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Page 12

by Sybil Bartel

  I didn’t know what I’d gotten myself into with Jared, but I knew he would never do to me what Dan was doing. Jared had defended me at the restaurant. He’d gone with me to Coach’s office. He’d quietly let me know he was there for me. He would never blackmail me.

  But now Jared was getting sued—because of me.

  As I sat on the edge of the bed, holding my phone, another text from Dan came in.

  Wear the ring

  I knew what I wouldn’t do. I was never going back to Dan. But that wasn’t my only option.

  Jared came out of the shower.

  I didn’t even look up, because if I did, I wouldn’t have the courage to say what I needed to say. “This is my fault. You would never be in this situation if it weren’t for me. I’m going back to my house. You can get on with your life.” My heart breaking, my stomach in knots, I stood. “I know words are just letters strung together, but I’m truly sorry.” I picked up my purse.

  “Who were you texting?” he asked, no intonation in his voice.

  I glanced up. His rugged features were so stoic, I couldn’t tell if he was angry and I told myself it didn’t matter. “Dan.”

  “What does he want?”

  I stared at Jared a moment. In a simple gray T-shirt and jeans, his hair wet, he was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. I wanted to fall in his arms and forget everything except how it felt to be the object of his desire. Instead, I told myself to toughen up. I swiped to unlock the screen on my phone then held it out. “Here.” Maybe if he saw what I’d stupidly given Dan, he wouldn’t respect me.

  Jared made no move to take the phone. “I’m asking you.”

  “He wants the same thing he wanted a month ago.” Me, pathetic. “And if I go back to him, he’ll drop the lawsuit.”

  Jared snorted out a laugh.

  “This isn’t funny.” I turned my phone off and put it back in my purse.

  “No, it’s not, but he’s a fucking pussy.”

  A pussy who would drop the lawsuit if I stopped seeing Jared. I wasn’t going back to Dan, not for anything, but I would back away from Jared if that’s what it took to save him from my mess. I took a step towards the door.

  “Hey,” Jared snapped.

  “This is best. If I’m not around, Dan will have no reason to sue you.”

  Jared stepped in front of me and dropped his voice. “Do you know the difference between me and the asshole quarterback?”

  “Everything?” His scent, clean and so, so him surrounded me, and it hurt to stand there looking at him. All I wanted was to reach for him.

  Warm and firm, his fingers grasped my chin, and his intense gaze speared my heart. “I know what’s standing in front of me.”

  Oh God. Why was life so difficult? “Jared—”

  “I don’t give a shit about the lawsuit. You’re not going back to him. Let him fucking pay lawyer’s fees for the next decade, I don’t have twenty-five million. I’ve got something better.” His thumb stroked my cheek. “And I’m not letting her walk away without a fight.”

  I fought emotions that threatened to break what was left of my resolve. “Some fights are better left alone.”

  “Not this one.”

  Every word he said was perfect. He was perfect. Perfectly broken and heroic and rough, and there wasn’t a single thing I would change about him, but I couldn’t let him do this. “What if I asked you to walk away?”

  “The Marines didn’t train me to be a coward, Red.”

  I saw the subconscious flex of his shoulders and the slight movement of his back muscles, and I wanted to cry for him, for what he’d been through. But I also understood what incredible strength it’d taken for him to survive. You couldn’t teach that kind of resolve. “I’m pretty sure you were a fighter before you enlisted.” I smiled, but all I felt was sad.

  He dropped his hand. “Food will be here soon. You’re staying.” As if life bent to his will, the doorbell rang.

  “You need to eat.” I put my hand on the back of her neck, because I couldn’t not touch her. There was no way I was letting her go back to that asshole. I was already jonesing like a fucking junkie to be inside her again.

  “So do you.” Despite her T-shirt and leggings, her voice was all pink business suit.

  Any other woman, I would’ve had her on her knees the second she told me what to do. Or kicked her to the curb. I didn’t take orders from women, ever. But this woman? I was tripping all over myself for her. I didn’t even give a damn about the lawsuit. I knew what the video footage would show. It was self-defense. Let that asshole come at me. He wouldn’t find my money.

  I led her to the kitchen where I’d fucked her and my dick stirred. “Sit.”

  I grabbed my wallet and answered the door for the old guy the condo association paid to watch the lobby weekdays. “Thanks, Con. How much?”

  Con’s face wrinkled up in a smile. “Jared, my boy. How are you?” He handed the bag over.

  “Good. Did you get something for yourself?” That was our deal. I called him, he dealt with calling whatever takeout place I wanted, he got something for himself, then I paid.

  “Yep, Chinese spicy chicken. It’s not Cuban spicy.” He chuckled. “But I’ll take it. Saves me from cooking later.”

  I nodded. “How much?”

  “Forty-seven because you asked for extra.” Despite being a foot shorter than me, he tried to look over my shoulder. “Do you have company? There’s a bodyguard who keeps walking through the lobby. He’s not very talkative. I saw he works for André though.” He pointed to his chest. “He has the shirt.”

  Shit. I should’ve warned him about Luna’s guy. “His name’s Tyler. He’ll be around for a few days.” I debated not telling him about Red. I’d brought her up from the garage level. Con could check the security feeds if he was curious, but I was counting on him being glued to his soaps. “I have a guest who’s avoiding the media.”

  Con’s expression turned grave. “Yes, I saw you and your lady friend had a problem with the quarterback.”

  Christ. “Something like that.” I handed him three twenties. “Thanks for the food.”

  He pocketed the money then clapped my shoulder. “Stay strong, my boy, stay strong.”

  “Always.” I shut the door and found Red sitting at a stool right by where we’d fucked. I was perverse enough to get off on it. “Chinese.” I set the food down and grabbed a couple of plates and forks. “What do you want to drink?”

  “Water, please.” Her formal voice was back.

  I set a plate, napkin and utensils in front of her. “What’s wrong?”

  “You buy your doorman dinner?”

  I grabbed waters. “A few times a week.”

  She folded her napkin and placed her fork on it dead center. “That’s very nice of you.”

  What a joke. If she only knew the real reason was because I couldn’t dial a number without getting it wrong fifteen times first. I sat down next to her and threw food on my plate.

  “Thank you for….” She glanced at the clock in the kitchen. “Dinner.” She put food on her plate like a girl.

  “You’re welcome.” I took one of the containers and dumped half on her plate. “Eat.”

  She opened her mouth to say something.

  I cut her off. “Don’t even try it. We missed lunch, your ass is fucking perfect and you need to eat.” I pointed with my fork to her plate. “All of it.”

  Her hands folded in her lap as she looked at me. “You’re bossy.”

  “And you’re fucking gorgeous. Stay that way. Eat.”

  A shy smile hit her lips and she picked up her fork. “I would like you to call the attorney.”

  “I’d like you to eat naked.”

  Her fork froze halfway to her mouth. “I hardly think this is something to joke about.”

  “I wasn’t joking.” Fucking starving, I shoveled in a huge bite.

  “Protecting yourself isn’t a game.”

  “I’m not playing games.” I wante
d her naked. I wanted to stare at her tits while I ate. Next to fucking her, it’d be my new definition of nirvana.

  She stood up.

  “Going somewhere?” I raised an eyebrow and took another bite.

  She took off my T-shirt and started to sit back down.

  I pretended not to choke on my food. “That’s not naked.” Fuck, her tits were gorgeous.

  With a huff, she placed the T-shirt on the stool, slid her hands into her waistband and pushed down over her hips and lush thighs. Then she stepped out of her pants and sat her ass back down on the stool. I took one look at my dried cum in her red curls and my dick was rock-hard.

  She picked up her fork. “Call the attorney.”

  Fuck me. I smiled, seriously smiled. And it felt fucking good. I shoved my phone toward her then I drew a finger around one of her nipples. “You dial.”

  She glared at me but her nipple pebbled. “Fine. But you’re talking to him.”

  I leaned in and put my mouth on her. Swirling my tongue around her hard nipple, I waited until her fingers were swiping across the screen, then I bit.

  “Ah!” She dropped my phone.

  I quickly lapped the sting and brushed a finger through her curls. “Dial.”

  Fumbling with my phone, her legs spread a few inches wider and she shifted in her seat. “It’s ringing.”

  I sucked hard and pulled back until her nipple popped out of my mouth. As I took the phone, I rubbed her clit.

  “Barrett,” a clipped voice answered.

  Red gasped.

  I fucking loved that gasp. “Hey, this is Jared Brandt. I’m a friend of André Luna. He suggested I give you a call.”

  “What can I help you with, Mr. Brandt?”

  Red sat still as fuck as I dragged my finger through her wet heat and circled her clit. “I’m being sued by Dan Ahlstrom and I need representation.”


  Red held on to the counter and her eyes fluttered shut.

  I glanced at the phone to make sure the call was still connected. It was. “Hello?”

  Barrett’s professional tone was replaced with disbelief. “You’re the guy on the videos who hit Strom?”

  “I was provoked.” I increased the pressure and a small sound escaped Red’s gorgeous lips.

  Barrett cleared his throat. “I see. How much is the suit for?”

  “Twenty-five million.”

  “Do you have that much?”

  “Not even close.” I slipped a finger inside Red’s tight pussy.

  “Were you injured?” Barrett asked.

  “I’m a marine.” Red’s lips parted. If I weren’t on the phone, my mouth would’ve been on hers.

  “Yes, I understand from the media coverage that you’re a combat-wounded veteran, but when Mr. Ahlstrom provoked you, were you physically harmed?”

  I snorted. “No.” I wanted to fuck her into tomorrow.

  “You’re not giving me a lot to work with, Mr. Brandt.”

  “It was three against one.” I wanted Red to climb on my lap and sink down on my cock as I bit her nipples.

  “Yet, that hardly seemed a problem for you.”

  “It wasn’t.” I could’ve taken three more of them.

  Barrett inhaled. “I’m not sure how I can help you, Mr. Brandt.”

  “Luna said to call you.” Red’s hair fell across her shoulders as she rocked forward on my hand.

  “Yes, and I appreciate his vote of confidence, but maybe a bigger firm with more experience with the league would have better success in negotiating a settlement you could afford.”

  Jesus, Red was beautiful. “I’m not being sued by the team and I don’t intend to pay Ahlstrom shit.”

  “Understood. All I’m saying is that—”

  “Are you interested or not?” I needed to make Red come and I didn’t want to be holding my fucking phone when it happened.

  Barrett exhaled slowly. “All right. Come to my office tomorrow morning at—”

  “You need to come here. The media is still camped out in front of my place.”

  “Okay, I can be there tomorrow morning. Is eight too early?”

  “That works.” I eased my finger in then out.

  “My fee is two hundred and fifty an hour and I take a retainer upfront of two thousand.”

  He was in the wrong business. “Fine.”

  “Your address?”

  I rattled it off. “There are a couple visitor parking spots below the building. The gate code is nineteen ninety-nine. I’m on the seventeenth floor.”

  “Got it. See you tomorrow, Mr. Brandt.”

  I hung up and curled my finger. “You’re not eating, Red.”

  With her eyes squeezed shut, and her head down, her hands tightened on the counter. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “The fact that you’re spewing big words while I’m finger-fucking you means I’m not doing my job right.” I increased the pressure.

  Her head fell back and she moaned.

  “That’s better.” I circled my thumb over her clit, and right as she started to clench around my finger, I eased out. Kissing her cheek, I picked up my fork. “You need to eat.”

  Her eyes popped open. “You….” Her chest rose and fell. “You did that on purpose.”

  I forked a hunk of beef and chewed slowly. “Did what?”

  She looked down between her legs, and I could practically read her thoughts.

  “Go ahead.” I smiled. “Finish yourself off.” My dick throbbed at just the thought of it.

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

  Like she wouldn’t believe. “You have no idea.” I shoveled food in. “Start eating.”

  “You’re not naked.”

  “Remember that next time you tell me what to do.”

  Her back straightened. “I didn’t tell you. I asked.”

  “Same thing.”

  “Is that why you’re so good in bed, because you’re a sexist, bossy jerk and you need to make up for it somehow?” She picked up her fork.

  I didn’t fucking smile, I grinned. Like an idiot. “Woman, if I take my clothes off, you won’t be eating fried rice, and I’ve already kept you from a meal twice today. Not to mention you’re probably sore as hell. Eat the fucking food.”

  “Coward.” She daintily took a bite.

  I couldn’t believe I’d taken my clothes off like that, let alone ate all the food he’d heaped on my plate. I’d never been comfortable naked around anyone, including myself. My hips were too wide, my stomach wasn’t flat, and my thighs touched in the middle. But Jared made me feel like I was beautiful.

  If I stopped to think about all the women he’d slept with, how he probably made them all feel special, I’d start to hyperventilate.

  “Spill it,” Jared demanded.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You say that every time you stall. You heard me.” He picked our plates up and put them in the sink, but then he didn’t come back and sit by me. He stood on the other side of the counter and stared me down.

  I inhaled and started with the obvious. “I know what you said earlier, but if I walk out the door, the lawsuit goes away.”

  “Not happening. The lawyer’s been called. He’ll deal with it. I’m done discussing that bullshit. Next issue.”

  I slipped his T-shirt over my head, not sure if I was impressed with his confidence or afraid of it. “I don’t understand… this.” I didn’t understand what was happening between us or how he knew I had more than one issue on my mind. I picked up my leggings and pulled them on. My core still humming from his touch, I ached for more of him, but I couldn’t look at him. If I did, I wouldn’t want to tell him the rest of what I was thinking.

  He stepped around the counter and got in my personal space. Lowering his voice to a deep cadence, he was all at once seductive and mesmerizing yet totally demanding. “Start talking.”

  I breathed in. “How do you do that?”

  “Do what?” he asked in the same voice.

  “That. Your tone. You make me want to tell you every thought I ever had, but at the same time, it’s demanding, like I don’t have a choice not to tell you, except I’m not sure I even care, because you’re focusing all your attention on me and it makes me feel….” I stopped myself.


  I exhaled. “Yes.”

  “You are. Now tell me why you were frowning when you were eating.”

  All of a sudden, I wasn’t standing in front of the demanding Jared, or even the angry Jared. This was a different side of him, but I couldn’t gauge it. I didn’t know what was going on. I’d only known this man hours. I was uncomfortable in a way that made my stomach flutter and breath catch, yet I was more relaxed than I’d ever been around any man. It was my excuse for asking what I asked next. “How many women have you been with?”

  “I’m not going to tell you that.”

  Oh God. It was because it was a lot. I knew this. I told myself I knew this. He was an escort, for goodness’ sake, but oh my God, this didn’t feel good. “More than a hundred?”

  He studied me for a moment. “Is the answer going to change how you feel?”

  I thought about that. Would it? Would I walk out that door if he’d slept with five hundred women? I would. I knew myself. I wouldn’t ever get past that. But a hundred? A hundred and fifty? Could I live with that? What was my threshold? I didn’t even know, because having this conversation was already so far past my comfort zone.

  So I told him the truth. “Yes.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “No.”

  A breath I didn’t know I was holding released from my lungs and my chest eased for two whole seconds before I started fixating on numbers. Fifty? Seventy-five? Was he lying? Could I trust him? Would I ever trust him? What would happen if his past came out and everyone at work knew I was dating a former male prostitute? What if Coach found out about his past? Would I lose my job? How long could I live off the little bit of money Daddy left me? Okay, I could live awhile if I was careful, but that wasn’t the point. Was Jared’s past even in the past? He’d had a client at his beck and call within minutes last night. Which, I mean, I got it, he was incredible. I didn’t know any woman who didn’t want exactly what I’d just had all afternoon. But still.


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