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A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance

Page 2

by T. J. Brandow

  “Now, we will take the re-animator back to our base where we will have two separate briefings, then both groups will leave at first light tomorrow. There is no time for reunions or patting ourselves on the back. Perbron is counting on us being complacent and thinking that he has been weakened. He is far more powerful than we have given him credit for. All that he has suffered is a minor defeat,” the general said.

  “What of the rebellion that Donna and I became a part of?” Dedron asked.

  “Perbron has already captured most of the leaders of the Remoir rebellion. He is going to have a public execution some time in the near future. It looks like the resistance has been ended before it ever really had a chance to get off the ground,” the general said.

  “With all due respect sir, I don’t think that’s true. Donna and I were there amongst the everyday Remoir people. There are plenty of them that would be willing to rise up if the right leader could mobilize them,” Dedron said.

  “Be that as it may, we need to focus on protecting our own assets at this point. We cannot concern ourselves with the plight of the Remoir people,” the general corrected.

  “Sir, what I’m saying is that we can do all of these things at the same time. Now, you said that they captured most of them. Which of the Remoir rebels has evaded their capture?” Dedron asked.

  “The one they call Rebroan and a few of his followers, but never mind that,” the general said.

  “Sir, that is the leader of the rebellion. If we could make contact with him and supply him with men and weapons, he has hundreds of followers back on Remoir. If we defend our resources and prop up the rebellion forces, we can deal a devastating blow to Perbron and his plans. In fact, we might be able to remove him from power and create a new era of cooperation with Remoir,” Dedron proposed. The others nodded their heads to show their approval of this idea.

  The general paused for a second and then replied, “We simply don’t have the resources. We will focus on defending that which is ours, and I need to know that you will remain focused on the mission that I have assigned to you, Dedron. You are not to divert from it in order to prop up this rebellion. Is that understood?” he said.

  “Yes sir,” Dedron responded. It was hard for him to hide his disappointment, and the same was true about the expressions of the others who liked Dedron’s idea.

  “Now, I need all of you to get into the transport vehicle so that we can get to the re-animator. We leave for our missions in the morning,” he said, getting up quickly as if he wanted to avoid any other possible suggestions or comments from the rest of them.

  Dedron got up and left the room first, followed by Donna.

  “Dedron, wait,” she said, grabbing his hand. He turned around to face her.

  “He just doesn’t get it. His vision isn’t broad enough to defeat a foe like Perbron. We have to be able to act and think like our enemy. In this case, that means that we have to hit him hard where he least expects it,” Dedron stated.

  “We all agree with you,” Laura said as she and Kadija entered the hallway.

  “I know you do, but we can’t afford to defy orders right now considering what’s happened recently,” Dedron said.

  “Well, you agreed that you wouldn’t divert from the mission you were assigned to help the rebellion, but I don’t see why we can’t make contact with Rebroan and carry out our missions at the same time,” Donna said.

  “But how?” Dedron said.

  “Well, we have troops at our disposal if we need them, right?”

  “The general said that we can only call for that kind of back up in emergency cases like times of war when we find ourselves prisoners and such,” Dedron said.

  “Are we not at war with Perbron?” Donna asked.

  “We have to be careful not to defy the general, but I will consider it,” Dedron said.

  “Consider what?” David asked as he came into the hallway followed by Ken.

  “It is of no matter,” Dedron said as he turned to leave for the transport.

  David and Ken looked at each other and then at the others who simply followed Dedron and didn’t reveal what they had heard. It was obvious that there was some division between David and Ken who were both willing to follow the general’s orders to the letter, and the others who felt that Dedron had the right idea.

  Dedron and Donna sat together at the front of the large, elliptical white transport hover vehicle that carried them to the top-secret government building where the re-animator was housed. Donna and Dedron walked hand in hand through the tunnel, feeling the sensation of pins and needles all over them as they were taken apart and put back together molecule by molecule. Within seconds, they appeared in a similar tunnel at Defense Squad headquarters. They walked out of the re-animator facility and immediately were hit by the dry windy air of New Mexico. Slowly, they made their way up to the main meeting hall followed by the others.

  “Welcome back to base. Now, we will break up for our briefings. Dedron’s group will come with me to building 21-Z and David’s group will go with Captain Starling to training facility 24-R. Afterwards, we will have an early dinner and get straight to bed,” the general said, making sure to make eye contact with Dedron, then Donna when he said this.

  Chapter 3:

  Both Dedron and Donna were zoned out during their briefings, thinking instead of how hard it was going to be apart wondering if the other person was safe from harm.

  “Dedron, snap out of it! Are you paying attention to the briefing?” General Barron asked angrily.

  “Yes sir. I’m the captain of this mission, so I know that I have to take in every detail and listen to every word you say. We are going to set up an ambush mission for Perbron’s soldiers. We will bury tanks and attack ships in the sand around the landing strip so that when they land, we will already have them surrounded.”

  “Well, good to know you’re getting it. You looked like your mind was somewhere else. I want to have a word after the briefing is over. Ken and Laura, do any of the two of you have any questions about your mission?” the general asked.

  “Nope, I’m good, sir,” Laura said.

  “Me too,” Ken agreed.

  “In that case, see you in two hours for dinner. You leave at first light.”

  “Yes sir,” the two of them said in conjunction.

  Dedron did not get up from the chair that he was sitting in. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes.

  “Dedron, I need you to promise me that you will not veer from this mission. I know I’ve already asked you this once, but I fear that you still have ideas of your own about how to defeat Perbron. I won’t hesitate to remind you of your ranking, and of the charges that I could have pressed against you…”

  “So, you keep reminding me. Sir, if you will just hear me out. We need someone to get in touch with Rebroan. I was there on Remoir when his people helped bring about the Perbron’s defeat. We could help them to deal with a cruel tyrant and rid ourselves of our greatest nemesis all at once,” he said.

  “No offense, but we aren’t some kind of Alien Rights group. Our goal is to help defend our own Planet and those of our allies, first and foremost. Anything else is deviating from our purpose. Let me remind you that the Remoir are not our allies,” he insisted, looking sternly into Dedron’s eyes.

  “Well then, think about it this way: if we defeat Perbron’s forces on Vertton and on Swendon and Dantdon, Perbron will not give up trying to attack us. If we prop up the rebellion, we will deal with this scourge once and for all by allowing Perbron’s own people to remove him from power and punish him as they see fit.”

  The general thought long and hard about what Dedron was telling him.

  “I’ll think on it, Dedron. I have to admit you have a point, and the rebels certainly played a role in the last incident. My fear is that Perbron may have already dealt too much of a blow to their cause.”

  “Sir, there are plenty of the Remoir citizens that wish to see him deposed or worse,” Dedron insisted.

  “As I said, I will consider it. In the mean time, keep your focus on the mission. If I need to ground you and send someone in your place, I can,” the general threatened.

  “That is not necessary, sir. I will carry out the mission just as you have instructed us; let me assure you,” Dedron said.

  “Ok, I’m going to hold you to that. Now, don’t go staying up too late,” General Barron said, giving him a friendly wink.

  Dedron felt embarrassed, knowing that the General was hinting that he knew Dedron would be seeking out Donna after dinner. His brown complexion took on a momentary reddish hue.

  “See you at the mess hall,” General Barron said, as he got up and headed towards the door. Dedron immediately got up and headed over to the women’s barracks. Donna was walking out of the building to look for him. They practically ran into each other. Dedron playfully acted as if she had knocked him down, and grabbed Donna’s hands so that she fell on top of him.

  “What are you doing? We are too out in the open, silly,” she said, although her face revealed that she was happy that he had done it. She got up and helped Dedron to his feet.

  “Let’s head over to the creek where we can have a little time alone, husband,” she said, pulling his hand to lead him in the direction of the cottonwood grove along the small spring creek. When they entered the woods, Donna immediately began to remove her top and began to run from Dedron.

  “You can’t catch me,” she said.

  “Oh yes, I can,” he said, running after her. After Donna got a few yards further along the path, she removed her shorts as well. Dedron continued to chase her in anticipation of what would follow when he caught up with her. Quickly, he began to close the gap in between them. Suddenly, Donna came to an end in the path on a large, flat rock that jutted out over the creek. Just as Dedron caught up to her, she removed her underwear and leapt into the creek below.

  “Didn’t catch me!” she yelled as she fell into the water. Dedron laughed, removed his clothes and jumped in after her.

  For several minutes they laughed as they splashed one another and swam around together. All at once, Donna swam toward the shore, turning her head towards Dedron to give him a seductive look. He was quite receptive to this, following her to the shore. Running away from Dedron again, she made her way to a cottonwood tree and put both her hands against it. She playfully wagged her bottom at Dedron.

  “Alright, Captain Dedron, I surrender. You can arrest me or do whatever you want,” she said.

  “Anything?” Dedron asked.

  “You heard me,” she said. Dedron walked up to the tree, took Donna by her wrists and pulled her away from the tree and towards him.

  “At least let me kiss you first,” he said.

  “Oh, you are such a romantic,” Donna answered. Dedron planted the longest, wettest, most tongue-filled kiss he’d yet to give her. Once he was done, Donna stumbled backwards slightly as if she were slightly drunk.

  “Whoa! That’s quite a kiss, baby,” she said. “But I want them all over,” she said, pressing his head downwards towards her lower regions.

  “Whatever happened to, eh, what do you humans call it, foreplay?” he asked.

  “You kissed me. That’s foreplay enough,” she said. Dedron laughed and began to kiss her lips again, but this time only briefly before he began to work his way down her neck and to her naked, heaving chest. Eagerly, Dedron kissed and suckled each of her breasts as she closed her eyes and sighed loudly. Again, she pressed on the top of his head to get him to continue moving down her body with his full lips and anxious tongue. Finally, he placed his head directly between her legs. Donna’s eyes rolled back in her head as she caressed the hair on the top of his head. For several minutes, Donna was lost in complete bliss as Dedron pleasured her orally. Donna’s sighs turned to loud moans as she reached her first orgasm. She proceeded to pull him on top of her and wrap her legs around him.

  “Take me! This may be the last time we get to be together this way for a while,” she whispered in his ear.

  Dedron did not waste time, making slow love to her. Instead he went after her as is his life depended on it, thrusting as fast and furiously as he could.

  “That’s it, OH YES!” she uttered, tightening her legs around his back.

  Dedron had to shut his eyes as usual in order to keep Donna’s tall, gorgeous frame and voluptuous features from overwhelming his senses.

  “OHHHH YEEEEES!” Donna said so loudly, Dedron began to worry that someone might be able to hear them. She had reached her second climax. Donna pushed him away and onto the ground, mounting him in an instant. Showing Dedron that she could rival his speed, she grinded on him with furious abandon.

  “Oh baby, there is nothing as sexy as you!” he said, trying to shut his eyes.

  “Look at me. Look at me!” she insisted. Dedron wanted to make it last, but he couldn’t resist getting a peak at his gorgeous wife. Opening his eyes, he took in her glorious dark hair falling over her shoulders, her coquettish hazel eyes, full lips, and enormous breasts. He couldn’t stand anymore, feeling the dam about to burst.

  “Oh DONNA!” he said.

  “That’s it,” she said, clutching his hands tightly. A second later, they collapsed together in the small blanket they’d brought with them. They lay side by side, holding hands listening to the babbling creek knowing that in less than an hour they would be expected at dinner.

  “I know that it’s selfish of me to be so upset about being apart from you on this mission, but I cannot stop thinking about it,” Donna said, finally breaking the silence.

  “We have to be strong and know that we will be back together once we’ve completed our respective missions. We always knew that this could happen eventually,” he said.

  “True, but now that we’ve been bound together, I can’t help but worry about what I would do if something happened to you. I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you,” she said.

  “You mustn’t think that way. You have to believe that we will not only live through this mission, we will go on to serve in several more, together,” he answered as he rolled over onto one side, propping up his head on his hand.

  “I don’t know, Dedron. I’ve been thinking that after this mission, maybe we should resign our commitment to the Defense Squad. There is a big part of me that wants to know what it would be like to live as a civilian. I want to have a child and live a settled life like so many others do,” she said.

  “But we aren’t civilians. We are committed to the defense of the Allied Planets.”

  “It’s something that I would really like you to think about, Dedron. We haven’t talked about it, but how do you feel about a having a Dedron Jr. running around in diapers?” Donna said, smiling. Dedron smiled back, picturing what she described in his mind.

  “I can see it, my love. We can have that some day, but for now we must keep our focus on the task at hand. That is what will assure our success in our missions,” he said.

  “How can you be so romantic one minute, and then be so logical and clear-headed the next?” she asked.

  “I guess I have multiple talents,” he joked as he began to tickle her. She laughed uncontrollably until he stopped.

  “We had better get back. Dinner is in twenty minutes, and we still have to walk back and get dressed,” he said.

  “So what? Are we going to be charged with insubordination for showing up late for dinner?” Donna asked, defiantly.

  “Who knows what General Barron might decide to do? He warned me again about not trying to contact Rebroan at least until after the current mission is completed,” he said.

  “So he might come around to our plan, ultimately?” Donna asked hopefully.

  “I’m really starting to believe he can be persuaded,” he answered.

  They got dressed and walked back down the path along the creek, holding hands. When they got back to the commons, Laura and Kadija were standing there, laughing at them.

  “What are you laughing ab
out?” Donna asked.

  “We heard you in the woods,” Kadija said.

  “Oh YES!” Laura said, imitating what they’d heard as everyone burst out into laughter, except for Dedron who was completely embarrassed.

  Chapter 4:

  The next morning seemed to come faster than any morning Donna could ever remember. During her restless dreams, she was plunged into a scenario in which her beloved had met with a deadly fate. In the dream, she was standing on the balcony at her and Dedron’s new hover home. She had just returned from the mission on the twin planets of Swendon and Dantdon where she and the others had conquered the Remoir forces. After pacing back and forth for what seemed like an eternity, she heard the ringing of the doorbell. Hurriedly, she ran down the moveable stairway towards the first level of her home and opened the door. There with a somber look on his face was one of the senior members of the Defense Squad. Donna could already tell by the sober look on the man’s face that he was there to bring her bad news.

  “Private Stevens…” he said, slowly in a low tone.

  “No, please, don’t…. Don’t tell me something has happened to my Dedron,” she said.

  “I am so sorry….” he said as she collapsed to the floor and began to sob uncontrollably.

  “Dedron, NO!” she wailed, waking herself up in the process. The light filtered into the window, reminding her that it was only a dream.

  “Oh thank God!” Donna said, taking a deep breath.

  “Thank God for what?” Laura asked in the bunk bed beneath her.

  “It’s not important. I just a nightmare, that’s all,” Donna said.

  “Donna, don’t worry. I’m going to be with Dedron, and I’m quite sure that we will be ok. The Remoir don’t know that we know what their plan is. We’ve got this!” Laura reassured her.

  “I know. I just can’t stop thinking about the worst case scenario. You have to understand that Dedron and I haven’t been apart now for some time. We haven’t even really had time to enjoy a honeymoon.”


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