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Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy

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by Molly O'Hare

  Stumbling Into Him

  Molly O’Hare



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Also by Molly O’Hare

  About the Author

  Copyright 2018 Molly O’Hare

  ebook Edition License Notes

  All rights reserved. This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form. Stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means. This includes, but is not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied without prior consent of the author & publisher. All characters and towns are figments of the author’s imagination and bear no resemblance to any person living or deceased if there is any resemblance it is entirely coincidental.

  Cover model: iStock photo

  Cover art: Just Write. Creations

  Disclaimer: This title is intended for mature audiences due to adult situations and languages.

  Molly O’Hare


  First, I want to thank YOU. Seriously, thank you!

  Over the last few months I have met some amazingly supportive people in my life, and I couldn’t do this without any of them. I am a better writer because of all of you. I want to thank my husband, for always having my back. My friend, my editor, and one of my biggest supporters, Karen. To my friends that supported me when I thought no one would. I love you, CBFFL. To my KB tribe: You have helped me so much. I don’t know what I would do without any of you. I also want to thank Angela Verdenius. I am so honored to call her one of my good friends. I do not really know how to thank any of you other than offering to give you my undying love, which you already have. No take backs!

  And, just for good measure. Thank you again… Okay, now I’ll stop.

  Fooled you… one more time: Thank you! – Come on, this is me we are talking about. Did you really think I’d stop?


  I dedicate this story to all of you. You are beautiful. You are strong. You are a unicorn. Do not let anyone tell you any different. The world is a better place because you are in it.

  This story goes out to anyone who never felt good enough or looked down upon for any reason. As I said in my last novel, rock who you are. There is only one you out there, so you might as well enjoy every second of it!

  Stay awesome. Stay classy. And stay you!

  Chapter One

  “Watch out!”

  Holly Flanagan heard a commotion coming from the other side of the park. Ignoring the shouting, she bent over focusing on picking up her Corgi, Waffles, most recent deposit. With Holly’s track record, though, she should have known anyone yelling “watch out,” “take cover,” or “that’s about to fall” was directed at her. Even after years of being the spokesperson for “unlucky,” “klutzy,” and “clumsy” she still disregarded the shouting as she carried on with her dog parent duties.

  Before she could register what happened, she was knocked onto her back with a pain radiating from her mouth and nose.

  “Well, at least the sky is pretty today,” Holly mumbled as she tried to get her bearings. She reached for her mouth as she felt the pain start to spread.

  “Ma’am, are you okay?”

  Holly closed her eyes pondering that exact question. Was she okay? She’d just been hit with something in her mouth. She was pretty sure some part of her face, she didn’t know which part, but she was sure something was bleeding. Waffles started barking uncontrollably, and her head hurt. So, was she okay?

  Holly sighed. Yeah, she was fine. This was just another day for her, and so far, if being hit by an unknown projectile to the face was the worst thing that happened to her, she’d considered it a good day.

  Opening her eyes, she gasped. Above her, only a mere few inches from her face was by far, the most handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. He had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes that were richer than the ocean. His jaw was chiseled, with a light dusting of scruff, in the alpha male, I’m in charge here kind of way.

  Wonderful. Okay, let’s add embarrassing yourself in front of a Greek God to your lists of attributes for the day. Hey, it can only get better from here, right?

  She realized she was staring at him for what could have been considered too long. She quickly jerked her head forward trying to right herself. Unfortunately for her, she slammed her head right into the Greek God’s forehead.

  Freaking wonderful.

  Not only was her mouth hurting, her head now pounded.

  Absolutely freaking wonderful!

  “Shit,” she heard the Greek God say through the wave of pain coursing through her body. Taking the chance, she opened her eyes once more only to see her Adonis holding his own head. And, to make matters worse, Waffles started barking at her, then looked at his recent deposit still on the ground, and then back at her.

  “For the love of all things. I was trying to pick it up,” she mumbled taking her hand away from her mouth to deal with his majesty, Lord Waffles. However, the second her hand came into view she saw the blood and screamed.

  “Oh shit. Lady, you’re bleeding,” the Adonis said before reaching his hand out to grasp her mouth.

  “What happened?” she asked as panic started to course through her. Did she break her nose? Was she unconscious? Was she dying?

  The Adonis removed the hand that covered her mouth and tilted her chin back. He then gently held onto her jaw and slightly opened her mouth. “I was tossing the Frisbee with Ripley, and somehow it veered off course. I tried to warn you to watch out.”

  Typical. She groaned. Hot guy throws Frisbee. Said Frisbee hits me in the face. Hot guy then insinuates it’s my fault for not getting out of the way fast enough. I mean, I know I’m generally invisible to men like him, but, damn. You’d think these extra wide hips would make me more visible. Instead, invisible me is at fault for being in the firing line of a dang Frisbee. She glared at the Frisbee sitting next to her. Ignoring the object, she moved her attention back to the Adonis.

  Holly tried to speak, but he was still holding onto her jaw. “I can’t tell if it’s a busted lip or worse,” he said as he examined her.

  Holly ripped her face from his hand. She’d be able to tell if it was just a busted lip. She’d had enough of them from falling down, objects to the face, and even falling up the stairs. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the napkin she had stuffed in there from her soft pretzel. She blew off some stray salt and started feverishly wiping at her mouth.

  “Let me see,” he demanded, before taking one of the napkins from her hand. He started dabbing at her lips as well.

  Well, Holly. This is the most action you’ve had in months. And, if some hot guy who typically wouldn’t have paid any attention to someone like you, is all over you, you might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

  She turned her head to face him fully. Waffles, who was now crawling into her lap demanding attention, started to kiss the underside of her jaw.

  Why thank you, Waffles, for bringing the attention of my double chin to the Adonis. />
  “Thanks buddy for trying to help me clean up your mom,” the Adonis remarked before quickly abandoning his job of cleaning off the blood to pat Waffles on the head.

  “He’s not trying to help you,” she remarked. “He’s trying to remind me I still need to pick up his poop and then give him his treat.”

  “Shouldn’t your mom be the one getting the treat if she’s the one picking up your shit?” he asked the dog.

  Waffles, ever the one to argue, looked at the man whom now was sporting a mischievous grin, with the most judgmental side-eye he could muster. She had to give it to her dog, though, no one came between him and his treats.

  The Adonis once again pat Waffles on the head before moving back to Holly’s mouth dismissing the pups glare. “I think it’s just a busted lip, but, your front tooth…” he coughed while he looked away.

  “My front tooth?” Holly quickly ran her tongue along her front teeth. Sure enough, she felt a jagged piece. “Oh, crap.” She rapidly pulled her phone from her pocket and launched the front-facing camera.

  As soon as she saw her appearance, she jerked back. You’ve had better days, Holly. Ignoring her outward appearance, she hastily opened her mouth.

  “Oh no.”

  Staring back at her was a chipped front tooth along with a busted lip. Wonderful. Thank you so much, Universe. Thank you, so very much. She didn’t know whether she wanted to laugh or cry. Unlucky, clumsy, klutzy, Holly, strikes again, she thought.

  As her eyes flooded with tears, a sudden cold nose hit her arm distracting her. She looked to her left and saw one of the most beautifully colored gray and black Australian Shepherds she’d ever seen. Thankfully, her love of animals overrode any sadness and pain she was feeling. “Aren’t you a cutie?” she softly said.

  “That’s Ripley,” the Greek God chuckled deeply. “I’d thought you’d be more concerned about your mouth than a dog.”

  Ignoring him, she reached out to pet Ripley. “You’re so pretty.” Ripley must have agreed because she barked.

  “Ma’am, I’m not a human doctor, but I think we should pay more attention to your injuries instead of the dogs.”

  “Human doctor?” she mocked ignoring both of the pups, going back to her injuries. “As opposed to what, an alien doctor?”

  “I haven’t worked on any aliens that I know of, but I did neuter a cat named Alien once. Does that count?”

  Holly’s eyes widened. “Oh great, you’ve got a body of a Greek God, and now you’re also a vet. Which means you love animals. Freakin’ wonderful. You’re like the most perfect guy, and here I am on the sidewalk with blood pouring out of me with a chipped tooth.” She pushed Waffles off her lap and stood. “Please excuse me while I find a place to die of embarrassment.”

  A corner of his mouth lifted. “You’re funny.”

  “And you’re hot. So, we’ve now successfully established which groups we belong to.” Annoyed at herself more than anything she angrily started to stomp away from the Greek God.

  “Hey, wait up!”

  She hastily turned around. When she saw Waffles sitting at the foot of the Adonis, her eye started to twitch. Of course, her dog would betray her. “Waffles, come.” She pulled on the leash slightly, but Waffles wouldn’t move. “Lord Waffles, get your butt over here.”

  The man cocked his brow. “Lord Waffles?”

  “Yeah,” she answered. “He thinks, he’s a freakin’ king. Hence the “lord” and I love waffles.”

  The Adonis threw his head back in laughter before he bent and started to pet her dog. To make matters worse, the betraying Corgi rolled over onto his back asking for belly rubs. That’s it. No more treats for you! She glared at him.

  “Who’s a good boy?” the Adonis cooed. “You’ve got a weird name, but to each their own.”

  Holly’s eye began to twitch more vigorously. She started trudging back towards her bastard of a dog and the Greek God when her foot hit an invisible rock causing her to trip. Within a split second, she ended up falling right into the arms of the bane of her existence at the moment.

  “Whoa, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she grumbled as she righted herself. Go ahead and add this to the, “it can only happen to me” list.

  “I feel like you need to walk around with a warning or at least a crash helmet,” he joked.

  “Not the first time I’ve heard that,” she replied. Quickly she bent down and retrieved Waffles. “Well, if you’ll excuse me. Not only do I really need to find a secluded place to die of embarrassment, I also need to call my dentist, or go to the walk-in. Maybe both.” She turned on her heel and started power walking down the sidewalk. As she passed the spot she’d tripped at; she examined the cement. Figures, there’d be absolutely nothing there. If there were a sporting category on tripping over invisible objects she’d win gold twice over.

  “Hey,” she heard from behind her. She kept walking, doing her best to hide her humiliation and ignore the Greek God.

  Unfortunately, that was short lived. “Hey, I want to make sure you really are okay?” he asked when he caught up to her in two point three seconds. Stupid short legs!

  “I’m fine,” she said.

  “Your lip’s still bleeding pretty bad.”

  She glared at him. “Wonderful.”

  “Hey…” He reached for her arm stopping her escape.


  “Let me help you. My practice is only a block from here. I’ve got all the supplies to clean up your lip. I also can get a better look at your tooth.”

  “You’re a vet.” Her eyes started to twitch more.

  “I am pretty sure if I can surgically remove nuts from an animal I can look at your busted lip.” He shrugged.

  She couldn’t help but laugh. He did have a point.

  Sighing she looked at her Adonis. “Thank you for the offer….” She trailed off.

  “Ben. The names Ben Richman.” He held out his hand for her to shake.

  “Thanks for the offer Dr. Richman, but there is a walk-in clinic not far from where I live.”

  “Call me Ben. And, please let me do this. It will help me sleep at night knowing the woman I maimed with a Frisbee is somewhat okay.” She watched as his eyes widened pleading with her. Even Waffles who was still in her arms looked at her and whined. “Oh, for the love of… fine. Lead the way, Ben.”

  “Perfect.” His mouth curved into a smile. “Follow me.” He whistled loudly. Ripley was instantly by his side. Before they started their journey, he quickly bent down and fastened her leash.

  Holly started following the Adonis, Ben.

  She looked at Waffles who was enjoying being carried. “Guess you get an extra trip to the vet.” She burst out laughing when Waffles closed his mouth and glared at her.

  Chapter Two

  For some strange reason, Ben’s heart hadn’t stopped racing since the moment he saw the Frisbee head directly towards the lush woman bending over. Thankfully, his clinic was less than a five-minute walk from the park, but right now it somehow it felt like an eternity.

  He secretly glanced over his shoulder. The woman, whom he had yet to find out her name, held her Corgi in her arms all the while she seemed to be having a silent argument with the pup. He did his best to suppress his smirk. The two were perfectly suited for each other. While she was distracted, shooting death glares at Lord Waffles – seriously, who names their dog Lord Waffles? This time he did laugh. He looked at her lip. Fortunately, the laceration stopped bleeding. All that remained were dried blood elements on her chin.

  That didn’t distract from her beauty, though.

  She was absolutely stunning. If he had to guess, he’d say she was around five-foot-seven, maybe a little shorter. She also had long, dark brown hair, that’d been naturally highlighted by the sun. Her eyes were a deep shade of hunter green, a color he’d never seen before. He quickly flicked his eyes appreciatively over her body. Her curves went on for days, and that was exactly how he liked them. Ripe and full.r />
  The guy in him couldn’t stop his imagination from picturing his hands on her hips. Her breasts would overflow his palms nicely, and he was sure her ass would do the same. The moment he felt his lower half start to awaken, he scolded himself. Nice going, Ben. Could you be any more of a creep?

  “Stop glaring at me, Waffles.”

  He looked back towards her face before looking at the pup. These two were quite the pair. Her quick wit and funny demeanor were no match for the over opinionated Corgi.

  He smiled. A sense of humor and beautiful.


  “Hey, Doc. Ben, you got eyes on the side of your face? How do you even know where you’re walkin’ if you’re staring at Waffles and me the whole time?”


  “Just making sure you’re not still bleeding.”

  She quickly wiped the back of her hand against her mouth. “Am I?”

  “Not that I can tell.”

  “Good. How much farther do we have to walk?” She looked at Waffles. “He takes after his mama. Not the lightest.”

  Ben stopped walking, before turning towards her. His brows drew together.

  “What?” she asked.

  Did she just call herself fat?

  Before he could question her, she tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. “What the-“

  Ben’s instincts were right on the mark. In less than a second, he caught Waffles who was flying through the sky and was able to use his body to keep, the klutzy woman from falling onto her face once again.


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