Play With Me

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Play With Me Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  His and Daniel’s business was strong, and they rivaled West’s company as they’d gotten a much better reputation than West. They were known to work with their employees, and the businesses they purchased, they worked to bring back into profit without ripping it apart piece by piece.

  Archer liked a challenge, and every time they had a new company that was struggling, he loved to find a way to bring it back to life.

  They made their way upstairs toward the room where they took women. It had been a year since they’d brought a woman back here, and instead they played at Club Kink when necessary.

  “Remember, we won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do, and we’ll deal with all the particulars very soon.”

  Daniel was much better at explaining this stuff to her.

  “We will never put our hands on you unless you want it.”

  Archer stayed silent, taking out his key, which he kept on himself at all times. Unlocking the door, he typed in the code, and the door opened. They had agreed on maximum security to keep their secret exactly that, a secret.

  Neither he nor Daniel wanted their private life to be made public.

  Entering the room, he flicked on the light and stepped forward, moving toward the bed, and taking a seat.

  Daniel led Livy into the room, and kept hold of her hand.

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t gasp or scream, nor did she run out of the room shouting for the police. It was all good as far as he was concerned. Tapping the bed, Archer watched her staring around the room.

  “This stuff is real,” she said.

  “Yes. It’s not fiction. This is who we are.”

  “Wow.” She released Daniel’s hand and took a step before pausing. “Can I have a look?”

  “Yes.” Daniel leaned against a wall, and like Archer, he watched her.

  Archer resisted the urge to grab his cock. He wanted her badly, but he would have to wait until she was ready.

  “Do you have a submissive now?” she asked.

  “No. All of this equipment is new. We’ve not had a submissive in this space in a year.”

  “A year?” She sounded shocked.

  Daniel chuckled.

  “And you’ll want to use this stuff on me?”


  She fingered a long bamboo cane. It would take time for them to use that on her round ass. They would need to test her pain threshold, and talk about what she liked.

  “Do you like being held down?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  “Are you a virgin?” Daniel asked.

  “No, I’m not a virgin.”

  “How do you not know if you like being held down?” Archer asked. He didn’t like the spark of jealousy that struck him at her answer.

  “Erm, the men I’ve been with only wanted me on my knees with my face staring away from them.” He saw her cheeks heat, and he growled in frustration.

  “Do not think of what they said to you, Livy. They’re assholes for not treating you right.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not.” When Archer looked toward his brother, Daniel gave him a nod, and he moved toward her. “I want to try something with you. Do you trust me? I’m not going to fuck you. I’m not going to get naked.”

  “Yes, I trust you.”

  Taking her hand, he led her to the bed, and waited for her to settle onto the bed. Climbing onto the bed, he took her hand in his, and with a swift jerk, locked his hand around her wrist beside her head. “This is being held down.” He did exactly the same with her other wrist. Archer settled between her spread thighs, and he willed his cock not to protest.

  Livy wriggled beneath him, and he glanced toward Daniel.

  His brother moved closer.

  “Do you like it?” Daniel asked.

  Archer couldn’t find his voice. It was too damn good having Livy beneath him.


  Releasing her hands, Archer pulled back, and Daniel took her wrist, and secured her wrists to the bed with a silk rope they’d bought for her. Archer climbed off the bed and did the same to her ankles. When she was bound, Archer fisted his hands to stop himself from breaking his word, and taking her, touching her.

  “This is another way of being bound.”

  “Yes, I like it,” Livy said.

  He wanted to play with her, but it would take time. They released the rope, and Livy sat up, rubbing at her wrists even though there were no marks on her body.

  “We’re going to need to talk about everything you like and don’t like,” Daniel said, taking a seat on one side of her. Archer took a seat on the other.

  “I’ve got a feeling you’re going to blow my mind with what you’ve got planned.”

  Archer chuckled. “For our mutual pleasure of course.”

  “I didn’t expect anything else.”

  She ran fingers through her hair, and stared across the room. “I guess we better get started. I’m intrigued.”

  If he could, he’d be giving Daniel an air high five right now.


  “We’ll need to understand your limits,” Daniel said. He wanted to get started on exploring Olivia’s submissive side.

  “My limits?”

  “How much pain you can handle, and how much pleasure you can take. It will take time for us to know what your body can take. You’ve got to be open and honest with us.”

  Archer stayed silent as Daniel explained everything to Olivia. He took her hand within his, and held her tightly, offering her support, and comfort as he did.

  “I’ve never had much pain, and I’ve never had men use this stuff on me before. I don’t know how I can help.”

  “We will test you, trying out different toys to see what you like. Before we officially play with each other, we’ll have days to experiment with each other, and that way you will find out more about us as well.” Daniel wanted her to stay tonight, to get started in finding out everything about each other, but he’d allow her to set the pace for how fast she wanted things to go.

  His cock was begging for him to bend her over the spanking bench and take her hard. If he ever found the men who’d used her, and made her feel ugly, he’d torture them, and do everything in his power to bring the men down.

  The cruelty of some men always surprised him.

  They were not all alike. Daniel would never treat a woman in the way that Olivia had been treated. Women were to be loved, treated with love and care, not the way the men had taken her.

  “What will happen?” she asked, fingering a set of fluffy cuffs. He’d gladly tie her down to the spanking bench, and show her how each toy worked.

  “You’ll ask us to try something, and we’ll set boundaries. Talk about safe words, and what will get us to stop from touching you. Sometimes you can say no, and not actually mean to stop.”

  Olivia stared at a dildo, lifting it up. “What about this?”

  “It will be to heighten your pleasure without fucking you,” Archer said. “There are many ways we can give you pleasure without having sex.”

  “How long has it been since you’ve been with someone?” Daniel asked.

  “A little over a year. I found out he was only with me because of my family. I’m not interested in being a pawn that is to be passed around between their friends to help business.”

  “Why are you helping your family?” Daniel was intrigued by her. Why would she try to help the same family that had left her feeling like shit?

  “They’re still my family, and if I can help them, they’ll leave me alone.”

  She paused at the spanking bench, running her hand over the length.

  “Can you show me how this works?”

  Glancing over at Archer, he saw the anticipation on his brother’s face. Smiling, he nodded for Archer to be the one to let her know how it worked. Daniel was happy to watch.

  Archer moved toward her, and got her into position so that she was bent over the leather. He placed her han
ds at the top. “Your hands would be bound here so that you cannot move.” He didn’t actually bind her hands.

  Daniel watched as Archer moved his hand down her back, gliding down until he covered her ass.

  “This puts you in a position that is vulnerable but also to make you take your punishment in whatever way we choose.”

  “How would you punish me?” she asked.

  Was she pushing to get spanked? Daniel liked her curiosity.

  “It would depend on what you had done wrong or what you needed,” Archer said.

  “Show me.”

  Daniel moved toward her, kneeling at her face so that he could look into her eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, I want to know what it is all about. I want to know what you want from me.” She licked her lips, and smiled at him. “I want to give this a chance.”

  His heart soared at her admission. Glancing over her shoulder, he nodded at Archer.

  “I’m going to use my hand, baby. Only my hand and I’m not going to move your dress out of the way.”

  She took a breath and nodded. “I’m ready.”

  Daniel took her hands in his, and held her tightly.

  Archer brought his hand down on her ass, and she gasped the moment he slapped her rounded ass. He brought a second spank, then a third. Daniel nodded for Archer to stop.

  Olivia let out a breath. “That was amazing.” She opened her eyes, and smiled. “I want it again.”

  Daniel shook his head. “Not right now. We’ve got to set out some ground rules.” Standing up, he helped Olivia to her feet, and made their way out of the room. He left Archer to close up the playroom.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We’re going to go and sit and talk.”

  This time he didn’t take her to the sitting room but to the table.

  “Are you angry with me?”

  “No, I’m not angry. I want to make sure you know everything before you leave here.” Sitting down opposite her, he took hold of her hands, and ran his thumb along the inside her wrists. “I want you to feel safe when you’re with us.”

  “I do.”

  “Good. We’re going to work hard to make sure you stay that way.”

  Archer joined them, and then Daniel started.

  “Will you be willing to have me and Archer as your Dominants?”


  “We will want to train you, to show you what we like.” He went on and on, clearly and concisely making sure she was aware of everything he was hoping for. After he was finished, he went toward his briefcase, and pulled out a file. “In here has everything we will want to explore with you. Archer and I sat down and made sure it was blunt for you to understand. Do you want me to go over it with you?”

  He slid the document over to Olivia. She opened the file up, and looked through several pages. Her cheeks went a deeper shade of red. “Erm, I would prefer to take this home and read it.”

  “Take it home, read it, and read it again. Read it as many times as you need until you feel comfortable. We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. When you’re done, call us, and we will meet back up, and talk.”

  Chapter Three

  Later that night Olivia sat on her couch and stared at the file that Daniel had given her. The twins had brought her back home after he’d given her instructions on what to do. She had to read the document over and over again. The only reason she hadn’t wanted to go over the document with them watching was because she liked to take her time. She had no choice but to take her time so that she understood each word.

  “It’s just a file.”

  She closed her eyes and recalled the pleasure that had burst over her at Archer’s spanks. Never in all of her life had she imagined that she’d get anything from being hit on the bottom. It wasn’t just the spanks that Archer delivered, it was also the feel of Daniel’s hands on her hers, keeping her grounded. He’d been there, offering her comfort even as she asked to be punished.

  Was it really a punishment if she wanted it?

  Leaning forward, she put her mug of hot chocolate onto the table, then grabbed the file. “There’s no harm in reading it.”

  Opening the file, she focused on the main page, and took a deep breath. She could do this.

  “Daniel and Archer Fields have a list of requirements that they would like Olivia, ‘Livy’ West, to agree to. Once this contract has been signed, it means that all three parties are bound by this contract.” She read each word out slowly. “Okay, I can handle this.”

  Flicking over the contract she read the detail of the Dominant and submissive relationship, how Daniel and Archer would be her Dominants. There was also a list of responsibilities they’d added.

  “It would be our job and our pleasure to take care of, administer punishment, and pleasure, to Olivia West (submissive). These would include affection, aftercare, spanking, orgasm denial, present giving, dates, and anything else that Olivia feels she would want.”


  It was the thing she wanted most.

  She left the document to grab a pen, and put what she wanted with regards to affection. Olivia took her time writing down what she wanted, from the most “immature” to her being hugs to kisses. She also included the words love.

  For over an hour she read through the document, and detailed what she wanted as much as anything. The list of punishments unnerved her. Orgasm denial didn’t exactly sound very thrilling, and neither did being bound and teased for punishment. She thought about being held down by Archer. That she could handle, and also being tied to the bed, which had been fun.

  Chewing her lip, she tapped her pen against the contract when her cell phone rang. Picking it up, she saw it was an unknown caller.

  Accepting the call, she answered it but hesitantly. Who called someone at midnight on a Friday night?


  “Hey, baby,” Daniel said.

  She smiled. She couldn’t help it. Hearing his voice seemed to have that effect on her. “Hi.”

  “Are you reading through the contract?”


  “Do you have any questions?”

  “Erm, no, not at the moment.”

  “Anything that worries you?” he asked.

  “There are a couple of things.”

  “Tell me about them.”

  “You don’t have anything better to do?” she asked. She didn’t want to become a nuisance to him. Her family had always told her that she was in the way.

  “No. There’s nothing else I want to do right now than be with you, and talking to you.”

  She sighed. “Okay.”

  “Tell me what worries you?”

  Flicking over several pages of the contract, she found what she was looking for. “I don’t know what to do for anal sex.”

  He chuckled. “I take it no one has ever tried to take that sweet little ass of yours?”

  “If you’re asking if I’ve ever had anal sex, then no. I’ve not done anything like that. I don’t even know what to expect from it. How would I know if I like it or not?”

  “Put down that you’d like to experiment with it. Place a note that you’d not tried it.”

  “There are a lot of things I’ve not tried.”

  “Put a note down, maybe put a question mark to make it easier,” he suggested.

  “That would be great.”

  “Anything else?” he asked.

  “Erm, there’s something here about a swing. Is that like in a garden?”

  “Similar but consider this one for adults.”

  “I’m afraid of heights,” she said.

  “Archer and I will not fill your pleasure with fear. We’ll make sure everything is to give you what you need.”

  She liked the sound of that. “I should be finished with this tonight.”

  “You’re not going to reread it?” he asked.

  “I understand it. I think I’d like to talk to you and to Archer about this.”
  “Will you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”

  Olivia thought about it. “Erm, no. I think I should think about it, and I’ve got work tomorrow.”

  “You’ve got my number now. Save it to your phone, and if you ever need me for anything, give me a call.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  She hung up the phone after saying goodbye for a final time. Tapping her phone to her lip, she stared down at the contract. Before she saw Archer and Daniel again, she wanted to talk with Linda. Out of everyone in her life, Linda was the only person she trusted with something like this.

  Once she finished filling in the contract, and placing question marks near pretty much every activity, she made her way to bed.


  “Well, how is she?” Archer asked, intrigued to know about their woman.

  “She’s nervous, which is to be expected.”

  “Is she reading through the contract?”


  Archer was growing frustrated. He’d not wanted her to leave, and yet he’d been with Daniel as they took her back to her apartment. He’d hated it, and wanted to go and get her.

  “She has a lot of questions, and I’ve told her to put question marks against everything she doesn’t know if she wants to try.” Daniel placed his cell phone beside him, and went back to flipping through his magazine.

  “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say to me.”

  “You could ring her yourself.”

  “We’re both playing this so that we can get into her affection, Daniel.”

  “Then simply ask me what you want to know,” Daniel asked.

  “Fine, what exactly did she say?” Archer glared at his brother.

  “She wanted to know about anal sex, and what a swing was.”

  His cock went from soft to hard within seconds. “She’s curious?”

  “Yes, she’s far more curious than I thought. We may have to spend a lot of time experimenting.” Daniel turned the page over that he was reading.

  “I can’t believe you took her home,” Archer said. “We could have been playing with her now rather than waiting for her to decide what she wants.”

  Daniel smiled. “She needs her own space as much as we do. This is her chance to grow accustomed to us, and to what we want. If we surround her, she’ll feel trapped. We don’t want to make her afraid of us, or what we inspire in her.”


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