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The Ultimate Romance Box (6 Bestselling Romance Novels)

Page 63

by Eckhart, Lorhainne

  As soon as he left, Dante texted on his phone, calling the detective. “Ladd will be here soon,” he said to Alexa.

  A young man in white coat approached her gurney. “Mrs. Partson, I’m Dr. Morse, the ER attending doctor.” He glanced at Dante. “Are you her husband?”

  “No, her lawyer.”

  “Can you please step out? I want to examine her.”

  “Stay, Dante.” She squeezed his hand, her eyes begging him not to leave her. “Doctor, let him stay. He’s my friend.”

  Dr. Morse raised his eyebrows, then shrugged. “Okay.” Without further comments, he examined her with his stethoscope, listened to her lungs, looked into her eyes with a light, poked at her stomach and belly.

  “As far as I can see you’re fine, but we’ll have your stomach pumped, in case you swallowed a lot of salt water. And I want an x-ray of your chest. I’ll prescribe pills for your high BP and for anxiety.”

  “No drugs, please,” Alexa protested. “I won’t take any.”

  The physician crossed his arms over his chest and studied her. “They would help you. You’ve obviously been through a big shock.”

  She shook her head frantically. “No drugs.”

  Dr. Morse glanced at Dante who nodded. “She’s never taken sedatives and doesn’t like them.”

  “In that case, we’ll continue the oxygen, and keep you here under observation for a few hours.”

  Alexa sighed.

  “Much better, thank you, doctor.” Dante offered her a reassuring smile.

  “The nurse will take you for an x-ray, now.”

  “Dante,” Alexa called.

  “I’m coming with you.”


  An hour later, Alexa rested in the ER room, lungs x-rayed and stomach pumped. Sitting by her bed, Dante held her hand, glad that she’d recovered from her previous panic. With the oxygen tube still in her nose, she seemed to breathe better than when he’d brought her to the emergency room.

  “How did you come on time to help me?”

  “Not on time. Unfortunately. When I woke up, I glanced out of the balcony and saw you relaxing and floating on your back. So I decided to join you for a swim. That scum must have attacked you while I was on my way to the beach. Can you tell me what happened exactly?”

  She related her terrifying ordeal. “Do you think someone else may have seen him?”

  Thank God, she was back to her logical self, questioning and analyzing. “Difficult to tell at that early hour. It’ll be up to Detective Ladd to find out.”

  “Find out what?” The detective stood at the door, as if mentioning his name had attracted him to her room.

  “Someone tried to kill Alexa.”

  “Hold on.” The detective switched on his little recorder and pulled his yellow pad and pencil. “Go on.”

  She repeated her story.

  “How could you hold your breath for so long under water?”

  “It’s a technique I’ve learned in water ballet. I covered my mouth and nose with my hand, and concentrated on counting the seconds. Except I did it for too long. My chest hurt and I started swallowing water.”

  “Were you able to identify your attacker?”

  “He had a ski mask. I felt the knitted material when I tried to scratch his face.”

  Ladd kept scribbling on his pad. “Did anyone see him attacking you?”

  “I don’t know. I was too busy struggling to save myself. Maybe the bulldozer driver saw my attacker. Maybe one of the neighbors was on the balcony and witnessed the scene.”

  His eyebrows scrunched. “I will certainly interrogate them.”

  “Your suspect in Bairey’s death is the same one who tried to kill me.” Hopefully, the morning’s dreadful episode had let her off the hook.

  “That has still to be proven.” Ladd’s ominous tone grated on her nerves, but Dante’s finger rubbed against her palm, warning her to watch her words. She sighed and clamped her jaws.

  How would she have survived today, if not for Dante’s unwavering support? Would he always be ready to bail her out of trouble? Don’t count on it, girl. Greg had offered his help, support, and love. Where had that led?

  But Dante was not Greg.

  “Anything else? Mrs. Partson, are you listening?”

  No, she was not. And she hated to be called, Mrs. Partson. Especially when she’d stopped being Mrs. Partson three years ago, and didn’t want to be reminded of her old ex.

  “Mrs. Parts—”

  “Please, stop calling me that. I’m divorced.”

  “Oh? Isn’t that your official name, Alexa Partson?”

  Dante’s thumb stroked her again and his warm fingers enveloped her hand. “Alexa would prefer to be called by her name. Or Ms. Alexa if you insist on being formal,” Dante added with a chuckle.

  Ladd raised a sarcastic eyebrow and shrugged. “We’re done. I hope you feel better soon, Ms. Alexa.” He glanced at Dante. “Wherever you two go, make sure I can reach you. I’ll see you tomorrow at the funeral.” He left, and she glared at his back.

  “How do you feel now?” Dante asked after the detective left.

  “I’m good. The chest pain is gone and I can breathe normally.” She slipped out the oxygen tube and inhaled. “Really, I’m well enough to check out. But...”


  “I don’t want to go home. Oh Dante, I’ll look at every man in the building and wonder if he was the one who attacked me.”

  “It’s a good way to be continuously on your guard. But I’ll be with you. All the time,” he added with a tender smile that reached deep into her heart.

  Yes, Dante was not like Greg. She brought their entwined hands to her mouth and pressed her lips on his fingers.

  He bent and kissed her cheek. “Hey, we can’t start something here. In an ER room. Unless...” He grinned, waggled his eyebrows, and then went to close the door.

  “Are you crazy? The medics will kick me out.” Her pulse accelerated, but she chuckled at his antics.

  “If they catch us.” They burst out laughing. He leaned over her and gave her a searing kiss. Winding her arms around his neck, she pulled him over her, delighted to forget her misery in his arms, and eagerly returned his kiss. The hospital loud speaker intruded on their delightful interlude. Alexa remembered her surroundings. Snatching her mouth away, she buried her head against his shoulder. “Take me out of here, Dante.”

  He released her and straightened. “I’ll see if the doctor can discharge you.”

  “I wish I could shower.” She scratched her neck and grimaced. “Sorry, I’m itchy. Can you please ask a nurse to bring me a wet towel? I want to wipe away the salt water and sand.”

  Half an hour later, she was wheeled out of the ER, refreshed by a sponge bath, and covered with a blanket thrown over her beach dress. While waiting for Dante to get his car, she switched on her cell phone. Damn, Greg had left four messages. She shoved the phone back into her pocket. Dante pulled up to the curb and helped her settle inside his car as carefully as if she were made of porcelain. She chuckled when he leaned over her to buckle her seatbelt. “I can do it. Really, I’m good.”

  Except that deep in her heart, she still shivered at the thought that a killer had tried to drown her and the bastard was running lose. Maybe watching her.

  “Greg already called several times,” she said after Dante exited the parking lot.

  Dante glanced at her. “So, are you going to tell him about today?”

  “No, I don’t need his sympathy or his help.” She vehemently shook her head. From now on she’d stand her ground. Her brush with death had taught her a valuable lesson. To count only on herself and not let any man control her. “I just want to stay in my apartment in peace.”

  “We’ll be home in a few minutes.” Dante squeezed her hand. “I know it’s been a horrible day for you, and I can’t forgive myself for not waking up on time to be there when you needed help.”

  “You couldn’t guess what would happen.” She snorted,
but tears filled her eyes. She wiped them with the back of her hand, furious at herself for this new bout of emotion.

  “From now on, I’m sticking to you.” He smiled and then winked. She couldn’t help laughing at his amorous attempt in the ER. “Aren’t you supposed to go to work?”

  “I’ll call the office to give a few instructions to my junior lawyers, and then work from home. Actually, we could stop now before going back home. Would you like to visit my office?”

  “Yes. But...” She looked at her beach dress and his t-shirt and swim trunks. “We’re not presentable.”

  “If we go back to our condos to get dressed, we won’t be able to leave for some time, what with Greg and others calling.” He made a sudden U-turn. “We’ll make a quick stop at the Mall. Do you think you can buy an outfit in ten minutes?” His eyebrow rose in challenge.

  Amused, she shrugged. “In general, it takes me hours to choose a dress, but I’ll do it in ten minutes while you buy yourself a decent pair of pants.”

  “No, we stick together, remember. I’m coming with you, and then I’ll drag you to the men’s department.”

  “What a fun experience.”

  What a nice, cozy experience. Shopping with Dante, like a married couple. Her heart tightened, wishing, hoping... She stiffened, smashing the lid on crazy wishes. No more men in her life. When this horrible episode ended she’d be on her own, for a long time.

  Picking a black skirt and black and white printed shirt, she rushed into the dressing room, and then modeled it for Dante. “Not your usual style, but lovely on you. You look like a career woman. Keep them on.” He called a seller. “My friend likes this outfit and wants to wear it right away. Can you ring it for me?”

  “Sure.” The woman tore the tags, rang the sale, and then put Alexa’s beach dress in a bag.

  “Here are the shoe racks.” Alexa grabbed a high heeled white pair of pumps that Dante put on his credit card. “I’ll pay you for all that at home.”

  “Not on your life. After all, we’re buying these extras to visit my office.”

  She tried to protest, but he pulled her away. “Now that you’re outfitted, it’s my turn.”

  “It took me less than ten minutes. Let’s see if you can be as fast.”

  Dante burst out laughing. “Definitely a record for you.” On their way to the men’s department, they passed the perfume counter displaying a dozen sample vials of various fragrances. Alexa chose one, read the label. “Boucheron, that’s my favorite.” Without hesitation, she sprayed the light floral perfume on her throat and wrists and raised her hand to Dante. “Do you like it?”

  He inhaled and smiled. “Hmm, I love it.” To prove his approval, he brushed a quick kiss on her wrist. “Don’t tempt me to spend more time in this store. Let’s go.”

  Pulling her hand, he rushed her to the men’s department where he snatched a white shirt and a pair of navy blue pants, socks and shoes, and immediately paid for them. “See I’m done. Wait for me at the door of the fitting room while I change. Don’t move one step.”

  Less than two minutes later, he was out looking so handsome in his professional clothes. She stared, then sighed and averted her gaze. Get a grip, girl. She’d enjoy her time with him while it lasted. Dante was a good lawyer, a dear friend and fabulous kisser, but commitment was not on his agenda, and she needed to become an independent woman.

  Chapter Nine

  Throwing a quizzical look at the passenger mirror, Alexa raked her fingers through her hair. “I’m a mess,” she muttered and tried to tame her tangled locks.

  “Open the arm compartment,” Dante suggested, his eyes on the road as he drove to his office. “You’ll find a comb.”

  “You’re a precious friend.” She chuckled and smoothed her hair. “I don’t have make-up, but—”

  “Trust me. You don’t need it.” His voice rang with approval. She blushed and licked her lips.

  Afraid to let intense feelings overwhelm her, she averted her gaze to glance out of the window. The BMW entered a parking lot off Federal Highway. She scanned the tall glass high rise. “No way, you work here? To think I pass this building almost every day.”

  They rode the elevator to the tenth floor, walked along a dark carpeted corridor, and stopped in front of a wooden door adorned with a golden plaque engraved with Morganstein & Cantari Law Firm. Dante opened the door and let her pass into a reception area.

  “Dante. Welcome back.” The attractive blonde sitting behind a computer stood with a bright smile.

  “Hello, Michelle. I hope everything is rolling great as usual. Meet my neighbor, Alexa.”

  “Hi Michelle.” Alexa shook hands with the receptionist. Dante had abstained from mentioning last names. Was it because she’d gotten all upset at the detective for his continuous blurting of Mrs. Partson? Soon after this mess was over, Alexa would revert to her maiden name. Let Greg hit the roof.

  “Dante, I’ve sent you most of your emails,” Michelle said. Her smile still hovered on her lips, although her tone was as professional as can be. “And I put on your desk a box of documents you should check.”

  “Thanks.” To give him credit, Dante didn’t look twice at his pretty receptionist. “I’ll take them on my way out. Come, Alexa.” He ushered her along a hallway to a large room with wall-to-wall bay windows. File cabinets lined the other walls forming a U-shaped fence around four desks. “Hi guys,” Dante bellowed.

  “Welcome back.” Two young men walked toward them with bright smiles. Obviously Dante was well-liked in his firm.

  “Alexa, meet Juan, one of our junior lawyers. An invaluable associate of our firm.”

  “We thought you forgot us, but here you are with a lovely gift.”

  She chuckled at the handsome Latino’s compliment and shook hands with him.

  “The lovely gift is off limit, guys. Alexa, this is Jay, our research specialist. He can uncover secrets from anywhere. We’re going to need your expertise.” Dante clapped the young African-American on his back.

  Jay returned a jovial grin. “Any time.”

  “I assume Bryan and Leslie are in court?” Dante asked as his gaze surveyed the empty desks.

  “Leslie is in court. Bryan is on a business trip with Mr. Morganstein,” Juan explained.

  “In that case, I want you to join us in my office in two minutes,” he ordered. He held Alexa’s elbow and walked her out of the room, to a smaller office.

  “Welcome to my place.” He closed the door behind them and gathered her in his arms. “I asked them for two minutes of privacy to properly welcome you to my professional domain.”

  A cocoon of warmth wrapped around her as she leaned into him. He brushed her lips with a soft kiss, and then invaded her mouth, and knocked the air out of her chest. The stubble on his unshaven jaws tickled her cheeks, but her heart melted.

  Wow, this was the best greeting she’d ever received in her life, but God help her, she was becoming addicted to his kisses.

  “Cara mia,” he whispered against her hair. “Trust me. I’ll get you out of this mess.”

  The knock on the door prompted them to move away from each other. “Have a seat.” Dante indicated the armchair in front of his desk and rushed to his big leather chair.

  “Come in, guys.” Jay and Juan dragged chairs and sat next to her, across from Dante’s large desk, while Alexa surveyed his office. Its simplicity surprised her. It was a smaller reproduction of the junior lawyers’ room with similar wall-to-wall shelves cluttered with innumerable heavy books and thick files. No picture frames or knickknacks adorned the severe working place. It almost hurt her decorator’s soul. One day she might offer to redecorate his office.

  “Alexa is my client.” Dante’s voice attracted her attention. “Jay, I want you to research Carter Morton and Steve Bairey.”

  “Bairey? The one who drowned in the Jacuzzi at your building? I was about to ask you if you knew more than the newspapers reported.” Jay showed them a copy of the Florida Sentinel he had
with him. “They had another article today, and your name is mentioned, together with a few neighbors’.”

  “Anything different from yesterday’s?”

  “Same details. The police are investigating.” Juan sent a curious look at Alexa, glanced at the newspaper, and flipped his gaze back at her, as if suddenly recognizing her.

  “Let me clarify the situation,” Dante stated with a brisk tone. “Alexa has nothing to do with this guy. Someone is trying to frame her. We have to help her.”

  “What do you want us to search for?” Jay asked. “Anything in particular?”

  “Anything and everything about Bairey and Morton, and their financial company. Clients, banks, recent and old dealings, business trips. Get references, background. A complete and thorough research. And give it top priority.”

  “I’ll start right away.”

  “Juan, I need you to arrange a 24/7 protection for two ladies, my grandmother, Mrs. Regina Cantari, and my young sister, Isabella.” He got a paper from his desk and wrote down an address. “I want you to delicately explain what’s happening here. I don’t want them to see the newspaper articles and worry. I didn’t have the chance to call or visit yet.”

  “I’ll go see them tomorrow morning,” Juan said.

  “You two, email me your findings or call me any time.”

  As soon as they left, Dante stood and collected the box of papers that Michelle had left on his desk, while Alexa still digested the order he’d given Juan.

  “So your sister’s name is Isabella. How old is she?”

  “Twenty-eight. Six years younger than me.”

  “Does she look like you?”

  “Very much, but with dark eyes. I inherited the color of my eyes from my grandmother who’s of German descent.”

  No wonder he was so handsome.

  “I’ll take you to visit them soon. After this mess is over.”

  Alexa nodded, not convinced the mess would end soon enough.

  “Let’s go for dinner. I’m starving.” A grumbling noise followed his statement. He grimaced. “Sorry.”


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