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Disaster in Love (A Disasters Novel, Book 1: A Delicious Contemporary Romance)

Page 11

by Liz Bower

  “Come on. Let’s go set this up before my parents arrive.”

  I followed him through the reception area, up a short set of stairs, to a carpeted lounge where I half expected a group of men to be playing cards and smoking cigars in tuxedos. Apart from the whole smoking-inside ban, of course.

  Leaning his back against an ornately carved wooden door, he pushed it open to reveal a function room bedecked with balloons, streamers, and a banner strung along one wall that read, Happy Wedding Anniversary Eric and Barbara. I assumed they were Beck’s parents as I realised he hadn’t told me much of anything about them. Along another wall, tables bulged with cling-film-wrapped buffet food, and I followed Beck as he headed in that direction.

  He slid the cake onto a stand in the middle of one of the tables and I opened the box, flattening it out so I could slide it out from beneath the cake. It looked amazing, even if I did say so myself. Two white heart-shaped cakes that interlocked. One chocolate, one fruit. Covered in ivory icing with ivory piping around the edges and a dot of silver in each swirl. I’d topped the piping with a thinner layer in a deep shade of red. Two roses in the same shade of garnet sat at the top and bottom of the hearts and a deep red ribbon tied around each cake finished in a bow at the point of the heart. Between the two roses on each cake I had piped in the same garnet colour the words, We Still Do. A silver love heart decorated the inside of the letter O with the year of their wedding piped within the love heart.

  “Wow. The pictures didn’t do it justice, Kyle. It’s beautiful.”

  The use of Beck’s real name outside of the office sounded odd. Turning at the compliment to be met by dark brown eyes that shone with warmth. Chin-length choppy brown hair and a smile that reminded me of Beck. She was shorter than my five foot seven but not by much, and she had to be Beck’s sister.

  Oh, my God. It wasn’t just meet the parents; it was meet the whole damn family.

  “Kimberly, this is my brat of a sister Alicia. Alicia this is Kimberly. She made that beautiful cake.”

  I raised my hand to shake hers but then I thought that seemed a little formal. So I went with an awkward kind of finger wave instead. Smooth, Kimberly. That’s the way to impress his family. “Hi. I hope your parents will like it too.”

  “Oh, they’ll love it. It’s perfect.”

  “They’re here,” someone shouted from across the room.

  Beck and his sister started for the doors we’d entered the room through, but I stood rooted to the spot. Then a warm hand wrapped around mine as Beck tugged me along after him. The doors opened to a chorus of happy anniversaries from around the room. And there they were. Beck’s parents. Not quite what I had expected.

  His dad had the same dark hair, but it was liberally sprinkled with grey at the temples. The same long nose as Beck but his eyes were denim-washed blue. His mum was shorter and plump. Her hair neither quite white nor blonde. The same brown eyes as Beck and his sister. She smiled at Beck and Alicia, little lines fanning out from her eyes and around her mouth.

  “You two really outdid yourselves this time. And I can’t believe you managed to keep the party a secret.” She playfully slapped Alicia’s arm with the back of her hand. “I thought we were coming to dinner.” Her eyes filled up and she dragged Beck into a hug followed by Alicia.

  “Mum, Dad, this is Kimberly that I’ve been telling you about. Kimberly, this is my mum Barbara and Eric, my dad.”

  He’d told his parents about me? Warmth spread across my body and then Beck slung an arm around my shoulders pulling me against his side.

  “Kimberly, it’s lovely to meet you. We’ve heard so much about you.”

  Then she pulled me into her arms, wrapping them around me in a proper hug. Arms tight around my back the way my mum used to hug me. Oh, how I’d missed those hugs from her. When my vision blurred, I closed my eyes. I refused to cry on Beck’s mum the first time I met her. But like every other time I thought about my mum, the happy memories were tinged with grief. And confusion and hurt. And a myriad of other emotions. The longing to see her and my dad one more time. For a day or even an hour. Find out why she’d kept the truth from me. I wanted it to be for the best reasons but even then…it wasn’t something she should have kept from me, and I was still struggling to understand why she’d done it.

  And I really should’ve let go of Beck’s mum, but she rubbed a comforting hand up and down my back. It had been too long since those hugs from my mum. Blinking my eyes clear, I pulled back and tried to give her a smile but my lips were trembling. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  Then it was his dad’s turn. Enveloped by his strong arms and the smell of his cologne. I sniffed and it reminded me of the Old Spice set I’d bought my dad one year for Christmas. He’d worn it every day after opening it. The first real Christmas present I bought him. Saved up for ages so I could buy both of them presents that year with my own money. He squeezed his arms around me before releasing me. And then Beck slipped his arm around my waist, smiling at me.

  “And she made the cake for you,” he said, waving towards the tables. His mum peered around me to see and her hands covered her mouth as she gasped.

  “You made that, Kimberly?”

  I nodded, feeling ridiculously proud of myself.

  “It’s amazing…so beautiful. Your parents must be so proud of you.”

  Her eyes were watery, and at the mention of my parents, mine were too. I knew they’d be proud of me—of what I had started with the cake business since their death.

  Placing a hand on Beck’s forearm, she smiled up at him. “We’re so proud of Kyle. The things he must do and see—”


  Beck cut her off before she could carry on. She was so sweet. I couldn’t imagine the accounts and paperwork he saw every day were that exciting if they were anything like what I dealt with on a daily basis. But it was great she was so proud of him. And embarrassing Beck if the look on his face was anything to go by.

  “Shouldn’t you go mingle with the other guests?”

  Patting his arm, she laughed. “I can take a hint. I’ll leave you two alone.”

  When they were out of earshot Beck said, “Sorry about them. They’re huggers.”

  I waved away his words. “It’s okay. They’re really sweet and clearly love you. I can’t believe they’ve been married thirty-eight years.”

  “Yeah, I’m surprised they haven’t killed each other yet. But there’s still time.” He chuckled. “Do you want to get something to eat?”


  Threading our fingers together, he led me through the crowd of well-wishers. And I couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to be surrounded by such a loving family.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The evening passed in a blur of laughter and drinks and way too much food. Beck introduced me to more of his family members. So many, there was little chance of me remembering all of their names.

  As the evening started to wind down, his mum and dad cut the cake to a red-carpet worthy flash of cameras. I found it hard to swallow as my throat constricted when they offered me the first slice. But then laughed as Beck decided to share it with me and took a huge bite of the slice, smearing icing across his top lip.

  It was a bittersweet evening. Beck’s family had welcomed me with open arms, which was lovely. Yet it only served to remind me how much I missed my own family. How I would never see my parents celebrate their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary, never throw them a surprise party. And my brother was halfway around the world, and I had no idea if he was ever coming back to England. He’d only planned to go for a month, to get away for a while. But a month had turned into three, and he’d fallen in love with the place. And the last time we Skyped, he’d said he was trying to get a work visa. He was the one person who understood how I felt after our parents…I missed his hugs. Missed talking to him; Skype just wasn’t the same. Surrounded by so many people, I was surprised at just how lonely I felt.

  Beck’s arm slipped
around my waist as his lips grazed my ear.

  “Do you want to get out of here?”

  I nodded as his nose brushed against my temple before he pressed a kiss against my forehead. Our fingers linked together as he led me across the room to say goodbye to his parents. They hugged both of us and thanked me again for the wonderful cake.

  “And I hope we get to see you again before we leave,” his mum said as she eyed Beck pointedly. Beck smiled and kissed his mum’s cheek in answer. “It’s good to see you happy again, Kyle. It’s been too long. I was worried you’d never find someone.”

  She said the words quietly but as close as I was I couldn’t help overhearing. Averting my eyes, I wondered what she meant. When was the last time he’d been happy? And what did she mean by find someone? Did she think we were together? Had Beck told her that? She stepped back from us both, but wrapped her fingers around my arm and gently squeezed it.

  “Thank you.”

  I wasn’t sure if she was thanking me for the cake again or not, but then Beck tangled our fingers together, tugging me towards the door.

  The drive home was quiet. Most of it I spent staring out the window. The city lights blurring together until they gave way to the darkness of the night on the quiet country roads.

  Beck parked up outside my house and climbed out of the car. Made his way around the bonnet with purposeful strides until he reached my door and opened it for me. A smile crept across my face. Such a gentleman.

  As he walked me to the front door, I fished through my handbag for the keys. His hands spanned my waist as I fitted the key into the lock. Chest pressed firmly against my back, the heat of his lips against my neck made goosebumps rise along my arms. Resting my head back against his shoulder, I didn’t want the night to end.

  My contract had been shortened and I only had the following week left of it. And who was I even kidding at this point? He might be my boss, but he was so much more than that to me right then. I didn’t see him inviting any of his other colleagues to the party. Then again, I was the only one who had made the cake.

  Nobody at the office needed to know. It was only a week. As he turned me in his arms—lips seeking out mine—the fact that he was my boss didn’t appear to bother Beck.

  I dragged my lips far enough from his so I could draw in a breath. Lips brushing his I whispered, “Do you want to come in?”

  His hands slid up to the small of my back and pressed my body flush against his. Firm chest hard against my breasts. Hard length pressed against my stomach revealing his answer without the need for words.

  “Definitely,” he said as he rocked his hips against me. But then he stepped back taking the heat of his body with him. I moved to follow him, but his hands on my waist stopped me. With a laugh he said, “Let us in, Kimberly, before we give the neighbours even more of a show.”

  God, no doubt Jean had been curtain twitching and I bet she’d give me the third degree the next time I saw her. I’d give her until Sunday morning at the latest before curiosity got the better of her.

  Beck pressed his hands against me, urging me to turn around. I let us inside. Beck kicked the door shut behind him, took the keys from my hand, and locked it. Then his lips were back on mine, tongue parting them and slipping inside. Hands on my hips, he pushed me backwards towards the living room until the back of my legs hit the sofa. Broke the kiss as he bent down to wrap his fingers around my thighs and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he turned and lowered us both until I was straddling his lap. His lips found mine again as I threaded my fingers through his hair, holding him in place.

  I could feel the hardness of his cock even through our clothes as it pressed between my thighs. A muffled moan escaped him, and I ground down against him. Needing to feel him. Needing…more.

  Fingers tugged at the hem of my shirt before they slipped inside. My stomach muscles clenched as he trailed his fingers across them and then upwards until they cupped my breasts. I dragged my hands down to his shoulders and around to his chest needing to feel skin on skin.

  I slipped his jacket from his shoulders and then started on the buttons of his shirt. Slowly, one by one. Revealing the smooth skin across his collarbone. The smattering of dark hairs just below. Another button revealed his firm pecs, nipples already hard as my fingers brushed over them. Another button. Then another that revealed the outline of his abs.

  Pulling my lips from his I took a deep breath. Trailed a finger over the ridges and bumps, my mouth watering as I imagined licking across that same path. I didn’t need to imagine it—nothing was stopping me from doing just that. I shuffled back along his thighs to put some room between us as I slipped his shirt off and ran my hands across his chest. Then dropped to my knees on the floor between his legs.

  My fingers went to the button of his trousers as I leaned in close enough to flick my tongue across the faint line of his abs. Button unfastened, I grasped the zipper whilst my other hand rubbed across the bulge his thin trousers did nothing to hide.

  Beck let out a groan and I glanced up at him as his head dropped back against the cushion. His hips lifted as I lowered the zip parting the material and brushing my hand over the black cotton that was the only barrier between us.

  Hooking a finger under the waistband, I dragged them down until his cock sprang free. Last time—in the hotel room—I hadn’t had the time to savour him, but this time was different. There was no rush. No impending flight in a few hours.

  Beck groaned. “You’re killing me here, babe.”

  Our gazes met and I smiled up at him before licking the length of his cock. Swirled my tongue around the tip, eliciting another groan from him before I wrapped my lips around him. Sucked him down to the root before pulling back up and swirling my tongue around the tip again. Tasted the first drop of pre-come as his cock swelled beneath my fingers. Swallowed him down again a few more times before Beck leaned forward to hook his hands under my arms and lift me off him.

  “Too close,” he said as he urged me to my feet. His hands made quick work of removing my trousers and underwear, dropping them in a pile on the floor. Turning me around, he pulled me onto his lap until my back was flush against his chest.

  Then it was my turn to be teased as he unfastened each button on my shirt with maddening slowness. Slipping the shirt off my shoulders, he took my bra straps with it. Unhooked the clasp and threw the bra on the floor.

  I was naked on his lap and felt a little vulnerable. Until his lips caressed along my neck, one hand snaking around to tweak my nipple, the other parting my legs until they were resting on the outside of his.

  Pinched my hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger, my back arching as his other hand dipped between my legs and a finger slipped inside me. Slid his finger slowly in and out then rubbed his thumb across my clit.

  God, it was sensory overload and with my legs open so wide, a little dirty too, which I was surprised at how much I liked. Biting down gently on the sensitive skin between my shoulder and neck, he slid his hand across to my other nipple, twisting it between his thumb and index finger. His other hand was still stroking between my legs and as the room filled with my loud panting, I didn’t think I could take much more.

  “Beck…stop. You’re gonna make me…”

  Lifting me off him, he sat me on the cushion and stood. Removed his wallet from his back pocket and slid out a condom before toeing off his shoes and dropping his trousers and boxers to the floor. Then he straddled my thighs and dropped the condom beside us. Hands wrapped around my jaw, tilting my head back against the cushion before he slipped his tongue between my parted lips. Our tongues twisted and his hands slipped up into my hair cradling the back of my head.

  Impatient, I grabbed the condom. Ripped it open and rolled it down his length. Running my hands up the soft skin of his back, I tilted my hips.

  Beck rested his forearms either side of my head on the back of the cushion and lifted up until the head of his cock nudged at my opening. His fingers tightened
around the back of my head as he thrust inside me, and a groan tore from me at the full feeling. He pulled back slowly until only the tip of him was inside of me, and I moved so I could wrap my legs around him. Squeezed until he thrust back inside.

  The sound of our flesh meeting was loud in the quiet of the room. The only other sound, the squeak of the sofa with his every thrust. His lips captured mine again. Tongue thrusting in sync with his hips. I ran my hands down his back until I could grab his arse and squeeze his firm cheeks.

  Dragging my mouth from his, I drew in a ragged breath. “Shit. Ohh…I’m gonna…” My back arched, muscles tensing as I clenched around him. Eyes squeezed shut so tight, spots of white flashed behind my closed lids.

  His thrusts became erratic. Then he threw his head back, spine stiffening as he groaned through his release. Burrowed his head between my neck and shoulder as his breaths panted across my skin and I wrapped my arms around him. That was as much energy as I could muster to move and we sat wrapped around each other until our breathing slowed.

  Beck was the first to move. He disposed of the condom then lay across the sofa dragging me down with him. Cocooned in his arms, head resting against his chest, I dragged the blanket off the back of the sofa and over us.

  We should have probably got up, but the soft beating of his heart beneath my ear was lulling me to sleep. Didn’t want to move. Didn’t want this moment to end.


  I woke to strong arms around me, lifting me. It took me a moment to realise I was still in the living room and Beck was lifting me off the sofa. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to bed,” he replied with a crooked smile.

  “I can walk.” But he didn’t reply. Just headed for the stairs.


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