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Two Billionaires in Vegas: A Halloween MFM Romance (Love by Numbers Book 1)

Page 5

by Casey, Nicole

  Caleb ran his fingers along my arm. “It’s the job of the dom to listen to their sub, to be alert and attentive. The dom will plan a scene that matches the needs and limits of everyone involved. Got it?”

  I nodded. “I did some reading,” I admitted.

  “That’s good,” Jackson said. “That’s exactly what we like to hear. No one should go into a scene uninformed.”

  We talked about our sexual limits and things we didn’t like, and they asked me what I’d like to use as my safe word.

  “Magenta,” I said. It was my favorite color and something I wouldn’t forget.

  Jackson grinned. “I like that. Magenta.”

  We talked for a few more minutes about what would happen or could happen. I could tell they were both trying to keep me at ease. Though I’d never done anything like this before, I didn’t feel anxious, just nervous in the way I often was before I did something for the first time.

  “Are you ready?” Jackson asked. His breath was hot on my neck and sent goosebumps down my arms.

  I nodded.

  “Good,” Caleb said. “Then stand up and take off your dress.”

  Under normal circumstances, I would have yelled at or ignored a man telling me what to do, but not then. At that moment, excitement shot up my spine and I stood, turning around to face them.

  I grabbed the invisible zipper on the side of my dress and pulled it down, sliding the dress down my body. When it hit the ground, I stepped out of it, left in only my matching black lace lingerie.

  Like hawks, Caleb and Jackson watched every movement I made. Their eyes ran up and down my body, lingering on my breasts and hips. I didn’t know if I’d like two men looking at me at once, but their dual scrutiny absolutely thrilled me.

  After a moment, Jackson cleared his throat. “Go kneel on the mat.”

  The black mat covered a large section of the floor. I walked over to it and knelt in the middle, facing them. They simultaneously stood and walked over to me, my anticipation growing with each step they took.

  “This is the scene,” Jackson said. He began to slowly circle around me. “Erin, you’re my lawyer and you somehow managed to fumble every single indictment against me. As the judge, Caleb is disgusted by what a poor lawyer you are, and he’s going to punish you. Understand?”

  I nodded.

  “Say it,” Caleb said. His voice was deep, determined.

  “Yes, I understand,” I replied breathlessly.

  “Good,” Jackson said, finally coming to a stop. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, Judge Tredway? What do you think?”

  I watched Caleb’s face transform as he got into the scene, his face becoming dark. “Erin, please,” he began, sighing in frustration, “I just had to witness you fail your client during the trail over and over. It was the worst miscarriage of justice I’ve seen in my entire career.”

  He walked closer, stopping when he was right in front of me, and lightly touched my cheek with his fingertips. “Can you justify your poor performance?”

  I gulped and shook my head. “No, I have no defense,” I murmured.

  “Disappointing,” Caleb replied.

  All of a sudden, the hand that had just been resting on my cheek swung back and slapped me. I gasped in shock. It didn’t really hurt, but the suddenness of his action surprised me. But once I got past the initial shock, I found that I liked it. I liked kneeling before Caleb as he berated me and punished me for my misdeeds.

  Playing along, I cried, “I’m sorry!”

  “Hm,” Caleb said, his voice full of disbelief. “You overlooked evidence crucial to your client’s defense. There were witnesses you forgot to interview. Did you just not care about your client’s fate or are you just shitty lawyer?”

  I found myself really getting my role, into my need to make amends to the judge and my client. “I don’t know!” I yelled. “I don’t know!”

  Caleb’s quick hand smacked my other cheek. It hurt slightly more than the other side, but felt more exciting than painful.

  “Pathetic,” Caleb muttered.

  He leaned down, his face close to mine, and grabbed my chin with his hand. “I can’t even tell if you’re sorry or not.” His breath felt hot and jagged against my face.

  I didn’t reply.

  “Nothing to say?” he asked. When I kept silent, he hauled me to my feet and slung me over his shoulder. I watched as he sat back down on the couch and manhandled me onto his lap. I sat facing him, one leg slung over each side of his lap in a straddle. I felt just how hard he was and moaned, trying to roll my hips over his to feel him pressing into me.

  He noticed what I was attempting to do and grabbed my hips, stilling them.

  “You don’t have permission to do that,” he said, voice low and laced with menace. “You need to be punished.”

  I didn’t realize I was nodding until I was already doing it. Yes, I thought, please punish me! Please!

  Swallowing, I said, “I accept my punishment.”

  “Damn right you do,” Caleb replied, bringing his hand back and spanking me.

  A groan left my lips. This actually hurt, my skin tender and stinging, but it also felt good. He smacked my ass again, a third time, a fourth, and my skin screamed at the assault. I threw my head back and moaned before I grew weak and slumped forward onto Caleb.

  His arms wrapped around me, folding me into a hug, before he suddenly stood. Caleb’s arms were like a vice around my own and my feet didn’t touch the ground as he walked across the room. He thrust me away from him and I bumped into Jackson.

  Caleb panted as he said, “Your client sought grievances against you for your poor performance at court. I’ve awarded them.”

  “Hey sweetheart,” Jackson said, smirking down at me. He pressed a hard kiss to my lips and spun me around. He gently pulled both of my arms behind my back and began to wrap my wrists in rope.

  I let out a deep breath and closed my eyes. I expected to be scared of getting tied up because, in the past, I’ve always associated it with being hurt. But I wasn’t. I felt calm, ready.

  When Jackson was finished, I felt as if my wrists were bound in some sort of handcuffs made from rope. I tested it, feeling a little slack around my wrists. For safety, I recalled from my research. To prevent injury.

  Jackson stepped close to my back and laid his hands on my shoulders. “How are you going, sweetheart?” he whispered.

  “I’m good,” I rasped.

  “Water?” he asked.


  Caleb walked over and held a straw to my lips. Greedily, I drank. I had to force myself to stop so I didn’t have too much water in my stomach.

  “Alright,” Jackson said when I was done drinking, “I’m going to bend you over the spanking bench next.”

  I barely had time to process what he’d said before he maneuvered me over to a black piece of furniture I recognized from my research. He pushed my waist up to the bench and bent me over.

  I’ve had sex doggy style before and have had sex over the arm of a couch or table, but I’d never felt as exposed as I bent over the spanking bench. I even still had my panties on, but I may as well have been naked. There was something so vulnerable about being tied up and not able to see what was going to happen to me next.

  I heard rustling behind me and my anticipation grew. I wanted to turn around to see what was going on, but couldn’t. It killed me not to see what Jackson was about to do. Yet it was so thrilling being forced to wait.

  Something light traced down my spine and I shivered. It felt soft like feathers, the barest caress. My back arched as much as it could with the spanking bench beneath me, unconsciously moving away from the touch of feathers on my skin. It didn’t help. I couldn’t get away from the tickling sensation. Just when it became too much, I heard a crack.

  I didn’t realize the sound was from something hitting my skin until a sharp sting spread across one of my cheeks. Almost unable to believe how much I liked the sensation, I gasped. My unde
rwear were damp and I could feel the cold air against the wet spot.

  I had just enough time to catch my breath when I felt a smack against my other cheek. This time I threw my head back and cry out. I was forced to clench my inner thighs, needing the friction to abate my arousal.

  “Now, now,” Jackson said, obviously noticing what I was doing. I stopped, holding as still as possible until I felt his hand cup me between the legs. His hand was hot against my skin, hot like fire. I was unable to stop myself from grinding my pussy down on his hand, though he didn’t stop me this time. In fact, Jackson seemed to encourage it, slowly moving his hand over me, stroking me until I felt as if I’ll lose my mind.

  Abruptly, he stopped and pulled his hand away. I cried out in frustration. If he’d just kept it up, just kept touching me twenty more seconds, I would have cum.

  “Is something wrong, Erin?” he asked.

  I knew this was part of the game. Yes, I wanted to cum, but I also wanted this to last. “It’s perfect,” I managed to say.

  He replied, “That’s good, baby. That’s good.”

  He brought his hips to my ass, pressing his erection into my ass. Jesus, he was so damned hard. My need grew at the feel of him. I wanted it, I wanted him.

  “Please,” I moaned. “Please, Jackson.”

  He ground his hips into me. “Are you repentant?” he asked. “Are you sorry for not doing your job correctly?”

  What? I thought. Sorry? The only thing I was sorry about was the fact he wasn’t inside me yet. But then I remember the scene, how I was the lawyer that failed him. This torture was my punishment.

  “Yes, Jackson! Yes, I’m so sorry.”

  “Good,” he growled, and yanked my panties down my legs.

  I hissed as the cold air hit the wetness between my legs. I felt his fingers stroke down the center of my pussy, teasing me and making me squirm. Then, still teasing me, he leaned over and kissed me.

  Jackson’s tongue swiped at my lips and I opened them. His tongue flicked over mine, swirled around it and sucked on it. Just as his kiss started to make me dizzy, I felt him slide inside me.

  He had to be using two fingers to fuck into me because, although one would still feel good, it wouldn’t feel like that, that intoxicating sensation of feeling full from the inside out.

  Occasionally, his thumb would brush my clit, making everything feel like it was too much. Just when I didn’t think I could take much more, just when I felt like I needed to cum or I would die, Jackson broke our kiss. I tried to chase it, but he stayed out of my reach.

  Through my haze, I saw that he was again smirking at me. That’s when he slid a third finger inside my pussy and began playing with my clit in earnest.

  “It’s okay, Erin,” he whispered. “You can let go now. You can cum.”

  And just like that, I did. My orgasm hit me hard, whitening my vision as my body locked up and spasmed in waves. I couldn’t say how long it lasted, but it felt like an eternity.

  Even after the shockwaves subsided, Jackson continued to softly stroke inside me.

  The sensation was way too much. “I can’t take it anymore,” I whined.

  Jackson’s hand immediately stopped and so slowly, gently, he pulled out.

  He came over to crouch in front of me, gently stroking my cheek with his dry hand. “Hey,” he said, giving me the softest version of his smile I’d seen yet.

  “Hi,” I replied, trying to catch my breath.

  A minute or two passed and he asked, “Are you ready to get up?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” I said. Now that I was coming down, my arms felt uncomfortable.

  “I’m going to help you stand up, okay?” I nodded.

  I felt his hands slip under my body as he helped me stand. My legs were wobbly and I still had my heels on. Thankfully, Jackson held me in his arms.

  Caleb walked up with a blanket and together, they wrapped it around me and helped me to the couch. Caleb had my water ready for me. I eagerly sucked it down, still breathing hard. When I finished, Caleb put the bottle down on the coffee table.

  Both men sat close to me, their hard bodies reassuring as I came back down to earth. We sat in silence for at least five minutes until Jackson asked, “How was it?”

  I didn’t even need to think about it. I had a smile on my face when I replied, “It was good. Really good actually.”

  “We’re glad to hear that,” Caleb said. I saw the two of them look at each other over my head, and then he continued. “If you want to keep doing this over the next few days, it’s going to get more intense each time. You need to be ready for that.”

  “Okay,” I said. I felt determination spike through me despite my exhaustion. I wanted this to keep happening. “I can do it.”

  “There is just one thing we need to talk about before we can continue,” Jackson said. “Do you remember right at the end when you said it was too much?”

  “Sort of? Things were pretty hazy for me at that point,” I said honestly.

  “If that happens again, please don’t be afraid to use your safe word. That’s why we use one in BDSM,” Jackson explained. “If I hadn’t noticed how uncomfortable you were, I could have kept going and made it worse. That’s the last thing I want. Your safe word puts an immediate end to what’s happening. Okay?”

  I nodded. “Thanks for looking out for me as I explore this,” I said, giving him a small smile.

  After that, they helped me to a small bathroom attached to the private room. I quickly shower and get out to find a fresh outfit waiting for me, the clothes I came resting in a bag for me to take home.

  I stared at my reflection in the mirror while I combed my wet hair. I didn’t look any different, but I sure felt different. I felt free, liberated, like I’d just opened the gates to something new and precious in my life.

  I couldn’t wait to see what came next.


  That night, I slept more soundly than I could remember sleeping for a long time. I knew why. It was Erin, all Erin. There was just something incredibly compelling about her, something that drew me in. Getting to watch and experience with her this new journey in her life was invigorating.

  I wasn’t sure if it was the newness of everything with Erin or getting to introduce someone to something that helped me so much a few years ago, but I woke up feeling renewed, fresh. My mind felt clear and I had energy for once, enough energy that I decided to throw on some workout clothes and enter my home gym for the first time in weeks.

  It felt good to make my muscles burn as I went through my reps. I felt so good that, after I was finished lifting, I decided to ready the treadmill for a run.

  The music blasted as my feet slapped the machine. My body felt incredible, like I was useful again. I started to daydream about what it’d be like to see Erin again later, about what it would be like to feel her against me as I showed her things she never thought she could experience.

  I was in the midst of my daydream when Jackson appeared in the door. I jerked, so startled I nearly tripped. Thankfully, I managed to grab the bar to steady myself and lowered the speed.

  Jackson was already in the room, fiddling with the volume of the sound system.

  When it was silent, he turned to me and said, “I’m sorry man! I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”

  It was a weird sensation, getting startled while your adrenaline is already pumping, but I took it in stride. The treadmill came to a stop and stepped off, snatching my water bottle.

  “What’s up?” I asked, taking in the strange look on his face. He looked apprehensive about something.

  “I tried to call and text, but you didn’t answer,” he explained. “I wanted to warn you.”

  My eyebrows went up. “Warn me about what?” I asked, my eyes narrowing.

  But Jackson didn’t get the chance to say what he wanted to warn me about because three giant men burst into the room. They hooted and hollered and jumped around me, one of them grabbing me from behind and squeezing me aroun
d the middle. Another slapped me on the shoulder.

  They said something, but I couldn’t understand what it was because my mind was retreating into itself, searching for safety. I retreated to the fortress in my head, the one I went to when things started to feel too much, like they would boil over.

  Between the sound and the touching, my body was ready to fight, ready to protect myself from the onslaught of my enemy.

  I saw something in my field of vision, someone who grabbed me by the shoulders and dragged me away from the noise. A familiar scent filled my nostrils. Jackson, my mind supplied. It was Jackson. My eyes focused and I saw his face leaning towards me, a reassuring hand resting on each of my shoulders.

  His voice began to cut through the haze. “Caleb,” he said. “Caleb!” It sounded like I was underwater listening to someone yell at me from above.

  Jackson must have noticed me returning to myself because he asked, “Caleb, can you hear me?”

  I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but only a strange gurgle came out. So I nodded.

  “Good,” he said, smiling at me. “Good. You’re at home and you’re safe. You aren’t being attacked. Okay?”

  Jackson was something of a jokester, but he was never a liar. What he said had to be true. But then I remembered the yelling and the slapping and I wanted to dive back down to that place in my mind that kept me safe.

  Jackson must have noticed because he shook my shoulders a little, and said, “No, Caleb. You’re safe now. You’re at home and you’re safe.”

  He said it over and over like a chant. I began reciting it inside my head.

  I’m safe. I’m at home and I’m safe. I’m safe, I’m at home and I’m safe. No one is hurting me.

  The layers of fog began to peel themselves back and I started to recognize things besides just Jackson. I saw that I was in my exercise room and there were three other men in the room. I recognized them, knew them, though I couldn’t say who they were at that moment.

  Jackson saw me staring at the men and turned to them. “Could you three assholes get out of here for a minute? There’s a reason I told you to stay in the living room.”


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