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A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance

Page 14

by T. J. Brandow

  “I see that there is a human amongst us. This is truly an omen. I’ve known for the past couple of nights that some grave threat awaits us…”

  “Sersay, Donna is a comrade of our own Dedron. She is a member of the Defense Squad.”

  “Yes, if you would let me finish, good Jadron, I was going to tell you that her presence is a good omen. Her light is a bright one. It is a beacon of hope,” he said, walking towards her.

  The Barringe were beginning to rise to their feet, including Donna.

  The Sersay looked straight into Donna’s eyes and took her hand.

  “Yes, you are a sight to behold. It is good to have you amongst us, Donna of Earth. Ah, but I sense something else too,” he said, suddenly turning his attention to Dedron who was watching close by.

  “Hello, dear Sersay. It has been many a moon since I have seen you. Peace be unto you,” Dedron said, giving the correct deference to the wise figure.

  “And peace be onto you, Dedron. In fact, I can sense that you have a peace that you did not have the last time we met. Your heart belongs to the human and hers to you. Is this true?” he said, looking at him and then over at Donna.

  “Yes Sersay. It would be impossible to keep the truth from you even if I desired to. Donna and I love each other and desire to forever be bonded each to the other. I know that this violates the Barringe code, and that only you can give credence to such a union. Therefore, I ask for your blessing,” Dedron said, returning to his knees.

  “Rise young Dedron! You make me proud with your regards for our traditions, but no one knows better than I how the heart blazes its own trail through the forest, despite the well-worn paths that it could follow. When I was a young Barringe, I once fell for the Princess of Planet Jalhoun in the Andromeda Galaxy. Alas, her father found out about our love and whisked her away to a distant outpost. How I would have loved for someone to tell me that my love was not forbidden; that my love was not in vain. It was not to be. Therefore, I would say that I wish you all of the happiness in the universe and condone and encourage your union,” he said with a joyful smile. Dedron and Donna looked at one another, beaming with joy.

  Chapter 7:

  The Sersay’s blessing was all that Dedron’s parents needed in order to give their own. In all of the years of Dedron’s youth and early adult life, they had never seen him so happy. He was practically glowing every time he was near Donna or even if someone mentioned her. Jadron made it a point of letting her son know her wishes for him. She took him by the hand and led him away from the others as the group of feasting Barringes began to disperse.

  “Son, I want you to know that your father and I are in agreement with the Sersay. We give you our blessing if you desire to bind with her, which I’m sure you do,” she said.

  Dedron’s face lit up when he heard his mother’s blessing.

  “You don’t know the trepidation I felt when I thought of mentioning my feelings for a human before we arrived here. You have made me the happiest being not only in Barringe, but the entire Universe. As soon as we are done with dealing with the threat of the Remoir, we will begin to make our plans for a binding ceremony. You will be the first one that I share the details with, I promise.”

  “I know you will, my son. You have always made me proud, and I know you will continue to do so.”

  “I do everything that I do in order to defend you, father, and all of our people. Furthermore, I will continue to do so as long as I am able,” he responded, hugging her.

  That night, Dedron and Donna were giving a special cave of honor, a spacious room with candles lighting the otherwise dark, cool chamber. Both of them were exhausted and fell asleep almost immediately holding one another’s hands. When the morning came, it was time to make plans for the coming of the Remoir who were due at any time.

  Although the Barringe were primitive compared to the advanced technological civilizations of the time, they had a few modern forms of technology that helped them deal with the threat of invasion. One such convenience was a primitive radar that would alert them of the presence of any invasion of the planet of Barringe. Back in the village Dedron, Jadron, and Doridon were passing around weapons to the male and females. Those who were not equipped with lasers had slingshots. Two of the stronger males were manning a trebuchet that was reserved for just such an occasion.

  Jadron informed the citizens of the village that they were to go about their usual routines but should be ready as soon as the village alarm was sounded to let them know that the Remoir had arrived. As the day progressed, Dedron decided to show Donna some of the beautiful sites near the village that were close enough to allow them to return fairly quickly. Hand in hand, they walked up a steep path through the forest that led to Whimron Point, the highest point in the area. The village lay in a valley between two low, forested ridges. Donna was beginning to grow less nervous about the mysterious noises that she heard in the forest trusting that Dedron would protect her should she be taken by surprise. Without incident, they reached the breathtaking view. Donna was amazed that she could not find a break in the forest anywhere that she looked, no matter what the direction.

  “Is it not a sight to behold?” Dedron asked.

  “It is, truly. What’s amazing to me is how the forest seems to go on forever. Should humans ever find such a place, they would immediately begin to exploit the forest’s resources and clear the land for development. I love how your people live in such harmony with nature,” she said.

  “It does my heart good to hear that you feel that way. I have to admit that I was afraid that you might not like this place at first.”

  “I love the outdoors, Dedron. You knew that much, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but it is different when you are living the way that we do. You don’t get to visit and then retreat to a dwelling with air conditioning and electricity. You are always subjected to the elements just as nature’s creatures are,” he mused.

  “I think that I could get used to a simpler life such as this one.” “

  “I love you Donna Stevens and hope that maybe one day we could come here to live permanently if we so desire,” he said, gripping her hand tightly.

  Donna did not respond to this, knowing that she her heart was back on Planet Earth where she hoped that she and Dedron could settle down permanently one day soon. However, this debate would have to wait until another time. Far above their heads, a Remoir cruiser could be seen making its approach.

  “The time has come for us to show our old enemies how the Barringe defend their own. Come on, we’ve got to get back to the village as soon as we can. I’m sure the radar has already warned them of the Remoir’s approach,” Dedron said. Donna followed him down the steep path much more quickly than they had come up. With each step, they were becoming more anxious to join their comrades in order to meet the threat of the invading Remoir. As soon as they got back to the village, they found the others already waiting in the surrounding forest in ambush. Dedron and Donna took up position beside Doridon and Dedron’s parents.

  “What kept you?” Jadron asked.

  “I was showing Donna Whimron Point. I knew that we could get back quickly if we needed to,” Dedron said.

  “There will be time for sight seeing later when we’ve dealt with this scourge. We will surround them once they land,” Jadron said. He was clearly irritated with his son but said nothing more.

  The ship made its approach with a cloaking device, but they could hear clearly enough that it was landing on the main airstrip. It was obvious that the Remoir had no idea about the secret landing strip a few miles away where Dedron and Donna’s ship was hidden. The sound of the Remoir ship’s thrusters filled the air, drowning out the sounds of the surrounding forest. Within seconds, an armed Remoir emerged from an invisible doorway, then another and another. All told, there were about thirty of them. They made their way over to the cave dwellings on the south end of the village just as the Barringe knew they would. Little did the Remoir know the caves were full of
Barringe ready to ambush them.

  “Where are they all?” one of the Remoir captains asked.

  “In the caves, I would suspect. Of course, they could be off on a hunt or something,” one of them answered.

  “I don’t like how quiet things are, but we have our orders from Perbron,” the Captain said. With that, the armed group of Remoir entered the darkness of the cave. A moment later, the Remoir were attempting to flee the caves as the Barringe ambushed them in the darkness. Some of the Remoir fired into the inky blackness, and others fled to the outside.

  “NOW!” Jadron said. The second group of Barringe emerged from the edge of the forest and surrounded the Remoir.

  “Put your weapons down or you will suffer the same fate as your comrades in the caves!” Jadron said. For the first time, they seemed to be frightened by their circumstances. The Remoir were outnumbered, overpowered, and left with little recourse. “Now, you will shut down the ship’s cloaking device, and don’t try to send any warning communications or it will be the last thing you ever do!” Jadron commanded.

  “It’s time to enter their ship, Dedron!” Jadron said. Dedron, Donna, Doridon and about six other Barringe began to move up the walkway and into the entrance of the ship. As soon as they got inside, one of the Remoir tried to shoot Dedron. Dedron beat him to the punch and shot him immediately. However, there were several more that were now alerted to the presence of the invaders. Soon, lasers were flying in all directions, but the Barringe quickly gained the upper hand. Five of the Remoir were disintegrated and one of the Barringe was injured, but Dedron quickly took control of the ship. The remaining Remoir were led by laser pistol to the ship’s lower deck where the cells were located. Dedron and Donna forced the Remoir into the cells and quickly sealed them. Then a cheer went up.

  Once the cheering Barringe began to emerge from the ship, the Barringe on the outside began to send up a cheer that made the Remoir prisoners cower in fear.

  “Let’s get this scum in the cells!” Jadron commanded.

  One by one, the Remoir were led back onto the ship and into the cells. The ambush mission was a complete success. The only disappointment was the discovery that Perbron was not on the ship, although it would not have been likely that a Commander would put himself in such harm’s way.

  “I have an idea,” Dedron said to his father who stood beside him.

  “Yes, son?”

  “Well, why don’t we force the captain of this ship to send a transmission to Perbron telling him that he has successfully captured you and mother. That way there will not be an attack that follows. Then, we will force the Captain to lead us to where Donna’s mother and the others are being kept.”

  “I can see that your time in the Defense Squad is worthwhile. You’ve become quite the Captain in your own right,” Jadron said as he put his hand on his son’s shoulder. Dedron smiled and turned to go back on board the Remoir ship. He and Donna went to the cell where the ship’s Captain was sitting in the floor looking dejected, although he still wore his hood, so they couldn’t make out his facial expression. The red glow of his eyes seemed weakened by his defeat.

  “You, come with us!” Dedron said, pointing at him with a laser pistol.

  “What do you want with me? You’ve already defeated us,” The Captain hissed.

  “We need you to do one more thing, and I would watch your tone if I were you,” Donna said.

  They led him to the upper level and onto the bridge. They forced him to sit down in the pilot’s seat.

  “What is it you want?” he asked defiantly.

  “Send a message to your Commander and tell him that this mission has been a success. Tell him that you will be returning with the prisoners immediately,” Dedron commanded.

  “No, I will never do that. Soon, Commander Perbron will know of our defeat and send three times the amount of soldiers. This green hell will soon be reduced to a smoldering ruin!” He hissed. Donna scowled, hit him with the butt of her laser pistol and stuck it forcefully into the side of his head.

  “You will not live to see any such thing. In fact, you will not live to see the next hour if you don’t meet our demands!” she barked.

  “Vey well, but it will not end well for you. What you are attempting will be unsuccessful,” the Captain mocked.

  “We met with success today, and we plan on continuing to. Now, let’s get started. We will be standing just over there out of shot of the camera. If you try to do anything to warn the Commander, you will be terminated immediately!” Dedron said.

  “I’m ready,” The Captain said. Dedron watched the Captain carefully as he switched on the ship’s communicator.

  Chapter 8:

  Soon the dreaded image of Commander Perbron appeared on the screen. Donna clutched her laser pistol and scowled at the Captain as he prepared to address his superior.

  “Captain Clauson, I trust that you have captured the prisoners that I commanded you to?” Perborn said.

  “Yes sir. We have the Barringes on board the ship,” the Captain answered.

  “Did we lose any men in the process?”

  “Only a couple. I assure you that the Barringe were taken completely by surprise.”

  “That pleases me greatly to hear of this. Now you and your men will take the Barringes to Sector 6 to the Planet Yoanthuma,” Perbron instructed.

  “Yoanthuma? The volcanic planet?” Captain Clauson asked dubiously.

  “That is correct. Is there a problem, Captain?” Perbron asked as his eyes glowed a darker red.

  “No sir, we will plot our course immediately!”

  “Good, I expect to see you there in a week. That should be sufficient time for you to reach the destination. Good work Captain!” Perbron said, switching off the communicator.

  “Good work, indeed. Now, we need one more piece of information from you before we take you back to the cell,” Donna said.

  “I have done what you have asked me to, which will likely lead to my execution. What more will you have me do?” Captain Clauson asked.

  “We need to know the location of our loved ones, and if there are others that you will be attempting to kidnap soon,” Donna stated.

  The Captain hesitated as if this request was going too far.

  “They are scattered throughout the universe. Commander Perbron wishes for each member of your precious Defense Squad to show up at each location at a designated time to duel with adversaries of his choosing. This matter is very personal to him. Such was the love he had for his father. The parents and loved ones have already been captured.”

  “All except mine. I didn’t think the Remoir loved anything accept power and territory,” Dedron said.

  “You are wrong to underestimate us and our motives,” the Captain said.

  “Let’s start with my mother. Where is she?” Donna asked, moving in closer to the Captain with her pistol still aimed at his head.

  “You will be the one that he will enjoy killing the most,” Captain Clauson said.

  “Where is she?” Donna said, returning the butt of her pistol to the Captain’s forehead.

  “At Drexel, the Dark Moon in Sector 17,” the Captain said.

  “You had better be telling the truth. Now back to the cell with you!” Donna scoffed. They led him back to his cell in silence and exited the ship.

  “Well, how did it go? What did you find out?” Jadron asked his son.

  “It’s going to be a bit more difficult than we thought. They are keeping our loved ones in scattered locations. We will have to go to each place until we’ve rescued them all,” Dedron answered.

  “Do you need any help from us, son?”

  “No, father. You’ve already done quite a lot by helping us ambush the Remoir. This is a matter for the Defense Squad. We will leave tomorrow to make our first attempt at rescue.”

  “Where are you going first?”

  “Drexel, the Dark Moon on Sector 17,” Dedron answered.

  “That’s a dreadful place. It is said tha
t the shadows walk that moon. Perbron must really want to subject someone to unspeakable horrors,” Jadron answered.

  “I’m not surprised. However, Perbron does not know that we are aware of the locations. He thinks that he holds all of the cards.”

  “He will have yet another surprise waiting on him. This is what he gets for messing with the Barringe. For far too long they have underestimated us. Let us hope that you can deal them another defeat for the sake of all of the free peoples in the Universe.”

  “That is what we have been tasked with,” Dedron said with a smile.

  “Dedron, I think it’s time that we try and contact the other members of our squad. I know that we are in trouble with the General for leaving just before our mission was to begin, but considering what we have found out, they might be ready to forgive us. After all, it is their relatives who are in danger as well,” Donna said.

  “I have also thought about this, and I think you’re right. I will contact the General tonight and tell him everything that has transpired.”

  Dedron dreaded the confrontation that was about to take place. He had switched off the special communicator that the Defense Squad and knew that as soon as he switched it on again there would be a slew of angry messages on it. Nonetheless, the time to include the other members of the Defense Squad had come. Donna decided to walk back to the ship with Dedron in order to face the General with him. After all, it was she that had decided to abandon the mission the General had set forth for them on Planet Gourgan.

  Once Dedron and Donna returned to their Canadian fighter, they reluctantly switched on the Defense Squad Communicator. There were ten messages on it. Dedron skipped these and immediately put in General Barron’s code to speak with him directly. A few seconds later, the General appeared on the screen.

  “Well look who finally decided to get in touch with me,” the General scoffed.

  “General Barron, I know what you must be thinking right now, but we have great news to share with you,” Dedron said.


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