Play With Me

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Play With Me Page 2

by Sam Crescent

“Please,” she said.

  “Do you want to come?” he asked. “Do you want to soak my fingers with your cream?”


  “Open your legs wider.”

  She spread her legs, and he knelt on the floor, removing her panties, and pocketing them. He’d keep them as a trophy of their first time together. Archer had no intention of fucking her tonight, but he wanted to play with her body.

  “This is wrong,” she said, shocking him.

  Standing up, he pushed the blindfold off her face, and stared into her eyes. “Why?”

  She blinked a couple of times, and her lips formed into a perfect O as she stared at him.

  “Answer me, Livy, or I will give you six on that nice round ass of yours.”

  “I don’t know you. We don’t know each other.”

  “And the fact I’ve got my fingers in your pussy is bothering you?” he asked.

  “Yes. I shouldn’t let you touch me.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” He ran his hands over her plump ass.


  “Good. Don’t think about what you should think and feel. Just let your body do all the work.” He glanced toward the door as it opened. It was so slight that he doubted Olivia heard anything.

  Silently, Daniel moved to take a seat in the corner of the room. Archer wondered what he intended to achieve by entering the room quietly.

  “Who’s in charge right here?” he asked.

  “You are.”


  Instead of gathering her dress up, he unzipped the back, and took her hand in his, sliding it down her body until it pooled at her feet. The bra followed, and he placed her hands back on the pole. Glancing over at his twin, he saw the appreciation in Daniel’s eyes. He liked what he saw.

  “When you’re in here, you only feel, and you don’t listen to your doubts. I’m not interested in what you’re afraid of, baby. I only want your complete submission.”

  What Olivia didn’t know was the fact he intended to have her part of the whole of his life. Having her inside his bedroom, at his mercy, was just the start. Over the next couple of weeks, or months, he intended to become part of her life so that she thought about him all the time. Was he a bastard for doing it? Yes, but he didn’t give a fuck, and that was the difference. No one got anything in this world by being nice about it.



  “Yes, Sir.”

  He closed his eyes as pleasure washed over him. He liked the sound of his title on her lips. “When we’re in here, I’m your Sir.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Tell me, Livy, is anything making you uncomfortable?” He wanted to know how her mind worked so that he could be prepared for it.

  “I don’t like being naked.”


  “I’m not, erm, I’m not slender. I like to eat. I think that would be obvious.”


  He slapped her ass with the palm of his hand, admiring the way her pale flesh turned a nice shade of red.

  She released a little squeal but didn’t let go of the pole.

  “Why did you do that?”

  “In this room you will not put your body down.” As he spoke he ran his hands up and down her body, filling his hands with her abundant curves. She was so fucking perfect to him. Archer didn’t give a fuck what magazines said. He loved a woman with curves. Olivia was a woman who could take a pounding, and he was more than willing to give it to her. There was nothing worse than a woman moaning because you were hurting her, or because you could feel bone as you fucked her.

  Daniel was the same way. They never fucked slender women. Their reputation always linked them to women on the fuller, rounder side.


  “You don’t need to change a thing,” Daniel said, finally speaking up.

  Olivia squealed, and finally disobeyed his twin brother’s command. Daniel smiled. He’d wondered how long it would take to push her to her limit. Like his brother, he’d been watching Olivia for a long time. She was unique, or at least she was to them. Her submissive side was so easy to see that he was surprised a fellow Dominant hadn’t seen it before. She was simply waiting to be taken control of. Lucky for her, he and Archer wanted so much more from her than to use her.

  She tore the blindfold from her face, and quickly covered her body.

  The moment he saw the fear and torment in her eyes, he regretted speaking up. He didn’t want her to be afraid of him.

  “I didn’t agree to this. I don’t know what’s going on.” She scrambled for her dress. Archer glared at him.

  “Olivia,” he said, leaving his chair.

  She shook her head. “I only want to try and help my family. I know I’m thick, and stupid, but I don’t want to be used. I don’t.”

  Tears had filled her eyes, and Daniel had to wonder if she’d even been completely aware of what she’d been doing seconds before.

  Stepping forward, he took hold of her dress, and helped her get covered. He wanted her to feel safe in his company. Daniel didn’t want her freaking out.

  Once she was dressed, he took her hand, and led her downstairs.

  “I can catch a cab,” Olivia said.

  Stopping, he stared into her startled blue eyes. “You’re not leaving. Forgive my brother. He has ways of doing things that don’t work for everyone.”

  Daniel took her to their sitting room, which was less daunting than the bedroom. “Stay here,” he said, going toward the kitchen.

  Once inside the kitchen, he fixed them all drinks.

  “What’s going on?” Archer asked. “We agreed that I would handle this. You weren’t even supposed to come into the room.”

  “I know. I couldn’t help it, all right? I wanted to see her.” He just couldn’t handle thinking about what was going on in his brother’s room, while he’d been sitting downstairs, doing work.

  There was a sexy, hot woman in the house, and he was expected to stay out of it.

  “If you’d done what I asked, she wouldn’t be on the verge of breaking, would she?”

  “You want to keep her in the dark over what we want, that’s fine, but what do you expect her to say about me? This way we get it out in the open straight away, no beating around the bush, and no more waiting.”

  “And if she backs out of the deal?”

  “Then we still keep our promise by not fighting with her family over this deal. Like you said a week ago, we don’t need it.” Daniel lifted the tray up. “We become the perfect gentlemen, and then we court her a different way. I don’t want to force her hand, and then regret it in years to come. We want her, and the only way to have her is to be honest.”

  “I want her, Daniel.”

  “I get that. I want her as well. I’m not going to terrify her into submitting to me. We do this one way or the other. We either stick to that deal you made in your office, taking what we want, or we come clean.” Carrying the tray into the sitting room, he gave her a smile when he found she was sat in exactly the same place he’d put her. The chair swallowed her up, and even though she still looked nervous, she also looked comfortable.

  He made sure there was a coffee table between them, wanting her to be comfortable at all times.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “No problem. We’re not here to hurt you, Olivia. Relax.” He wanted her to be calm. She was such a beautiful woman, and the thought of hurting her in any way sickened him.

  She took the cup, wrapping her fingers around it, and resting it in her lap. He watched each of her movements to make sure she wouldn’t spill. A good Dom didn’t allow his woman to hurt herself, even if it was accidental.

  “I don’t, erm, I don’t understand what is really going on. I know you’re twin brothers, and I met you during the signing of the contract, but I don’t understand what you’re doing here, or in the bedroom with us,” Olivia said.

  Daniel leaned forward. “I want you to forgive my brother. When he goes
after something that he wants, then he’s quite impatient, not giving it much thought. In case you didn’t know, we’re both Dominant men, and whether you know it or not, you’re a submissive woman. You’re in need of guidance, and we want to offer you that.”

  “I don’t want to be hit.”

  “Dominance is about much more than punishment. I’m not going to suddenly bend you over my knee and spank your ass because I want to, Olivia. Punishment is to give you pleasure as much as it is to teach you about your wrongdoing.”

  “I’m a twenty-four year old woman,” she said, laughing. “This is insane.”

  “Is it? Tell me, when Archer had you in the room with your arms wrapped around the bed pole, did you feel scared? Were you nervous?”


  “Did you think he was going to hurt you?”


  “Tell me what you felt.”

  She licked her lips, and he found the action had his cock jerking, ready to take what she had on offer. Olivia didn’t have a clue what she was offering him or the power she held over both of them.

  “I felt safe. I didn’t believe he was going to hurt me, and when he put the blindfold on me, I liked it. I felt like I shouldn’t like it though. No woman puts herself in this situation.”

  “No one goes to a stranger’s house, and gives themselves like you did. On the one hand, I’m happy you trust us, but on the other, I don’t like the disregard you have for your safety.”

  She visibly swallowed, and Daniel wanted to hold her neck as she sucked his dick, feeling her swallow around the hard length of his dick.

  “Have a drink,” he said.

  Olivia took a drink, and Daniel leaned back. Archer stayed leaning forward, both of them facing her.

  “What’s going to happen?” she asked.

  Glancing at his brother, he saw Archer was starting to lose his patience. He wanted Olivia, and had wanted her for three years. It had taken him a long time to get her here.

  “Well, that depends on you,” Archer said, taking over.

  “What does?”

  “You signed the agreement that you won’t discuss anything that goes on between all of us here.”

  “I know that. It’s not my business.”

  Daniel doubted that, but she could believe what she wanted to.

  “Well, Daniel and I share women. We’re twins, and we both know what we like. We are attracted to the same woman, and we both agreed at a young age that we wanted to share one woman to fulfill our needs.”

  Olivia glanced at him before returning her gaze back to Archer. “I still don’t understand what that has to do with me.”

  “Archer and I want you to belong to us. You’ll be our woman, and until you’re ready, we’ll keep our association silent between us. We want to dominate you, fuck you, make love to you, and own every part of you. You’ll become our responsibility, which also means you don’t do dangerous shit for your family, even if they don’t know about it.” Daniel leaned forward once again, laying his cards on the table. “We only ask for you to give us a chance, your consent, and your submission.”

  One day soon they would also want her heart, but until then, he could wait. He was a patient man.

  Chapter Two

  “You two want me?” Olivia asked.

  Years of being told what a waste of space she was, how useless she was, hadn’t given her the best confidence in herself. Her father and brother liked to tell her regularly that she was burden to them, and no one would want her. For the most part, she’d ignored their cruelty, but faced with not one, but two handsome men, twins even, she didn’t have a clue how to take this.

  “We want you,” Archer said.

  Daniel repeated the same words.

  “Is this a cruel joke? Do my father and brother know what’s going on, and this is them teaching me not to mess with them?” she asked. She’d wanted to help out with the business, but they’d always turned her away. If she couldn’t get a good enough husband to take her off their hands, then she was useless.

  Her only value to them was the kind of husband she could have.

  Olivia didn’t want to marry for money or power. She wanted to marry for love, and to have a man look at her with love in his eyes, not disgust or impatience. Was that so wrong?

  “No, this isn’t a cruel joke. Is that what your father and brother do often?” Daniel asked.

  He looked tense, angry.

  “They don’t play cruel jokes on me, but they always let me know what a disappointment I am to them. I’m not worth anything, and because I can’t get a husband, I’m a waste of space.”

  She sucked her lips together, and stared down at her cup. Why was she opening up to these men? She didn’t tell anyone about what happened to her.

  “From now on, you don’t listen to those pieces of shit, do you understand me?”

  “I, erm, I—they’re my family.”

  “I don’t give a shit. Family doesn’t treat you like that,” Daniel said.

  She didn’t know what to say to the anger he was showing.

  “Now, do you find us attractive?” Archer said. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my day thinking about your father and brother. I’m only interested in you.”

  “Yes, I find you attractive.” She stared down at her lap once again. The last thing she wanted to do was admit that she found them attractive.

  “Good. We want you to belong to us, Livy.”

  She noticed only Archer called her Livy while Daniel called her Olivia.

  “We’re prepared to take our time with you so that you can get used to us,” Daniel said.

  Looking from one brother to the other, she couldn’t keep up. “Do you want me to be your sex slave?”

  “No.” They both answered together.

  Daniel smiled. “We want you to belong to us. Think, ‘girlfriend with a kinky side to sex’. You’ll wear what we want you to wear, and you’ll be ours to protect, to care for.”

  The moment he said care for, she wanted to know more. Growing up in the West household there hadn’t been a lot of affection. Would these two men offer her that?

  She didn’t even care if her family disowned her if they found out, providing these two wrapped those thick arms of theirs around her.

  Listen to yourself.

  Are you so in need of comfort that you’d get it at the hands of your enemy?

  They’re not my enemy.

  “I don’t know anything about my father’s business,” she said.

  “We’re not going to use you against them, Livy,” Archer said. “It’s up to you what you want to do.”

  “The deal?”

  “We’d already agreed to back out of the deal after you visited Archer,” Daniel said.

  “You’re not going to hold the deal against me?” she asked.

  “We’re not going to hold the deal against you, baby. I didn’t know any other way to claim you. I wanted you,” Archer said.

  Claim her?

  Okay, she really needed to deal with these two men differently. They were not like any of the other men she’d ever known.

  “What happens?” Olivia asked, taking a chance. How bad would it be to see what was going on between these two men?

  “You’re willing to be ours?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes. I work at a florist during the week. I’d like to keep working if that’s all right with you both. I love doing my job, and I’ve never been good at doing nothing. I’m not the brightest girl around, but I like to be useful.” She tucked some of her hair behind ear.

  “You can keep working.”

  “I don’t want anyone to know about us if that is okay,” she said.

  The last thing she wanted to happen was for her family to find out what was going on, and for them to laugh at her. She hated that, and didn’t want to risk being laughed at.

  “We’ll do this your way, but the moment you come through those doors, you belong to us,” Daniel said.

. I can handle that.”

  “We won’t have sex until you’re ready.”

  “I think you should show me exactly what you’re expecting from me because I don’t really know what it is you’re hoping to get from me,” she said.

  “Finish your drink, and we’ll show you the kind of stuff we want from you,” Archer said.

  Taking a sip of her drink, Olivia glanced around at their home. “You’ve got a beautiful home.”

  “It was left to us by our parents.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Our parents had us late in life, and their passing was sad, but we expected it.”

  She nodded. “Did your parents accept your need to share?”

  “Yes. They knew what we wanted, and they told us to never settle, and to go after what we wanted.”

  “This is what you’re doing? Going after what you want?”

  “Yes.” They both answered together.

  They were such a powerful pair. She really didn’t know what to think about her situation. Pinching her arm, she gasped, and smiled. Nope, she wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon. She was alive, and awake.

  “Why did you pinch yourself?” Archer said.

  “I just wanted to make sure this is all real, and not in my imagination.”

  “It’s real, baby. You’ve got to believe it.”

  She did. She really did.


  Even with her nerves, she looked so damn sexy. This wasn’t how he expected this to go, but Archer had to give Daniel props. His brother had turned the whole evening around. It wasn’t dark outside yet, and they’d been open with Livy. Not only had she been willing to give them a chance, she hadn’t ran away from them the moment they mentioned Dominant and submissive.

  He watched her drink while her gaze took in her surroundings. She was so damn sweet, and charming. Archer discreetly moved his thick cock to make it more comfortable for himself.

  Once she finished, she placed her cup back onto the coffee table.

  Getting to his feet, he watched as Daniel reached out for her hand.

  Shit, he’d not thought to take her hand. He wanted her, and he was being a complete ass with his impatience. From the look on Daniel’s face, he was going to be having a word with him very soon.

  It was his own fault. He’d never been around a woman he wanted a hell of a lot more than anything else in his life.


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