Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1)

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Blindsided (Virginia Bluebloods Book 1) Page 20

by BJ Wane

  "Relax, Dec. If I'm not mistaken, that's Eve coming in now and she's just as pretty as I remember."

  Fin's appreciative gaze lingered a tad too long for Nate's liking. Hauling himself up, he growled, "Mine, O'Dell. Back off."

  "Yeah, but you'll share when we get to the island, won't you?" Fin's look said he knew his friend well.

  "Yeah, but maybe not with you. Fuckin' A, Dec, did you have to gut me so hard?" Nate's good-natured grumbling with his friends was doing little to ease his instant reaction at seeing Eve settling between Holly and Katie on the bleachers with a bright smile on her face. His heart did that funny little roll again and all the blood in his body pooled south, making his dick push against his zipper painfully, the same reaction he got every time he saw her. If she wasn't willing to at least consider that their relationship had progressed to more than sex soon, he was going to go flipping ape shit.

  Having Holly around constantly hadn't helped his case. That woman seemed more distrustful of his motives and his feelings than Eve. At first, seeing how happy Eve was at Holly's return, he had been tolerant of the way she insisted on monopolizing Eve's time, but her interference this past weekend put an end to his patience. She was Eve's closest friend, and he would respect that, but he wouldn't let it interfere with his plans for Eve.

  "Quit being a wuss and tell us who the curvy brunette is with her." Wes tossed the ball to Nate while backing up.

  Nate caught it easily, replying, "That's Holly, Eve's friend who just returned stateside from a six-month photography gig in Europe. The two are close."

  "I wouldn't mind getting close to her. I like 'em soft and round."

  "Go for it, God knows that woman could use a firm hand." Maybe if Dec kept Holly busy as well as sated, she'd be less inclined to keep Nate from doing the same to Eve.

  "Oh, I do like the sound of that," Dec said, Nate's answer stirring his dominant nature.

  Nate kicked the ball toward Fin and Wes and the game was back on, but it didn't take him long to realize his heart and mind were more on playing with Eve instead of with his friends.

  "God, those men are hunks," Holly remarked, watching the four guys walk toward the bleachers, their sweatshirt sleeves pushed up to reveal muscular forearms. "No wonder you succumbed so easily, Eve. What I don't understand is why you want to limit your fun to just Nate. Hell, guys like them, both rich and panty wetting attractive don't come around that often and definitely don't stay for long."

  Eve, sitting between Katie and Holly, turned toward Katie and smiled, pretty sure Wes's girlfriend was remembering the evening the five of them spent in Wes's pool. "Gee, I wonder what Nate would think of me fucking one of his friends."

  "What do you care as long as you're having a good time?"

  Katie frowned at the other woman, not liking her attitude. Anyone could see Nate was crazy about Eve and, even though she wasn't as open about it as he was, it was obvious Eve cared about him. "Don't let Nate hear you say that," Katie warned, smiling at Wes. "That's one man you don't want as an enemy."

  "It doesn't matter because I'm very happy with Nate right now," Eve put in. She had enjoyed listening to the guys play, laughed at the way they cursed each other, cringed when their grunts followed the sound of impacting bodies and relished the hot need that rushed through her every time she heard Nate's voice or shifted her butt on the seat. If Holly knew how well Nate saw to fulfilling erotic fantasies she never knew she had and how much the exciting new adventures he treated her to brightened up her staid existence, she wouldn't suggest Eve attempt to move on to one of his friends.

  "I'm glad to hear that, sugar," Nate drawled, coming up to where the three of them sat on the bleachers in time to catch Eve's remark and wonder what precipitated it. Grabbing her hand, he hauled her up against him, removed her glasses and took her mouth in a deep, tongue probing kiss, unmindful of their audience.

  "You're going to get arrested if you go much further, mate," Fin drawled, sending a wink to Holly who was staring in consternation at the couple.

  "It might almost be worth it." Nate released her, slung his arm around her shoulders and he kept her close as he made introductions. "Holly, I see you've met Katie, and that's Wes she's glued to. These other two lugs are Fin and Dec, friends of mine."

  Holly shook Fin's hand first, avoiding his intense green-eyed look. For all his light-hearted mien, she sensed the auburn-haired friend was more astute than he let on. "It's nice to meet you," she told him before turning to Dec with a warm smile. "Dec." His hot palm matched his heated look, his eyes the color of quicksilver and blatantly assessing. Him she could work with. "I enjoyed watching your game."

  "We kicked ass, didn't we?" Dec didn't miss the shrewd look she gave him nor the interest in her dark eyes.

  "Don't let either of them fool you, Holly. The only ass kicking done was by Fin and I," Wes interjected. "I don't know about the rest of you, but there's a pizza with my name on it waiting for me at Vincenzo's. I might even share with you, Katie, since I'm in such a good mood and all."

  "Gee, thanks," Katie said dryly.

  "I'll pass tonight, thanks. I have plans for Eve," Nate announced.

  "You're ditching me?" Holly asked Eve sharply, her look conveying she was not happy with Nate's announcement.

  Seeing the irritation on Nate's face and the uncertainty on Eve's, Dec didn't hesitate to jump in. "You don't need them, Holly, not when you can join us. Ride with me and I'll bring you back to your car later."

  Holly shoved aside her irritation with difficulty. She recognized a golden opportunity when one presented itself, and Dec's invitation was a rich vein ready to be tapped. What better way to stay close to Eve and keep an eye out for her friend than by ingratiating herself with one of Nate's best friends? "Thanks. I just ate, but I'd love a beer with you all."

  "I'll talk to you later, Holly," Eve said as Nate turned them to go. Holly wasn't usually so eager to spend time with virtual strangers, but she was grateful for this uncharacteristic change. It was time Holly attempted to let others into her social circle. "Have fun."

  "I'm happy to see you're wearing slacks like I instructed, Eve. Did you also insert your plug before leaving school?" Nate asked her when they were out of earshot of the others.

  "Yes, and I have to tell you, that thing is extremely uncomfortable when sitting on wooden bleachers," she grumbled.

  Nate chuckled at her disgruntled look. "Poor baby. Let's see if you find this seat more comfortable." Taking her hand, he set it on the wide padded seat of his Harley.

  It took Eve a few minutes of exploration to discover it was a large motorcycle. "We're leaving on this? It'll be cold."

  "Put this on over your sweater and you'll be fine. When have I ever failed to warm you up?"

  Eve couldn't prevent a warm blush from creeping up her neck when she recalled all the ways Nate had heated her up. Excitement added to the clawing edginess that always took over her senses when she was with Nate and suddenly she couldn't wait to get astride his bike. "God, this feels good." She sighed when he enveloped her in a large leather jacket she assumed was his from the size and the distinctive lingering odor of his aftershave.

  Nate grinned down at her. His jacket dwarfed her small frame. It'd be easy to forget she was a thirty-year-old woman if those black slacks didn't mold her nice round ass to perfection. "There." he said when she was straddling the Harley and he had her feet braced on the runners. "Is that seat more comfortable?"

  Eve wiggled, smiling. "Much."

  "Hold still while I get your helmet on." After Nate donned his own helmet, he climbed on in front of her and revved up the powerful motor before flipping the switch to turn on the seat warmer. "That should also help keep you warm," he told her before instructing, "Hold tight, sugar."

  The vibration from the large motor took her by surprise as did the slowly warming seat. Between the vibrations, heat and butt plug, Eve's entire lower half pulsed with arousal within five minutes of taking off. Tightening her arms aroun
d his waist, she buried her face against his back, sucking in a deep breath when he picked up the speed. She had no idea where he was taking her, but as the cool night air whipped around her and he treated her to an exhilarating ride of turns, dips and momentum, she didn't care.

  Unlike their first slow horseback ride when she sat in front of him, surrounded by his muscled strength, this ride was fast, reckless with a touch of danger, and it was up to her to make of it what she will. Usually, she chilled easily, but she wasn't cold now despite the dropping temperature. Pressed against the heat of his body, sitting on the heated seat and bundled in his heavy jacket, she was burning up with lust, feeling light headed from the intoxicating feelings swarming through her.

  Pushing her hips closer to his, she rubbed her crotch against his ass, her nipples against his back. Neither effort was enough to ease the ache of her need, only enough to keep it throbbing for release. She felt Nate stiffen when she slid her cold hands under his sweatshirt and warmed them by rubbing up and down his chest and abdomen. She still marveled over the way his thick muscles bunched at her touch, how his springy hair and the ridges of his abdomen felt against her fingers. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined a man like Nate would be interested in her, let alone want to immerse himself so completely into her life.

  By the time he slowed the bike and came to a stop, she was more than ready for whatever he had in store for her. The sudden silence when he cut the engine told her they weren't in the city any longer and the colder nip to the air indicated they were at an elevated spot.

  Whipping off her helmet, she shook out her hair, grinning foolishly as she felt him slide off. "That was so fun, Nate!"

  Nate struggled to get his demanding cock under control as he took her helmet and helped her off. He could still feel her cold fingers running over his chest and stomach, her light caresses across his sensitive nipples more than enough to make those buds pucker into tight pinpoints. "I'm glad you liked it. I don't take the bike out much." The only illumination on this small hill that overlooked the city came from the full moon, but it was enough for him to distinguish the shape of her face. He slid his hands under her sweater to rub her bare back, bringing her flush with his body. "Turnabout's fair play," he said before taking her cool lips in a heated kiss.

  Eve moaned into his mouth, his cool hands on her bare skin doing nothing to douse the fire already raging in her body. She barely noticed when he unhooked her bra, but the feel of those hands coming around to cup her unfettered breasts caught her attention. "Nate," she groaned, "where are we?" With luck, it was somewhere where he could follow through with what he was starting.

  "On a small hill, a lookout spot off the highway," he told her as he shifted her in front of him while keeping his hands on her breasts. Pressing his cock against her ass, he looked over her head at the nighttime vista spread out before them. "I come up here sometimes when I need to be alone, when my memories of Leah haunt me and I need some open space around me."

  His deep voice sounded hushed against the silence of the night and Eve didn't know if her shiver was from that deep timber or from the cooler air. She could sympathize with his need to escape for a while when painful memories arose. She was about to ask him to describe it to her, but he beat her to it, kneading the soft mounds of her breasts as he spoke.

  "Above us, the sky is ink black against a small smattering of stars. And spread out below is Richmond lit up like a Christmas tree. In between, where we're standing, it's pitch black out here, almost as dark as I imagine your world is. This is the closest I could think of to match what you have to live with." Nate slid his right hand down her waist, deftly loosening her slacks enough to allow him easy access inside her panties. "Tonight, we'll share the dark together." He found her silky wet, as he knew he would, her newly shaved folds dewy soft as he explored every inch of her flesh.

  Eve's cry echoed around them when he slid two fingers inside her, burying them deep and pinching her left nipple with his other hand. Later she would think about his words, this place and his thoughtfulness, but right now she wanted to bask in the sensations he so expertly drew to a peak. "Nate, please," she begged when he pinched her clit then left her pussy before the first tremor of her climax could begin.

  "My way, Eve. You should know that by now." Nate pushed her slacks down to mid- thigh then pushed her sweater up before bending her over the bike's still warm seat. "That'll keep your breasts warm while I heat up your ass."

  Before she could complain about the cold, the lingering warmth in the seat seeped into her, her nipples aching pinpoints pulsing along with her empty pussy. She welcomed the heat of his first slap and the pleasure/pain that ensued. After a rapid volley of smacks, each one harder than the last, she was no longer cold. Her hot buttocks throbbed painfully, the pleasure so enveloping she wasn't aware of him removing the plug until a disturbing empty feeling caught her attention. Her anus throbbed along with her buttocks, making her clutch the seat tighter. Awash with sensation, she discovered she wanted more, needed something other than his hand slapping her tender skin. Shifting her hips, she whimpered, unable to express what she wanted.

  Nate palmed one hot cheek as he leaned over her, her frustration evident even in the dark. "What do you want, Eve. Tell me."

  Eve couldn't shy away from the guttural demand in his voice, but all she could think to say was, "More, Nate, I need more."

  "Good girl, sugar. I'm so fucking proud of you," he praised her before removing his belt, doubling it over and giving her what she asked for. The snap of leather against bare flesh resonated in the otherwise still, silent night, the dark and cold all but forgotten in the heated rush of pleasure filling both of them. That small gasp followed by that catch in her throat turned his hard cock to stone and Nate knew he wouldn't be able to hold out too long.

  Eve relished the fiery pain of each lash, embraced it with pleasure as it sent her to that place where nothing existed except the bright light of ecstasy. Her pussy throbbed along with her buttocks, aching to be filled just as her entire ass was aching now. A sharp blow across her thighs had her crying out, her sheath gushing for more. The next one hit the sensitive skin on the under curve of her ass and had her lifting for more. The cold air caressed her heated flesh, easing the burn but doing nothing to diminish the painful pleasure. Her next startled cry emerged as a high pitched squeak when the folded edge of his belt landed on the tender flesh of her pussy, the burn quick and fiery, ratcheting her need tenfold.

  "Please, Nate, fuck me now," she sobbed.

  Her whispered plea went straight to his cock and Nate couldn't ignore his body's demand any longer. Draping his belt next to her on the seat, he rubbed her ass, wishing he could see the fiery pink hue he knew was there. Moving between her cheeks, he grazed her tight hole before continuing down to tease her swollen labia while sheathing his cock in a lubed condom. "Your pussy seems to have an overabundance of moisture, sugar. I could use some of that."

  Eve was too busy enjoying the feel of him inside her again to pay attention to what he said until he left her still unfulfilled pussy and made a slow push past her tight sphincter with two damp fingers. Groaning, she buried her head in her hands, now knowing what he intended. "Nate," she protested softly, "you won't fit."

  "Have I let you down yet, Eve?" he demanded.

  It took less than a minute of contemplation to come up with an honest answer. "No, no you haven't."

  "Then trust me not to start now. Take a deep breath then let it out slowly as I push in." Spreading her cheeks with his thumbs, Nate had to feel his way to her anus. When the smooth head of his cock encountered her damp puckered orifice, it was a simple matter of pushing past her natural resistance until he was snugly embedded in her rectum. "Fuck but you're tight, even after using the plugs."

  "I can't believe you fit," she breathed in awe of the uncomfortable intrusion.

  "Easy," he soothed as he pulled half way out. "Breathe, Eve." When she inhaled he pushed back in. Confident she had the
rhythm, he moved a little faster, sweat running down his back as he struggled to make sure her first butt fuck was good for her. Slipping his right hand between her legs, he thrust into her pussy, giving her something else to concentrate on.

  Eve savored the dual intrusions into her orifices, his cock and fingers making each raw nerve come alive with acute sensation, igniting a sizzling fire from the smoldering embers burning hotter with each stroke. Within moments, she was lost in the spiraling pleasure of orgasm, her hips bucking against his now plunging cock and fingers. Her nipples abraded against the leather seat as her torso shifted with each pounding stroke, sending sparks of additional pleasure down to her crotch. She heard Nate groan, felt the quickening of his cock when he came, his pleasure enhancing hers in yet another new sexual adventure.


  Dec was pulling up next to Holly's car when she freed his cock, her warm, wet mouth engulfing his entire length making him slam on the brakes and brace himself for the sexual assault. Normally he didn't go for aggressive women; there was a reason he owned a small, private sex club; it was the perfect venue for him to indulge in his preference for dominate sex with unrestricted frequency. But, regardless of that twenty-year penchant, he was still a red-blooded guy, and it wasn't in him to turn down a blow job from an attractive woman, even if spending the last two hours in her company had shown she wasn't his type.

  "Jesus, you're good at this," he swore, her tongue swiping over his crest before dipping briefly into his slit and trailing down his rigid length in a slow caress. Fisting his hand in her dark hair, he helped guide her mouth to his sac, swore again when she suckled one ball with the expertise of experience. For all the pleasure her expert mouth was unleashing, there was something definitive missing from her efforts.

  And then it dawned on him. Holly was just going through the motions of giving head, applying her lips and tongue to his dick almost by rote. It became increasingly obvious she wasn't getting any pleasure from the act, which made him wonder why she insisted coming onto him while they were eating pizza, why she flirted shamelessly during the ride back to the park where they left her car, and why she wanted to do this in the first place. There was nothing headier than a woman who got pleasure from giving pleasure, but Holly's motive for this impromptu face fuck wasn't to please.


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