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Glenn, Stormy - Love Sexy [True Blood Mate 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Stormy Glenn

  “Love,” Matt said as he walked into the breakfast nook and set a plate of toast on the table, “you really should talk with Logan.”

  “Nope.” Love shook his head

  “Love, listen to me.” Matt squatted down next to Love’s chair and clasped his free hand. “You’ve mated with Logan. That’s something really important in my family. I know he was an asshole last night, but if you would just give him a chance to explain, I’m sure it would all make sense to you.”

  “I know you and Drea have been telling me for ages that I needed to start watching who I became involved with, and I think maybe you’re right.”

  “Love, you—”

  “Matt, you didn’t see him,” Love whispered, darting a quick glance at Reed. “He was really weird last night.”

  “Weird?” Matt’s eyes went to his father then back to Love. “Weird how?”

  “His face, Matt.” Love turned and looked at Reed to see if he was listening. He seemed to just be drinking his coffee, but Love thought the man might be eavesdropping.

  “Love, what about Logan’s face?”

  Love turned back to Matt and shook his head as he leaned back in his chair. He didn’t know how much of what was going on Matt knew about, but the knowing glint in Reed’s eyes said he knew it all. Love might have been a little flighty, but he wasn’t stupid. He was keeping his mouth shut.

  “Nothing.” He waved his hand a little to emphasize his words. “It was kind of late and the light wasn’t real good. Besides, I haven’t had a lollipop in ages. I must have been imagining it.”

  “Low sugar and all that?” Matt asked as he stood to his feet. “Or did you see my uncle’s face go all—”

  “Matt!” Reed slammed his cup own on the table so hard the coffee sloshed over the side. “You will let Logan handle this.”

  “It’s going to be real hard for Logan to handle this if Love refuses to stick around, Pop.”

  Love stared back and forth between the two men. There was something going on here, and Love desperately wanted to ask what it was. He was just afraid of the answers.

  “Did I hear my name?”

  Love swung around back when he saw Logan framed in the doorway, dropping his lollipop on the floor. His heart pounded. He jumped out of his chair and backed away so fast that his chair fell over and crashed to the floor.

  His eyes widened, and panic started to kick in when Logan’s eyes filled with heat as they landed on him. For a moment, Logan seemed to study Love with a curious intensity then his features softened.

  When Logan spoke, his voice was tender, almost a murmur. “Hello, Love.”

  Love swallowed past the lump building in his throat and bent his head slightly forward to acknowledge Logan’s greeting. He remained absolutely motionless after that, afraid to move in case Logan pounced again.

  “I missed you when I woke up.”

  Love swallowed again, wishing he had his lollipop—anything to stick in his mouth so he wouldn’t have to answer. When Logan took another step into the room, Love stumbled back until he hit the wall.

  Logan reached out for him. Love inhaled sharply until Logan lowered his arm. “Love, I won’t hurt you.”

  Love shook his head. He didn’t believe a word coming out of Logan’s mouth. Logan was just like every other man he had ever felt anything for. They would say what they thought he wanted to hear to get what they wanted. Once they did, they didn’t care anymore.

  Love was tired of putting his heart on the line only to have it stomped all over. His friends had been trying to warn him for ages to be more careful. He finally realized that they were right. He needed to be more careful, more wary, and he needed to start with the man standing in front of him.

  “I need to go.” Love looked longingly at the doorway Logan stood in. That wouldn’t be a good exit. Logan had to dip his head just to get through the frame, which his shoulders seemed to touch on either side. He started looking around the room, quickly looking for another way out.

  Breathing was starting to become a problem. He almost whimpered when his eyes fell on Logan again and found the man watching him intently. He pressed his hands flat against the wall when they began to tremble.

  Love felt panicked.

  “Love, it’s okay,” Logan said, stepping closer.

  Love’s eyes widened.

  “Love, if you would just calm down,” Reed began as he stood up.

  Love started edging along the wall toward the window. He didn’t care if it was closed. He’d jump through it anyway.

  “All right, that’s enough!”

  Love’s eyes snapped over to Matt when the man shouted. They widened even more as his friend walked into the breakfast nook with a large skillet in his hand, waving it around threateningly.

  “Everyone, get back and give Love some room,” Matt shouted. “I don’t know what in the hell is going on, but even I can see that Love is terrified out of his mind. If you think crowding him into a corner is going to get him to listen to you, you’re sadly mistaken. Now get back!”

  “Mine!” Logan growled, his facial features darkening as he scowled. Large canine teeth started slipping out over his lower lip.

  That was it. Love went for the window. He scrambled across the floor and dug at the window, trying to raise it. He didn’t realize that desperate cries were falling from his lips until he felt hands grab him, and he screamed.

  “Love, shhh, it’s okay.”

  Love didn’t stop freaking out until he realized that it was Matt that held him. He spun around to see the rest of the room was empty, both Reed and Logan gone.

  “Where is he?” Love cried out. “Where’d he go?”

  “I made him leave, Love.”

  Love turned and clutched at Matt’s shirt. “We need to get out of here, Matt. You don’t know what he became last night. Logan’s dangerous. He’s going to kill us all.”

  “Love, I swear, it’s okay.”

  “It’s not okay.” Love gave Matt a good shake. “You don’t understand. He—”

  Suddenly, Matt’s calm made sense to Love. He dropped his hands from Matt’s shirt and started backing away. His finger shook as he pointed it at Matt, a man he had known for more than four years.

  “You…you…already know,” he whispered. “You’re just like him.”

  “I am, Love, but it’s not what you think.”

  “It’s not what I think?” Love snapped. Matt had been his best friend for ages and he had never known? “Then what in the hell is it?”

  “I’m a wolf shifter.”

  Love stilled then cocked his head to one side. “Did you say wolf?”

  Chapter 6

  “Logan, sit your ass down. You’re going to wear a hole in my carpet if you don’t slow down.”

  Logan turned and growled at his brother then continued pacing. There was something wrong about being ordered out of the kitchen by his nephew when his mate was so distressed. He should be calming his mate, comforting him. Not in another room where he couldn’t ensure Love was okay.

  “If anyone can calm Love down enough to listen to you, it’s Matt. They’ve been friends for years.”

  Logan stopped to glare at his brother. “Why have I never known about this? Why didn’t Matt bring him home before now? I could have found Love years ago. “

  “For the last few years, you’ve been too busy sowing your wild oats to be looking for your mate, Logan. Love has been here a couple of times already.” Reed tilted his head. “Course, I’ve never met him before now either, but I wasn’t looking for him either.”

  “Well, it’s wrong, Reed.” Logan started pacing again. “It’s just wrong. Love is—”

  The rest of Logan’s words were stolen from him when Love and Matt suddenly appeared in the archway to the kitchen. Love looked pensive, his eyes darting frantically around the room to finally land on Logan.

  Logan tried to look as nonthreatening as a man of six foot three could look. When Love’s eyes widened, Logan slowly cross

ed the room and sat down next to Reed. He folded his hands together in his lap and waited, hoping.

  “As long as everyone keeps their distance, Love is willing to listen to what we have to say,” Matt said as he led Love to a chair. The moment Love sat down, Matt pulled a lollipop out of his pocket, unwrapped it, and held it out to Love.

  Love snatched it out of the air like it was a bonbon and popped it into his mouth. Logan’s mouth fell open when Love leaned back in his seat and started sucking on the lollipop, his eyes falling closed as he groaned.

  Logan reached down and readjusted himself, his cock growing hard at the sound that fell from Love’s lush lips, then turned to look at Matt. He gestured toward Love. “Do you want to explain that?”

  “Not really.” Matt chuckled as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out a handful of different colored lollipops and dropped them on the coffee table. “But we might need these.”

  Logan opened his mouth to say something about the lollipops, but Reed elbowed him in the side. He turned and glared at his brother but pressed his lips together and kept quiet. He’d find out about the lollipops later.

  “Love, do you remember what I said in the kitchen about being a wolf shifter?” Matt asked.

  Love opened his eyes and nodded. His pleasure in the lollipop in his mouth seemed to dim a little as he looked over at Logan, but it stayed in his mouth.

  “The first thing you need to know is that none of us in this room will hurt you, not even Logan.” Matt gestured to Logan. “He might look dangerous. He might even sound like it. But I can honestly say he will not hurt you.”

  Love nodded back at Matt without speaking.

  “What you saw last night was Logan’s wolf trying to get out.”

  Love swung his head around and looked at Logan, pulling the lollipop out of his mouth. “Why?” Love asked then immediately shoved the lollipop back into his mouth.

  Logan tensed when Matt opened his mouth. He knew his nephew was only trying to help, but there were just some things that needed to come from him. Logan held up his hand to stop Matt.

  “Please, let me.”

  Logan glanced back at Love after Matt nodded and sat back in his chair. He took a deep breath and began the explanation that would either bring him his mate or chase him way.

  “Do you remember when we met last night at the moon festival?”

  Love’s face flushed, but he nodded.

  “Do you remember what happened after that?”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “I’m not an idiot. Just say what you have to say.”

  Logan blinked. “Uh, well, do you remember me biting you?”

  Love flushed again, a small grin coming over his lips before he quickly masked his features. “Yes, I remember that.”

  Logan took another deep breath. Apparently Love remembered it and liked it. It took Logan a moment to regain his train of thought after realizing that his mate liked being bitten during sex. He’d have to remember that.

  “When a wolf shifter meets hi—”

  “Wait.” Love suddenly sat forward. “You’re a wolf shifter?”

  “Yeeaahh,” Logan said slowly, glancing over at Matt. What had his nephew told Love?

  “Can I see?”

  Love looked so eager that Logan was loath to deny him. He stood up and started pulling his shirt over his head.

  “Wha—what are you doing?” Love squeaked.

  Logan dropped his shirt on the couch and started pushing his boots off. “You said you wanted to see my wolf form.”

  “Yeah, but why are you getting undressed?”

  “Our clothes don’t magically disappear, Love. That only happens in the movies. If we’re wearing clothes when we shift, they shred, and I kind of like these ones.”

  “Fine, but do you have to get undressed in front of everyone?”

  Logan paused and blinked at Love in surprise.

  Love slapped his hand over his mouth as if he just suddenly realized what he said. Love was jealous. Logan was intrigued by the possessiveness his mate showed. It boded well for the rest of their conversation.

  Now, if Love accepted Logan’s wolf, things would be perfect.

  Matt chuckled and held out a new lollipop to Love. Logan frowned when his mate frantically took it, unwrapped it, and popped it into his mouth. His eyes didn’t close this time, but a small groan did come from his lips. That was good enough.

  “We’ll wait in the kitchen if that’s okay with you, Love?” Matt asked.

  Love nodded. Matt and Reed stood up and walked into the kitchen. Logan waited until they left the room before reaching for the buttons on his jeans. It took him just a moment to slip out of his pants and drop them on the table.

  He turned toward Love and nearly swallowed his tongue at the heated desire he could see burning in Love’s eyes. He didn’t know if the man knew it was there, but he would find out soon enough that Logan felt the same. His cock was getting harder by the breath.

  Logan swallowed then walked out to the middle of the room. He could feel Love’s eyes follow his every movement. “Okay, whatever you do, don’t run from me. If you get scared, call Matt and Reed back in here. Just don’t run. My wolf will chase you.”

  “Is that what happened back at my room?”

  Logan nodded, grimacing. “It’s a natural instinct, Love. Wolves are predators by nature. If prey runs, we give chase.”

  “I am not prey!” Love snapped. His eyes sparkled with anger. It was adorable.

  “No, you’re not, and you never will be. But you did run from me during a time when I didn’t have very good control of my wolf.” Logan shrugged. “He thought you were playing and gave chase.”

  Love rolled his eyes. “Fine, I won’t run.”

  Logan pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. He was beginning to understand his mate’s moods. Love rolled his eyes when he didn’t want someone to know he was uncomfortable. He got sassy when he wanted someone to know he thought they were being an idiot. And he sucked on a lollipop whenever he was uneasy.

  “Okay, watch carefully, Love.”

  “Wait, it doesn’t hurt, does it?”

  “No, not at all.” Logan was a little surprised by Love’s concern but also warmed by it. “It’s a little strange feeling, but it doesn’t hurt at all.”

  Love nodded. “Okay, go on.”

  Logan got down on his hands and knees and willed the change. He felt his skin heat up, hair starting to sprout everywhere. His bones cracked as they shifted, elongating and reshaping him into that of a two hundred pound golden wolf.

  Logan heard Love gasp, but he couldn’t turn and reassure his mate that he was safe. His head had reshaped, a muzzle replacing his normal mouth and nose. Once he felt that his shift was complete, Logan pushed the wolf back for a moment as he looked over at Love.

  He wanted just a moment to see if Love was afraid of him before giving his wolf control. What Logan found surprised him. Love looked totally intrigued. His eyes were wide, and his mouth hung open, but there wasn’t a single sign of fear on his face.

  “Oh, you are so beautiful,” Love whispered as he came down on the floor on his knees. He reached his hand out hesitantly. “Can I…can I touch you?”

  Logan leaned into the hand Love held out, rolling onto his side. Love’s hands were suddenly all over Logan, moving through his fur and feeling every inch of him. Logan had just a moment to blink back the tears in his eyes before his wolf pushed him aside and took over.

  “You’re so soft.” Love sounded awed.

  Logan’s mind was hazy, filled with Love’s overwhelming scent. The lure of a mate’s pheromones was hard wired into Logan. Once he had smelled Love, he would never forget the man’s scent, be able to find him in a crowd, and track him for miles.

  No scent would ever smell as sweet to Logan. And the stronger it became, the more power it would have over Logan. As it was, he wanted to roll in the sweet fragrance, to have it cover every inch of his body.

  And then he want
ed to cover his mate in his scent. Marking Love so that everyone that came near him would know he had been claimed was uppermost on Logan’s mind. Love should always smell like him.

  Logan’s chest rumbled louder and rubbed his large head back and forth against Love’s legs then started moving up his chest. He was elated when Love laughed and fell back on his butt. There didn’t seem to be any fear in Love at all that he was sitting next to a two hundred pound wolf.

  Logan butted at Love with his head until the man laid back on the floor then crawled over him, ensuring that his large size was supported by his legs. He didn’t want to crush his smaller mate.

  Logan rubbed his face against the side of Love’s then down to his neck. He huffed loudly when Love laughed and tilted his head back. Logan knew that Love had no idea about the significance of his gesture, but Logan did. He licked at Love’s arched throat then gently bit down on it. Not hard enough to hurt but just enough to appease his wolf.

  Once Logan’s wolf was satisfied and laid back, Logan jumped to have control again. He watched Love’s eyes widen as he shifted back to his human form. Fear filled their gray depths as Love scrambled back until he hit the edge of the couch.

  Logan climbed up onto his knees and held a hand out to his mate. “Love, it’s okay. It’s still me. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Love’s hand pressed against his chest as he inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly. His eyes were still wide, but he didn’t look quite so frightened. “Let me see it again.”


  “I want to see you shift again.”

  Logan debated the merits of shifting again for about two seconds then lowered himself to the floor again and shifted. When he looked up at Love’s mouth was hanging open once again, a look of awe in his soft features.

  “That is amazing,” Love whispered as he crawled closer. Logan couldn’t help but whimper again when Love stroked his fur. He loved the feeling of his mate’s hands on him. “Okay, shift back.”

  Logan blinked in surprise then shifted. Love’s hands remained on his skin even after he shifted. Logan raised his head, expecting to see fear in Love’s eyes, but instead he found Love frowning, his eyebrows drawn together in a deep grimace.


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