Play With Me

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Play With Me Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-496-8

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  The Bad Boy Collection, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015


  “If you want me to back out of the deal, Livy, then you’ve got to give me something in return¸” Archer Fields said.

  “Like what?”


  “I don’t think I completely understand.” She shouldn’t have come here. Olivia West stared around the pristine office of her family’s enemy. He was so reserved, so relaxed, yet it looked to her that at any moment he was going to pounce, and then they’d all be sorry. This was what made him the West Corporation’s biggest rival. Her family hadn’t wanted her to get involved, but how could she stand aside when it was clearly upsetting them? She felt guilty because she didn’t help in any way for their business. She was useless, and even her mother reminded her of that every chance she got.

  Archer smiled. Olivia froze as he climbed from behind his desk, and made his way around, leaning on it, standing in front of her.

  “You’re asking me to pull out of a potential multi-million dollar deal, and I want something to compensate for my time.”

  Biting her lip, Olivia tried to think of something. “There are other deals.”

  “Yeah, but for me there’s nothing quite like taking a West deal out from under them.”

  This was why her father made sure she never heard anything about business. She wasn’t very good when it came to being business-minded. In fact, if she was being really honest with herself, her family was embarrassed by her. She rubbed at her chest as a shaft of pain struck through her. The West family could brag about having a history of geniuses in the family. Even her brother Carl sailed through high school and college, passing the highest in his class. She had struggled from the start, and was even diagnosed with dyslexia. Her father had done everything to try to change that. She just couldn’t see everything the way it was supposed to be seen, and it also meant she didn’t spell too well either.

  After being diagnosed as dyslexic, her father had pretty much ignored her. Her mother had hated her. Not only had she been an ugly child, she’d also gained weight, and wasn’t worth her time. She wasn’t worth her father’s time or her mother’s time as she wouldn’t even make a good wife. Not only had she been handed the dyslexia card, she’d also been naturally curvy. Of course, after dealing with her parents, Olivia would find a source of comfort, and that meant she’d turn to food. She would never be in her father’s company overseeing million dollar deals, but she was awesome in the kitchen, and she loved it.

  She rarely had to use a cookbook either. Olivia went on taste alone, experimenting every chance she got when she wasn’t working. Staring into Archer’s cold, black eyes, she realized her very placid life was much better than the corporate one.

  Not many people knew but Olivia no longer lived with her parents, and owned a small apartment near where she worked for a florist. She didn’t handle any of the paperwork, but she displayed the roses, and helped the owner, Mrs. Rush—Linda—to deal with customers. Linda knew all about her dyslexia, and even spent time when they were free helping her.

  “What would you like?” Olivia asked.

  Archer smiled. “It’s plain and simple. I want you, all of you, at my disposal whenever I need you.”

  “Why would you need me?” She was getting confused.

  After years of being told what a waste of space she was, Olivia didn’t see why anyone would want her.

  “I’m going to pull out of a deal, and I want something to compensate for my time, which is you.”

  She went to open her mouth and ask more questions, but Archer cut her off, shocking her to the core.

  “I want to fuck you, Livy. I want to take you every way that I can.”

  “I wasn’t expecting that. It would make me a whore.”

  “Don’t call yourself that, Livy. It wouldn’t make you a whore as I won’t be paying you to fuck you. I’ll simply be pulling out of a deal that makes me money.” He tilted his head to the side. “Become mine indefinitely, and I’ll give your family this one deal,” he said.

  “I, erm, I don’t know …”

  He pulled a card out of his pocket. “I will give you to the end of the day to make a choice. I expect to hear your call, or I continue with my takeover bid.”

  She took the card from him, and she frowned.

  What the hell had she done?


  “Do you think that’s wise?” Daniel, his twin brother said, coming out of the bathroom where he’d been hiding. They were twins even though most people could tell them apart. Between the two of them, Daniel had lighter hair, and it was enough to make him stand out.

  “I want her. I’ve always wanted her, and I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to claim her as my own. She gave it to me.”

  Daniel chuckled, taking a seat where Olivia had sat moments before. “This is our business, and we need to make decisions together.”

  “We’re not going to hurt from missing the deal,” Archer said. He’d first seen Olivia three years ago for her twenty-first birthday. Her family had thrown her a big extravagant party, and he’d been invited. She’d been sitting at a table in the corner, and smiled a lot. He’d been captivated by her, and hadn’t wanted to leave until he spoke to her. Unfortunately, he’d not gotten the chance to talk to her before she’d left for the night. From that moment he’d done his research trying to find out everything he could about her.

  “No, we’re not going to miss anything from this deal. The Wests are not going to be happy about it. They’re going to do everything to make your life hell if they find out.”

  Archer smiled. “Three years I’ve done my research. I’ve spent a great deal of time and patience to make today happen. The Wests are weak, and Olivia is their weakest link. She’s the one I want, and she’s the one I’m going to have.”

  From what he’d learned about Olivia and her life with her parents, he’d wanted to intervene.

  “She’s not even part of the family business,” Daniel said.

  “Tell me you don’t want to fuck her? Can’t you imagine her coming apart between us?” Archer asked.

  Their biggest secret, which they’d kept close to their chests, was the fact that as twins, they loved to share their women. Of course, they had to be in charge as well. He wasn’t going to allow any woman to take over. Archer and Daniel liked to take charge, but they also wanted a woman who could take both of them on.

  “If you want to play with little Olivia West, then be my guest.”

  Archer smirked. “I see you’re not disputing that you want to fuck her.”

  “I hope you’re aware of what you’re doing. This can go badly for all of us.”

  Oh, Archer intended to cause a problem, but at the end of it he was determined to have Olivia.

  Chapter One

  One week later

  Olivia didn’t have a choice but to accept Archer’s condition, and now she was standing inside his bedroom one week after she went to see him. She rubbed her hands togethe
r, and tried her hardest not to panic. It was hard to do. This was the first time she’d been in a guy’s space. The men she saw usually stayed overnight at her place. The last time she was dating anyone was two years ago. She’d ended it when she discovered her father was paying the guy to be with her. Her mother had also believed it was the only way for Olivia to date, to have a guy paid to do it. What kind of father paid a man to sleep with his daughter? It was wrong, horrible, and she wasn’t going to be at her father’s mercy, and she also wasn’t going to be at her mother’s, either. Her father had paid for men to date her before, so it wasn’t the first time it had happened. He’d done it many times over the years.

  “You signed the agreement, Livy,” Archer said.

  She glanced up at him, and nodded. Before they had come to his home, they had a business meeting where only he and his brother sat in an office going over the terms of their agreement. It was strange to her to be signing a contract requesting that she keep everything they shared private. She wasn’t the kind of person who talked about another person’s private affairs. The last thing she wanted was to have her privacy invaded.

  “I know.”

  He took her hand, and she couldn’t help but notice the thrill that rushed up her arm from his touch alone. She’d never been so affected by a man’s touch before. Sure, she’d been aroused, but there was something aggressive, and possessive, about his touch.

  “I will never force you to do something you don’t want to do.”

  “But if I back out, you still go for the deal right?”

  “Yes. I’m not a good man, Livy. You’ve got to realize that. I’m a business man, and I always expect to come out winning.”


  He opened the door, and she walked through, freezing to the spot as she took in his bed. The last time she saw him, she’d not even gotten to his bedroom. Right now, it was blatantly obvious that they were going to fuck.

  The door slammed closed, and she jumped, spinning around to find Archer staring at her.

  “When you’re in this room you belong to me. Whatever I say, you will do without asking questions. Do you understand me?”


  He smiled, and she didn’t know what to make of that smile. It reminded her a little of a predator just before he attacked his prey.


  She watched as he moved toward a large wooden chest of drawers. The longer she stayed in his company, the harder it was for her to relax. Each little noise and sound made her jittery. She didn’t know anything about Archer, and in this room, in his home, she was completely at his mercy.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  Closing her eyes, she had to wonder why she was doing as she was told without question. It was insane. She didn’t know him, nor did she know anything about him.

  “Have you killed people?” she asked.

  “You’re asking me that now when you’re alone with me in my bedroom.”

  Biting her lip, she didn’t know what to say to that. Should she dispute his claim, and lie that someone did know where she was?

  “Maybe I should leave?” she said, making it sound more like a question than an actual suggestion.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Livy.”

  “Why do you call me that?”

  “You do ask a lot of questions.”

  She held two fingers up in the air. “I’ve asked two questions.”

  “And yet your eyes are still closed.” His breath fanned across her ear, and she’d not even heard him moving. Her eyes opened as he placed something over them. She went to place her fingers to the blindfold. “Don’t touch. Put your hands at your sides,” he said.

  Olivia dropped her hand.

  “You’re a perfect little submissive.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Then why are you obeying my every command?”

  She frowned. “You told me to.”

  “Very true. Now,” he started to urge her forward, and suddenly he placed her hands around one of the wooden poles that decorated each four corners of the bed, “hold onto this, and don’t let go.”

  She held onto the post, and squeezed it tightly. Should she have worn a dress to come here? Olivia had wanted to be pretty when she saw Archer again. After that first meeting where she agreed to become his, she’d gone home and done a lot of research. He had a very bad reputation, he and his twin brother, Daniel. She’d not seen Daniel much other than that day when they went through the agreement. They had told her to bring a lawyer with her, but she hadn’t. Olivia didn’t want anyone to know what she was doing here.

  “I thought you were going to be difficult.” His breath brushed across her neck, and she moaned as he wrapped her hair around something. She imagined it had to be his fist. “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?”


  His body pressed against her back, and she couldn’t help but moan. The thick length of his cock pushed against her ass. She’d never had a guy be so blatant with her.

  “I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you. Do you know when that was?” he asked.

  “No.” She couldn’t even remember seeing him before. Apart from pictures in magazines, and newspaper articles, Olivia had been oblivious to his existence. It was only when she started to hear her father and brother shouting about him, that she had begun to notice him.

  “It was for your twenty-first birthday party.”

  She remembered that party. Her father and mother had invited all of their friends, and it had been an extended business party rather than an actual birthday party. She had sat in a corner all by herself as she’d not known anyone there. “That was three years ago.” She’d turned twenty-four about a month ago. “How did you remember me?”

  “You made an impression.”

  Olivia was confused. “If I made an impression why has it taken you three years to approach me?”

  “I didn’t approach you, baby. You approached me.”

  He pushed her hair off her neck, and started to kiss her, nibbling on her pulse. His other hand landed on her stomach, and glided down until he was at mid-thigh. She felt her dress being pulled up as he gathered it in his fist.

  Why was she letting this happen?

  Archer was a stranger.

  Yet her pussy was slick, and her nipples were painfully tight from being so aroused. The moment his hand touched her pussy, she gasped aloud.

  “Fuck, baby, I knew you’d be a hot piece, but I didn’t know how much.”


  Archer couldn’t believe what he was feeling. She was so damn slick. He honestly thought he’d have to take a little more time getting her aroused. His instincts had been right about Olivia. There was a submissive side within her that was screaming to be controlled. He’d do anything to be the man who controlled her, him and Daniel. Together they would make sure she would never be alone again.

  Her question echoed around his mind. He’d waited three years because at first even though he’d been intrigued, he’d not wanted anything to do with the Wests, or any brat in that family. So he went about his life, fucking women, and sharing many of them with his brother, never being satisfied enough with them to claim them completely. One day however, he’d been in a club when he’d overheard the West father and son talking about Olivia.

  “She’d be better off married. I’m tired of her. She’s an embarrassment, working in a florist. It’s a good job we kept her out of the public eye,” Frank West said.

  “You know Olivia has never been good for business, Dad. She’s not got what it takes. She’s too slow, and doesn’t learn. We all know she’s thick.”

  “Tell me about it. She’s damn lazy is what she is. The best thing we can have done is one of our associates marry her, and take her off our hands. Keep her pregnant and out of the way.”

  Carl chuckled. “Who would marry her when they’ve got their pick of gold-diggers, whores, models, and actresses?”

  “She comes with
a good name. Besides, I didn’t say anything about them not taking on a mistress. They don’t even need to spend all that much time with her.”

  Archer had been so angry with the way her own family was talking about her. Family was supposed to take care of their own, and yet her father and brother were plotting her to have a life of misery. He didn’t even want to think of this good natured woman being used as a mere business transaction. She was too sweet.

  From that day, he’d actually done a thorough background check on her, to discover the callous nature of the Wests hadn’t infected the daughter. She didn’t live with her family, nor did she take any of their money. He’d checked into her financial records. Her grandparents had paid for the apartment she lived in, and it was the only handout he’d seen on her records. Every other aspect of her life was paid for by her own hand. When she wasn’t working in the florist, she was at the shelter for animals, helping them out. She always got down and dirty, helping to clean out the cages and stalls of the animals, offering them care. If she wasn’t busy at the animal shelter, she also volunteered at the homeless shelter, giving out food. She was well liked by them as well. He’d gotten a man to go and ask some questions, offering money. All they would say was that Olivia was an angel, and they wouldn’t see any harm come to her. They had even given the money back because they didn’t want to put Olivia in any trouble. Archer had insisted they were given the money.

  She didn’t have a luxurious lifestyle, or a greedy one.

  Finding everything out about her, Archer had been determined to find a way to get her close to him. She’d taken that decision out of his hands when she came to see him. Now he had her within his grasp, and he needed to bring her around to him and his brother.

  Sliding his fingers beneath her panties, he teased a finger through her wet slit. “You’re soaking wet, Livy.”


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