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Runway Girl - Romance Short Story

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by Marion Francis

Runway Girl

  John Marion Francis (Author)

  Copyright ? 2009 John Marion Francis

  License Statement

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

  Chapter 1 - Get ready its Fashion Week in Paris!

  I am a free lance runway photographer for some of the top modeling houses in Europe. Its spring in Italy and the Italian fashion shows have been keeping me busy non-stop for the past month and I'm ready to spend a few days of R&R. I was putting away my camera equipment when I got a call from my agent and good friend Jennifer LeSalle.

  "Michael Hayden speaking" I said pressing the button on my blue tooth and continuing to put my equipment away.

  ?"Michael? It's Jennifer.?You got a minute? The familiar voice asked.?

  "Yeah, go ahead"?

  "I've got a hot project here in Paris and the client asked specifically for you.?Can I book you?"

  "You're gonna owe me Jennifer.?I was going to take a break and take my sail boat out for a week." I said looking at the picture of it on my blackberry.?

  "I know.?I'll make it up to you I promise.?The client has a new model and he wants you assigned to her for her runway portfolio shots."?

  "No problem.?Send me an email with the details and I'll see you in Paris .?Talk to you later." I hung up and took the last sip of my Merlot before finishing my packing.?

  Paris is the city of fashion, fine dining, and drop dead gorgeous women from around the world.?The fashion show Jennifer scheduled me for is the Mode A' Paris Haute Couture fashion week.?It's a fashion photographer's dream project.?All the top couture designers from around the world will be attending to display their latest designs using the top models from around the world.?The super wealthy, celebrities, and international buyers will be in attendance as well.

  I took an early morning flight to Paris. While fingering through the magazines in the back seat in front of me I came across a Vanity Fair.? The hottest new model Mishka Strova from Hungary is on the cover. She's tall, slender, with shoulder length jet black hair, deep brown eyes and single.?I flipped through the pages until I got to the article about her. She was discovered in Milan two years ago and has been moving up the hot model list.?This year she is in the top twenty most sought after in the world.?The article when on to say that she has penthouse apartments in Milan , Paris , and New York.?She's very private when not modeling, independent, wealthy, and doesn't date rich boys and that she's looking for a "well balanced regular guy that will appreciate and love her for who she is as a person, not as a super fashion model." ?

  I arrived in Paris in mid afternoon.?After I checked in and went up to my room, and made dinner reservations for Jennifer and me at Au Trou Gascon for eight o'clock to go over the details of the shoot.?It's one of my favorite restaurants and well off the beaten tourist track.?It's overseen by celebrated chef Alain Dutournier and his wife who runs the dining room. He does a refined take on the cuisine of Gascony -- a region renowned for its ham, foie gras, lamb, and duck. Most popular with the regulars are the surprisingly light cassoulet (all the meats are grilled before going into the pot) and a superb duck comfit.?

  I went down to the lobby and out to the street to wait for Jennifer to pick me up for dinner.?The night is calm and the city is bustling with fashion industry people.?I heard my name being called as I was watching for Jennifer's car.?

  "Michael, Michael, over here".?Its Paul LaGassi a top couture designer from New York and a very good friend of mine waving at me from across the street.?

  "Hey Paul you here for the show?" I shouted back.?He crossed the street and came over to me.?

  "Yeah, I have some pieces I'll be showing.?I am fitting the new hot model Mishka Strova" he said pointing at a picture of her in a magazine featuring one of his pieces.?

  "Get out!?I am doing her runway photo shoot all this week." I said with a big smile then gave him a high five.?

  "Man, she is gorgeous and has a body like a dream goddess.?My dresses are fitting her like a glove.?I can't wait to see her in them on the runaway." He said looking at the magazine again.?I could see Jennifer's Mercedes coming down the block towards us.?

  "Here's my ride.?Call me tomorrow.?You got my number" I said waiving at Jennifer and stepping off the curb.?

  "Okay, talk to you later" he said waving and walking back across the street. ?

  Chapter 2 - Day 1 at the Fashion Show?

  After having a caf? latte and breakfast pastry, Jennifer picked me up at 9 am and we headed to the fashion show.?We arrived at the Couture Fashion Show Palace where the fashion show is being held.?Models, designers, stylist and prop people were moving about with a precision flare.?

  "Let's move faster people, we only have four hours until show!" shouted one of the coordinators clapping his hands behind the models and stage hands.?

  "Jennifer, over here darling" came a voice over the moving crowd.?A tall gentleman in a dark Armani suit with a bright pink polka dot silk tie was motioning for us to come over to where he was.??

  "Hello Jeffrey.?How are you?" said Jennifer as they both cheek kissed each other.?

  "Fine darling, just fine. You know this show is nearly driving me crazy!" he said fanning himself with his matching pink and black custom hand made fan.?

  "It looks like it.?Jeffery, this is Michael Hayden my photographer.?He's photographing the new model Mishka Strova for Victor Sheldon" said Jennifer picking up a glass of Mimosa champagne from a passing waiter. ?

  "Walk with me honey" said Jeffrey.?"Mishka Strova?" Jeffery said with an arched brow "She is so hot now and the girl looks good in anything she puts on!?Michael, you will be the envy of the photo gang on the runway ramp" Jeffrey said sipping his champagne and pointing at me with hand fan.

  "Follow me and I'll get you two all setup with your seat and full access passes" he continued as we followed him to his office.??

  Everyone greeted and complemented Jeffery as we strolled down the hall to his office.?He clearly is the shaker and mover of the fashion show industry.?He seemed like the type of person that if he likes you, you're in good company.?If he doesn't, then you might as well pack up and go home.?

  "Here you go, one for you and one for you, now call me if you have any trouble Jen, you have my number.?I'll be around, so don't be shy.?Michael, it was a pleasure and let me know when you have an opening in your schedule for a photo session for me.?I need to update my portfolio" said Jeffery handing me my passes.?

  "Thank you, just call Jennifer and she'll setup an appointment for you. It will be my pleasure" I said slipping the lanyard over my head with the passes dangling.?

  We headed out of his office and went to the main floor near the runway to check where our seats were.?Jennifer looked at me with a big smile.

  "You don't know how lucky you are to be selected to do his photos. He is one of the most powerful people in the industry and when he talks, everybody listens.?You are on his good list!" she said. I looped my arm under hers.

  "Well I guess we're even on that favor you owe me."?

  Our seats couldn't have been more perfect.?One third of the length down the runway and on the front row!?I took out my camera and panned it a couple of times to get a feel for my shots.?

  "This is perfect Jennifer, absolutely perfect" I said clicking off a few blank shots

  "Well, nothing but the best for the best" said Jennifer sitting down and scrolling through her email on her blackberry.?"I got to make a call Michael, I'll be a minute" she said standing up walking a few feet away.?

  "Okay, I'll just hang out here" I said adjusting my lens.?

  I saw Jeffery giving some instructions to one of his many legions of help.?I decided to take some candid moment shots figuring it would flatter him to see himself in action.?He looked up, saw me and came over.?

  "Michael, you are creative, candid shots, I love it.?Please take more throughout the week." He said fanning himself with his hand fan.?

  "I will. I think it would be good to show the working side of you so your clients can connect to you and your work" I said putting in a new flash memory stick.

  "Excellent, simply excellent darling.?Well it seems you're just in time, here come the girls for a test walk" said Jeffery pointing at the curtain with his fan.

  ?Chapter 3 - At last - - Mishka Strova?

  Just then a string of beautiful models came out onto the runway strutting like Egyptian Queens.?As I watched them one by one come out to the end of the runway stop and turn on a dime, Mishka Strova stepped out from the curtains.?I was spellbound.?My mouth was open as I watch her slowly strut across the stage in long fluid strides.?Her legs were long and perfectly formed.?Her hips swayed in perfect modeling form with her slender arms.?Her eyes were like emeralds and her smile soft and innocent.?I poised my camera up at her and focused her perfect body in my lens.?I snapped shots in unison with her steps.?She stopped in front of me, looked down, smiled, waved with her left hand, and then pivoted away.

  ?"You can close your mouth now honey" said Jeffery tapping my forearm with his fan.?

  "I told you, she is as beautiful as a dozen pink tulips. I'll see you two later darling" he smirked and began to walk away to meet with some arriving designers.

  "So you got to meet your girl" said Jennifer watching the spellbound look on my face fade away.?

  "Yeah and she is one beautiful woman and I mean beautiful" I said still staring at her perfect apple bottom swishing away from my sight and dissolving into the curtains.?

  "Well we have a meet and greet with Victor Sheldon in half and hour, so stay close by.?I have some more calls to make and some clients to chat up" said Jennifer checking her blackberry.?

  "Okay, I'm going to stay here and check lighting and shot angles.?Call me if things change" I said looking through my lens at the stage clicking off some shots.?


  I was looking in my camera case for my wide angle lens when I heard a soft female voice from over my shoulder,

  "You are Michael, yes?" said the soft voice.?

  "Yes" I murmured back as I found the lens and began connecting it to my camera then stood up to see who is talking to me.?

  "Hi, I am Mishka Strova. Are you photographing me today?" she said looking intently into my eyes.?

  I was stunned.?There she was standing right before me like a gorgeous genie that popped out of a bottle in a pink plum of smoke with a soft gaze that melted me.?

  "Ah, yes I am, I will be here all day, yes I'll be photographing you" I struggled and stammered to answer her.?She broke into small smile.?

  "Good. I am pleased to be meeting you Michael.?Victor my designer told me about you and your work. I am sure you will be making beautiful photographs of me" she said in the cutest broken English laced with a soft Hungarian accent.?

  "I'll do my best Mishka" I said with a bashful smile.?

  "Okay, I will be seeing you around then, yes?" she said walking backwards then turning away.?

  My heart is pounding as I watched her walk away.?I am surrounded by beautiful women all the time in my line of work, but Mishka just rocked my world.?Everything about her shook me to my core.?It's going to be a long week and I am getting paid to look at her and take her picture.?It doesn't get any better than this I thought to myself.?I took some more pictures and did some light testing before putting away my camera.?I checked my watch.?It was getting close to meeting time with Victor and Jennifer. Now that I met Mishka up close, I can now somewhat talk intelligently to Victor about his star model.?

  Chapter 4 - "Take good pictures of my Mishka"

  Jennifer and I went to meet with Mishka's agent Victor Sheldon to discuss the photos he wants for her portfolio and website.?We arrived at his private modeling suite promptly at 11:30am.?

  "Come in, come in my friends" said Victor in a slightly heavy Swedish accent putting out a cigarette while blowing out his last puff of smoke.?

  "Good to see you.?Victor this is Michael Hayden the man with the magic lens" said Jennifer extending her hand to Victor.?

  "Ahhh, Mr. Hayden.?So good for to be seeing you, please sit down you two" he said with a bright smile pouring himself a shot glass of Vodka.?

  "Please be my guest, this is the best Vodka from my homeland" he said setting out two more shot glasses. I followed Jennifer's lead on this one.?

  "Thank you Victor, to Mishka" she said raising her glass.?I followed suit, "To Mishka", I said raising my glass.?We all toasted our glasses.?I must say it was very smooth and mellow.?

  "So, Mr. Hayden, have you been to the runway area for to see where you will be sitting yet?" asked Victor.?

  "Yes we have.?Jeffrey set us up with our passes and seating assignments.?I must say, I have a great position for taking pictures of Mishka.?I met her shortly after her test walk" I said still feeling the smooth silky Vodka caress my throat.?

  "Ahhh good Mr. Hayden, you have seen her, she is very, very beautiful yes!" he asked arching is brow and leaning back in his chair.?

  "Yes Victor, no doubt she is a knock out" I said.?

  "Yes, yes, she is beautiful knock out.?I told Jeffery I wanted you to have the best seat and position for taking photographs" he said lighting another cigarette.?

  "Do you mind if I smoke?" he asked realizing that we are not smokers.?

  "No, go ahead Victor" said Jennifer.?

  "Thank you for your understanding.?I know this is bad habit.?Mishka hates it when I smoke.?She is always getting on to me about it.?Perhaps one day I will stop" he said taking another drag.?

  "I am having private cocktail and dinner party at my suite after the show tonight, you will come yes?" said Victor taking his last drag of his cigarette before putting it out.?

  "But of course Victor, I will be there" said Jennifer standing and shaking his hand.?

  "Very good and you to Mr. Hayden?" he asked while shaking my hand.?

  "Yes I will.?I will be looking forward to it Victor" I said releasing his hand.?

  "Good, I will see you later at the runway and thank you again for coming by" he said opening the door for us.?

  "Thank you Victor.?See you later" said Jennifer as we walked out.

  Chapter 5 ~ The Fashion Show - Day 1

  Cocktails were traveling around on palm supported platters drifting from guest to guest like honey bees pollinating flowers in spring.?Everyone is dressed to the nines.?It was twenty minutes until show time when we got to our seats.?I got out my camera gear and setup for my first round of photos.?Victor is two seats down from us smoking a cigarette and sipping his vodka.?

  "I'll be right back" said Jennifer looking intently at her Black Berry.?"Okay" I said setting up my tripod. A waiter approached me with a silver platter lowering it towards me as he got closer.?

  "Michael Hayden?" he asked in a professional butler voice.?

  "Yes, I am Michael" I said looking up.?

  "For you sir" he said extending the silver platter.?On it were three tulips tied together with lace and a note.?

  "Thank you" I said handing him a five dollar tip.?It was addressed from Mishka.?I opened the partially sealed envelope.?

  "I am wishing good luck for you today Michael.?I look forward for to seeing you tonight at Victors party.?Always, Mishka Strova."?I was speechless.?I broke into a big smile.?I couldn't believe my eyes.?

  Her words
lay delicately in my hands as I read them again.?I looked up at the stage and scanned it starting from the far left.?There she was peeking out looking right at me.?I raised the tulips and note card up to her and mouthed "Me too" with a smile.?She smiled and faded into the curtains.

  "Well, well, where did those come from?" asked Jennifer with a "I bet I know" smile.?

  "A secret admirer" I said putting the note into my camera case.?

  "Well, it seems as though you're getting off to a good start.?Can you stay focused enough to pull off your first day?" she asked knowing the answer.?

  "As sharp as cupid's arrow" I said turning on my flash and focusing my camera at mid stage.

  The lights went low as a plum of white smoke creped across the stage.?Purple and pink lights danced through the plum of smoke.?A big flash of magician powder burst at the tip of the stage then out came Prince playing "Let's go crazy" (the theme of the first day of the fashion show).?The place roared with cheering guest clapping their hands and dancing as Prince performed live like it was his first time on stage.?It was a fantastic opening.?I took pictures of him in his usual awesome presences.? After his performance the lights went low again.?The stage is softly lit with plums of smoke hovering like a morning mist.?

  "Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. Jeffery Ashton" said a low slow deep voice.?A spot light slowly pierced through the cloud filled stage and made its way to the center of the stage.?There in all his glory stood Jeffery in a solid purple suit with a pink satin shirt and matching signature poke a dot tie and hand fan.?He is stunning.?The crowd burst into a loud applause as he stood taking it all in.?I started taking pictures of him as he stood in his Bill Blass couture suite.

  "Thank you, thank you.?You are all too kind" he started. ?"Welcome to the first day of our annual spring fashion show.?I guarantee you will be as stunned as I am over the next few days at the fashions that these wonderful top designers have in store for you.?And now without further a due, the fashion show is officially opened" he said fanning him self and cheek kissing Prince who started playing Let's go crazy again.

  The first models began to come out and strut across the stage.?They looked like a string of the world's most expensive pearls as they come out one by one.?Thirty minutes had passed by until the lights went dim again.?Andre Bocelli music began to play (Canto Della Terra).?The crowd is quite and intently watching the stage.?


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