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A New Reason To Fight: An Intergalactic Romance

Page 43

by T. J. Brandow

  I wonder what this is all about? Shelig asked.

  No clue she answered.

  Shelig looked around to see if anyone else was close enough to perceive her thoughts, then she looked back at Amerta.

  I couldn’t help but notice that you talked a lot with that human. What are you up to?

  I’m not up to anything Amerta shared, giving her an incredulous look. I was just communicating with him. He’s not at all like I expected a human to be. We’ve always been told how cruel and evil they are, and he’s not…

  Before she could finish, a tall male Harignot named Captain Garig came into the room and stood at the podium on the far end. He was dressed in a flowing white robe. Harignots of high rank always wore these robes, which resembled the togas of the Ancient Romans.

  Good afternoon fellow guards, I have an important announcement about the human prisoner that is now in our custody.

  Amerta’s large eyes lit up.

  He is to be executed tomorrow as an example to the others that are still at large.

  Most of the others simply nodded their heads. Some offered thoughts of agreement with this sentiment. Amerta, however, was filled with emotions that she didn’t quite understand. Once the meeting concluded, Amerta tried to leave as quickly as she could, but Shelig caught her by the arm after she exited the room.

  Well, I’m sure you must be affected by this decision. After all, you just said that the human was different from what you expected Shelig shared.

  I don’t know quite know what to think, but one thing’s for sure- if we are going to be morally superior to the humans, we need to show it. Amerta turned and left quickly, not wanting to discuss the matter any further.

  Amerta went about her rounds, trying not to think of the human prisoner and his fate. However, her conscience would not leave her alone. She couldn’t help but wonder what the human might have left behind on his native planet. Did he have a family or anyone that loved him?

  When it came time for her to visit John’s cell, she kept her eyes downcast and tried not to look at him.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hello,” she responded simply.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said, finally making eye contact with him as she handed him a small pad of paper and a writing device. It was slimmer then the pens and pencils found on Earth, and had ink made from a chemical combination of liquefied gases unique to planet Harignot. The pad had paper that was stronger and more durable than Earth paper. John wondered what the paper was made of, as he thumbed through the pad.

  “Thank you!” he said.

  Amerta looked at him curiously, thinking how strange it was for him to be so pleased with such a small thing.

  “What are you going to write about, if you don’t mind me asking,” she inquired.

  “Oh, I will write down whatever thoughts come to me- who knows I might even write an entire novel. I’m probably going to be in here for quite some time,” he remarked. Harignot had several famous writers, but Amerta had no idea that Earthlings also enjoyed reading and writing.

  “Are you an author?” she asked.

  “You could say that, although I’ve never been published.”

  “What is published?” she asked.

  “Oh, it’s when a company puts your book out and makes it available for people to buy,” he said. Amerta was still unsure of this explanation, but chose not to ask any further questions. On Harignot, there was no such thing as a publisher, only books that were made available on the ‘mind web’, which was an internet-like level of consciousness that Harignots could experience when they wanted to share information.

  “I see. Maybe one day you will get your book published,” she said, knowing full well that he wouldn’t live long enough to so any such thing. Again, she turned away from him as she changed the sheets on his small bed.

  “Really, I can see something is really bothering you. Please let me help,” he said.

  Amerta stopped what she was doing and looked him straight in the eyes. Once she did, she got another glimpse into his soul- she saw a sensitive and caring being that honestly wanted to help her if he could.

  “Alright, I’m going to tell you what’s bothering me, but I’m warning you that it’s going to be hard for you to take.”

  “Ok, I can handle it.”

  “You are to be executed in a vaporizer tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Executed? Vaporizer?”

  “It’s quite painless- our vaporizers are so powerful and instant, you won’t feel a thing.”

  “But don’t I get some sort of trial?”

  “We’ve discussed this already. You are considered to be an enemy and an invader of this planet. They want to send a clear message to the Earthlings that are still at large that we will not tolerate an invasion of this sort,” she said.

  “But you don’t agree, do you?” he said, coming closer to her. She switched on the device that immobilized him where he stood, not knowing his intention.

  “What difference does that make? If I don’t agree, they are going to do it anyway,” she said.

  John could only move his jaw muscles to speak from where he stood.

  “Why don’t you help me?” he asked.

  “How could I possibly help you?”

  “Because I can stop the sergeant from stealing your fuel.”

  “And how could you do that exactly?”

  “I know where they are going and what route they will take to get there. We mapped out the entire mission before we began.”

  “Well, we already know where they are going- to the Karignim mine- the largest gas mine on the planet and the gas processing plant that’s next to it.”

  “Yes, but you don’t know how they plan to get there. I can help you to stop them, but you have to keep me alive in order for me to do so,” he said.

  She looked him in the eyes again. This time something passed between them that she couldn’t quite explain. There was something about this human that made her feel a sensation that she could only describe as affection. Harignots are supposed to have their mates arranged for them by their parents, but Amerta’s parents had yet to find anyone that they approved of. Amerta switched off the immobilization device, and John gently took her hand. It felt warm and inviting.

  “Please,” he said.

  “I will talk to Captain Garig, my superior and see what I can do, but I can make no promises,” she said.

  “That will have to be good enough for the time being,” he said with a smile. His smile was so kind and gracious, she couldn’t help but smile back. Little did she know that her immediate superior, a guard named Farig, overheard their conversation.

  Chapter 7

  Amerta was nervous about appealing to Captain Garig with her request, but she knew that it was the right thing to do. When she finally got a break from all of her rounds, she went to his office on the lower floor. She tapped on the large white, oval door and it opened. Farig walked out and gave her a curious glance. He didn’t express any thoughts.

  Captain Garig, might I have a word with you? Amerta inquired.

  Amerta come in. I was actually about to send for you. Amerta did not like the expression on the captain’s proud face. He seemed even more solemn and serious than normal.

  Captain, I have a request to make and I really hope that you’ll hear me out before you say no.

  The captain took a deep breath and put his hands on his large oval desk.

  Amerta, you are in no position to make any requests of me.

  But why? I don’t understand

  I have been informed that you have been speaking with the human at great length. Farig even saw you holding hands with him.

  I need to tell you something about the human. He’s not what he seems.

  It seems he knows how to get what he wants from you. What has happened to your judgment? When you came here, I thought you had the most potential of any guard that works for me- enough to be a captain your
self or even more. Instead, you have let your emotions get the best of you. Have you forgotten the ravages that we have suffered at the hands of the humans? Do you not understand the mission that the human is a part of? They are here for one thing only- to gain control of our fuel for their own needs. If we do not meet their request, they will use a weapon of terrible power to destroy as many of us as they please.

  I fully realize this sir, but the human can help us. He knows what route they are taking to the Karignim mine.

  We don’t need his help to locate them- there are a limited number of ways for them to reach the mines. He simply wants you to release him so that he can re-join his comrades.

  No, I’m telling you- he’s different..

  Captain Garig shook his head and turned away from her.

  Amerta, you are dismissed from your guard duties, effective immediately. You have lost the impartial judgment that is needed for such a position, and it is such a shame.

  Amerta’s mouth fell open in surprise. Although Harignots rarely allow their emotions to take hold of them, she could feel the tears beginning to form in her eyes.

  Surely you don’t mean what you are saying.

  I wish things were different, but the decision is final. I need you to hand over all access codes for the cells in your charge by this afternoon.

  Captain Garig, please…

  Good day, Amerta. Captain Garig turned his back to her and faced the wall to show that he was done with the conversation.

  Amerta’s sadness turned to outrage. She slammed the oval door and headed directly to her office where she began to place her belongings in a large pack. Some of the other guards looked at her, but Amerta didn’t give any of them a chance to ask questions. After gathering her things, she headed back to the prison level and up to John’s cell. First, she scanned the immediate vicinity to make sure that no one was watching. Then, she pushed the unlock code to remove the invisible barrier in front of John’s cell. John had been napping, but the sound of the force field being de-activated woke him up.

  “What’s happening?” he asked her.

  “Come on, we are getting you out of here,” she said.

  “What? Really?” His eyes were wide with surprise.

  “Put this on- and make sure you put the hood over your head,” she said, handing him a hooded robe. “Just walk in front of me and go where I lead you.”

  John put it on hastily and followed her down the corridor and to the moveable stairway that led to the floors below. Amerta knew the quickest exit was on the eastern wing of the prison block, so she began to walk in that direction. John walked in front of Amerta who held her small de-mobilization device up to his back, which was the customary procedure when a guard moved a prisoner from one location to another. Some of the other guards looked at them as they passed by, but no one asked any question until they reached the oval door of the east exit, which led to the hovercraft parking level. At that point, Amerta could hear someone running quickly down the corridor. It was Farig followed by Captain Garig.

  “Amerta, STOP!” Captain Garig shouted, which was a rare thing for any Harignot to do.

  “Come on, quickly!” Amerta said to John as they passed through the eastern exit and headed up a moving stairway to the parking level.

  Captain Garig took out a hand-held communication device.

  “All guards make for the eastern parking level. We have a rogue guard attempting to help a prisoner escape. Red alert! I repeat red alert!”

  Amerta was running so fast, John was having trouble keeping up with her. Even though they were the same height, Harignots can move much faster than the average human with their long, lithe legs.

  “Hurry John!” she said. By now they could hear the footsteps of the guards pouring out of various entrances to the parking level. Luckily, they were steps away from Amerta’s bright green two-seater hovercraft.

  “Hang on!” she shouted as she put her finger up to the dash to activate it.

  “Fingerprint recognized- ignition activated!” a high-pitched female voice said.

  “Thank you Gira, get us out of here quickly!” Amerta commanded the hovercraft.

  The hovercraft lifted up into the air just as the guards attempted to surround it. The craft was traveling at such a fast speed, John was penned to the back of his seat, his eyes wide as saucers.

  “Where are we going?” he asked her.

  “I know a place where we can hide, but we may have to lose our pursuers first,” Amerta said. The hovercraft was moving quickly away from the dome-shaped compound of the prison and moving towards the gleaming spires of the city of Jarinignot to the north. Behind them, Amerta and John could see blue and white patrol hover cars that were gaining on them with their sirens blaring.

  “How are you going to lose them?” John asked.

  “Gira, switch controls to manual,” Amerta asked the hover car.

  “Manual control activated!” Gira answered.

  Amerta moved the hover car straight up into the air and then turned quickly to the east causing a few of the pursuing cars to crash while trying to follow her. Then, she switched course and drove the car straight down towards the clear platform below them. John’s heart leapt up into his chest as he prepared to collide with the roadway beneath. Luckily, there was no foot traffic in that area at that time.

  “Hang on!” Amerta said again. At the last second, she steered the hover car clear of the walkway and continued to dive towards the swirling green gases far below them. Two of the pursuing cars crashed into the walkway and the others lost Amerta in the midst of the gaseous haze. Amerta steered suddenly towards the west, staying under the foggy layer of noxious gases until her radar showed that they had lost all of their pursuers.

  “We’ve lost them!” She said, smiling at John who looked as if he might lose his lunch at any minute. She patted him on the back.

  “Are you ok?” she asked.

  “Wow, you are amazing! That was wilder than any roller coaster!” he said.

  “What’s a roller coaster?”

  “Never mind- let’s just be thankful we got away,” he replied.

  “Don’t get too comfortable. Captain Garig will soon have the entire security force looking for us. We have to hide out until things die down a bit.”

  “Shouldn’t we track down Sergeant Miller and the others before they have a chance to use that powerful weapon on anyone?”

  “We can’t travel around in this vehicle anymore. By now, they’re all looking for it. I have an uncle that lives in a secluded area- he can help us,” she said. With that, she continued to steer the hover car to the west. Soon the spires of the city disappeared into the distance. Now there was only the occasional hover car and here and there on the crystalline roadways below them. Soon, they spotted a place where the roadways intersected, but there was no sign of any dwelling. Amerta made for the intersection.

  “Where are you going? There’s nothing there,” John said.

  “It’s made to look there isn’t,” she said as the car came to a halt in the dead center of the intersection. There were no pedestrians or other hover cars in the vicinity, but the hover car’s radar detector soon began to detect something approaching.

  “Patrol car detected- approaching from the east at ninety miles per hour- five miles away,” Gira said.

  Amerta took out a small phone-like device from her bag and pushed a few buttons- a virtual image of an older male Harignot with bushy eyebrows suddenly appeared in front of them.

  Amerta, my favorite niece! What brings you here to the middle of nowhere?

  Uncle Larig, please open the entrance. I need your help.

  Are you in trouble? What is that human doing with you?

  I can’t explain it all right now- just open up, Uncle!

  Alright, alright!

  With that, a circular opening appeared in the dead center of the intersection. Amerta steered the hover car into the opening and turned on the car’s lights. They moved quickly into a d
imly lit tunnel as the opening closed above them. Just a few seconds after the entrance closed, a patrol car drove past the intersection and continued to the west.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the tunnel came to an abrupt end and another circular door opened in the wall. Inside the dimly lit room was another hover car parked to their right. They got out of Gira just as Uncle Larig walked in through a side door.

  “Come here and let me look at you, Amerta! I haven’t seen my favorite niece in many haronths.” A haronth is the rough Harignot equivalent of a month.

  Amerta smiled and stood before her uncle. He gazed over her approvingly, almost forgetting John.

  “My, no wonder your parents are having such troubles finding you a mate- there aren’t many males around worthy of such beauty. You have grown tall and beautiful, indeed.”

  “Thanks, uncle. Oh, this is John Norman of Earth,” she said. As Uncle Larig’s face curved into a frown and his forehead creased, his bushy eyebrows threatened to shroud his green eyes.

  “What is an Earthling doing in my house? Why, shouldn’t I call the patrol now? And I hate the patrol,” he responded.

  “Uncle, John is different. I had to rescue him because they were going to execute him,” Amerta asserted.

  “Sounds good to me- humans need to be eliminated. They are a blight on the entire universe!”

  “I used to believe that too, but they aren’t all bad uncle.”

  “It’s true- I came to your planet because I thought I was part of a mission to capture a dangerous weapon that we were told the Harignots possessed. I was lied to,” John explained as he extended his hand. Uncle Larig gave him a perplexed glance.

  “He wants you to shake his hand- that’s what humans do to greet one another,” Amerta explained.

  Uncle Larig looked at her and back at John. Reluctantly, he shook John’s hand.

  Chapter 8

  Uncle Larig set himself apart from the rest of Harignot society some thirty years ago when he tired of the rigged class system they had set up. The cities had been designed so that they were stratified according to wealth and class. The poorer members of society lived on the lowest levels in small domed dwellings while the rich and well off lived in the gleaming towers that dotted the skylines of its cities. Amerta’s family was somewhere in the middle, dwelling in modest oval structures and earning modest livings. When Uncle Larig grew tired of the way that he saw the lower classes being treated, he led a movement to unseat Marig Darin, a despotic ruler from his seat of power. Unfortunately, Marig would not give up his power and set about hunting down all of the citizens that opposed his rule. In response to this, Uncle Larig took what earnings he had acquired and constructed a secret dwelling.


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