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The Texan's Surprise Baby

Page 18

by Gina Wilkins

  Still, she’d thought he would call. How often had she even crossed his mind in the past couple of days? Was he annoyed with her for rejecting his suggestion—she refused to call his prosaic offer a proposal—of marriage? She was sure he thought it would be easier—logistically—if they lived in the same house, raising their daughter together when he wasn’t busy with his work. Yet she doubted that he was heartbroken that she’d turned him down. Unsuccessful business propositions rarely led to broken hearts, she thought with an undercurrent of bitterness.

  Her heart wasn’t completely shattered either, she assured herself, giving up on the meal and carrying her plate to the sink. Okay, sure, she loved him. And maybe she had fantasized a little about a perfect future with him and their daughter, a happily ever after ending that seemed unlikely considering the circumstances. Maybe she wouldn’t get over her disappointment exactly, but she would survive it. She was strong. Independent. Capable. She had her family, her daughter, her work. She and Andrew could be friends and partners in raising Claire Elizabeth, even with separate personal lives. And there would be no more sharing a bed for them, she told herself sternly. The best way to get past those wistful fantasies was to put them firmly behind her. She needed a clear head when it came to dealing with Andrew, and making love with him clouded her mind to a point that she couldn’t even think clearly.

  She brewed a cup of herbal tea, deciding to spend the remainder of the evening relaxing in front of the television with her laptop. She wasn’t sure what was on tonight, but she could always stream one of her favorite feel-good movies. Maybe watching someone else’s happy ending would cheer her before bedtime. She had just settled onto the couch with the teacup in one hand and the TV remote in the other when someone knocked on her door. It wasn’t Maggie’s usual four-rap knock.

  Glancing at the clock, she saw that it was just after 8:00 p.m. Curious, she set her tea aside and crossed the room. A gasp escaped her when she opened the door. “Andrew?”

  He frowned. “You didn’t check first to see who it was?”

  “I didn’t think of it. What are you doing here?”

  He shook his head. “After all that has happened here during the past month, you should start thinking more about security.”

  Her heart was beginning to slow to its normal pace, though she still wasn’t quite over the surprise of finding him at her door. She planted her hands on her hips. “Did you drive four hours just to yell at me for answering my door?”

  Making a face, he pushed a hand over his hair. “Sorry. No, that’s not why I came.”

  She moved aside to allow him to enter, closing the door slowly behind him. “I thought you said you were swamped with work this week.”

  His expression turned rueful. “I had my administrative assistant shuffle some things again. She’s threatening to quit.”

  “So why did you come?” she asked, genuinely perplexed.

  He took a step closer to her, and something in his eyes now made her heart start to pound again. “I realized—with a little help from a couple of wise women—that I’ve been a dummy. I wanted to try to rectify that.”

  Clasping her fingers in front of her, she frowned and moistened her lips. Dummy was not a word she’d heard Andrew use before. It sounded rather out of character now. “I don’t understand.”

  “My aunt Michelle gave me some questions to think about before I talked to you again. I’ve given them a lot of consideration, and I wanted to share my answers with you. In person.”

  “Questions?” She was growing more confused by the minute. “What questions?”

  While Andrew’s tone had been light, his expression was very serious as he steadily met her eyes. “There were three actually. Do I want to marry you, or do I think I should just because of the baby? If I do want to marry you, why? And would I still want to marry you if you weren’t carrying my child?”

  “Oh.” She swallowed hard. “Those are...big questions.”

  He took another step forward, never looking away from her. “Do you want to hear my answers?”

  Her fingers were tangled so tightly she could feel them cramping, but was only distantly aware of the discomfort. “I think I should.”

  Taking her hands in his, he rubbed his thumbs gently over the backs of them, soothing the tensed muscles. “I want to marry you,” he said, his voice low and deep. “Not because I think I should, but because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And while the baby may be the reason I came to the resort last week, I would still want to marry you even if you weren’t pregnant. I’ve thought of you every day since we were together in December, and not a day has gone by that I didn’t want to call you or come see you. The only reason I held back was because I thought you wanted me to stay away. I don’t know how much longer I could have resisted even if the baby hadn’t given me an excuse to see you again.”

  She blinked rapidly, refusing to allow threatening tears to escape her eyes. “I don’t know what to say,” she admitted in a choked whisper.

  He nodded, as if he’d expected that. “Do you believe me?”

  She bit her lower lip before reluctantly confessing, “I want to.”

  Holding both her hands in his left, he raised his right hand to caress her cheek with the backs of his fingers. “It’s hard for you to trust again, isn’t it? You’ve heard all these promises before.”

  The tears pushed harder, but she forced them back. “Yes.”

  “You said you didn’t want to marry again for the wrong reasons. I’ve just given you my reasons for asking. Now maybe you should ask yourself those same questions before you give me a final decision,” he suggested. “I can take no for an answer if that’s your ultimate choice. And I won’t rush you. Take all the time you need to be sure. I just wanted you to know that I’m aware of how badly I mishandled my proposal before. I’ve been kicking myself ever since for not telling you that I love you.”

  She couldn’t believe she was hearing these words tonight. That he was even here to say them. Her mind spun with emotions. Shock. Hope. Fear.

  He wasn’t Wade, she reminded herself. No two men could possibly be more different. Words like these did not come easily to Andrew, as they had to glib Wade. She couldn’t imagine Andrew using them for any reason other than because he meant them.

  She drew a deep breath and asked shakily, “What were those questions again?”

  She felt his fingers tighten a little around hers, but he kept his tone gentle when he replied, “Do you want to marry me?”

  It had taken a great deal of courage for Hannah to concede defeat in her marriage, to look beyond infatuation and wishful thinking and face reality. She’d called on all her strength to tell Wade that she wanted out. Now she had to call on that inner fortitude again to take what could well prove to be the biggest risk of her life when it came to her happiness.

  “Yes,” she said, the one syllable deceptively simple.

  Andrew’s hand twitched again, as if he’d started to tremble just a little. Just the possibility that she could make Andrew tremble made her throat tighten almost unbearably. Yet his gaze held hers without blinking. “Why?”

  Her voice emerged sounding a little choked but steady. “Because I love you. And I want to make a life with you.”

  His face very close to hers now, he asked the final question. “Would you still want to marry me even if we weren’t having a baby?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “If it’s for the right reason, then yes. I would still want to marry you. Very much.”

  Pulling her nearer, he asked huskily, “Is loving you more than my own life the right reason?”

  “Yes, Andrew,” she whispered against his lips. “That’s exactly the right reason.”

  Looking pleased that he’d finally gotten it right, he covered her mouth with his.


  Four-week-old Claire Elizabeth Walker looked perfectly content to be passed from one adoring relative to another, graciously accep
ting their admiration as her due. Considering the size and closeness of both the child’s maternal and paternal extended families, Hannah figured it was a good thing her daughter enjoyed attention.

  This latest get-together was being held on the first Sunday afternoon in October at Mimi and Pop’s house. The heavy rush of summer resort business was behind them now that school had started again, though they still had a steady stream of guests to keep them busy, especially on weekends. Her cousin Steven was the guest of honor for this gathering. Fully recovered from his broken leg and in the best shape of his life, he was leaving tomorrow to begin his training as a firefighter and emergency medical technician. The family would miss having him here at the resort every day, but they’d learned to adapt to the new changes life continued to bring them.

  Absently twisting the two-month-old wedding band on her left hand, she looked around this group of people she loved so dearly. A glittering new diamond on her own left ring finger, Shelby held Claire, cooing down at the sleepy baby while Aaron hovered nearby. Still quite happy in his job with the resort, and fully accepted now as both an important part of the business and the family, he smiled besottedly at both his fiancée and his niece. Hannah figured it wouldn’t be long before another new Bell-Walker was announced. Her parents hovered nearby, eager to get their hands on their granddaughter again, while Mimi called out instructions from the other side of the room for Shelby to be sure and support the baby’s head and not to let her get too warm or too cold or too wet or too tired.

  Her uncle C.J. and aunt Sarah were remaining close to Steven, spending as much time with him as possible before he left for his training. She knew it would be hard for them to see him off tomorrow. It was difficult enough for them that Lori had moved to California with the new husband everyone was still trying to get to know. Lori insisted she was deliriously happy in her marriage to footloose musician Zach. Her family was doing all they could to support her despite the distance she’d put between them. Still, they missed her deeply and hoped she would someday be close to them again, emotionally if not physically.

  In another corner of the room, Pop was telling tall tales to Andrew, who listened patiently and with apparent interest to stories he’d probably heard before. Her heart warming as it always did when she looked at the kind, loving, generous man who was her husband and the devoted father of her child, Hannah thought again of how very fortunate she was to have him in her life. Her trust had been well-placed this time. He was totally committed to her and to Claire, putting them before everything else in his life, even the career to which he’d devoted so much of his adult life.

  They lived in Dallas most of the time, but made the drive to the resort often to see her family and his brother. Hannah was getting back to work now that she’d fully recovered from childbirth, figuring out ways to handle her responsibilities through telecommuting while the baby slept nearby. Her mother-in-law, an advertising professional who was a senior partner in her own firm, had been quite beneficial in helping her set up. Hannah was already very fond of her in-laws, and was slowly learning the names of Andrew’s many aunts, uncles and cousins.

  Seeing her watching him, Andrew excused himself from her grandfather and crossed the room to her. He slipped an arm around her waist, which was much smaller than it had been a month before. She had a little way to go yet before she was back to her pre-pregnancy size, but she was being faithful to her exercises, wanting to be in good shape to chase a toddler around when Claire learned to walk.

  “You think we’ll ever get our hands on our daughter again?” Andrew asked, watching with a chuckle when Maggie swooped in to steal the baby from Shelby.

  Hannah smiled. “When she gets hungry, they’ll return her quickly enough.” Their usually contented child was not one to suffer hunger quietly—at any hour of the day or night.

  Still looking at their daughter, Andrew murmured, “She’s a lucky little girl to have so many people who love her.”

  Hannah glanced up at him. “She’s not the only lucky one.”

  Andrew grinned and brushed a kiss over her mouth, heedless of anyone who might see the show of affection. “No,” he agreed, “she’s not.”

  Sighing lightly, Hannah rested her head against his shoulder and beamed at the family milling through the room. She had never been this happy, she realized. Marrying Andrew had been the wisest decision she had ever made—for all the right reasons.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Her New Year’s Fortune by Allison Leigh

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  Chapter One

  New Year’s Eve. A night of mystery.

  Just like she was mysterious. Beautiful. Exotic. And definitely mysterious.

  Dark, auburn hair spilled in waves down her back, kissing the golden spine revealed by the cut-down-to-there black cocktail dress that clung to her lithe figure. Her companion’s dark blue gaze was focused intently on her face...dropping to her lips as she took a small sip of her martini. Slightly dirty, just the way she’d ordered. She lowered the cocktail and leaned a little closer to him, feeling more than slightly naughty. Beneath the table, she slipped her foot out of her sinfully high black heels and subtly slid her toes along his ankle...

  “Excuse me, miss. Miss? Miss?”

  The fantasy spinning inside Sarah-Jane Early’s head popped like a bubble of spent soap and she focused on the tuxedo-clad man standing in front of the hostess station she was manning at Red, looking none too patient. She was there not to daydream, but to help see to the needs of every guest of the wedding reception that had commandeered the popular Mexican restaurant for the night, and she quickly smiled. “Yes, sir, how can I help you?”

  The man tugged at his skewed bow tie, casting a glance off to one side. “How do I get to the Red Rock Inn?” His question was hurried, and muttered half under his breath. She could have told him he needn’t have bothered trying to be so quiet. For the past three hours, the music from the reception had made conversations nearly impossible. She leaned a little closer to give him the directions to the hotel. He nodded, and took time to thank her before moving away to hold out his hand to the woman he’d obviously been waiting for.

  In seconds, they were hurrying out the front door of the restaurant, the man’s arm wrapped possessively around the woman’s hips. It was obvious to anyone with eyes in their head that the couple couldn’t wait to be alone.

  She knew there was no point in envying a couple in love...or even a couple in lust, or she’d be spending her life in a constant state of envy. Still, Sarah-Jane sighed and shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

  Fantasizing about wearing killer heels was one thing. Actually doing it was another. She wished she’d have just worn a pair of shoes from her own closet. She had a pair of black pumps. Admittedly they were nearly ten years old, purchased by her mother who had insisted that Sarah-Jane needed to wear the modestly-heeled things for her high school graduation. But they were leather and having been worn only a few times since, were still in good condition.

  She glanced down at the shoes she was currently wearing. If she were honest, the only thing in common these shoes had with the old ones in her closet were that they were black. She twisted one foot this way and that, and sighed ag
ain, a little wistfully. The shoes that Maria Mendoza had insisted she wear were beautiful. The velvety suede was as black as midnight and certainly suited the clinging black cocktail dress she was wearing better than her sensible old pumps.

  Just thinking about the dress had Sarah-Jane’s fingertips twitching at the hem of it, as if she could eke out another few inches of cloth where there was none. The hem of the dress stayed midway down her thighs, where it had been since she’d donned the garment earlier that day. She couldn’t do anything about the hem anymore than she could do something about the diagonally-slashed cutout neckline that exposed much more of Sarah-Jane’s cleavage than she liked. If she weren’t positively devoted to Maria, who not only owned the restaurant along with her husband but also owned the knitting shop where Sarah-Jane really worked as an assistant manager, there’s no way she’d have worn something so unsuitable out in public. She was a lot more comfortable in the pullover shirts and khaki pants that she wore at The Stocking Stitch. She wouldn’t win any fashion awards, but at least she didn’t have to worry that people might think she believed she could carry off such a look.

  Her gaze drifted from the empty lobby area of the restaurant back toward the bar where many of the wedding guests had migrated. Most of the wedding party remained, though Emily Fortune and her brand-new husband, Max Allen, had already departed. As had many of the older guests, leaving the younger crowd to stay on and party into the night.

  There wasn’t an unsuitably-clad person in the bunch.

  What else would one expect when the bride was part of the wealthy Fortune family? To a one, every single person who’d entered the restaurant that evening had looked like they’d stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine.


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