Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1) Page 18

by BJ Wane

  "What is it?" Along with the individual bumps covering the object, the difference between it and the butt plug he had her use on and off this past week was a small round knob at the base. "It's shaped like the plug, but what's this knob for?"

  "That's the on and off switch. It's called an Ass Berrie because it's shaped like a berry and is the same deep pink." Nate lay on his side next to her and leaned his head on his propped hand, watching the vivid expressions crossing her face while she explored the new toy with delicate touches. Running his palm down her smooth, warm back, he palmed one plump cheek and squeezed, smiling when her eyes glazed over with arousal. "Christ, I love your ass, sugar. You're as small and delicate back here as you are everywhere else, yet still soft and round and so fucking malleable."

  Eve closed her eyes on a groan, lifting her hips to encourage his further exploration. Before meeting Nate, she never considered her butt an erogenous area, but he'd shown her numerous times, in numerous ways just how erotic and stimulating that part of her anatomy could be. She wasn't surprised when he slapped her buttock, but she still cried out with the painful pleasure it produced, a decadent sensation she never tired of experiencing. Tightening her hand around the new toy, she shuddered with the next smack, imagining the additional pleasure the vibrations from this plug would give her.

  "Nate." His name slipped past her lips on a moan as she laid her head on her hands and lifted her hips for the next blow. She held her breath against the sharper pain she knew was coming.

  Nate landed a hard swat to the middle of her ass, loving the vivid red splotch it left. "That's it, Eve, lift for me. Show me how much you want this, how much you want me."

  "I do, you know I do." She was unashamed of her answer to his demand, bracing for and then relishing the barrage of slaps that followed. Not giving her time to breathe let alone prepare between them now, he laid a volley of hard smacks on both cheeks, leaving no part of her ass untouched until her buttocks were a writhing mass of overheated, pulsating flesh. The arousal she experienced from the abuse was always the same, her pussy swelling with each painful smack, filling with moisture, preparing for the invasion of his cock.

  The snap of the crackling fire, the flesh meeting flesh slaps and her gasps of pleasure reverberated around her as she rapidly headed toward that place that gave her temporary relief from the darkness she couldn't otherwise escape from.

  Nate recognized the grinding of her pelvis against the floor as an attempt to put enough pressure to get herself off. Without pause, he switched from smacking to caressing, keeping her teetering and off balance. "Nice," he murmured, bending down to whisper in her ear. "As flaming hot and red as the fire." Slipping his hand between her reddened cheeks, he lightly grazed her anus before dipping between her puffy folds and finding her as wet and swollen as he knew he would. "You're almost ready for me."

  "Almost?" she asked incredulously. "If I were any readier, I wouldn't need you."

  Nate laughed at her peevish tone. She didn't like to be kept waiting, but that was too bad. "First," he said plucking the ass vibrator out of her hands, "I have to show you how this works."

  Eve lay her head back down, sucked in a deep breath when he spread her sore cheeks and she felt the small nozzle of the lube slipping into her anus followed by a liberal squirt of cool gel. Damn, even that gooey moisture felt good, she thought as her vagina responded with a spasm of fresh dampness and a clutch at his invading fingers. She didn't need him to tell her to take a deep breath when she felt the head of the toy breaching her back hole. Gasping at the slow intrusion and the odd feel of the bumps rubbing against the sensitive nerve endings of her rectum, she fisted her hands and bit her lip to keep from begging him to go faster, the dual assault of the butt toy and his probing fingers driving her right to the edge of climax.

  "Very good, sugar."

  Nate's praise came as he embedded the vibrator snugly in her ass, the small round knob the only part left out. He then pulled her hips up until she was on her knees, her face still buried in her folded arms. With a turn of the knob, her tight channel was enveloped with electrifying sensation.

  Eve didn't know what shocked her or aroused her more, the vibrating pulsations filling her ass or Nate's cock plunging into her pussy. With a tight grip on her hips, he fucked her with hard, deep strokes, his cock strategically ramming over and over that one spot guaranteed to ratchet her arousal. Her ass tightened spasmodically around the vibrator, the slight shift of the nubs against the thin membrane separating the two orifices sending pleasure rippling throughout her entire groin until she couldn't differentiate where it was coming from. Awash in sensation, the lower half of her body feeling stuffed and bombarded from his unrelenting, driving thrusts, Eve felt her body explode from the mind numbing invasion, the darkness once again receding with the blinding light of ecstasy.

  Nate tried to hold back a little longer, but when her vaginal walls clamped around his dick and he felt the simultaneous small clutches in her ass, he had no choice but to go with his body's demand for release. Reaching between her legs, he rooted out her clit and pressed the engorged piece of flesh against his pummeling cock, ensuring she was treated to another orgasm as he let go with his own.

  "Now you're almost ready for me to take your ass." Lifting her, he tossed her over his shoulder, his hand settling on her ass to caress her still warm flesh.

  Eve didn't need to see to know she was bobbing right above his ass and couldn't resist exploring his clenching buttocks as he strode up the stairs, telling him, "You're a lot bigger than that toy or the plug."

  "Stop that." Nate slapped her butt then fingered her still warm, still wet pussy. Her small hands running over his buttocks were too distracting. "You'll fit after you use the larger plug I have for you."

  "Oh, God, Nate, you're going to be the death of me," she moaned as he tossed her on her bed.

  "But what a way to go, sugar," he drawled, pinning her to the mattress and slipping into her pussy in one smooth stroke. And he would be right there with her, dying from the pleasure, he thought when her legs wrapped around his back, her heels digging into his ass as she surrounded him again with her wet heat.

  Nate had the Sunday paper he swiped from Carl's and Mark's porch spread out on the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in his hand when Eve finally came downstairs the next morning. "You look better," he told her bluntly, reaching for her mug and filling it. Putting it into her hands, he looked down into her well-rested face, glad to see the fatigue that had caused dark circles under her eyes had dissipated with eight full hours of sleep. "Getting a regular night's sleep agrees with you."

  "Either that or having my brains screwed out," she quipped, smiling up at him as she took a sip of coffee. "Thanks for being so patient this past week, Nate. Holly and I just had to catch up with each other. Now that we have, I'm sure we won't get together so much."

  "She wasn't happy that I insisted on spending this weekend with you." He may have been patient this past week, but it hadn't been easy, particularly when he saw the toll the late nights were taking on Eve. Unlike Holly, who was on a temporary hiatus from her job as a photojournalist, Eve still had to get up early every morning for work and put in a full day and was bringing work home with her. Holly's insistence on picking Eve up from work and wanting to spend the evenings with her this past week was annoying, to say the least, but Nate knew he was walking a fine line between the two women, a line he was hesitant to cross yet given how close they are and the recent six- month separation they just reunited from. Apparently, Holly thought nothing of expecting Eve to set aside her priorities for her, including him, something he let slide until yesterday. In the past month, he hadn't spent as many nights in a row in his own bed as he did this past week, and it didn't sit well with him. Eve didn't say so, but he could tell from her subdued tone over the phone that Holly hadn't been pleased she chose Nate over her to spend the weekend with.

  Eve set her cup down and wrapped her arms around Nate's broad, bare shoulders.
Wearing nothing but his shirt again, she could feel the rough denim of his jeans against her legs, their half-dressed state giving her ideas of how she wanted to spend the next hour before the guys arrived for brunch. Running her lips up the strong column of his neck, she whispered enticingly, "She was fine with it. Now, can't we… talk about something else?" She ran her tongue over his ear, enjoying the feel of his hands slipping under the shirt and clasping her buttocks as she rubbed her mound against the hard bulge between his legs.

  "Yo! Eve, you up?"

  "You were saying?" Nate asked dryly as Holly came breezing through the front door. It took effort on his part, but he thought he succeeded in keeping his irritation to himself until Eve tried to move away from him. He'd be damned if he'd let her shy away from what was between them, including his hands on her whenever and wherever he pleased. Giving her right cheek a stinging slap before grabbing that soft mound, he demanded lowly, "Stay put."

  Eve shivered at that dark, possessive and decidedly irritated voice and didn't hesitate to obey. She loved Holly like a sister, but spending this past week with her instead of Nate had shown Eve just how fully Nate had become a part of her life, just how much she would rather be with him than anyone else right now. Ignoring the blush she felt creeping up her neck, she turned her head towards Holly's voice, trying to keep her own irritation from showing.

  "Holly, I didn't think you were coming over today."

  Holly ignored the way her toss toward the sofa missed and her purse landed on the floor just as she tried to ignore the intimate scene neither of them seemed in a hurry to break from. "I wasn't, but then I got a yearning for something European and remembered Bistro Twenty Seven has that fabulous Mediterranean spread on Sundays. Let's go and I'll treat." It was difficult to ignore the way Nate continued to caress Eve's bare ass in front of her, as if it didn't matter if she was there or not. She didn't have a problem with public displays or exhibitionism; she had indulged in such activity more than once while in Europe. What she didn't like was the way Eve seemed so content with her lover. Not bothering to mask her annoyance, she sent Nate a sly look. "Or, better yet, your rich boyfriend can treat us both."

  Eve stiffened then curbed her anger before reminding her, "You know I have Sunday brunch with Mark and Carl, and now Nate." Pulling reluctantly away from Nate, she breathed a sigh of relief he let her go so easily. "You're more than welcome to join us. Why don't you come upstairs with me while I dress?"

  Holly followed Eve upstairs, perturbed by her attitude. She waited until her friend emerged from her closet dressed in jeans and a soft, green sweater that matched her eyes before asking, "What's with you?"

  "I didn't like how you put Nate on the spot. I'm not with him because he comes from money and you know it." Eve had been both pissed and mortified at Holly's callous remark and hoped Nate wouldn't take it personally.

  "Okay, I'm sorry and it won't happen again, but do we have to stick around here all day? Why don't we ditch the guys after brunch and go shopping?"

  "Holly," Eve said gently, rummaging in her dresser for a pair of socks, "I haven't been with Nate all week or seen Carl and Mark. I want to spend the afternoon with them."

  Holly frowned at her, rubbing absently at the headache she felt brewing. Damn it, this had never happened before. Whenever she returned home after a lengthy assignment, Eve was always there for her, eager to spend her spare time with her. "I saw exactly why you're with him. The guy's a hunk, I'll give you that, and it's obvious he's good at pushing all your buttons, but, Eve, honey, you need to be careful you don't get in too deep. Men like him don't stick, especially with women who come with baggage."

  "Thanks a lot." Eve's dry response let her know she took no offense at her comment as she sat on her bed and pulled on her socks. She was well aware of the baggage that came with dealing with her limitations on a daily basis. "But I'm going to enjoy him while I have him and that means spending as much time with him now as he wants. Now, are you joining us or not?"

  Holly could see there was no deterring her right now. She only hoped Eve wasn't too traumatized when Nate walked away. But just like always, she would be there for Eve when she needed her. "You know Carl and Mark don't like me," she reminded her.

  Eve sighed. "Just try to get along, Holly, please."

  Figuring she had no choice today, Holly gave in. It would be better than spending the day by herself or at her parents' house. "All right. Don't forget your glasses, hon," she said, spotting them on her dresser. "I think lust has made you forget how careful you need to be with your eyes."

  Eve's eyes had been very sensitive the first few months after her accident and her doctor suggested she wear glasses until she felt comfortable enough to go without them. Even though her doctor assured her she no longer needed them years ago, Holly couldn't be convinced it was safe for her to go without that shield. Not wanting to get into another argument, Eve took them from her and slipped them on without comment.

  "Something smells good," Nate remarked when Carl and Mark came in carrying a cloth covered dish.

  "Yeah, well, paper snatchers don't get any," Mark growled good-naturedly when he saw their newspaper lying on the counter. "But since we're glad to see you back, I'll make an exception this time." Unfortunately, neither he nor Carl had been happy to see Holly's car parked behind Nate's.

  Nate raised a brow at their identical looks of relief. "I was just giving Eve and Holly some alone time to get caught up with each other. I've told her, and you, I'm not going anywhere." The guys had been easier to convince of that than Eve had been and, now that Holly was back, he sensed it would become even more difficult to convince Eve of his intentions. She was as protective, if not more so, of Eve than the guys were.

  "Careful, Nate," Carl warned, setting another dish next to Mark's. "Too much alone time with Holly could spell the end of your relationship with Eve."

  "What the hell's that supposed to mean?"

  Carl glanced uneasily toward the stairs when they heard Eve and Holly coming back down. "You've only gotten as far as you have because Holly's been gone since you and Eve met. Eve's had dates set up before only to cancel them after spending time with Holly."

  Nate didn't give much credence to that statement, piling it with all the other suspicions the two men had about Eve's friend and once again put it down to jealousy. However, he couldn't help but frown when Eve came back down wearing her glasses again.

  "Bet she wasn't wearing them before Holly arrived."

  "Don't start," Nate warned Mark before striding over and picking up Holly's bag from the floor where Eve could trip over it. He had to admit, for someone who had been close to Eve both before and after her accident, Holly tended to be negligent about Eve's circumstances.

  "Is that manicotti I smell?" Eve asked with an exaggerated, appreciative sniff.

  "I know your favorites," Mark answered with a smile. "Carl also made a loaf of fresh bread and we stopped at Shyndigz Bakery."

  Nate grinned when Eve all but squealed and dashed to the counter to search for the bakery box. "Tell me you brought their strawberry almond cake," she demanded.

  "Would we tell you we went there without bringing you your favorite?" Carl's smile was indulgent as he ignored the glare Holly was giving both him and Mark.

  "Go watch your game," Eve instructed, eager to get the main course out of the way so she could dive into her favorite dessert. "Holly and I will serve."

  Eve remained in a good mood through two helpings of manicotti, but sitting next to Nate on the sofa and indulging in a large slice of her favorite cake, she could feel the undercurrents of displeasure between Holly and Mark and Carl, something she had been hoping to avoid.

  "Holly, why don't you tell the guys about Europe while I fix some tea? Your stories will fill in for half-time," she suggested as she stood and gathered the dessert plates. Giving Holly something to focus on instead of having to spend the afternoon with Carl and Mark, whom she had never warmed up to, might help lighten the tensio
n between the three of them. Thankfully, Nate's easy banter during the first half of the game helped everyone relax.

  Eve smiled, rinsing the dishes and listening to the animation in Holly's voice as she talked about her travels. She relaxed when Carl and Mark started asking her questions, showing an interest in the places she visited and the things she saw and did. They both made their displeasure known when she came downstairs with Holly, neither of them happy about her spending the afternoon with them. It hadn't taken long for them to accept and be pleased with Nate's presence and in the past few weeks, had enjoyed including him in their Sunday brunch. Of course, learning Nate was a fan of their favorite team went a long way towards that acceptance. Today's game was another close one, making it more intense and had worked as a good distraction during the tense dinner. It was only Holly they never had warmed up to.

  Frustration made her release a heavy sigh as her tea kettle whistled. Grabbing the handle with a hot pad, she carefully filled the two insulated mugs. The four people in the other room were the most important people in her life and Eve wanted them to get along. She had given up on Holly and the guys ever accepting each other completely, but had always hoped they would come around enough for them to get together on occasion.

  She enjoyed catching up with Holly this past week, thrilled she finished her assignment and returned home a few weeks early, but it dismayed her to discover how much she missed spending at least part of her day with Nate. Even with Holly around in the evenings, she missed hearing his voice and feeling his body next to hers all night. The late nights had been a drain on her, especially since she had to get up early even though Holly didn't. When Nate put his foot down, demanding she spend the weekend with him, she was both relieved and excited.


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