Book Read Free

Children of the Tide

Page 11

by Theo Shapiro

  Part V: Dinx and Orb

  I had never felt such mixed emotions before in my life. I felt fulfilled, as if what I had been waiting for my whole life had finally come to me, and it was everything I expected and more. At the same time though I knew what this meant. I knew getting what I wanted, we wanted, meant an abrupt end to our happiness.

  I guess it was inevitable. It’s in our genetic makeup. We couldn’t stop this from happening just like we can’t stop the change of the tide. I had tried to put it off since the day I met him. I still remember when I first met him. I was crawling through some coral and looking for something to eat. I was starving. Well I guess that’s a bit of an exaggeration considering now I know what starving really feels like, but I was the hungriest I had ever been at the time.

  I was traveling all around the ocean trying to find a place to stay and eat, but I wasn’t having any luck. I was starting to feel desperate and my mind started to wander. My defenses were down; I didn’t even try to blend into my surroundings. I just stayed a dull grey color, too hungry to concentrate on the colors around me.

  I saw a tiny cleaner shrimp dart into a crevice in a reef and I thought I hit the jackpot. I lunged at it but missed. I tried to cram my entire body through this tiny crevice that an angelfish would have trouble fitting in. Ha-ha I was so desperate I didn’t even care.

  I couldn’t see where I was reaching so I just felt all along inside the crevice, each one of my arms moving this way and that. I thought I lost it when I felt a bit of movement inside the crevice. I stretched as far as I could and could tell the shrimp was just out of my reach. I was about to push myself in even farther when I sensed another presence. It was lucky I even noticed I was so focused on food.

  I did notice though, I had no idea if it was another one of us, a predator, or something even better to eat. Either way I knew I was in a bad situation with my body three-fourths shoved into a tiny crevice. I was completely defenseless. I tried to pull myself out, but I was caught. I had pushed myself too far into too small a space. I didn’t have enough time to try to free myself so I did the only thing I could, I blended into the reef. Luckily this reef wasn’t too bright. Instead it was a pale yellow with some red over it. I closed my eyes and pictured the reef in my head. My body blended into the coral, becoming a pale yellow with red patterns over it.

  I always considered myself to be a master of camouflage, just like I’m sure you will be someday, so I was sure whatever was approaching would never see me. I waited for a couple minutes but I didn’t see anything. I started to think my hunger was driving me crazy, just like it is now. I’m sorry that’s not true. This hunger is far worse, but it’s not driving me crazy because I know what it means. This hunger means that someday you will thrive and live a life like mine. Well I wish your lives would be a bit different but I know that’s not the case. I’m wandering off track. Its been hard for me to keep my focus lately. There isn’t much time less so I better finish my story.

  So I was blended into the coral starting to think I was losing my mind when I saw a shadow appear just above me. Whatever it was it was right on top of the very reef I was crammed into. I stopped breathing and remained as still as I could. I was still wondering if this was something I had to be afraid of or I could eat. I thought I was ready for either scenario. I wasn’t ready for a voice to call out to me, “Excuse me, you seem to be in a tight place. Can I offer my assistance?”

  I was too stunned to speak. I couldn’t believe I had been spotted. I even told myself that whatever it was it must have been talking to some other creature, as dumb as that sounds now. But of course it was talking to me; there was nothing else around to talk to. Still I refused to move or speak, hoping that it would just go away. There was a moment of silence and I thought maybe it had gone away, but then the voice spoke again.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I really am offering you my help.”

  “How did you spot me?” I couldn’t help asking this, I was very proud of my camouflage.

  “What? Oh well I’ve been following you for a while now and I saw you get stuck. I can see you’re very proud and I didn’t want to bother you, but I can’t leave a beautiful creature in distress.”

  “You were following me?”

  “Maybe following is a bit strong a word. I saw you go by and I could tell you were looking for food. I was trying to catch up to you and tell you where you can find some food when you shoved yourself into this crevice, and here we are.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “Not a very trusting octopus are you? I guess I can’t blame you, but I swear I only mean to help. You can consider me your hero, but I don’t want to brag.”

  Oh my God I just realized I never told you this; you-we’re octopi! I guess I just thought you knew that, but with all the different species in the ocean I can see how you wouldn’t know what you are right away. I’m sure eventually you would have figured it out on your own; I did. I’m off topic again and running out of time. There’s so much to tell you, I just wish things could be different. No, that’s not true things are the ways they are supposed to be.

  So this octopus and I exchanged some more quips and eventually I relented. So he slid down and reached three of his tentacles into the crevice with me. He used his suction cups to latch onto my head and started to pull. Ha-ha! I must have been really stuck because he pulled and pulled, but I wouldn’t budge. So this stranger slid two more tentacles into the crevice and latched onto me in some private places that I don’t need to describe to you. I would have been offended or embarrassed, but at that point I was afraid I would never make it out.

  The octopus counted to three and pulled with all his might, it hurt for a couple seconds, but then I just popped out. There was no gradual movement, I just went flying out and fell right into the octopus. His tentacles were still attached to me and I was accidently, or so he said, pulled on top of him. The two of us locked eyes for a moment and it was like magic. I felt like I could have looked into those eyes for the rest of my life, but at the time I was too proud and didn’t think I needed any help so I forced myself to look away and asked him to let me go.

  I thanked him and turned to swim away. “Wait!” He called. “You won’t even let me finish?”

  That caught my attention. “Finish what?”

  “Saving you. I told you I saw you were looking for food and I wanted to help you with that, but then you got stuck so I figured I had better help you with that first. So I haven’t finished helping you yet. May I finish?”

  “What makes you think I need your help?’ Well considering how frantic your searching was and given the fact that you shoved yourself in little crack for a cleaner shrimp makes me think you haven’t eaten for a while.”

  I considered denying this, but my screaming stomach for food drowned my mind out. My head was in a ferocious battle with my stomach, and the stomach won. “Fine, I am hungry and I could use some help finding some food.”

  The octopus got a smile on his face as if he had just escaped Davey Jone’s Locker. The smile was one of self-satisfaction and made me hate him, or so I thought.

  I followed him and he didn’t even lead me a half mile before we reached another reef that was full of sea life. There were fish, jellyfish, rays, and others all over the place. I tried to show indifference, but inside I was crying with joy. The stranger and I spent the next two hours eating everything we could catch, and we caught a lot. When we were finished neither of us could move we were so full.

  Once I digested I said thanks again and planned to leave. “So that’s it?” He asked. “I save you twice and I don’t even get your name in return?”

  You have to understand I spent my whole life on my own. I didn’t have any brothers or sisters and I was born in a dark cave. It was so dark that I thought that the world was just black. It took me a while to find he exit of the cave and when I did it was in the middle of the night with no moon or stars out so I thought everything would be black for my whole life
. Imagine my surprise when the sun started to rise and everything changed around me.

  My point is I had never spent time with anyone before, so the idea of another octopus wanting to spend more than a minute with me was strange to me. I still didn’t trust this octopus, even though he had only helped me, but I wasn’t rude enough to just swim away, I did feel like I owed him. “My name is Dinx.”

  “Well Dinx, it’s a pleasure to officially meet you. My name is Orb.”

  “Now that you know my name and I’ve thanked you I’ll be on my way.” With that I turned around and swam away. I didn’t have to look back to know that Orb was disappointed and hurt by my coldness. I continued on my way. I was determined to find the perfect place to live. I wanted to settle down somewhere quiet and peaceful but still have plenty of food, a far easier thing to imagine than actually find.

  So I spent the next hour just swimming. I came across a couple reefs, but none of them were what I was looking for. I was still full from the last meal, but I was starting to get tired. So I decided the next reef I came across I would find a place to rest. It didn’t take long to come across another reef.

  This one was much quieter than all the others. There were still some fish swimming around, but far less than the typical plethora of fish that inhabit them. The reef looked to be damaged. Pieces of coral were broken off and scattered about the ocean floor. There wasn’t a lot of color and there were almost no sea urchins perched on the coral. Looking back at it now this should have been a sign for me to move on, but I was too tired and I thought a dying reef would offer a better place for shelter than living one. It didn’t take long to find a nice sized crevice between some Stag horn and Table Coral.

  I easily fit inside and squeezed in as far as I could. I turned around so my back was to the wall and nothing could sneak up on me while I slept. Before I could count to three I fell asleep. I never told anyone else this, but that night I couldn’t top dreaming of Orb.

  I must have been in a deep sleep, because when I woke I felt very disoriented and had no idea where I was. When I saw some light shining into my hiding place I remembered I had found some shelter for the night and must have slept for a while. I slid my tentacles forward and was about to crawl out when the something blocked the light and my only way out.

  “Hello there.” A nasal voice casually said. “You appear to have made yourself comfortable in my home; oh I don’t mind I hope you found it comfortable.”

  Even though the words were kind the voice gave away truly evil intentions and a sound of venom. Each word sounded like poison.

  “I’m-I’m sorry, I had no idea. I thought this was an abandoned place and no one would live here.”

  “What are you trying to say? Is my place not inhabitable, not good enough for you other than as a pit stop?”

  “No, that’s not what I meant. I-I..”

  “It’s fine, I’m not doing a good job at making you feel comfortable am I?”

  I had no idea what to say at that so I thought the best thing was to remain silent.

  “No, I can see you’re scared. We both know how this is going to end; I was just hoping that I could relax you. Things taste so much better when they are killed in a good mood. Other eels say it doesn’t matter, but I don’t think that’s true. I can definitely tell the difference between a meal that died willingly and those that tried to struggle. Well, at least I’m getting a meal.”

  As fast as a lightning strike the eel lunged at me. I closed my eyes waiting for the end, but it didn’t come. When I opened my eyes I saw the eel’s mouth was three inched away from my face and it’s jaws were snapping open and closed anticipating his meal. Then he closed his mouth and I saw a look of confusion on its face.

  The eel turned away from me to look at something behind it, I couldn’t see what it was but it was clearly more important than I was. Then the eel started to back out of the crevice, at least I thought it was backing up, but then I realized it was being dragged backward. That’s when I saw two tentacles wrapped around the back of the eel.

  I couldn’t see who was at the other end of the tentacles, but I had no doubt in my mid who it was. Once the eel was pulled out of the crevice it quickly turned to attack Orb. The two of them disappeared from sight. I could hear struggling, but I was frozen in place. I was so shaken that I couldn’t move. When the fight started to quiet down I was afraid the eel had killed Orb. I managed to pry myself away from the wall and cautiously crawled toward the entrance.

  Just before I reached the open water the eel dropped right in front of me blocking my path. Without even thinking I reached past him with two of my tentacles and grabbed a conch shell that was sitting on the reef. Luckily it was empty and I hit the eel in the head with it. The shell left a large gash on the side of its head. I reared back to hit it again, but another tentacle came into view holding a rock and brought it crashing down on the eel’s head. The eel was dazed for a moment, but quickly tried to regain his composure and attack Orb.

  Before he could move though I hit him again with the shell and once he turned his focus back on me Orb hit him with the rock. Oh I wish you could have seen this; that eel turned and fled. For my whole life I had been afraid of eels but after this I can’t help but laugh when I see one. I mean think about it, that eel was at a major disadvantage. Between Orb and I we had that eel outnumbered 16 arms to none!

  As I watched the eel swim away I realized that I was still clutching the shell so hard it was cutting into my tentacle. I forced myself to let it go and watched it flutter to the ocean floor. Very slowly I saw Orb’s tentacles slide into the crevice and gently helped guide me all the way out. When I was out of the crevice Orb floated in front of me. I heard him ask me something, but to this day I have no idea what he said. When he repeated himself I managed to get myself under control.

  “Are you ok?” He asked.

  “I’m fine. Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you again.”

  “I guess I don’t have to tell you that’s three times I saved you.” Orb said with a sly smile. “I think you owe me more than your name this time.”

  I now know Orb was just playing with me, joking around like he always did. He was such a jokester. I probably had no more than three serious conversations with him; one of them was about that night we decided to be together, the second involved you, and the third I don’t even remember. I know we had a third, but it’s been hard to remember things these past couple days. It’s kind of like waking up from a dream. You know you had one and you can summarize most of it, but there’s a few details that you can’t place.

  Well my defenses went up and I insisted I didn’t owe him anything and I started to swim away.

  “Wait!” He called. I didn’t hear the desperation in his voice at the time but he says it was there. “I’m just kidding. I know you don’t owe me anything. I just want to help you.”

  “Why do you want to help me?”

  Each of his tentacles found a partner and started rubbing against each other. “I don’t know, haven’t you ever just done something for someone?”

  “No, not really. I’ve been alone for most of my life and not had a chance to help anyone or get any help.”

  “Considering your string of luck I’m surprised you’re still alive living on your own.”

  I gave him a look that could have scared a group of barracuda away. He quickly apologized and said he was kidding. I turned back around and started to swim again. I’m not sure if you’ve heard everything I’ve said, but this part is very important. Don’t make the same mistakes I made. Life is so short, especially for us, and when you have a chance for happiness grab it with every tentacle. I never had anyone to tell me that so instead of listening to my heart and what I really wanted I listened to my pride. Even though I was grateful I was also embarrassed of needing to be saved three times. I hated the idea of being looked on as a weakling who needed to be saved all the time. I wanted to prove how tough I was and my head told me in order to do that I had to go off on my own, e
ven though every other part of my body was screaming at me to trust Orb and stay with him.

  Behind me I heard Orb start to follow me and I got excited, telling myself that if he caught up to me I would travel with him. Instead I must have put on a convincing act because he stopped and let me go. Secretly disappointed I continued to swim, refusing to look back. I swam for at least 20 minutes before I allowed myself to look back and saw there was no one behind me. At this point I was in an area of the ocean where it was just a sandy ocean floor. There weren’t any reefs or signs of other fish around. I could feel the ocean current pulling me to the East and I decided to follow it.

  In a short time I arrived at an abandoned Fit Tún underwater drilling station. I’m not sure what they’re looking for, but in random parts of the ocean the Fit Tún will drill the ocean floor. They have no compassion for our environment and come in like they own the place. If you ever come across one of these machines swim away as fast as you can. There are always several dangers around these drilling machines. There could be Fit Tún still around, the machine could kill you, and the machine always leaves some kind of pollution in the immediate area.

  When I saw the drill I couldn’t believe how bad my luck had been lately. I quickly turned away and planned to get away from the machine as fast as I could. I took off, keeping my eyes on the machine as if I expected it to come to life and chase me down. Since I wasn’t looking where I was going I swam right into large net that had been drifting in the water. It must have been attached to the machine or abandoned by a Fit Tún fisherman, but in the end it didn’t matter.

  As large as the ocean is I had somehow swam right into this free floating net. Nine times out of ten I probably would of missed the net, but that one time it must have been fate. As I ran into the net it wrapped all around me, pinning each of my tentacles together and causing a massive, tangled mess. Without being able to move, the net and I floated to the bottom of the ocean floor. I landed on my side and was unable to move. I tried to wiggle a tentacle free, but it was no use. Believe it or not I started to laugh. My string of bad luck was so incredible that laughing was the only thing I could do.

  I don’t think I ever laughed so hard in my life, in fact I’m sure I hadn’t. Living alone I never experienced anything to make me laugh or share a good time with anyone. I was still alone, but the recent events had been so ridiculous that I had to laugh; probably to keep from crying.

  I had been in dangerous situations before. It’s almost impossible to live in the ocean and not experience some kind of danger, but this close together was shocking.

  I continued to laugh when I heard a voice behind me. “Um, Dinx? Dinx, are-are you ok?” Of course it was Orb. Who else would it be? The thing is this didn’t sound like the Orb I had spoken to the times before. Orb’s voice was quiet and cautious, almost like he was sneaking behind a massive predator afraid to wake it.

  I couldn’t turn to see him, but when he crawled over the ocean floor into my line of sight I felt another wave of laughter build up, but I managed to hold it back. “Am I ok? Am I ok?” I sounded like I was hysterical and I probably was. “No I’m not ok, and you know what? It’s your fault! Ever since I met you I keep getting in trouble. My whole life I’ve been alone and managed perfectly fine, then you come into my life and I can’t make it from one reef to another without getting in some kind of trouble. I bet you think I’m pathetic!”


  “I don’t want to hear it!” Even though I was the one caught in the net it felt like he was the one that I couldn’t escape from. “You keep following me, expecting me to get in trouble, and you’ve been right every time. So go ahead and get me out of here. Then I’ll just go on my way until the next time you can come to my rescue. Do me a favor though, next time, whatever it is, just let me die. I’d rather be dead than be one of those sea creatures that need to be saved or rely on someone else to survive.”

  I lifted up my head and for the first time really looked at Orb. What I saw wasn’t a smug look, or a look of superiority. Instead I saw a look of shame, as if instead of helping me he was stealing my food. He moved closer, but then hung back. I saw in the eyes a youthful octopus that just wanted to help and he felt good doing it. He had clearly been living amongst other octopi, but he left them behind to follow me and make sure I was ok. If there were any other objective in his mind he would have had plenty of opportunities to act on them. He really as just trying to help and the whole time I had been treating him like he was some parasite trying to get a free ride.

  “Orb, I’m sorry. I have no right to talk to you like this. You would be well in your right to leave me here.”

  “I wouldn’t leave you here, and I don’t think you’re helpless. In fact I think you’re the strongest and bravest octopus I’ve ever met.”

  “Yeah right. You’re just saying that.”

  “No, I’m serious. If I wasn’t so interested in you I wouldn’t have followed you.” Orb started to play wit his tentacles again, clearly embarrassed by what he just said. “What I mean is if I thought you were some pathetic creature I wouldn’t waist my time following you and helping you. When you were cornered by the eel you didn’t just panic like most would, you attacked when you got the chance. When I first met you and you were starving you didn’t act helpless and give up, you continued to search and fight. Even now, I find you caught in a net and instead of panicking or freaking out you were laughing. At first I thought you might have lost your mind, but you’re still in the net and having a reasonable conversation. Anyone else would have been biting their tentacles off to try and get out.”

  I looked at the net that was still pinning me to the ocean floor and then at my tentacles tangled inside the net. I never told Orb this, but I wasn’t freaking out because I was brave, I wasn’t freaking out because he was there.

  “Would it alter your view of me if I asked you to get me out of here now?” Orb started to laugh and gently untangled the net from my tentacles. This took a couple of minutes, but once my tentacles were free it was easy to get the rest of the net off me.

  Once the net was off I think he expected me swim away again or become my normal cold self. He definitely wasn’t expecting what I did. I wrapped all my tentacles around him and gave him a massive hug. I held him for a longer time that just a thank you embrace called for. Orb was so surprised that he raised his tentacles in defense and took him a moment to return my embrace. When we separated we sat looking at each other. This was the only time Orb was speechless.

  “Would you like to go for a swim with me?” I asked.

  “I would like that. Is there anywhere in particular you want to go?”

  “Not really, I like the idea of just going. Is that ok with you?”

  Of course it was ok with him. Orb was always looking for an adventure and I think he knew adventure was attracted to me like a shark to blood. The two of us spent the next month together, never leaving each other’s side. We never found anywhere permanent to stay and just went reef to reef. We found plenty of adventures and saved each other several times over. I learned that I was partially right about him; he did have a family but they had all passed away. He told me his last sister died three days before the first time he saw me.

  Of course we became a couple and we loved each other desperately. I would cut every tentacle from my body if I could be with him again. I’m sorry, let me catch my breath, this is a lot of work and I feel so weak. I hope you understand I don’t want it to be like this. I wish I could be there with you in the future, but as Orb kept saying this is the way it’s supposed to be.

  Orb….Orb…Orb. Sometimes at night I will say his name over and over and I feel like he is right there with me. I’ll feel his tentacles entwine with mine. Sometimes we would play a game together. He would change his color and I would have to copy him, detail for detail, then I would do the same for him. Ever day I spent with him I would look back on the time I was alone and not believe I could have survived without him.

>   You don’t need to hear all the mushy details of our relationship and I’m sure you don’t care. What you do need to know is about the time we had one of our most serious conversations. It actually was all about you in a way. It was a beautiful night and we had just eaten a bunch of clams and found a place to settle down for the night.

  “I’m tired.” He said to me.

  “Yeah, me too. We traveled a log way today. This seems like a nice area, maybe we can stay here a couple days until we have all our strength back.”

  “No Dinx, that’s not what I mean. I mean I’m tired as in I’m getting old. We’re getting old.”

  “Speak for yourself.” I said, playfully shoving him.”

  “I’m serious.” And I could see he was. I had never seen this look on his face before. “I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love you and I want that love to continue until the end of time.”

  “I love you too, and I’ll never stop loving you so who says it has to end?

  “Our love will never end, but I want it to continue on in this world as well as in the afterlife. I want to have baby octopi with you. I want to create something that is the combination of you and I and that will live on well after we’re gone. And once they grow, they’ll have eggs and those eggs will have eggs and we will be a part of each generation. Our love will have created something that is truly ours and more incredible than any memory or what we do together in the ocean after life.”

  I wish I could say this idea came as a surprise to me, but it wasn’t. I had wanted my own eggs as well and I wanted Orb to mate with me more than anything. I dreamed of it nearly every night but I never dared mention it to him. I knew if I did he would jump at the idea knowing it was what I wanted. The problem was that we both knew what would happen if we did this. We knew our lives would change and be over. I refused to be the one to bring up the subject; instead, I decided I would wait for Orb. If he never brought up the idea of having eggs I would have been fine with it and lived out the rest of my life with him in perfect happiness, but he did want it. Apparently he wanted it as much as I wanted it.

  “Orb, if we do this you knows what it means.”

  “I know what it means and I’m fine with it, no I want it. I know that it will mean the same for you so if you say no then that’s fine too and I’ll never mention it again.”

  “No, I want it to, but I’m afraid.”

  “I am too, but I’m also excited. This will be our greatest adventure yet and the most important.”

  “It will also be our last.”

  “In this world yes, but we’ll be together in the afterlife soon enough and nothing will have changed.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because a love as strong as ours can’t just end, it must continue and it will.”

  After that I put up more of an argument but we both knew it was just for show, we both wanted this. We didn’t just go at it like some barbarian creatures will we had to make everything perfect. Of course now I realize there’s no such thing as perfect, but you should always strive for it.

  A while ago we came across some lava formation called The Cathedral. Lava formed together to build this beautiful room. It’s incredibly dangerous though because during the day the Fit Tún goes diving there, but at night it belongs to the sea life. So Orb and I went there one night, when a red moon was shining down on us. It may not have been perfect but it’s the closest I’ve ever seen.

  After we finished I promised myself I wouldn’t cry, but I did. Orb and I just sat in the Cathedral holding each other. It was strange that our love grew stronger as he faded away. There’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just come out with it; Orb, your father, died that night. I can’t explain why but for some reason after mating male Octopi die. In no way am I saying this is your fault, having you all was the best thing Orb and I have ever done.

  I just wish he could have seen you one time before he died, but I know he’s watching us now so I guess he has seen you. I know he loves you all as much as I do and he made me promise to find a place for you all to grow up and be safe. Orb wanted t stay at the Cathedral so I hid his body somewhere the Fit Tún or some other sea creature could disturb him and off I went to find the perfect place to lay you all.

  It took me a while and I was starting to fear I wouldn’t find a good place, but then I met this old sea turtle named Ka. He led me to this reef. I knew right when I saw it this was the perfect place for you all to hatch. I found this piece of coral with Sea anemone surrounding it, which will keep predators away. I also met this sweet couple that is more than willing to watch after you once you’re born. It’s a strange couple, but a sweet couple and I their love for each other reminds me your fathers and mine. One of them is a puffer fish named Trapper and the other is a Yellow Tang named Sole. They will take care of you until you’re ready to go off on your own.

  I guess if you haven’t figured it out yet I won’t be around either. You see the male Octopi dies after mating and the female hangs around long enough to lay the eggs and ensure their safety before she dies. Yes, I’m dying. IT won’t be much longer now, I can feel all my strength is nearly gone. It’s like watching a sun set. The high sun represents my life and it’s just about set. There’s just a small patch of orange sky holding off the night.

  I don’t know why we die after mating and giving birth. I used to think it was a curse, but Orb tried to tell me, and now I see that it’s actually a blessing in disguise. So many creatures go from partner to partner, mate to mate, not creating a meaningful relationship. Some couldn’t even spot whom they mated with in a crowd. They just do a little dance or make some sound and go off with the first responder. For us though we have to choose. IT has to be special and feel right because it’s only happening once. I am blessed to have that incredible time with Orb and know each of you will one day too.

  There. You’re all set. I’ve done what I can to protect you and hope you all live a great life. Your father and I will be watching you always. Behave for Trapper and Sole. I hope you have enough protection but my vision is starting to fade and I can’t see that well. I wish I could at least see you are born. I don’t even know if you’ve heard a word I’ve said still being an egg and all, but you all deserved to know the story of your parents even if you never know it’s been told.

  “Dinx, arree yooouuu ready?” A slow, deep voice asked.

  “Yes, I’m ready Ka. Thank you again for doing this. Are you sure you know where we’re going?”

  “Ohhh yesss. I’ve been to the Cathedral many times. It’s a beautiful place.”

  “I’d say it’s nearly perfect.”

  “Ka, I don’t have enough strength to make it there. I could barely finish telling my eggs the story. What if they didn’t hear a word I said and I wasted all this time?”

  Ka looked up at the sky then looked at the group of eggs, gently laid against the reef. “They may not have heard you, but by telling them the story I’m sure they could feel you and the love you have for them. That’s all you can do. As for your strength, I will carry you on my back to the Cathedral and put you next to Orb.”

  “Thank you. Thaank yo-“ Dinx closed her eyes, unable to keep them open any longer. She couldn’t talk or move but she felt the massive sea turtle use his head to roll her onto his back and smoothly cradled her between his outstretched neck and shell. Dinx felt him back out of the reef and start swimming. She could feel something else now. It wasn’t the turtle or the ocean current gently moving against her, it was Orb. She could feel his gentle touch. He was welcoming her, and she would be with him soon. She was with him in spirit now, and soon she would be with him in body. Everything was perfect.


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