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Stumbling Into Him_Romantic Comedy

Page 16

by Molly O'Hare

  Three hours later, a used fire extinguisher, and burnt chicken tenders was the outcome, Ben realized how dangerous Holly was in the kitchen. He made a deal with her. Ben would handle anything that involved any sort of cooking appliance and she would do anything else. He thought he’d made the right choice. How could she hurt herself or the house, making a sandwich or cutting vegetables?

  One emergency trip to his clinic later, where he stitched up her sliced finger, told him otherwise.

  Laughing at the memory, he shrugged his shoulders. Not everyone needed to know how to cook, and he could say for sure, whenever she tried, he found himself on some whirlwind ride. But, he wouldn’t change any of it.

  “There she goes again,” Henry said, as Holly threw the tennis ball in the air. When she ran after it along with the dogs, she tripped. Thankfully, she caught herself. “She’s definitely gotten good over the years of catching herself.”

  “I’ve witnessed it,” Ben agreed. “Remember when she brought the box of dishes from her apartment to the house? She tripped up the steps. Instead of falling and breaking everything in the box, she did some weird ninja movement where she spun around. She then ended up with her back on the side of the railing, her and the box unharmed.” He chuckled. He still didn’t know how she managed it, but she did. Even the other night, after she’d come hard from riding him. When she tried to dismount from his dick, her whole body shifted weird and she toppled off the bed. On the way down, though, she somehow grabbed every sheet to cushion her fall.

  He panicked at first that she’d hurt herself, but when he looked over the side of the bed, she laid there tangled in all the material, her hair a mess, and her face red. She hadn’t hurt herself, and more importantly, she had the biggest smile on her face that he’d ever seen. Holly took pride in knowing she was fast on her feet. When it came to her as she liked to put it, her “unlucky, clumsy award.”

  His smile widened. Yep, living with her had shown him just how resourceful and clumsy she truly was.

  Waffles started barking jarring him out of his thoughts. Sitting back on his heels he watched as Holly threw the ball.

  Life was perfect.

  After observing her for a few moments, he looked around the back of the house. All the while he made mental notes of his next handyman tasks he wanted to complete.

  “Ben, I want to talk to you about something,” Henry remarked.


  “I know you paid off the mortgage on the house, along with making my medical bills up-to-date. I wanted to make a deal of some sort.” Henry sat on the rocking chair as Ben worked on replacing a rotted piece of wood on the railing.

  “Henry, how many times are we going to have this conversation? You don’t need to pay me back in anyway.”

  “I know you keep saying that, but it doesn’t sit well with me that you paid all that money out of your own pocket.”

  Turning to face Henry, he sighed before rolling his eyes. It was almost the same exact conversation each time they’d end up alone. “I’m not taking any money from you.”

  “Why not?”

  Ben resigned himself before turning entirely to face Henry. “You don’t take money from family. That’s why. When I lost my dad, I never thought I would have a father figure or any type of parent in my life again. We all know how shitty Barbra was.” He shook his head. “When my dad died, I thought I was pretty much an orphan in a weird sort of way. I had no one to go to. My dad was the one who supported me. He did everything in his power to help me achieve my goals of owning my own veterinary practice. He was the one I turned to when I had trouble, or when I just needed some advice. He was always there for me, until he wasn’t. I know you aren’t my actual father, and I’m freakin’ grateful for that, or me sleeping with Holly would open up a whole new can of worms. But, in a comforting way, you’ve stepped into that father role that I knew I was missing, but never thought I’d get back.”

  Henry’s eyes widened. “Ben, I didn’t know.”

  “How could you? I’ve never said anything. Here’s the thing, Henry, you’re a good man. One of the best I have ever known. You’ve got integrity and a good heart. You care for everyone.”

  “Not your bitch of a mother.”

  Ben huffed out a laugh. “Point taken. Regardless, you’re my family. You, Holly, all the animals, and whoever else comes along. From here on out we have each other’s backs. Family takes care of family.”

  Henry’s eyes lit. “When you came into Holly’s life, I knew you were the one for her. You made her happy, and you took care of her. Since you’ve shown up, she hasn’t stopped smiling. The first day I met you, I knew you’d be good for her. That’s also the day, I first saw you as a son.”

  Well shit. Ben didn’t know what to say. Feelings and emotions were never his strong suit. Instead, he smiled at Henry. Words weren’t needed in this moment.

  Turning back to his task he settled into their silence. It felt good to have a “dad” again. Especially, one that reminded him so much of his own father.

  Another five minutes passed by until, Henry finally spoke, “I might not be okay with the fact you paid so much money, but I’ll stop bringing it up.”

  Ben laughed. “You can keep bringing it up if you want, but you’ll always get the same answer.”

  Scratching his fingers along his chin, Henry squinted his eyes. “Maybe I can make it up with an exchange. Whenever you and Holly want some free time, I want the pups.”

  A ridiculously broad smile appeared on Ben’s face. “Sounds like a deal to me.”

  “Good.” Henry sat back in his chair and watched as Holly played with the dogs.

  Hopefully, now they had come to a mutual understanding. Even though, Ben knew he hadn’t heard the last about the money, he at least hoped the mentioning of it would calm down.

  Pushing away the thoughts, Ben went back to work as Henry stared into the backyard watching Holly.

  A few minutes went by before Henry cleared his throat getting Ben’s attention. “I’m not going to be around forever, son,” he spoke softly, as he sat on his rocking chair. “Lord knows, after everything I’ve been through, I shouldn’t be here now… but, I know there is a reason why I am.”

  Focusing his full attention on Henry, he cocked his head to the side. “And what do you think that reason is?”

  Henry watched Holly as she moved through the backyard before he turned to Ben. That’s when Ben saw his eyes glossy with unshed tears. “To walk my little girl down the aisle to you.”

  * * *

  Holly tossed the ball again for Ripley and Waffles. She laughed when Waffles fell over himself running after the ball.

  Like mother, like son, she thought.

  After making sure Waffles didn’t hurt himself, she looked behind her. Ben and her father sat on the porch, much like they did every time they came over.

  The first couple of evenings, she’d sat with them as Ben worked on whatever project he was commissioned on for the time being. However, her idea of a good time did not include, her father nitpicking everything Ben touched. Nor, did it involve the dogs getting underfoot, and constantly worrying about them. Instead she made it a point to take the dogs into the yard and give them all some much needed exercise.

  She saw her father point to something Ben was fixing. Thankfully, Ben liked the guidance from Henry. He never once complained. Instead, he soaked up the knowledge and was grateful for it.

  The pride Holly saw on Ben’s face once a project was completed, would melt her heart. He’d always wait for her father’s approval of his work. Once he got the, “job well done, son,” he’d beam. Seeing Ben’s expression matched a child getting approval from a father. It only made her love him more.

  When a wet nose hit her leg, she looked down to see Ripley drop the ball at her feet. “You want me to throw it again, Pretty Girl?”

  Ripley barked while jumping around in circles, which made Waffles do the same. “Will you let your brother actually get the ball thi
s time?”

  “You know she won’t.”

  Holly turned to see her father making his way over to them.

  “What are you doing out here?” she asked before tossing the ball.

  “I wanted to come see you. I told Ben to finish up the handrail.”

  Holly looked at him sideways. “And you didn’t want to be there to guide him?”

  “Well,” Henry replied scratching his chin. “I may have also left him with his thoughts.”

  “And what thoughts are those?”

  “None of your concern, Pumpkin. Now, why don’t you drop the third degree and tell me how you are?” He gave her his lopsided smile.

  This time she really did look skeptical of her father. “What’s going on, Dad? You already know how I am.”

  “I know, Pumpkin. I just wanted to check on you. You've been living with that big oaf for a while now. I wanted to make sure everything was to your standards. Do I need to threaten Ben with my “I know people in the mafia” speech?”

  Holly lightly pushed her father’s shoulder. “No, you don’t.” She laughed shaking her head.

  “I could. You don’t know who I know.”

  Holly cocked her brow. “Seriously Dad, what’s this all about?”

  Henry smiled. “I’m happy for you, Pumpkin.”

  “I’m happy too, Dad.” Her smile matched his.

  Holly picked up the ball Ripley had placed at her feet and threw it. She started lightly jogging after the dogs as her father announced, “Good. Now, when can I get some grand babies?”

  Holly instantly tripped over an invisible rock before finding herself face first on the ground. She rolled onto her back before she pushed herself into the sitting position. When she focused, she saw Ben sprinting towards her while her father doubled over in laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Holly parked her car in the driveway of her and Ben’s home. Even though it had been over two months, she still couldn’t believe she lived with him. In a house, nonetheless. Once his mother was out of the picture, everything fell into place. The move was easy, minus a situation with burnt chicken tenders that was blown way out of proportion, if you asked her.

  All of her belongings felt right amongst Ben’s. It was like they were always meant to be. Also, Holly even started writing again. She didn’t quite know if she felt confident enough to actually publish a story, but she was having a good time writing.

  Walking towards the path to the front door, she noticed what looked like brown dog treats laying on the ground. Bending over she picked one up.

  “Why’s this here?”

  Looking ahead, she noticed more dog treats in a line leading up the front steps. “What the hell?”

  Instead of picking them up, she decided to follow the path curious as to what was going on. When she reached the front door, she opened it. The treats continued on a path into the living room. Throwing her belongings on the table by the door, she moved through the room to follow them. She froze when she reached the living room.

  In front of her, placed on the floor was a massive heart made out of dog treats. In the middle, stood Ben. At his side, Ripley waited patiently, while Waffles on the other hand, was munching on the right side of the heart. Slowly making his way around to all the treats.

  “Waffles,” Ben growled. “Get back into formation. We’ve practiced this for days!”

  Waffles reluctantly looked at Ben and then the treats. After one last longing look towards his goodies, he slowly padded next to Ben and plopped onto his butt with a huff.

  “Why are you such a piece of work?” Ben asked before scratching the little guy between the ears.

  Twitch not wanting to be left out, made his way to stand in between Ben’s legs, his head, twitching every few seconds.

  Holly’s hand flew to her mouth at the sight in front of her.

  Her family.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw lit candles and roses, scattered throughout the entire room. She looked at Ben, who presented her with a lopsided grin. She was transfixed entirely on him.

  “Hey baby,” Ben winked.


  As Holly took a step forward, he held out his hands. ”Stay right there.”

  Stopping her movements, she planted her feet. “What’s going on?”

  Ben cocked his head to the side as a chuckle escaped his lips. “Oh now, Grace, you and I both know what’s going on.”

  Her eyes widened.

  Ignoring her reaction, Ben lowered himself to his knee. Her heart quickened as she felt her insides shake. Is this really happening?

  Ben pulled out a tiny box from his pocket. Yep, this was happening. Her breath sped as she watched him.

  Ben opened it. That’s when she saw the ring.

  “Oh shit.”

  Ben chuckled deeply. “Only you, Grace.” Shaking his head, he cleared his throat. “Holly Flanagan, you came into my life like a tornado. One moment you were standing, the next you were on the ground with blood covering your face.”

  “Your fault,” she was quick to interject. His glare, however, stopped her from speaking further.

  “Yes, technically it was my fault, but don’t forget I did yell watch out. You just don’t have fast enough reaction skills.” He smirked. “Who knew your klutziness, and quick wit would turn me on?” He winked.

  “Jesus, Ben. Can you not be serious even at a time like this?” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “I am being serious. When I had you on the exam table looking at your tooth, I almost lost my shit. I wanted you then, just as bad as I want you now.”

  “Ben,” she warned.

  “Fine. I won’t mention how you get me harder than I’ve ever been in my life.” Her glare made him laugh. “But, it’s your love for animals that really sealed the deal. When you found out about Twitch, you were more concerned about the kitten than my ditching you.”

  “You didn’t ditch me, you were saving lives.”

  “And that right there, is another reason I fell in love with you. Grace, you complete me. After my dad died, I never was whole again. I walked around aimlessly just going through the motions, but when you brought hurricane Holly into the picture, I finally felt whole again. I felt right. You make me feel right.” He gestured around him. “We now live together in this home with our four-legged children. Holly, I hate to break this to you, but I think it’s about time we made it official. Waffles keeps telling all the other dogs, his mommy and daddy only live together but aren’t married.”

  She raised her brow. “Oh really, and what’s wrong with that? People can live together and not be married. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.”

  “I agree, there isn’t a thing wrong with it.” Ben laughed. “But, Waffles also let it slip he wanted to see his mommy in a beautiful white dress, and him in a tuxedo. In reality, though, I think he’s only pushing for us to get hitched, so that he can strut his stuff in a tux.”

  Holly looked at Waffles who’d sneakily made his way back to the edge of the heart where he started eating the dog treats again. “I wouldn't put it past him.”

  “And Ripley, wants to put on a doggie dress to match her mom.”

  She nodded. “Uh huh. And what do you want?”

  “I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. I want to fill this house with animals and kids. I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children, and my partner, for the rest of our lives.”

  Holly crossed her arms over her chest, with a smile. “And what do I get out of it?”


  Holly ran into his open arms making him fall onto his back. “Watch out for Twitch!” He pulled their cat from behind him and placed Twitch out of harm’s way. The look of annoyance on Twitch’s face had Holly biting back a laugh. Thankfully, Twitch had seen the danger coming towards him and moved out of the way on his own. That didn’t stop his judgmental glare shot their way, though.

  Once Holly saw Twitch make his way out of t
he room, she turned back towards Ben. She felt her cheeks start to hurt as she smiled. “I love you, Ben.”

  “Is that a yes?” he asked, his eyes hopeful as he stared at her.

  “You haven’t asked me anything, yet,” she said while kissing the side of his cheek.

  “So picky. Fine. Holly Flanagan, will you marry me? Will you put me and Waffles out of our misery and do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She tapped her index finger on her chin while looking away. “I’ll think about it.”

  Ben growled, before he rolled her onto her back, as she laughed. “I’ll give you something to think about. He started tickling her, showing zero mercy. When Holly started flailing around on the ground, the dog’s started to bark and play, running around them in circles.

  “Yes, Ben, yes.” She held her sides, trying to get him to stop tickling her. “I will marry you!”

  “I never had any doubt.” He finally stopped his ambush before he leaned in and kissed her.

  After a few seconds, Holly pulled away from Ben’s lips. She glanced at what remained of the dog treats on the floor. Waffles was on his belly crawling from treat to treat as he went around the heart eating. “Why the dog treats?” she asked, with a laugh as she saw Ripley doing the same on the other side.

  “I thought it was a perfect choice. We did, after all, meet in the dog park.” He kissed her neck. “Where you hit me in the face with a Frisbee.” Ben glared at her. “What? Don’t glare at me. You did!”

  He placed his hand behind her neck before bringing his lips to hers once more. “And I wouldn't have it any other way.”

  “Damn straight.”

  They laid on the floor laughing while the dogs cleaned up the treats. Holly looked around the room and smiled. This was exactly where she wanted to be.

  Pushing Ben off her, she moved herself onto her elbows, when she saw something that grabbed her attention. “Ben, why is there a baby gate around the cat tree?”

  Ben glared at Waffles, before answering, “Talk to your son.”

  “What do you mean talk to my son?”


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