Modernity and Bourgeois Life

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by Jerrold Seigel

  Mahler, Alma 520

  Maistre, Joseph de 100

  Malinowski, Bronislaw 414

  Malthus, Thomas 59, 136, 169, 182, 349–51 Essay on Population 350

  Manchester 55, 58, 159, 161, 257, 429 musical life 430

  picture exhibition of 1857 505

  Manchester Guardian 167, 430

  Mandeville, Bernard 362 The Fable of the Bees 28

  Manet, Edouard 424 Déjeuner sur l’herbe 334

  Olympia 334

  The Railway 470, 508–10

  Manin, Daniel 209

  Mann, Thomas 466, 519 and bohemianism 494–97

  Buddenbrooks 231, 448–49, 494–97

  Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man 496

  The Magic Mountain 364

  Mannheim 136

  Margueritte, Victor La Garçonne 368

  Marraud, Mathieu 90–91

  Marseilles 46

  Marshall, P. J. 72

  Marx, Jenny 316

  Marx, Karl 2–3, 21, 23–25, 29–30, 34–35, 42, 108, 114–15, 133, 137, 141, 160, 166, 192–93, 198, 202, 204, 219, 229–30, 235, 267, 293–94, 296–303, 316, 377, 396, 445, 483, 486, 513, 515, 523, 526, 565, 606 Capital. See Marx, economic theory

  economic theory 293–304 and Proudhon 294–96, 300

  Grundrisse 297, 302

  The Communist Manifesto 161, 303, 482

  masculinity, “crisis of,” 333

  Mason, Michael 337–38, 351, 353, 358, 364–65, 370

  Massachusetts Bay Colony 275

  Masseau, Didier 97

  masturbation 345, 435–37, 448–49

  Mauclair, Camille “Women in the Eyes of Modern Painters,” 334–35

  May, Ernest 507

  May, Karl 466

  Mayer, Arno J. 541

  Maza, Sara 89, 107, 222

  McKendrick, Neil 52, 54, 98

  McMahon, Marshall Patrice de 215

  mediatization 470

  Medina, Solomon de 383

  Melville, Herman The Confidence Man 496

  Mendelssohn, Felix 430, 448

  Mendelssohn, Moses 124, 347, 391, 399

  Meredith, George The Ordeal of Richard Feverel 461

  Mevissen, Gustav 229–31

  Meyerbeer, Giacomo The Huguenots 444

  Miall, Edward 168–69

  microhistorians 27

  Mill, Harriet Taylor 324–25, 354 “The Enfranchisement of Women,” 324

  Mill, John Stuart 324–25, 354 The Subjection of Women 324

  Millaud, Polydore 467–68

  Miller, Michael 209

  Millerand, Alexandre 219

  Mimerel, Auguste 188–89, 291

  Mirès, Jules 291

  Mokyr, Joel 238–39, 242, 529

  Moliere (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) Le bourgeois gentilhomme 89

  Mollier, Jean-Yves 467, 479

  Monet, Claude Gare Saint-Lazare 510

  money, history 33, 271–86 in England 275–80

  in France 280–84

  in Germany 285–86

  Montalban, Charles 589

  Montauban 81

  Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de 100 Persian Letters 20

  Monteux, Pierre 478

  Montigny 81–82

  Montlosier, François Dominique de Reynaud, Count of 107

  Montpellier 89, 98

  morality 34, 336–75 and “character,” 344–45

  and courtly life 341–43

  and family life 339–45

  Morgan, J. P. 292

  Moritz, Karl Philipp 445

  Mosse, George 407

  Moulin Rouge 473, 475

  moving pictures. See cinema

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 426–27

  Mulhouse 394

  Munich 258, 494

  Murger, Henri 495, 513 Scenes of Bohemian Life 491–94

  museums 420–22, 450–52

  music 425–32 and “genius,” 433–34

  and sexuality 447–49

  performance 425–27 and silent listening 441

  publishing 427–28

  recorded 477–79

  music halls 473–75

  Musical Times (London) 430

  Musil, Robert 473

  Musson, Michel 499–500, 507, 608

  Napoleon III. See Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon

  national identity 41

  Nationalverein. See Germany, National Society

  Naumann, Friedrich 255, 259, 329

  Necker, Jacques 84

  networks of means and abstraction 28–30, 140–41, 410

  and bourgeois occupations 14–16

  and bourgeois power 263–64

  and factory production 57

  and money 12

  and relations at a distance 32–33, 81–82, 86–87, 92–97, 122–31, 147–48, 163–64, 169, 190–92, 237–39, 242, 271, 280, 375

  and social networks 10

  defined 11–14

  historical forms 18–22

  teleocratic v. autonomous principles of regulation 18–20, 22, 33, 47, 64, 76, 85, 92, 99–100, 211–12, 222–23, 248, 331, 374, 384, 390, 425, 432, 464, 524, 539

  Neue Frankfurter Zeitung 403

  Neue Zeit 173

  New Orleans 499–507

  “new woman,” 333

  New York Central Railroad 292

  New York City 311, 429

  Newsome, David 316

  Newton, Isaac 348

  Nietzsche, Friedrich 495–96, 519

  Nipperdey, Thomas 247, 405

  Noiriel, Gérard 173, 185–87, 189

  Nord, Philip 215

  Northern Star, The 181

  notables 4, 163, 174, 215–16, 221, 239, 243, 245, 381, 507, 515, 528, 539

  Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg) 574

  Nye, Robert 357

  Oldham 55

  Oppenheim, Charlotte 322

  Oppenheimer, Samuel 383

  Orleans, Duke of 421

  Otlet, Paul 535

  Overend and Gurney (bill discounters) 279

  Owen, Robert 324, 354, 549

  Owenites 367, 370

  Paganini, Niccolò 426, 443

  painting 420–25 See also impressionism; and under individual painters

  official salons 422–23

  patronage and market relations 422–25, 497

  Secession movements 425

  Palais Royal 421, 497

  Panckoucke, Charles-Joseph 79

  Parinet, Elisabeth 419

  Paris 18, 45, 79, 98, 123 bourgeoisie in Old Regime 90–91

  Commune of 1871 209, 427

  department stores (grands magasins) 208–10

  palace clock (Horloge du Palais) 269

  rebuilding after 1850 205–10

  social conditions and bourgeois life, 1800–50 192–202, 205–10

  Paris Opera 427

  Passage de L’Opéra, (Paris) 520

  Pathé brothers 477–78

  Patriot, Der (Hamburg) 129–30, 343

  Paxton, Robert 252

  Peel, Robert 176

  Pepys, Samuel 342

  Péreires 203, 289–90

  Perrot, Michèle 316, 440

  Peterloo Massacre 159

  Petit Journal 467–68

  Petit Parisien 468, 470

  Philippson, Ludwig 403, 406

  Physiology of the Bourgeois 197

  Picardy 187

  Picasso, Pablo 475, 487, 524

  Pissarro, Camille 424

  Place, Francis 352–54, 367

  Plessis, Alain 290

  Pocock, J. G. A. 63–64, 67

  Poitou 313

  Poland 387

  political parties, history 170–75 under individual countries

  Pollard, Sidney 166

  Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel du 77

  Popper, Karl 408–09

  Porter, Roy 342

  Prague 383, 408

  Presse, La 417, 444

  Price, Richard 54, 56–58, 151, 161, 163, 182, 293, 296, 316

vat d’Anglemont, Alexandre 469

  professions 238–39

  prostitution 338, 365

  Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph 198 economic theory 294–96

  Proust, Marcel 466

  Prussia 2, 118, 246, 383 Allgemeine Landrecht (1794) 123, 139

  and standardized time 271

  bureaucracy 121–22

  customs union (Zollverein) 134–35, 227

  in 1848 136

  Junkers 228

  railroads 226–27

  voting system 240

  publishing, history 416–20, 532

  Puccini, Giacomo 491

  putting-out system 9–10, 33, 81, 134–35, 300, 537

  Pyat, Félix 489, 493

  Rabelais, François 338

  Raffaelli, Jean-François 499

  Rathbone, Eleanor 581

  Rathenau, Emil 236

  Ravel, Maurice 478

  Raynor, Henry 444

  reason of state 384

  Reed-Danahay, Deborah 462–63

  Renan, Ernst 214–16

  Renoir, Auguste 424, 499

  Renooz, Céline 355

  Republic of Letters 9–10, 19, 537, 543

  Revolutions of 1848 172, 202, 424

  Rheinische Zeitung 229

  Ricardo, David 59, 136, 138, 169, 182

  Richardson, Samuel 434, 439 Pamela 435

  Richelieu, Duc de 288

  Richter, Eugen 244, 256

  Riehl, Wilhelm Heinrich 114 Die bürgerliche Gesellschaft 143–47

  Rimbaud, Arthur 514–15

  Rochau, Ludwig August von 230

  Roche, Daniel 97–99, 340, 609

  Rodin, Auguste 476

  Rollinat, Maurice 476

  Roman law 119

  romanticism 34, 486, 488

  Roncayolo, Marcel 205–06

  Rosanvallon, Pierre 95, 112, 185

  Rose, Jonathan 457, 462

  Rossini, Gioachino William Tell 443

  Roth, Joseph 408

  Rothschild, James 287, 289–90 and Péreire bank 290

  Rothschild, Lionel 390

  Rothschilds 155, 191, 203, 287–90, 379, 398 and telegraphy 289

  Rothstein, Edward 444

  Rotteck, Karl R. W. von 318

  Rouen 198

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 100, 443, 484 Julie, or The New Heloise 345–46

  on “sensory morality,” 586

  The Social Contract 13

  Rousseau, Théodore 423

  Roy, Gustave-Emmanuel 580

  Ruppert, Wilhelm 124

  Sabean, David 311, 322

  Sabel, Charles 529

  Saint-Cheron, Alexandre de 423–24

  Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Count of 108–09, 170

  Saint-Simonians 170, 191–92, 220, 229, 320, 324, 354

  Salabert, François 474

  Salis, Rodolphe 475

  Salomon, Johann Peter 598

  Salon des refusés 424

  Samuel, Raphael 56, 296

  Sand, George 446–47, 449, 490

  Sargent, John Singer 336, 498 Portrait of Madame X 499

  Sarti, Raffaela 577

  Sartre, Jean-Paul 479

  Satie, Erik 476

  Sattler, Wilhelm 234–35, 323

  Saxony 420

  Say, Jean-Baptiste 99

  Schanne, Alexandre 492

  Scherl, August Lokal Anzeiger 468

  Scheurer-Kestner family 217

  Schiller, Friedrich 403, 423

  Schlick, Moritz 409

  Schopenhauer, Arthur 447, 517–19

  Schorske, Carl E. 517, 609 Fin-de-siècle Vienna 515

  Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann 255

  Schumann, Clara 429

  Schumpeter, Joseph 482

  Scotland 114, 344

  Second International 173

  Sée, Camille 328–29, 371

  Seidl, Anton 454

  Seneca Falls Convention 324

  Sennett, Richard 443 The Fall of Public Man 210

  Sèvres 328

  Sewell, William 102–06

  sexuality 349–51, 353–75 See also masturbation

  and family histories 374–75

  and flirting 363–65

  and language 372–74

  the “first night,” 358–63

  Shakespeare, William 453, 465

  Sheehan, James 124–25, 135, 173, 243–44

  Shovlin, John 89

  Sicily 116

  Siemens family and firm 330 Werner and Wilhelm 235–37

  Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph 108, 112 What is the Third Estate? 101–06

  and Proudhon 295

  Silesia, weaver’s revolt (1844) 135

  Silicon Valley 529

  Silvestre, Armand 425

  Simmel, Georg 6–7, 10, 12, 17, 21, 28–29, 140, 278, 303, 352, 406, 431–32, 459, 470, 504, 508, 535, 538 and “cultural capital,” 456–57

  on money as a social form 271–72

  The Philosophy of Money 6–7

  Simon, Jules 327

  Sloane, Hans 420

  Smith, Adam 19, 46, 49, 65, 76, 89, 104, 112, 138, 164–65, 296–97, 484, 530, 546

  Smith, Bonnie 323

  Smith, W. H. 418

  social classes, theory of 23–28, 167

  Social Policy Association (Verein für Sozaialpolitik) 245

  Societé pour la revendication des droits de la femme 324

  Society for Women’s Suffrage 324

  Sohn, Anne-Marie 362, 370–73

  Sombart, Werner The Jews and Modern Capitalism 377–79

  Sonneman, Leopold 403

  Sorkin, David 380, 399, 403

  Southey, Robert 354

  Souvestre, Pierre 466

  Spectator, The (Addison and Steele) 343, 378

  St Clair, William 417, 595

  St. Petersburg 236

  Starobinski, Jean 434–35


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