. The lower ceilings of Earth made him look twice as tall. Caelan’s held his arms crossed over his chest. A smirk formed on his mouth, as though he could read his thoughts.

  “What are you even doing here? Shouldn’t you be on Jupiter training Citali guards?” Lucian asked.

  “I’ve come to check on you,” he stated simply.

  “Yea? Well, thanks. I’m doing all right. You didn’t have to make a special trip to make sure I didn’t die.”

  Caelan grabbed a nearby chair and turned it around, straddling it as he sat, and rested his arms on the back.


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