Play With Me

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Play With Me Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re being too damn nice for your own good.”

  “And you’re impatient. The best things in life come to those who wait.”

  “Stop with all that crap,” he said. Archer wasn’t interested in listening to his brother’s approach.

  “I’m just as anxious as you are.”

  Sitting back in his seat, he stared up at the ceiling. “She’s the one.”

  “I know.”

  “We can’t let her go.”

  Daniel sighed, and closed his book. “What do you want to talk about? You’re clearly anxious about something.”

  “What are we going to do when the Wests find out that we’ve got her?” Archer asked.

  “We’re not kidnapping her,” Daniel said.

  “Whatever we do, we need to protect her.”

  “You’re annoying me. Stop it. We’re going to take care of her no matter what happens. I wouldn’t let anything happen to her, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” Daniel stared at him.

  “I don’t need protecting by you.”

  “With how impatient you get, you’re going to piss off the wrong kind of person.”

  Archer smiled. “Thank you.”

  This was another characteristic that separated them. Daniel was the calm and patient one, while he was the one who couldn’t handle waiting.

  Daniel shook his head. “I’m going to bed. Try not to cause any trouble while I’m sleeping.”

  Chuckling, Archer watched his brother leave before closing and locking up the house. Making his way up to his room, he took a long cold shower. When the freezing cold water didn’t squash his need for Livy, he wrapped his fingers around his length. Closing his eyes, he allowed his fantasy to play out, a fantasy of walking into his home. When Livy lived with them, clothes wouldn’t be necessary, and when it was time for him and Daniel to come home, she’d be on her knees waiting for them, completely naked.

  Her head would be slightly lowered, her palms resting on her thighs. She’d look so beautiful and submissive. He’d drop his briefcase, and when he asked to see her eyes, she’d look up at him, capturing his attention with her bright blue gaze.

  She would reach out, unbuttoning his pants, and tugging them down his thighs. At the same time, he would wrap her hair around his fist, and wait as she took out his cock, which would also be thick and ready to fuck.

  The moment her lips wrapped around his length, he’d have to control the urge to pound into her mouth, and to use it like a pussy. Instead, he’d take long steady strokes, going a little deeper each time he pressed forward.

  She’d moan around his cock, and pretty much beg for him to go deeper. When he was close to exploding, he’d withdraw from her precious lips, pick her up in his arms, and carry her toward his bedroom. He always kept silk bonds at each of the four points of his bed. Archer would bind her to the bed, and take his time licking her sweet little pussy. Livy would moan, beg, and scream for him to let her come.

  Only when he was ready would he let her have that kind of release. The moment she flooded his mouth with her cream, he’d crawl up the bed, grab his cock, and slam inside her, over and over again.

  Wrapping his fingers around his dick, Archer groaned out as he didn’t get to finish his fantasy. His orgasm spilled into the base of the shower stall, leaving him sated. It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to do, but it would have to do for now. He couldn’t wait until he got her home, and they’d discovered their boundaries.

  Archer intended to spend a great deal of time learning Livy’s body, to discover what she loved and what she hated.

  He hoped she came to a decision soon. There was no way he could last much longer taking pleasure in his hand alone.


  The following day at work, Daniel was sitting in his office, reading over several contracts when his secretary called for him.

  “What’s the matter, Luke?” he asked.

  “Carl and Frank West are waiting in the conference room. They don’t have an appointment, but they wouldn’t leave.” Luke sounded very annoyed about that.

  “Call Archer and let him know I want him in my office.”

  “What do you want me to do with the Wests?”

  “Did they make an appointment?” Daniel asked.


  “The conference room they’re staying in, do I have it booked for later today?”


  “Then leave them where they are. If they want to waste their day then let them do it. They wouldn’t allow me to storm into their office building and demand a meeting. Until they’re a problem, leave them. Notify security that they’re in the building if I need them.”

  “Will do,” Luke said, chuckling. “I love working for you. The drama is bloody fantastic.”

  Luke was a guy he and Archer had first met in England. They’d formed a good friendship, and he was one hell of a secretary for Daniel. He didn’t want a woman handling his business. Luke was brilliant at what he did, and he wouldn’t accept shit from their clients either.

  Daniel finished dealing with the contract in front of him, signing his name at the bottom. Archer entered his office ten minutes later.

  “They’re here, in the building?”

  “The conference room.” Daniel opened up another file. “Have you finished the Banks negotiations?”

  “Yes, we’ve upped their quarter spending, and we believe it could really turn around next year,” Archer said, taking a seat.

  “Some people just need to have the funding to turn things around,” Daniel said.

  “Yeah, and we’re here to help.”

  “It pisses me off when the first order of business is to destroy everything that has been built up over centuries.” Daniel shook his head.

  “It’s what the Wests do. They take over, tear you down, and sell you back on.”

  “I wonder how Olivia wasn’t hit by whatever goes on in their head.”

  “You mean how she’s nice, and the others are bastards and bitches?” Archer asked.

  “Put bluntly, yes.”

  “I don’t know. I hate to think what her life was like.”

  “I read her background that you had done. She suffers with dyslexia,” Daniel said. “You are aware of this.”

  “So? I suffer from being an asshole, but do you see me causing problems?”

  Daniel stared at his brother with his brow raised. “Do you want me to answer that honestly?”

  Archer laughed. “I don’t care if she can spell or not. She’s the woman I want.”

  “She’s the woman I want, too. What I’m trying to highlight to you is in a family like the Wests, her dyslexia was going to seem as something worse than what it is.”

  “I know that. They would have treated her like fucking shit. Damn, I don’t want to have to deal with those bastards.”

  “I’m leaving them until they cause a problem, and then I’ll have them thrown out of the building. I’m not having them storm into my building and demand an interview or a talk. I don’t give a fuck what they have to say.” He opened up his emails, and started to read through some of his notifications.

  “What else did you want me for?” Archer asked.

  “I figured if you’re in here with me, you won’t be looking for trouble elsewhere.”

  “Damn, I should have seen that.” Archer collapsed into a chair. “Daddy, can I have a lollipop?”

  Daniel sat back and laughed. “Old habits die hard.”

  He’d been taking care of Archer for a long time. Out of the two of them, Archer was the one prone to getting into fights, while Daniel had always found a non-violent solution to every problem he’d faced.

  “I’ve not caused a fight in a couple of weeks.”

  Shaking his head, Daniel finished his work while Archer did something with his phone. Knowing his brother he was playing on some kind of game.

  When the loud commotion filtered through to his office, Daniel stared at his brother. “Showtime.”
r />   Getting to his feet, he buttoned up his jacket and made his way toward his door. Opening it up, he found Luke facing off with both West men. Daniel was going to have to give Luke a raise with the way he was expertly handling them.

  “I want to see them. How dare they leave us waiting around for them? Do they have any idea who they’re dealing with?” Frank asked.

  “I’m sure they’re very aware of who you are.”

  “Luke, call security,” Daniel said, drawing attention to him. “Gentlemen, why are you causing problems in my workplace?”

  “How dare you keep us waiting like some kind of commoner?” Carl said, finally speaking up.

  “I left you waiting exactly how I’d leave every single person who stopped by my building demanding to be seen without an appointment. You’re not going to get any better. I don’t care what your last name is.”

  “I do not accept this treatment,” Frank said.

  “Security is on the way,” Luke said.

  “You have no choice but to accept this treatment. If you wish to have an appointment, then make one. Luke, when is our next available appointment for these men?”

  “Three weeks, sir.”

  “There, three weeks, and I’ll see you then.”

  “Why did you drop out of the takeover deal?” Carl asked.

  Daniel raised a brow at the younger of the two men. “I don’t talk business outside of my office.”

  Security entered their floor.

  “Please escort these men out, and make sure they stay out.”

  He didn’t like dealing with the Wests, and witnessing their nastiness, he wondered how Olivia had survived growing up with them. They were evil to the soul, and it was now up to him to protect her.

  No matter what happened, he had to keep her safe.

  Chapter Four

  “What’s on your mind, honey?” Linda asked.

  Olivia glanced toward the woman who was her boss and her friend. She’d been at work for over an hour, and each time she thought she was ready to talk with her, she’d stopped herself.

  “No, nothing.”

  “You’ve been rather quiet, and in the beginning, I accepted that, but I don’t accept it now. I know you, Olivia. Talk to me. I won’t bite.”

  Placing the last rose in the vase, Olivia placed it on the display and stepped back. She didn’t move away until she was sure it was perfect. There were not many things she could do, but making flowers look pretty was one of them.

  “I think I met someone.”

  “You think you met someone? Honey, there’s no thinking about it. You’ve either met them or not.”

  “Then I’ve met someone.”

  “And you’ve not brought them by to see me? I should be offended.”

  Olivia laughed. “I’ve not known them long. A couple of days, not even that.”


  Heat filled her cheeks, and she stared down at her feet. “I’ve met two men, twins.”

  “You saucy little devil.” Linda placed her cloth down and dragged two seats to the center of the room. “Now, we’re not doing anything until you tell me everything that you know.”

  Smiling, Olivia took a seat and started telling her about Archer and Daniel Fields. It was nice to be able to talk about her feelings with someone else. She left out the BDSM contract, along with what Daniel and Archer had done to her in the playroom. Not that they’d done a lot to her, only given her a taster.

  “Those men sound fabulous. When are you seeing them again?” Linda asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You are seeing them again, aren’t you?”

  “I think so.”

  “What’s the matter, honey? No one gets an offer on twins and turns them down,” Linda said.

  “It’s not normal though. One woman and two men.”

  “You’ve got to stop worrying about what is normal or not, and accept what your heart and body tell you.”

  “How do you trust yourself with it? What if your heart gets broken?”

  “You’ve got to learn that some things that happen, you can’t control no matter how much you want to. You’ve got to think about what you want for a change.”

  She understood what Linda was saying, but how could she take that kind of advice? “My family?”

  “They’re awful fuckers, Olivia. I’m sorry, I’ve kept my opinion to myself for long enough, and I’m not going to let you sacrifice happiness because of what those vile men say. How can you even stand to be around them?” Linda asked.

  Olivia’s face heated, only this time it was shame. Her boss had heard on different occasions her father and her brother shout and yell at her.

  “They’re my family.”

  “Fuck family. No family should treat you like that. I tell you, Olivia, think about yourself for a change. Those people you call family don’t deserve you. Even your mother is a coward. She doesn’t stand up for you, and she spends more time drunk than anything else.”

  The door sounded letting them know a customer had entered. Olivia went to finish with another display while Linda took care of the customer. She thought about what her friend had said.

  Could she be selfish for a change, and just do something she wanted? Two men was a big difference. It wasn’t normal, or at least it wasn’t normal to her.

  She liked Daniel and Archer. Both men were completely different, and she could tell them apart in more ways than their hair color.

  At the end of the day, she wasn’t any the wiser, and she walked home that night. She was a couple of blocks from her apartment when a very expensive looking car pulled up beside her.

  “Why are you walking the streets alone?” Archer asked, startling her.

  “What are you doing here?” She hadn’t expected him to turn up like this.

  “It’s a good job I did. Daniel’s worried about you. He stopped by your apartment only to find that you weren’t home yet. Where have you been?”

  “I’ve been working,” she said.

  Archer glanced down at his watch. “That was over forty-five minutes ago. You should be at home by now if you’d called a cab.”

  “I didn’t call a cab.”

  “Get in.”

  She wanted to argue, but from the look in his eyes Olivia stayed silent, and climbed into the passenger side. Before the door was closed, he was pulling away from the curb. Buckling up her seatbelt, she stared at him. He didn’t look happy at all with her. In fact, he looked very angry.

  “Are you all right?”

  “No, I’m not all right. You put yourself in unnecessary danger.”

  “How did I?”

  “Do you have any idea how dangerous the streets could be, not just for a woman, but also for Frank West’s daughter?”

  She burst out laughing. “No, I’m not in any danger.”

  “Don’t turn this into a laughing matter, Livy. It’s not funny. It’s dangerous.”

  “My father kept me out of the limelight, and no one knows who I am. There’s not even a picture of me in the newspaper. I’m perfectly safe. I could run up and down the street butt ass naked and no one would pay attention.” She wasn’t trying to sound pitiful. It was the truth.

  Her family didn’t care, and no one knew her, so she was more than safe.

  He pulled up outside of her apartment minutes later. Before she even got a chance to open the door, Daniel was rushing toward her. She’d not even seen him or his car in the parking lot.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” he asked, helping her out of the car.

  “What?” She wasn’t used to anyone being worried about her.

  He took hold of her face, stared into her eyes, and she saw the fear in his gaze.

  “We need to talk to her,” Archer said.

  Daniel looked over her shoulder toward his brother.

  “We do.” He took her hand, and led her toward her apartment.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “We came to see you. We want
ed to have some dinner, and maybe catch a movie,” Archer said. “Daniel came first, and I was on my way to you when he called me to tell me that you weren’t at your apartment.”

  “I’m really sorry.”

  “Why didn’t you call a cab?” Daniel asked.

  “I wanted to walk.”

  They were inside the building, and at her answer, he placed her against the wall, trapping her between his large body and the wall. “Are you fucking kidding me?”


  “I almost had a fucking heart attack because you wanted to walk?” Daniel asked. His leg pressed between hers, bringing it up until his knee rested at the apex of her thighs. She gasped, moaned, and stared up into his eyes. He surrounded her, not in fear, but in heat and warmth. Licking her suddenly dry lips, Olivia couldn’t look away from him. He captured her, held her, and she felt safe and warm.

  “I wanted to clear my head. I needed time to think. I talked to Linda, my boss today, but not about everything. Only about some things. I, erm, I wanted to come to a decision with you.”

  “Did the BDSM contract scare you?” Daniel asked.

  “No. I just needed to clear my head. This may be very easy for you, but to me, it’s not. I’ve never done anything like this, and never even known it was out there.”


  Archer was going to paddle her ass. She didn’t have a clue what kind of danger she’d placed herself in, but she would still have to be punished. How could she have been so stupid?

  He was so damn angry with her.

  Daniel pressed her up against the nearest wall, talking to her. Archer didn’t care what she had to say. As far as he was concerned, she was getting her ass seriously spanked.

  “Let’s take this upstairs,” Archer said, pushing Daniel aside, and grabbing her hand. He marched up to her floor, taking the keys from her. He didn’t give her a chance to argue with him.

  Going toward her sofa, he sat down, tugging her over his knee. In the background he heard his brother closing the door. If the whole neighborhood heard what he was doing, he didn’t care. Raising his hand, he brought it down over her ass, slapping her five times on one cheek, and then the same on the other. When it was over, he pushed her to her knees, and tugged her between his thighs. “You do not ever put yourself in danger. I don’t give a fuck what your family did before us. You will learn to take care of yourself, do you understand?”


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