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Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy

Page 14

by Molly O'Hare

  The kitten looked at both of them with disgrace and demanded to be placed on the floor. Once Ben placed him down, he took off running.

  After seeing Twitch was okay, she started breathing again.

  Turning back to her, Ben smiled. “Never a dull moment, is there?”

  “Never.” Standing, she reached for his hand which Ben gladly took. With confidence in her stride, Holly led him to the bedroom. As she walked through the hallway, she couldn’t help the feeling that spread through her. Before Ben, she would have never dared to be openly naked in front of a man. Especially, a man that looked like Ben.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Ben blindly following her as he refused to take his eyes off her ass. Seeing where his attention was focused, she did a little shimmy causing a loud groan to break free from him.

  The way he worshipped and loved her body sent another wave of confidence through her. If she’d known a sex god was all it took to skyrocket her self-esteem, she would have signed up for one years ago.

  She shook her ass once more, causing a louder groan to come from Ben.

  God, she loved him.

  Once they made it to the bedroom, Ben pulled on her hand making her swing back towards him. He effortlessly caught her in his arms. Reaching for her hips he lifted her, making her wrap her legs around his waist.

  Don’t mind if I do.

  Squeezing her ass, he ground her core against him. “Fuck, I can feel how hot you are through my jeans.”

  “Imagine how hot I’d feel if you took them off.” Tossing her onto the bed, Ben quickly removed his clothes. Within seconds he was on top of her, kissing his way up her body.

  Cupping her face in his hands, he looked her in the eyes. “I love you, Holly.”

  “I love you too, Ben.” And, she really did. At this point, she couldn’t see herself without him in her life.

  With one thrust, Ben pushed himself inside of her core.

  Rolling her eyes into the back of her head, she felt every movement of Ben’s hips as he plunged inside of her. Before she knew it, her walls clenched.

  The fullness of him, made her feel whole. More complete than she’d ever been.

  Ben’s thrusts increased as he reached between them and sought out her clit. Once he achieved his treasure, he pinched it before feverishly rubbing her nub. The electricity flowing through her body was enough to throw her over the edge one more time.

  Ben brought his lips to hers, where he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. He started to kiss her with such passion, she thought she would drown in it.

  Tearing his mouth from hers Ben rested his head in the crook of her neck as his movements became more erratic. “I can’t hold on.”

  “Don’t.” Her body ignited, even though she’d exploded more than once already. She could feel herself teetering on the edge once again.

  Ben thrust a few more times harder and deeper than before.

  With one last pinch to her clit, the stars behind her eyes erupted. Her body shook as Ben used all his force to move inside of her.

  “Come!” she yelled as her body quaked.

  Ben’s face contorted as she felt him empty himself deep inside of her.

  This was a feeling she never wanted to go without.

  Ben collapsed on top of her, his breathing heavy. He wrapped his right arm around her waist as he laid his head on her breast.

  Basking in her endorphins, she smiled.

  Her world sure as hell had become a whirlwind since Ben ran into her life. There was no doubt of that. But as she laid in his bed, with Ben resting his head on top of her in such an intimate embrace, she never wanted this to end.

  Her smile deepened when she realized Ben started tracing idle circles on her stomach. A stomach she so desperately tried to hide so many times in the past. But with Ben, she finally felt free enough to not be ashamed. This was her, take it or leave it, and if you didn’t like her or her size, you could see yourself out. Why? Because, she had Ben and that’s all she would ever need.

  Watching as he sprawled his palm across her stomach, she couldn’t help but imagine him doing the same thing as their baby grew inside of her.

  Wait a second!

  A baby? Their baby. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She never really thought about having kids before Ben, but now… Well, she can see herself excited by the idea.

  She squinted her eyes as she recalled his words from earlier. What did he mean he’d wrap me in bubble wrap?

  Swatting his hand from her belly, she glared at him. He instantly looked at her from where he laid on her chest. “Why’d you do that?” he asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

  “You will not wrap me in bubble wrap, now or never.”

  His brow rose, as the challenge swam in his features. “Wanna bet?”

  “Yeah, I wanna bet.” She tried pushing him off of her body to no avail.

  “Oh, Grace, how I love your feistiness.” His smug look made her eye start to twitch.

  “My feistiness is gonna punch you in the teeth.”

  “No,” he announced so sure of himself. “Your feistiness gets me hard.” He pounced on top of her. Kissing her with all his might. He maneuvered so he was between her legs once again.

  How was he hard again so soon? She didn’t have time to contemplate as he pushed himself inside of her once again. Their talk of babies and bubble wrap were going to have to wait until another time.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ben woke with Holly nestled on his chest. Ripley and Twitch slept at the foot of the bed, Lord Waffles, was on his back with his legs in the air. He had wedged his way between Ben’s legs, snoring.

  He huffed out a chuckle at the crazy dog.

  Ben couldn’t help the feeling of warmth that rushed through him. He wanted every morning to be exactly like this.

  Removing his eyes from the occupants of the bed, he looked around his room. Before he met Holly, he thought his house was enough. His bedroom used to be his sanctuary, but now, he realized it felt barren and cold.

  His eyes focused on the dresser where Holly’s overnight bag sat.

  Glancing around his room again, he had the urge to go to her bag and remove her belongings and place them around his room.

  The idea made adrenaline rush through his body, as his heart rate sped.

  That’s exactly what he needed in his house. He needed Holly, and her belongings here, on a permanent basis to make his house a home.

  “What’s got your heart racing?” Holly’s groggy voice sounded from his chest.

  “Morning, sleepy head.” He kissed the top of her head.

  “If your heart is racing ‘cause you’ve got a stiffy, I’m gonna need to take a rain check. You wore me out last night.”

  Ben barked out a laugh as he placed his hand under her chin, slightly pulling it upwards so he could kiss her lips.

  “Eww morning breath,” Holly said before pulling away.

  “Are you saying I have morning breath?” He lifted his brow.

  “No. I’m saying I probably have morning breath and I do not want to subject you to it. That shit is not all roses like they say in the movies or books.”

  “Noted.” Deciding to ignore her, though, he pulled her into a deep kiss. When he pulled away from her lips, he winked. “That’s what I think about your morning breath prejudice.”

  Rolling her eyes, she settled back into Ben’s side. “This is nice.”

  He couldn’t have agreed more. He kissed the top of her head once again. “Waffles sure thinks so.” The dog’s tongue hung out of his mouth, as he snored away.

  “That’s my boy.” Holly smiled. “Tongue out for days.”

  “That so?” Ben’s eyes lit with mischief causing Holly to punch him lightly on the chest.

  “You’ve got a one-track mind, mister.”

  “With you. Always.”

  She laughed before agreeing, “Me too.”

  “Do you have work today?” he asked, looking at his alarm c
lock. He didn’t have to be at the clinic until nine forty-five, and right now, the clock only read six-fifteen.

  “Yes, I work the morning shift from eight-thirty until three.” She started scooting away from him. “That reminds me, I’m gonna need to get a move on if I plan on walking Waffles, having a shower, and actually eating breakfast before I head to work.”

  “I have a backyard,” he announced. “I’ll let Waffles out, and you can hop in the shower while I make us some breakfast.”

  “That all sounds fine and dandy, but I have to head to my apartment first. I forgot to grab work clothes with all of the stress of everything that happened yesterday.”

  Ben didn’t like her response. Holly deserved every free moment she got. She shouldn’t have to worry about heading home to get clothes to be at work on time.

  He tilted his head to the side as he started to ponder her situation. The library was closer to her apartment and she did walk to and from work most days. But… fuck it. “Move in with me,” he suggested.

  “Excuse me?” she tripped as she tried to get out of the bed.

  “You heard me, Holly. Move in with me.” He gestured with his hand around the room. “Look how empty everything is.”

  She glared at him as her lips diminished into a thin line. “You want me to move in with you so your house doesn't look as sad?”

  “No, I mean yes.” He backpedaled. “No…damnit.”

  “Go shopping and buy some knick-knacks to fill the space.”

  “That’s not what I want.” He swiped his hand over his face. Use your adult words, Ben. Don’t fuck this up. Taking a deep breath, he started again, “I want your items in the empty spaces. I want to wake up every morning the same way I did today. I want Waffles pushing me out of bed every day demanding himself more room.” He looked into her eyes, smiling. “I want you.”

  Holly cocked her head to the side. “So, it’s not just my stuff you want?”

  The corner of his eyes crinkled as he smirked. “Why are you so stubborn?”

  “Most people don’t ask someone to move in with them by saying they need more stuff to fill the empty spaces.”

  He laughed at her upturned nose. “You have a point.”

  “I have a good point.”

  “What’s your answer?”

  Holly bit her bottom lip as she shrugged. “I don’t know, Ben. Don’t you think this is all going a little too fast? One moment you’re hitting me in the face with a Frisbee, and the next you’re asking me to move in with you.”

  Ben rolled his eyes. “I am not even going to dignify that with a response.” His words must not have registered because she continued, “And, what do you expect I do about work? I walk there every day. It’s the only exercise I get.”

  Ben lifted his brow. “I’m pretty sure our horizontal tango counts as exercise.”

  “It does not!”

  “It’s pretty physical.”

  “You’re such a man.”

  “And you love it.” He pulled the sheets from his body causing Waffles to growl at being covered.

  Ignoring the dog, he reached for his hardening dick, palming it. He winked. “You love it all.”

  Holly barked out a deep laugh before crawling onto the bed. “I don’t know if it makes me crazy or not, but I have some strange voice in the back of my head telling me to throw caution to the wind.”

  “Listen to it,” he said reaching for her.

  “What do I get out of it?”

  “Other than this?” He held the base of his hard-on.

  “You’re impossible.”

  Letting go of himself he maneuvered on the bed to be right next to her. “Say yes. You know you want to. Your apartment is tiny, and here we have a backyard for the dogs to play in. Twitch is already accustomed to his new home, and well… I want you here. All the time.”

  She sat on her knees before tapping her finger on her chin. “I don’t know.”

  “Grace,” he warned, which caused her to glare at him.

  “I’ll never move in with a bossy pants.”

  “Holly Flanagan, do not make me bend you over and spank your ass,” he said sternly.

  Quick as lightning she moved in to give him a quick kiss before pulling away. “Fine. I’ll move in.”

  After hearing the words and registering her trying to get away he pounced. He grabbed onto her waist flipping her under him. Straddling her legs, he started to kiss his way down her body.

  * * *

  Holly sat at her desk with a huge smile on her face. How could she not? After she agreed to move in with Ben, he’d thrown her onto her back and made her explode more times then she could count. She hoped living with him would mean many repeat performances exactly like this morning.

  Wow, I am really going to do it. I’m going to move in with Ben. Her mouth formed into a lopsided grin.

  “That is a look of a very satisfied woman,” Mildred announced coming from around the corner, which made Holly smirk.

  “I’m not all that surprised, though.”

  “What makes you say that?” Holly asked.

  “Do you really think that hunk of man meat would let you go? I knew once you told him about what happened he’d figure out what to do.” She pointed to Holly’s face. “He obviously did.”

  Holly nodded.

  “Here you are sitting at the job you’d thought you’d lose, after that wretched woman yesterday. I’d say Ben took care of everything.”

  “She was quite wretched, wasn’t she?” Holly agreed.

  “That she was. I may or may not have looked up how to place a Voodoo curse on her after you ran out of here.”

  Holly shook her head. “Only you, Mildred.”

  “Of course, only me. Who else is going to take care of my chickadee?”

  “I’m your chickadee?” Holly asked.

  “You’re like the daughter I never had.”

  Holly’s heart warmed. “That’s sweet, Mildred. I didn’t think you did sweet, more feisty and nosy.” She smirked. “But, I can honestly say, you’ve been like a mother figure to me too.”

  “Are you sure you don’t mean to say sister? Can’t you throw this old lady a bone and make me sound younger.”

  Holly laughed. “Sure.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  “Glad I can be of a service to you.”

  “That’s why I keep you around. Now, let me guess what put that smile on your face.”

  Holly shook her head with a laugh. “Have at it.”

  “After you bolted out of here like a bat out of hell, you smartly took my advice and ran right into your man’s arms, spilled your guts and then he informed you he’d take care of it and then nailed you on the closest wall.”

  “Does your husband know you talk like this?”

  “Where do you think I got it from?”

  “Mildred,” she said as her eyes gleamed. “I can truthfully say you’re wrong. I didn’t run into Ben’s arms. I went to my dad’s, and Ben just so happened to be there, get this? He was fixing the porch. Anyway, after a few crappy words on my part, he did say he would take care of it. He went right to his mother and gave her an ultimatum, but I must say you are correct on one part. Once he came home, he did nail me. More than once.

  “Get it girl!” Mildred threw her fist in the air.

  “And, once again after he asked me to move in with him this morning.”

  “You better have said yes, missy. So help me god, if you didn’t, I might be old but I will kick your butt from here all the way to Timbuktu.”

  Holly roared with laughter. “I said yes, you crazy old lady.”

  Mildred placed her hand over her heart. “Oh, thank God. I really didn’t want to have to hurt you.”

  “There you are!”

  Holly and Mildred snapped their heads to the front door.

  Holly’s stomach bottomed out when one angry Barbra Richman, started charging right towards them.

  Chapter Twenty

olly paled as her eyes widened beyond immeasurable belief. Her heart sped as her palms began to sweat. Quickly she glanced around the lobby as she tried to make sense of the situation. Why in the hell was Barbra here?

  The universe strikes again!

  Swallowing hard, Holly pulled her eyes back to Barbra. The look that stared back at her held nothing but pure hatred.

  Holly gulped as Barbra stormed towards them, her movements fast and precise.

  Before Barbra made it, Mildred took a step forward. “What do we owe the pleasure of seeing the devil so early?” Mildred remarked. “I didn’t think you came out during the day.” She tapped her chin looking to the side. “Oh wait, that’s vampires.”

  “This doesn't concern you, old woman,” Barbra sneered which caused Mildred’s eyebrow to skyrocket.

  “The heck you say.” Mildred shook her head. “What if you really are a vampire? I mean it would make sense, you seem to have a fondness for sucking the life out of people. I understand the vampire realm is on a need to know basis kind of thing, but if you really are a blood-sucking creature, I want to know.” She took out her pen and paper.

  Barbra spun to face her. “Keep talking, you old Crone, and watch what I can do to you.”

  Mildred crossed her arms over her chest, daring Barbra to do anything. “Sounds like a vampire to me.”

  Although Mildred always found a way to make any situation entertaining, Holly knew it was better to cut this off at the pass. Plus, Holly was absolutely done with Barbra and her antics. Time to finally put this psycho in her place. Holly stood with her hands on her hips, jutting her chin towards her target. “You can’t do anything, Barbra. You and I both know you can’t do shit. Why are you even here? After what Ben informed you about, I imagined you’d be long gone by now.” She shrugged. “Guess your freedom doesn't mean much to you.”

  Barbra’s glare turned to Holly as her nostrils flared and her lips thinned. “This is all your fault. If it weren’t for you and your meddling in my son’s life, he’d never have questioned me. It’s because of you everything is falling apart.”

  “I wasn’t the one that stole from the company.” Holly marched closer pointing her finger at Barbra’s chest. “You did all of this by yourself. Everything is falling apart because you’re a rotten human being. You cannot blame your actions on me.” Holly turned away moving back towards Mildred. “Besides, I’m not the one that killed your husband.”


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