Adventure Across Texas: An Erotic Adventures Book

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Adventure Across Texas: An Erotic Adventures Book Page 31

by T. S. Hill

  A few minutes passed, and Lori asked me, “Do you ever read these personal ads in papers?”

  “Honestly, I don’t ever read a paper, much less personal ads. What are they? Lost dogs and stuff?”

  “That’s in the lost and found section.”, she replied. “The personals, are things like, “Settled middle aged man, likes country music and quiet dinners, wants to meet woman of close age, who likes same, for companionship. Open to relationship with right woman.” Here’s another one, “Single white male, nonsmoker, good job, stable, wants to meet likeminded male to share life with. Nonsmokers with job only.” There’s some fucking, crazy, kinky ones in here too.”

  “Well to answer your question, no. I don’t read those.”, I told her.

  “I read them just for entertainment. There are some wild assed people out there, Cowboy! Oh, listen to this one, “BBBW fed up with BMs, looking to meet WM or WF for possible relationship. Also, will consider W couple depending on vibes.” “Yah know, I can see where she’s coming from, but to advertise for it like this?”

  “I have no idea what all that BB and WM stuff means.”, I told her.

  “BBBW, big, black, beautiful, woman, fed up with BMs, black males, looking to meet WM, white male, or WF, white female, for possible relationship. Also, will consider W couple, white couple, depending on vibes.” Now do you get it?”, she asked.

  “Now I get it.”, I responded. I can see where some of those types of adds could get interesting.

  “Oh shit, Cowboy! You gotta read this one!”, she said, her eyes big. and shoving the paper at me, pointing to a paragraph of fine print.

  “I took the paper and began to read out loud, “To the nice couple from the library. Meeting you guys was awesome! I’m sorry if I imposed on you. I must have fainted. That happens sometime when I get excited. I’m sorry if I frightened you. Please stop by and see me again! You know who to ask for S.” Lori’s eyes were wide.

  “Do you think it could be?”, she asked.

  “I suppose it could be.”, I replied. “I know one way to find out. Get on the laptop and look up the library’s phone number.” I retrieved one of the new throw away phones and swapped the battery from the old phone with it, since it was already charged. I didn’t want to fire up the old throwaway just yet, since it could already be under scrutiny after my calls to Al.

  Handing the phone to Lori, I told her, “Call and ask for Sasha, tell her that you and your boyfriend saw her ad in the paper, and were eager to find out if she’s okay from her fainting spell. Then just wing it as best as you can. This could be a set up to trap us, or the little nut case may be legit. If she’s legit, I will sleep better at night, knowing that my DNA isn’t in the FBI’s wanted sex offender file.”

  “Great idea!”, Lori replied, taking the phone. She followed my directions and soon had the blonde librarian, Sasha on the phone. The conversation went on for a bit and began to really ring as legit. I wrote a note on one of the blank file folders laying nearby, and handed it to Lori. It said, “Ask if she would like to meet us somewhere, and when she will be available.”

  Then while Lori was carrying that out, I wrote another, “Set it up to meet at the ice cream shop from yesterday, on Amsterdam avenue.”

  Just as I was handing her the note, Lori was speaking into the phone, “Oh you do? That’s great then! Yeah about one will work great for us.” Then, as she read my note, “Listen Sasha, there’s this cute little ice cream shop down town on Amsterdam avenue, do you know where that is? You do? Great! Why don’t we meet out front of the shop then? Of course! You know Sasha, one thirty will be fine, it will probably work better for us too. Great! We’ll look forward to seeing you at one thirty then! Okay! Bye bye!”

  As she was disconnecting the call and shutting down the phone, she was scowling at me.

  “Cowboy, what the fuck are you up to?”, she asked with her brows looking troubled.

  “I’m sorry, Lori, I was just going with the flow. I should have asked you before getting you to set this up, but under the circumstances? Well! If you don’t want to go through with the meeting, we can just skip it. No problem and I’ll understand.”

  “I just want to know where you’re headed with this meeting.”, she fired back.

  “Fair enough!”, I answered. “To start with, I’m not meeting her. You are.”

  “What?”, she snapped back.

  “Okay! Here’s the idea. My DNA is the DNA that was all over that girl. You meet her, only don’t initially acknowledge her. You make her approach you, and address you. You should have the body language that says, you are meeting her for the first time, and are not too damn sure about her. That way if there are police involved, tailing her, your claim, of never having seen her before in your life, will be very believable.”

  “You buy ice cream cones, and suggest that you go somewhere and talk. Then you walk with her to a predetermined destination, like all the fucking way around the block and back to the café where we ate. That might work. At any point in the walk that she acts suspicious, or if you perceive that you may be being followed, or if the side of the conversation coming from her is leading, trying to get you to talk about what happened at the library, just ditch the bitch.”

  “Give her a shove and act like she’s nuts, and then get away from her. Insist that she leave you alone. Make a loud scene of it. Grab a man and ask him to protect you from the crazy person. Then, get the hell out of Dodge, and when you are sure you’re not being followed, come back here.”

  “On the other hand, if everything goes legitimate, circle the block, window shop, etc., and meet me back at the café. If everything goes cool there, then we’ll know that we’re home free. If anything else, goes wrong, then we know that we need to get the hell out of town, and never come back.”

  “All of this so you can sleep a little better at night Cowboy?”, she questioned.

  “Yeah, you’re right Lori. It’s a stupid idea. Just forget it!”, I told her.

  “Actually, I never really did give the girl a chance, and she is just cute as a button, big firm tits that I’m jealous of an all. Nah, Cowboy, I get it. I’m just pulling your chain! Not poking atcha! Just pulling yah chain!”

  “Are you trying to avoid an ass smack?”, I asked her.

  “I hope not!”, she joked back. “You know I like a good ass smack every once in a while!”

  “Lori, I just never know how to take you!”, I blurted in good humor.

  “Feel free to take me anyway that you want me, Cowboy!”, she said seductively, raising an eyebrow and winking.

  “I’ll remember that, and for a long time too!”, I popped back at her. Lori looked back at me seriously.

  “Other than being able to know whether or not we’re in the clear with the library incident, what’re the other angles of setting up this meeting? I mean, where are we going with this?”

  “I really don’t have a clue Lori.”, I responded to her. “I figure that, our just facing her, may tell us something about what’s happened, and maybe ourselves. If there’s something that we need to face, maybe it’ll rise to the surface, and we can face it, squarely on, and hopefully, come to peace, with it, and ourselves. Then again, maybe we’ll end up just telling her to fuck off, and we just forget about the whole incident.”

  “I’m just thinking that if we need to confront something within ourselves, or between us, about what went down, why it went down, and who, and what we are, then maybe this will be the opportunity. Who, knows? Eh? We may see twenty cops there, and just consider ourselves lucky if we escape with our freedom. If you don’t want to take this chance, I’m cool with it. Pull the plug anytime you want.”

  “Cowboy, you fucking well know that I’m probably more curious than you are. I need to see what I learn about myself from this, and maybe I’ll learn a little about you too, and vice versa.”

  “Okay then, at thirteen hundred hours, we roll out!”, I said mimicking a mission commander.

  “Cowboy, sometimes y
our joking is funny, and sometimes, its, eh, you know?”

  “Yeah, I know Lori.”, I said.

  “Changing the subject.”, Lori piped up changing her tone. “Did you notice those huge brown nipples on that little gal’s big tits? Have you ever in your life seen anything like that? They were bigger than my thumbs!”

  “Actually, how the hell could I miss them?”, I shot back.

  “Were they not freakish? I didn’t know whether to be repulsed, or turned on by them. It was just bizarre!”, Lori commented further.

  “I felt the same way, except, I gotta admit, even though they were freakish, they were a real turn on for me. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think anybody on planet earth has a pair of tits, that will hold a candle to your globes of perfection, and your perfect pink nipples are a total delight. Real, eye and lip, candy! But still, those nipples were big as cow teats, and like it or not, quiet a turn on.”

  “Yeah, Cowboy, I bet that you’d like to get your lips on those big ole cow teat nipples.” I could detect a little hostility in her tone.

  “Lori let me tell you something. I’ve given this a lot of thought. I stayed awake quite a while last night, and this morning, thinking about it. When I said, that if I had been in the room alone with that girl, that nothing would have happened, I meant it. I still mean it. I will always mean it!”

  “You are the woman in my life! Everything that happened in that room in the library was within the context of you. You being there, and my experience with you. Whether that girl brought something to the table or not, depended on you being there as the key part of it. You hold the key to my soul. Without it nobody else gets in.”

  “My heart is like a private club, unless they are with Lori Parsons, they don’t get in. And as far as I’m concerned, my body is the same way. Nobody gets this, unless they are approved by, and in the company of, Lori Parsons. That much about this whole thing, I do have nailed down.”

  “How you feel and think about all of this is up to you to figure out. I’m here to help as much as I’m allowed and able to. But at the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide where you’re coming from in all of this. But that is my position, and of that I am sure, and I am firm. Any questions?” Lori jumped up from the table and I rose to meet her, she hugged me tight, like she was afraid I would vaporize if she let go.

  “Oh Cowboy!”, she sobbed into my chest, I was the one wanting to have her nipples between my lips and in my mouth. And, I wanted to share them with you too Cowboy. I wanted us both with a teat in our mouths. I’m just a, just a, horrible fucking monster of a person! What the fuck is wrong with me Cowboy?”, she wailed, and began crying uncontrollably.

  I squeezed her tight to my chest, stroking her hair. “No, no Lori!”, I responded. You are not a monster nor a horrible person! You are an angel to me, and the most wonderful and unique person, that I have ever known! There is nothing wrong with you! You are just you, and I am just me, and we love each other, and try to make each other happy! What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing’s wrong with that!”, she blurted back, still clinging to me.

  “If you want to meet with this girl, then we’ll meet. If not, then we just keep going, and we’ll sort all of this out along the way. Whichever works for you, works for me.”, I told her.

  “I need to meet her Cowboy, I’ve got too much to resolve, to let go of this opportunity to unmuddy my waters.

  “And if it all works out, I mean with no cops and all, I think that I really need you to meet her too. It’s settled then!”, I announced, “We pull out at thirteen hundred hours!”

  “Cowboy, did anybody ever tell you, that sometimes your jokes, and timing, both really suck?”

  “Actually, I think I heard that somewhere today.”, I quipped back.

  We held each other tight for at least the next five minutes, maybe longer. I don’t think that either one of us knew upon what we were about to embark. I knew that I didn’t have a clue, and suspected that Lori didn’t either.

  We photographed documents until eleven, and then ordered lunch from room service. We had burgers and fries, and it was the first time that I was disappointed with the room service food. It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t any better than a fast food chain burger and fries. Afterwards, we showered and dressed for our meeting with Sasha, or as Lori was still referring to her, titty girl.

  We had a brief discussion just before going out the door, about the plan and decided to go with my example that I had laid our earlier. Lori would meet Sasha alone at the ice cream shop. If everything went well, they would walk around the block the long way, to meet me at the sidewalk café.

  If anything went south during the walk, Lori was to either abandon the girl, or take her back to the ice cream shop, and dump her there. At this point, given the conversation that Lori had with Sasha, I thought the odds of police involvement were slim, but that slim chance still made me nervous.

  Lori and I walked to the café together. Then, after giving her a kiss for luck, she headed off to the ice cream shop on her own. Almost an hour later, she hadn’t returned. I was worried, and not sure whether the right thing would be to go looking for her, or to stay put.

  While I was pondering this, Lori and Sasha appeared in the distance, leisurely strolling along the sidewalk close together, shoulder to shoulder, smiling and chatting. They stopped in front of a storefront picture window about three stores up from the café where both of them were pointing into the window, nodding their heads and obviously agreeing on something.

  At length, they pulled themselves away from the display window, and moved on toward me. When they both looked up from their engaged conversation, they spotted me simultaneously and both of them lit up with bright grins. I noticed that Sasha had white tape crossed over her nose, which was darkly bruised, with dark rings under her eyes. I had no idea what I was in for. I stood as they approached, and Lori made introductions.

  “Sasha, you remember Stan, I’m sure.”, She began. Sasha extended her hand to me and I took it. Her hand was small, soft, delicate, and light in mine. Her nails were manicured and finished in a pearly light pink, that complimented her white skin and pink blouse. The blouse had first drawn my eyes from a distance when they were approaching, because once again, from the top down, she had left four buttons undone, and was braless. With each approaching step, her magnificent breasts had been jiggling and swaying.

  “Stan, of course you remember Sasha.”, Lori continued. Sasha’s face lit up in a big smile as she spoke.

  “Of course!”, she bubbled, bending forward as she shook my hand, sending her large breasts wobbling in the tight pink fabric.

  Her short blonde hair and makeup were meticulously done. She wore a tightly fitting, grey skirt, cut at mid-thigh with a half slit on the right side, and sheer hose. Today there we no “goody two shoes” Mary Janes on her feet. She was strutting in a pair of black, classy, stiletto heels.

  Her legs under that skirt, in those hose, supported by those stiletto heels, gave her the illusion of being longer legged than she was. It was a damn nice, shapely legs look! The girl knew how to present herself, no doubt. She certainly did not have her “miss princess, goody two shoes” persona on. Except for the obvious nose damage from yesterday, she was gorgeous.

  I motioned for them to have a seat, and once again Sasha bent forward, this time to sit, but still making a blatant display of her appreciable cleavage. I knew that Lori had to notice me noticing, but I would have had to look straight up at the sun, to not notice.

  I rushed around the table, holding both of their chairs for them and assisting first Lori and then Sasha, to the table. Returning to my chair, Lori was to my right and Sasha directly across from me. Lori began the conversation.

  “So, Miss Adamson just happened to have this afternoon off.”, She began. “Isn’t it fortunate, that we also happened to have this afternoon free, Stan? Miss Adamson, I don’t think you know just how much it means to Stan and me to be able to meet you lik
e this.” The name Adamson, wasn’t lost on me. That was the surname of Lori’s grandparents, her mother’s parents who had owned the barn and ranch where had hid out. Also, I realized that Lori calling me Stan, meant that she wasn’t ready to reveal much to Sasha.

  “Oh, please! Call me Sasha!”, the girl gushed, not in the least clued as to the messages Lori was sending me.

  “I’m pleased to make your acquaintance Sasha.”, I said smiling, as I glanced at Lori, who had her poker face on. I could read noting.

  “So, should I call you guys by your first names or Mister or?” Lori jumped in.

  “Stan and Lori!”, she said curtly.

  “Great!”, Sasha gushed. “It is just so awesome to meet you guys like this! I got the idea yesterday afternoon, to go online, and run that personals ad, and just barely made the deadline for it to make today’s paper. I had no idea if you would see it or not, or if you did, whether you would call or come see me again. But I sure hoped that you would. And, here we are! I just can’t believe this!”

  The entire time she was blabbing on, I was scanning the sidewalks, street, and store entrances for any suspicious looking people, like someone just hanging out, reading, or smoking, like they had nothing better to do. Most undercover cops actually think that tactic works, but they actually stick out like a sore thumb.

  Janitorial type people, picking up trash, dusting or sweeping, stick out too, because the real ones go at it like they can’t wait to get finished. Undercover people fuck around with it, like they’re trying to get fired for being lazy. They’re always looking around more than working. I hadn’t spotted anything that smelled of cop. Letting Lori know that I thought at least the scene was clear, I spoke up.


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