Book Read Free

Under New Management

Page 19

by June Hopkins

  “Come on then, spill the beans. What’s she like? What’s she like with Kieran? How long have they been together? Does it bother you? I know you like him Moll, not as much as Jack though, eh?” Lou is gagging for gossip.

  Mollie feels bad. She hasn’t actually told Lou very much at all since Friday night. It’s probably time to fill in her best mate on the details.

  An hour later the women have moved onto the wine and Lou is boggling at Mollie’s confession.

  “Bloody Hell Moll, you’ve been packing a bit in haven’t you?” Lou shakes her head. “So, what are you going to do? Are you going to go out with Jack, or not?” she asks, a tinge of hope in her voice.

  Mollie laughs at her. “No you feel free to have a go, Lou. I’ve been there. Jack is too childish for me, I’d end up murdering him. He’d be perfect for you, though,” she says with a laugh.

  “Oi bitch, that’ll do. As it turns out I couldn’t give a toss if he’s childish or not. I think he’s flipping gorgeous. The fact that he’s a squillionaire obviously helps. I would have been in there last weekend if it weren’t for Florrie, the bitch. Trouble was, I was so pissed I couldn’t be bothered to argue but I’m happy to have another crack at him. He won’t know what’s hit him. Oh and you could send the car in my direction. I wouldn’t say no.”

  Mollie laughs at her. “You are not having the car. It’s going back. When you’ve drawn Jack into your web of lust you can get him to buy you one of your own.”

  “Of course I can! You’re right. Maybe two?” She strikes a pose and gives a pout. Mollie sniggers.

  Lou grabs the wine bottle and begins to top up their large glasses. Mollie goes quiet and watches her thoughtfully. Mollie thinks that Lou and Jack would actually be good for each other; they’re both pretty wild and badly behaved. More of a Bonnie and Clyde combination than Romeo and Juliet, but even so. They would certainly have a lot of fun together. Question is how did Mollie reconfigure Jack’s mindset from getting it on with her to getting it on with Lou? It shouldn’t be too difficult. Mollie has three years’ experience and knowledge of the man and it is blatantly obvious to her that Jack hasn’t changed at all. He is just richer and older. The Jack she knew is well and truly still at home.

  Lou waves her hand in front of Mollie’s face making her jump. “Hellooo! You in there?” Mollie drags her thoughts back to Lou and pays attention. “Sorry, what did you say?”

  Lou sighs, “I said we so have to go shopping tomorrow. I have to look amazing. Oh and we need hair, nails, head to toe beauty in fact. I’ll ring and make an appointment for both of us on Saturday. You up for it?” Lou is, as usual, getting carried away.

  “Go on then, what the hell? But you had better make an appointment for four, that’s unless mum hasn’t already been on the phone,” Mollie tells her with an air of resignation.

  “Oooooo, I am so excited. I’m phoning Tia now; she can come to yours. If she brings Alice with her, they’ll get us all sorted.” Lou rubs her hands together and grabs the kitchen phone. Taking a business card from her notice board she dials the number of their mobile hairdresser/beautician.

  “Remember Lou, be discreet. You can tell her we’re going to the Hall for dinner, but you can’t mention Serena.”

  “Yea, yea, I’ve got it. Hi Tia, yea it’s Lou…”

  Mollie tunes out of the babbling conversation. They’ll be lucky if Tia can fit them in at this short notice anyway.

  While Lou is babbling Mollie takes the opportunity to return to her thoughts of Jack and exactly how she can get him and Lou together.

  As she sits quietly pondering, a thought strikes her so suddenly that it causes her to snort loudly with laughter. “Eureka!” she says out loud.

  Lou peers at her suspiciously over her shoulder, the phone still at her ear.

  It’s brilliant! I am a genius! Mollie claps her hands in delight.

  Lou ends the call after gaining a promise that Tia will come to Lindy’s on Saturday morning at eight thirty. She had to promise extra cash to persuade her to move Mrs Edginham’s blue rinse, her only client on Saturday, but it was worth it.

  She puts down the phone and moves slowly back to Mollie, keeping her look of suspicion in place.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours?” she asks.

  Mollie gives her a mischievous grin, “Well Mrs, if you must know, I’ve come up with an evil plan to net you the glorious Jack.”

  Lou squeals, “Really? Tell me, immediately.”

  “We’re going to play a little game with him and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. After all, I owe him from years back.”

  “I’m in. What’s the plan?” Lou is leaning across the breakfast bar eagerly, paying full attention.

  Mollie’s eyes dance, “I am going to scare him witless, you are going to drive him crazy and between us we’ll have him panting like a dog at your feet.”

  Lou frowns at her, “That’s the plan?”

  “Yep,” Mollie confirms.

  “How exactly are we going to carry that out?”

  “It’s easy. You see, Jack has decided, overnight I may add, that he is suddenly in love with me.” Lou’s face falls and Mollie continues quickly, “But he isn’t.” Lou’s face brightens again.

  “He isn’t?” she asks hopefully.

  “Nope, he isn’t,” Mollie is adamant.

  Lou is still leaning over the bar and intrigued, “How do you know? How can you possibly know that?”

  “Simples, I know Jack. The only reason he has decided that he’s in love with me is because he knows I’m not into him. He also knows that I am quite into Kieran. Jack always wants what he can’t have and that, my friend, is the key.”

  Mollie sits back and leans against the back of her bar stool triumphantly.

  Lou also sits back, though a little more subdued. She looks at Mollie’s face, “You are basing the whole plan on that statement?”

  “Yep,” Mollie states.

  Lou shakes her head, “I don’t get it.”

  Mollie sighs, “I’m going to put my plan into action tonight and carry it on until Saturday night. Jack is about to get a full on charm offensive. I’m going to bombard him with needy texts and phone calls, and I may even send him some gifts. I’m going to declare undying love and by the time I’m finished with Jack Murphy he is going to believe that I want to marry him and have his babies. Trust me, Jack will run a mile.” Mollie regards Lou smugly.

  Lou frowns at her, “What if he doesn’t? What if he wants to marry you and give you babies? He bought you a Porsche, for crying out loud. Maybe that is exactly what he wants,” Lou tells her with a voice full of exasperation.

  Mollie doesn’t flinch. She knows Jack and she is absolutely sure she’s right.

  “Look trust me. He may think he wants all that but it is purely because I’m not giving in that it’s a challenge. He really is that superficial. Sorry, but he is.

  If I change the dynamic and start chasing him he won’t be so enamoured. Jack hates needy women, they drive him insane. He thrives on the chase and that’s where you come in. By Saturday night he’ll be wishing he hadn’t invited me. You are going to be beautiful and totally indifferent to his charms. You are going to ignore him. Well, perhaps not ignore, but you have to remain indifferent to him for the entire evening.”

  “What? The whole evening? Nooo, don’t make me.” Lou stares at her in horror.

  “Yes, all evening. As I just said Jack has to do the running. If you don’t give him anything to chase he’ll get bored. You’ve already started, remember last Friday? He already believes that you’re not bothered. He was really miffed that you didn’t get funny about Florrie. He couldn’t believe that you didn’t make a scene and you had him interested. You can do that again, but better. If Jack isn’t contacting you for a date by Sunday, I’ll eat my hat. Well alright I’ll eat one of Dad’s, as I haven’t got one.” Mollie sips her wine as she lets Lou digest her words.

  Lou thinks about it... it could work.
Now that Mollie mentions it, he had seemed pretty fed up when she just walked away from him and Florrie. He had stalked her at the bar a couple of times but Florrie was never far behind. Lou hadn’t had the inclination to fight for his affections, far too pissed really, so she’d concentrated on the barman instead. Lou sighs, as it turned out Andy had bored her by the end of the night, so she’d jumped into the minibus without saying goodbye to him.

  Lou can do indifferent. She would be absolutely fabulous with everyone else, but cool and disinterested with Jack. If it worked, great, if it didn’t, well she and Mollie would have fun playing the game anyway.

  Lou isn’t that bothered whether she gets it on with Jack or not, but she certainly won’t turn it down either, so it’s worth a try.

  Lou laughs, “Go on then, sod it! I’m in. This could be fun. You have to start with the texts now though, I really want to see this.”

  The girls start giggling as they work out what the first text should say.

  That evening at ten, Jack is relaxing in the small sitting room. He’s lounging on the sofa, his socked feet stretched out and resting on the large coffee table. He’s watching a film and mentally congratulating himself on his deal with Mollie. She would be eating out of his hand on Saturday night. He knows she still fancies him, even if she won’t admit it. He and Mollie will be back on in no time, though Jack knows he’ll have to behave himself this time round. He is slightly nervous about that, but he’s sure he can manage it.

  Kieran hardly spoke to him at dinner, just kept glaring at him across the table. He’d made some sarcastic dig about the Porsche and the flowers but Jack just smiled at him. That had infuriated Kieran who’d left the table without finishing his dinner.

  Jack felt a little mean about it. He didn’t really want to piss off Kieran but he’s the one with the movie star girlfriend, after all, albeit a slightly unhinged movie star girlfriend, but still. Jack is single, why should he feel guilty about going out with Mollie? He shakes his head at the unfairness of it. He has to admit to enjoying himself just a little at Kieran’s expense. Kieran’s always the blue eyed boy, never puts a foot wrong. It’s boring.

  He sighs and tries to concentrate on the film. His phone beeps and he retrieves it from the pocket of his jeans. His heart jumps as he sees it’s from Mollie. Has she changed her mind?

  Jacky Boy, it’s weird, I can’t stop

  thinking about you tonight. I know

  I said I wouldn’t be your date on

  Saturday but a girl can change her

  mind can’t she? Trouble is you see,

  I keep thinking and remembering

  all those times at uni.

  I loved you so much then.

  Can I trust you not to break my heart

  again? Xx

  Jack nearly drops the phone. Christ, what’s all this about? Is she pissed? Mollie always called him Jacky Boy at uni. He hated it, the name unnerved him, not that he ever told her that. He frowns and texts back.

  Are you pissed?


  He waits and the phone beeps again.

  No, what makes you say that?

  Stop avoiding the question!!


  Shit, Jack has no idea what to write. Is she serious or winding him up? That first text was pretty heavy. How is he to know the answer and who the hell said anything about hearts and breaking them? Had he? Well, actually, he may have given that impression, what with the Porsche and everything. Was she still in love with him? Isn’t that what he wanted? Flippin ‘eck! He needs to be careful in his reply and not say too much.

  Of course you can trust me!!


  His hands have started sweating. This is ridiculous, it’s Mollie. He wants her back and if he gets his way it’s going to be heavy. He’s crapping himself over one bloody text! He needs to get a grip.

  The phone beeps again.

  I’m so glad you said that.

  I was worried that you were

  messing with me. I want to trust

  you with my heart again Jacky Boy

  but I couldn’t survive you hurting me

  again. If we do this it’s for keeps.

  Marriage, kids the whole thing!!

  Then you can buy me as

  many cars as you like

  ;-) !!! xxxxx

  This time Jack does drop the phone. He sits up quickly, banging his heel on the coffee table in the process. As he grabs his foot, rubbing it with one hand, he fishes around on the floor for the phone with the other. Finding it, he reads the text again. Fuck!

  Mollie and Lou are beside themselves with laughter, they’re both in tears. This is absolutely brilliant!

  Bloody hell, she must be pissed. What is she thinking? Jack nervously scratches his head. What does he do now? What the hell is he supposed to write back? He racks his brains before answering.

  Crikey Molls, all in good

  time eh?!!! Plenty of time,

  let’s have a good time for a

  while. I’ll speak to you


  Night, night.


  The girls cackle with laugher at this one and decide to let him off for the evening. Plenty of time to up the ante. Mollie can’t wait for tomorrow, he’s going to be crapping himself by the time she’s finished with him. Bring it on!

  Chapter 26

  At nine on Friday morning Mollie is pottering about in the kitchen in her PJs and dressing gown. Her parents are at work and she has the house to herself. She has already texted Jack; she needs to keep up the onslaught. She kept it light, just said

  Morning Jacky Boy,

  did you sleep well?

  I hoped you dreamt of me.

  I dreamt of you.

  ;-) !!!!!! xxxx

  She couldn’t help giggling to herself when she sent it and still hasn’t received a reply.

  Making herself some toast she sits down to her breakfast. She needs to make the most of the peace, as they are all taking the afternoon off later to go shopping. They’re leaving at midday for Cheltenham to hit the ‘posh shops’ as Jim calls them.

  Before that Mollie has some job-hunting to do. She has worked on her CV and a standard covering letter. She’s signed on with a number of agencies and today she plans to search the job sites. She has no idea what she wants to do, but isn’t ruling anything out. Maybe it’s time for a change?

  The doorbell startles her and she mentally curses it. Assuming it’s the postman with a parcel, she takes a bite of toast, gets to her feet and scuffs in her slippers to open the door. As it swings open she sees Kieran on the doorstep, looking unfairly hot. Mollie gasps in shock and the toast she is chewing on is sucked back into her mouth. She feels it lodge somewhere deep in her throat. Her eyes go wide and she can’t seem to take another breath.

  “Mollie, I’m sorry to call unannounced, but you left me little choice, you know. I’ve tried ringing, a couple of times actually.” Kieran stops wittering as he realises that Mollie seems to be going a strange colour.

  “Mollie? Umm Mollie, you OK?” She stares at him with wild eyes her colour deepening. “Mollie? God Mollie, are you choking?” Kieran’s voice is shaking.

  Mollie manages to nod at him, she really can’t breathe but she seems incapable of anything else either.

  Kieran flies into action he lunges at her, spinning her round. Holding her around the waist he pulls her backside against him bending her over he hits her sharply between the shoulder blades a number of times. When nothing happens he pulls her up and with her back to him clasps his hands under the area of her stomach, bending her forwards again. He pulls backwards and upwards hard with his hands. On the third attempt the toast dislodges and projects from her mouth landing on the floor a fair distance from them. Mollie sinks as her knees give way and Kieran takes her weight.

  He manhandles her into the kitchen half carrying and half supporting her. Putting her down on a chair he rushes to get her a glass of water. After passing it to her h
e pulls up another chair and sits with his knees on either side of hers as he gazes at her, his eyes full of concern.

  Mollie’s breathing has returned to normal but she is shaking with shock, not only at her choking but the fact that Kieran has just saved her life. She conveniently ignores the other fact that if it wasn’t for him being here she wouldn’t have choked in the first place. She sips at her water whilst trying to calm her racing heart. Kieran is staring at her and he wipes a stray hair from her sweating face.

  “You OK now?” he asks his voice full of concern.

  Mollie nods at him. She tries to speak but the words seem hoarse so she gives up.

  “No don’t speak, your throat will be sore. Just nod or shake your head,” he orders.

  Mollie smiles weakly at him and Kieran smiles back.

  “Do you want to see the doctor?” he asks and Mollie shakes her head adamantly.

  “How are your ribs? I haven’t broken anything, have I?” Again, a brisk shake of her head.

  “OK, a definite no.” He smiles at her, “Would you like a cup of tea or coffee, or something?” She nods her head.

  “Great. I’ll put the kettle on then but you aren’t allowed to drink it until I know that you are ok. We may have to shoot off to the hospital yet.” Mollie widens her eyes at him in horror. Kieran laughs, “Don’t panic, you seem OK but I need to be sure. You stay there you’ll be a bit shaky for a while.”

  Mollie tests her throat out. She clears it a couple of times until the sound seems normalish. “I think I can speak now,” she says with a smile. “Yes I can talk. Thanks. Where did you learn how to do that?” she asks him.


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