Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Stormy Glenn

  The muscles in his shoulders tensed, and his hands fisted. Logan could feel the tension pass throughout his body as his wolf prepared to fight for their mate. The hair on the back of his neck stood up. Logan had an overwhelming urge to tear into who ever belonged to the hand that was on the man that he suddenly considered his.

  Moving swiftly through the crowd, Logan made his way to the middle of the clearing where several people were dancing. He could see the black haired man struggling against a much larger man in leather, his small fists beating against the man holding him.

  Logan growled again. This time he didn’t try to suppress his roar. Instead, he let it have free reign, getting louder as he quickly covered the ground between him and the object of his desires. The crowd of people between them parted in panic, clearing the way for Logan.

  He grabbed the larger man around the throat with one hand and held him suspended several inches above the ground. With his other hand, he grabbed the arm of the smaller man and pulled him close to his side and safety.

  “Mine!” Logan growled at the man he held by the throat. Even as he fought to control the wolf inside fighting to get out and rip the man to shreds, the softest, most delicious scent he had ever smelled wafted through the air.

  “We were just dancing,” the man choked out.

  His words dragged Logan from his longing for more of the wonderful smell. He had never scented anything so fantastic, so arousing, in his life. His wolf roared again, clawing at Logan’s insides to get out.

  “I never agreed to dance with you,” the small man at Logan’s side shouted.

  Logan hid his smile when the little man’s hands curled into fists and he went for the man in Logan’s grip. Seems his little mate had a temper.

  “He’s mine,” Logan said. He frowned in surprise, and just a bit of confusion, when the man laughed harshly.

  “You’ll regret that decision.” The man’s sinister eyes turned to look down at the small man pinned against Logan’s side. “Love’s human. He can’t be trusted. Pretty boys like him never can.”

  Logan glared at the slimy man for a moment then tossed him several feet away. “Leave,” he said as he watched the man climb to his feet. He watched until the man ran from sight before looking down at Love.

  Love’s deep blue eyes were wide, making them look enormous against his face. His entire body trembled. His hands gripped Logan’s arm with white fingers. Logan could smell the fear and anger rolling off of Love in great waves, but the man continued to glare after his assailant.

  “You’re safe now, Love,” Logan said as softly as his rough whiskey voice would allow. Logan nearly fell over in shock when Love pushed away from him only to glare up, his eyes shooting flames.

  “I didn’t need your help,” Love said as he repositioned the fake wolf ears on top of his head. “I could have gotten away from dick head just fine on my own.”

  “Dick head?” Logan asked. One dark eyebrow shot up and a small smirk moved across his lips. He couldn’t help but chuckle when Love rolled his eyes. The man was simply intriguing.

  Chapter 2

  “Yes, dick head. His name is Mick Red. You know, Mick Red…Dick Head…pretty much the same thing. Besides, I had to call him something.” Love stroked his hands over the broad chest in front of him and gazed up at the tall, muscular man. “So, what should I call you? Delicious comes immediately to mind.”

  Love watched the stunned expression on the man in front of him with amusement. He would bet his mother’s purple poodle that no one had ever talked to the powerful man in such a manner. And yes, the damn poodle was purple. Love’s mother had a sense of humor and a dye kit.

  He knew the man standing in front of him was strong, powerful, and dominant. Love could feel it in the tingling of his skin. He could see it in every tight muscle, every thick limb. Love wondered just how powerful the large man was.

  Love hoped that the sexy man was top material. He loved strong, possessive tops. While they were very high maintenance, they were also very domineering. Love liked feeling that he belonged to someone, and it had been a long time since he’d felt that way.

  “Delicious sounds pretty good, but can you back up what comes out of that pretty little mouth of yours?” Logan asked. His arms wrapped around Love’s waist and pulled him tight up against his body.

  Oh yes, the big man wanted to play. Love allowed softer lines to take over his body as he leaned into the man. He could feel the heat of arousal roll off him. It warmed Love like nothing ever had.

  “I would never say anything I couldn’t back up, sexy,” Love purred. He laid his hand on the man’s wide chest, groaning softly at the hard muscles he felt through the black cotton shirt he wore.


  “Huh?” Love said as he glanced up into the deepest golden eyes he ever encountered. They were pure amber in color, mesmerizing. Love could drown in their deep shimmering depths.

  “My name is Logan,” the man said. “Logan Stone.”

  Love laughed. “I prefer sexy.”

  Love heard a small growl come from Logan as he leaned down and inhaled the scent at Love’s neck. Logan’s breath blew against Love’s neck then rubbed his head against him. Love giggled and dipped his head. “That tickles.”

  “Does it? Are you ticklish anywhere else?”

  Love tipped his head back and sent Logan his sexiest lust filled look. “I wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise.” Love giggled again when Logan’s golden eyes darkened and he growled low in his throat. “So, tell me,” Love drawled, “what’s a big, bad, sexy toppy man like you doing at a party like this?”

  “Hunting.” Logan grinned. “What else?”

  Love chuckled. “I think you found what you’re hunting for.”

  He watched, fascinated, as one dark eyebrow on Logan’s face shot up. “Are you sure of that?”


  “It could be just a simple adrenaline rush,” Logan countered, grinning widely. “We did just go through a dangerous situation.”

  “Pheromones and all that?” Love asked. “In that case, you shouldn’t mind if I go home with someone else, should you?”

  Love pushed himself away from the large man and started to turn away. As hands reached for him and lifted him off the ground, Love let out a loud laugh. He was gently tossed over Logan’s shoulder, one hand wrapping around his waist, the other slapping him on the ass.

  “You’re not going home with anyone except me ever again,” Logan growled as he carried Love through the crowd towards the edge of one of the buildings. Love nearly came in his pants when he felt Logan’s large hands caress his ass through his jeans.

  He couldn’t wait to get rid of his jeans and feel those hands against his bare skin. Hell, he couldn’t wait to feel all of Logan against his bare skin. As big as Logan was, Love had no doubt that he could cover his smaller body from head to toe, and then some.

  Love yelped in surprise as he was suddenly lowered to the ground. He barely had time to steady himself on his feet before hands were pulling at his clothes. Within moments, Love found himself standing before Logan naked as the day he was born.

  The low rough rumble emanating from Logan told Love that the man liked what he saw. It vibrated through Love’s body, energizing him, arousing him. He looked up into Logan’s eyes, and his breath caught in his throat.

  Logan’s amber eyes had gone deep golden brown. His lip curled back, showing off his perfect white teeth. But it was the savage snarl on Logan’s face as he gazed down at his naked body that really set Love off.

  Love held his arms out to his sides. “If you plan on just staring at me, this relationship is going to take more work than I thought.”

  The moment the words were out of Love’s mouth he wished he could take them back. Logan’s eyes flashed to his as a slow, wicked grin crossed his lips. Some intuitive gut feeling told Love that he had just become the prey to a hunter.

  Going purely on instinct, Love turned and ran. He didn’t g
et two steps before two large arms encircled him from behind and pulled him back against Logan’s hard body. Love’s felt a shudder shoot through his body as long teeth scraped across the back of his neck.

  “Logan,” Love groaned. “That is so fucking hot!”

  His hands moved back behind his head to wrap around Logan’s neck. He tilted his head to one side, giving Logan unobstructed access to the side of his throat. It was a submissive gesture. Love knew that, but he was helpless to stop it. Something in him demanded that he submit. Love could no more deny that powerful demand than he could have stopped breathing.

  Long fingers encircled Love’s hard cock, stroking him furiously just as sharp teeth bit into the soft flesh between his neck and shoulder. Shock rocked through him as he realized Logan bit him, but he still cried out as the combination of pleasure and pain overwhelmed him.

  A thick thigh moved between Love’s legs and pressed tightly against him from behind. Small keening sounds escaped from his lips. Every touch of Logan’s hands and body against his was like a burning flame. Love wanted to be consumed. He wanted to burn for Logan.

  His hands clenched in Logan’s sunlight blond hair, pulling at the long locks in desperation. He could feel Logan sucking on his neck, marking him, claiming him, but he needed more. He needed…he needed…

  “Logan!” Love begged. “Fuck me!”

  The teeth in his neck withdrew. Love was pushed down onto the ground, landing on his hands and knees. Before he could protest the rough treatment, Logan’s fingers pushed into his tight hole.

  “Aaahhh, fuck yes!” Love cried out.

  Logan began stretching him, adding another finger, then another. Some part of Love wondered where the man got lube, but he was too overcome with burning sensation to really care. He was just thankful because he felt pretty sure Logan was about to fuck him into the ground.

  Love felt Logan pull his fingers away and press his massive cock into him. He could hear Logan’s heavy breathing as he thrust into Love’s tight grasp. The rough material of Logan’s jeans brushed against the back of his thighs. He could smell Logan’s arousal permeating the air around them.

  Love groaned, his head dropping forward. He could feel the small bar piercing just under the head of Logan’s cock when the man thrust into him. It seemed to know right where Love’s sweet spot was located and pegged it every time.

  Having sex wasn’t something new to Love, but despite what Mick had said, he didn’t fuck anything that walked. Still, there was something distinctively different about being fucked by Logan. He felt like he was being claimed and not just fucked, like somehow Logan was placing a stamp of ownership on him.

  Everything felt different, more intense. As Logan pounded into him, Love felt every movement of Logan’s body, every single breath that came out of Logan’s mouth. Love could feel his orgasm building deep within his body and knew that it was going to be spectacular. Logan was going to consume him.

  When Logan’s teeth bit into his shoulder again, Love knew it was over for him. His fingers curled into the cold dirt beneath him as streaks of pleasure exploded throughout his entire body.

  “Logan!” Love screamed as his cock erupted, shooting ropes of pearly white seed over the ground beneath him. The intensity of his orgasm surprised Love. As his arms and legs began to tremble, he wondered if he would be able to hold his body up.

  The problem was solved for him as two large arms wrapped around his waist. Love’s mind began to melt as he was lifted into the air and impaled on Logan’s cock for one last massive lunge.

  Love heard a loud roar from the man behind him. A moment later, Logan’s hot release filled his ass. Love cried out and another, smaller orgasm tore through his body. He let his head fell back against Logan’s shoulder. His hands fell limply to his sides. The only thing keeping him from falling to the ground were the two large arms wrapped around him, the bent knees between his legs, and the pulsing cock in his ass.

  Love cried out softly when Logan’s hand wrapped around his cock again and fondled him. He didn’t think he had another ounce of seed in his body. He knew he didn’t have another orgasm in him. The last two had wiped him out.

  “Too much,” Love whimpered as Logan stroked him. He was so sensitive that he could almost feel every contour and crease in Logan’s hand. Unbelievably, Love felt himself harden again. His mind, what was left of it, reeled. He was totally at Logan’s mercy. He was held suspended above the ground with only Logan to keep him from falling.

  “Again,” Logan growled into his ear.

  Love shook his head rapidly. He couldn’t do it again. He didn’t think he’d survive it. But Logan wasn’t giving him a choice. Logan pulled out of Love and turned him around, laying him back on the ground before he lifted his legs and pushed back into him.

  Love lifted his eyes to Logan’s. He was shocked to see a glow in the man’s golden eyes. Logan’s teeth were bared, the breath coming out of his chest more of a deep rumble than anything else.

  Lifting his head, Love licked the flesh of Logan’s neck, nibbling at the soft skin. Logan was so sweet, so tangy. Love could taste the strength in him, the power. Love cried out and filled Logan’s hand with his seed.

  Love could feel ever fiber of his being soak up all that the man was as Logan thrust into him. He didn’t understand it, but he accepted it. Love didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it before. Logan was everything that was dominant alpha male, and Love wanted it all, every last domineering drop.

  Love pulled his lips away Logan’s neck and leaned his head back to look up into Logan’s golden eyes. He wasn’t surprised by the possessive glint in them. Love expected it. He wanted it.

  What did surprise him was the tender look on Logan’s face. If Love didn’t know better, he would think that Logan had been as affected by their lovemaking as he had been. Love wanted to believe it. He needed to believe it. He needed to know he belonged to Logan.

  Logan watched his mate pull his clothes on as he buttoned his own jeans. There was no doubt about it. Love was one of the most beautiful men he had ever seen. Everything about him from the top of his gorgeous black haired head down to his dainty little feet shouted perfect mate.

  As much as he desired Love, Logan wished for a mate that was a little less perfect. He had no doubt he was headed for trouble with his new mate. Love was everything that Logan didn’t want in a mate.

  He was beautiful, sexy, and just about damn perfect to look at. Logan knew that meant high maintenance. He had never met a pretty man that didn’t want to be the center of everyone’s attention. If they couldn’t get that attention, they created it.

  Logan could just see what his future would be like. Instead of helping his alpha lead the clan as beta should, he would spend his time chasing after his mate making sure he stayed out of trouble.

  As his mate buttoned up his shirt, Logan grimaced. As much as he desired his mate and everything that came with finding him, Logan knew that he would have to set down the rules of their relationship as soon as possible. He had better things to do than to chase after Love.

  “Love,” Logan said. “We need to talk.”


  Logan was surprised to see the small smile that had been working itself across Love’s lips. His mate took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Logan was curious about the small mysterious smile on Love’s face and promised himself that he would ask him about it later.

  Right now, he needed to set down the rules to his new mate. Love had to understand that he was the boss in their relationship. If he was going to be cursed with a gorgeous mate, Logan knew he at least needed to have control over him. The faster Love understood that, the better.

  “Well?” Love asked as he stared at Logan.

  Logan felt like squirming under Love’s direct gaze. The man seemed to be totally focused on him, something Logan didn’t feel from many people unless they wanted something. Logan wondered what Love wanted.

  “What’s with the ears?”

nbsp; Love reached up and touched them. “You don’t like them?”

  “Uh, I guess I never really thought about it.” Logan shrugged, not sure how to answer he mate considering the anxiousness that was starting to come across Love’s face. “They look kind of cute.”

  Love grinned. “I have several pairs in different colors, but black is my favorite. It matches my hair better, don’t you think?”

  “Sure.” Logan couldn’t take his eyes off the ears. They were black, furry, and totally fake. He’d love to show Love what real ears looked like.

  “I have tails, too, but people keep stealing them.”

  Logan blinked. “People keep stealing your tails?”

  Love nodded. “I’ve had three stolen this week alone. It’s really aggravating. Do you know how hard it is to find quality made tails? It’s not like these things grow on trees.”

  “Can’t you just”—Logan waved his hand through the air—“go to a store and buy them?”

  “Oh no, the tails I wear are made of much better quality than those store-bought ones. I order mine online to match my ears. I mean, seriously, if you’re going to wear ears and a tail, they need to be the best quality.”

  “Well, that makes sense.” Just not to Logan. He stared at Love and wondered if the man was slightly off his rocker. The man didn’t even have a normal name. Who called themselves Love? “Is your name really Love?”

  “Love Star,” the man replied, “so named by my mother, Moon Star.”

  Logan gaped. “Your mother’s name is Moon Star?”

  Love frowned for the first time since he’d met the man, his forehead wrinkling. “Yes, do you have a problem with that?”

  Logan quickly held up his hands and shook his head. Apparently Mom was not a topic of discussion. “None at all,” he replied. “I just wondered if you were serious. You have to admit, Love and Moon Star are unusual names.”

  “And Logan Stone isn’t?”

  “Not in my family.”


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