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Children of the Tide

Page 13

by Theo Shapiro


  Verne was up the next morning even before the sun started to rise. He had been so excited that he barely slept a wink, and when he did his dreams were filled with sharks and all kinds of sea creatures. Verne waited another hour then woke Shelly and got ready to go diving.

  After spending two weeks researching which dive company to go out with he decided on a company called Dream Divers. They seemed like a well-run group and their website offered a lot of incredible pictures of encounters with sharks. After talking to the boat Captain he decided this would be the perfect boat for them for the week. Verne booked a total of eight dives with them for the week, including a couple of night dives.

  The owner of Dream Divers was a local born and raised on the island named Huall. Dream Divers is a small dive company with one boat and one Captain and that was Huall. Huall had his son as one of the Dive Masters that go out with the guests, and his wife ran the shop while they were out. Other than the great pictures Verne like the family run business and the fact that it was run by locals. Another thing Verne liked was that they didn’t take any more than six divers out at a time. Verne and Shelly hated to be put on a large boat crammed with 20-30 other divers fumbling around with their equipment and knocking into each other on the boat. A more private boat made things easier and the dive more pleasant without having to worry about so many other people.

  Huall had told Verne via e-mail that the boat left at 7 am sharp and to arrive at 6:30 to get everything ready. Verne and Shelly pulled onto the dock at 6:15. The strange thing was there was no one else in sight. There were around eight boats tied to the dock. Five of them were fishing boats, four dive boats, and the last was a tiny motorboat with a single outboard engine. The paint was peeling off in places and looked to have been built around the same time as their jeep.

  Shelly saw him looking at the motorboat and gave him a look. “That had better not be our boat.”

  Verne pulled out his dive registration papers and scanned them looking for the boat’s name. When he found it he looked at the tiny motorboat. On the side was faded lettering. A couple letters were almost unreadable but he was able to make out the name, Drift Wood. Luckily that wasn’t their boat. Theirs was called Malika. After scanning the dock he found the Malika tied next to two fishing boats.

  The boat was beautiful. It had a large ladder near the back of the boat for easy entry and exit into and out of the water. There was a fresh shower nozzle attached to the wall of the cabin. In the hull of the boat were two cushioned benches, one on each side of the boat, for the divers to sit on. Lining the sides of the boat were cradles for the tanks to lock into so they don’t go flying around during travel. The outside of the ship was a clean white paint with a large dive flag painted onto each side.

  When Verne pointed the boat out to Shelly se looked very relieved. “Oh thank God. I wonder if I can sleep on the boat instead of our hotel room.”

  “I’m in on that. We could just stay out on the ocean.”

  “We would need to eat eventually, and I mean the food where I’m being served and the meal better be followed with something rich and chocolaty.”

  “She’s a beaut ain’t she? One of the best dive boats around.” Verne turned around to see a large Samoan man standing behind them. He had long hair tied back in a ponytail. A tight Dream Divers t-shirt was stretched over his stomach. He was also wearing a ridiculous bright pink bathing suit with flower print. His massive arms were covered in tribal print tattoos. “Didn’t mean to startle you folks, just say you admiring my boat and thought I’d come over and say hi. I’m Huall.”

  Verne smiled and walked forward to shake the man’s hand. “Aloha, I’m Verne and this is my wife Amy, but everyone calls her Shelly.”

  As soon as he said their names Verne felt Huall’s handshake go slack and a devastated look crossed his face. “Oh no, you’re Mr. and Mrs. White! I can’t believe it, my wife must have forgotten to call you. I love her, but she can be a little airy sometimes. Don’t tell her I said that or she would serve me up at a barbeque.”

  Verne was confused. “Is there a problem? Are we too early?” Verne asked looking around at the empty marina.

  “My friend I hate to tell you this, especially after all our e-mail exchanges I feel like we are old friends, but there won’t be any dives this week.”

  Verne heard Huall’s words echo in his head like a golf ball bouncing in an empty hall. “Excuse me?”

  Huall rubbed a hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable. “I’m so sorry, I guess no one has told you but the beaches are closed in Lanai for the week at least.”

  “How could the beaches be closed? What do you mean? We made this trip just to go diving!” Shelly moved to Verne’s side and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Over the past couple days there have been several shark attacks.”

  Verne could feel his temper starting to rise. It took a lot to get him upset, but discussing sharks is one of the things that will set him off. He hated how if there was a single shark attack people freaked out and started screaming how sharks are evil, man-eaters. Verne knew most shark attacks weren’t even attacks. We are in their territory and they come to investigate us stumbling around in their area. Verne always came to the shark’s defense explaining that a person was more likely to be killed by a coconut falling on their head than being killed by a shark.

  “I can’t believe they shut down all the beaches, isn’t that a bit of an overreaction?”

  “Normally I would agree with you, but these sharks aren’t like other sharks. They’ve been spotted stalking the beaches and it’s the same two sharks each time; two massive Hammerheads. These two sharks have already killed six people in two days and injured three more.”

  “Yeah, but a lot of times shark attacks happen when people shouldn’t be in the water like during a storm, foggy conditions, dusk, or dawn.”

  “Normally you would be right, but these attacks were in the middle of a bright sunny day. They show no fear or remorse in their attacks. All the attacks are to kill. It’s like they’re hunting people.”

  “Fine, say these rogue sharks are really hunting people why hasn’t the Coast Guard or some fisherman hunted them down?” The words coming out of Verne’s mouth tasted like bile.

  “They have. These sharks are smart. They come in, attack, eat, leave, and disappear. Look, I have to get home, I just stopped by to make sure the shop was locked up. Again I can’t tell you how sorry I am about this. Obviously you’ll be refunded your full amount. I hope you enjoy your vacation. Lanai is a gorgeous island and I think you’ll still have an incredible time.”

  “Please, there have to be some way to go diving. I have dreamed of diving with Hammerheads for so long and we made this trip just to dive with them.”

  “You don’t want to dive with these sharks.”

  “I’m not afraid of them.”

  “Honey.” Shelly said softly. “I’m just as disappointed as you are but there’s nothing we can do. Let’s just enjoy the vacation. We can still…”

  “No Shelly. We’ve been planning this trip for a long time and we’re going diving with these sharks.”

  “I feel horrible to be the one to tell you this. Really did look forward to taking you out diving, but everything happens for a reason and I’m sure something good will follow this bad.”

  “Look, you can still take us out.” Huall gave Verne a confused look. “Can’t you just take us out? I’ll pay you extra.”

  “Verne!” Shelly scolded. “Are you nuts? We’re not breaking the law just to risk our lives. We’ll find another time to go shark diving. We’re in Hawaii and I’m going to enjoy it.”

  “Mrs. Whi…Shelly is right. I really wish I could but if I were caught taking the boat out when the waters are restricted my Captain’s license would be taken away and I could face some jail time. Plus I wouldn’t feel right putting you and your wife in danger like that. I really am sorry.” Just to emphasize his decision was final
Huall turned around and started walking away.

  Verne was about to keep trying but Shelly pulled his arm back. Verne turned to look at his wife and when he saw the look on her face he instantly felt all words leave him. “Verne, let it go please. I want to have a good vacation and I know that diving with Hammerheads have meant so much to you but doesn’t the idea of just spending time with me still sound fun?”

  “Jesus Shelly, you know I love spending time with you. It’s just…”

  “Just what? Since we can’t do what you want to do then everything’s a waist. We can still go hiking, walk on the beach, go for bike rides, and my favorite; eat at some fancy restaurants. Were you listening at all to Huall? The sharks out there are dangerous and I know just as much about sharks as you do. I know they’re misrepresented, but maybe sharks can be just like people. Just like there are some evil people out there, maybe there are some sharks that just like to kill and for some reason these sharks have a taste for humans. I know it sounds like a cheap film idea, but isn’t it possible? And instead of thinking about your safety you want to go dive with them. What’s worse is did you even consider me? Maybe I’m scared. I love diving and seeing the large creatures of the deep, but I like being on reefs and seeing tiny, colorful fish, seahorses, and octopi too. You, you like more extreme dives; going as deep as possible, diving ship wrecks, and seeing some of the most deadly creatures. And that’s fine, in fact I love that about you, but you need to learn when enough is enough.”

  “Shelly, I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about…”

  “I’m not trying to start a fight. I just want you to step back and relax. It’s like you have tunnel vision and you’re missing all the other incredible things around you. I love you, but sometimes you make me want to punch you in the face.” She said this with a smile, but no smile spread over Vern’s face. He felt like his mind and body were in a race and his body was so far ahead and the mind was trying to catch up. Less than an hour ago everything was perfect and he and his wife were about to go on possibly one of the best dives of their lives. Now there will be no dives for the entire vacation, there were two man eating sharks, and Verne realized he was acting like a terrible husband by not even thinking of his wife’s safety.

  “I love you too, and as usual you’re right. I’m sorry. There will be plenty of other chances to dive with Hammerheads, and we’ll aim for ones that won’t eat us.” A smile spread over his face and he took both Shelly’s hands in his. “I’ll tell you what, lets sneak into the massive resort down the street from us and use their pool. I hear they have a massive lazy river and a water slide. Then tonight we can go out to dinner anywhere you want.”

  “Can we get some Mexican?”

  “We’re in Hawaii and you want Mexican food? I mean of course babe, whatever you want. Verne leaned forward and gave Shelly a quick kiss and pulled her into a hug. When he let her go he lifted both their dive bags and they headed back to the jeep. Shelly got into the driver seat as Verne loaded the back of the jeep. Just as Verne was about to shut the door he realized he left their cooler on the pier by the Malika. “I forgot the cooler, babe. I’ll be right back.”

  Verne made his way back to the pier and saw the cooler sitting at the end of the dock. Verne and Shelly always bought a small cooler for them to use on the dive boat so they could have their own food and drinks in case what the boat has to offer didn’t look all that appetizing. That was a waste of money, Verne thought to himself. As he made his way back to the car he saw an older man sitting on an old wooden chair that was outside the closed Bait and Tackle shop. Was he sitting there the whole time?

  Verne tried to not stare at the old man as he walked past, but he couldn’t help it. The man looked so similar to the iconic character Quinn in the film Jaws. His skin looked to be made of rubber from all the time he spent on a boat absorbing the sun and salt air. His hair had mostly turned white, but there was still some patched that showed he once had bright blond hair. Deep blue eyes made no disguise that he was looking right at Verne, and a wide smile revealed several missing teeth. Verne subconsciously looked down to the man’s legs expecting to see a peg leg. To his surprise this wasn’t too far from the truth. He had both his legs, but one of them had a massive scar that ran up the calf and Verne assumed up his thigh.

  From all the shark attack documentaries he had seen Verne knew this was a shark bite. Just above the man’s knee was large chunk of missing muscle that must have been where the shark first bit him. Verne guessed that if the bite went just centimeter deeper the leg would have been taken off.

  Verne forced himself to look away and walk right past the old man. The man followed him with his sharp eyes the entire time. Verne thought he was going to make it by without having to exchange some awkward greeting but then the man started to laugh, or at least he thought it was a laugh but it also could be confused with a choking noise. “It’s a shame isn’t it?” The man said in a voice that sounded like had smoked way to many cigarettes. As if to confirm his thought the old man pulled out a carton of cigarettes and shook one out into his hand. Without looking away from Verne he pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette and inhaled.

  Verne knew he should keep walking, but he couldn’t help but be drawn in by the mystery of the man. “What’s a shame?”

  “Oh this and that, that and this. In your case, the fact that something you’ve wanted for so long is so close and you’re so willing to give up on it.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think you know anything about me.”

  “Oh but I do.” Again that laughing or coughing sound. The man took a long puff on his cigarette that nearly brought it down to the butt. “I know you because I see a lot of me in you a long time ago. I had that same passion for the ocean once.” Without even realizing it the old man rubbed the scars over his leg. “the only difference is when something I wanted was this close I went after it.”

  “Whatever, I got to get going.”

  “Wait, I’m being rude. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Captain Gervis Adalger.” When he said his name Verne realized he was German and could detect a strong hint of his accent. His accent would probably have been a lot stronger if it wasn’t for the presence of poisoned vocal cord from his smoking. “Unlike noble Huall, I am more than willing to take you out diving. For a price.”

  If Verne had a sixth sense it would have been screaming a warning, but he didn’t or he was choosing to ignore it. “Do you even have a boat?” Just walk away, Verne scolded himself.

  “I did introduce myself as Captain didn’t I? Of course I have a boat and its services are for sale and I’ll take you right where you want to go.”

  “How do you know where I want to go?” Shelly is waiting, just leave.

  “I heard you talking to Huall. You want to see some sharks. I know where they are and where they’ll be.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I know these waters like the back of my hand and I know sharks just as well.” Again he touched his leg. “I was born in Germany, but I was raised here. I’m sure you don’t care about my life story, what you’re interested in is my knowledge of sharks. I’ll take you out diving and bring you face to face with the creatures you love so much.”

  “I thought it’s illegal to go out now? What gives you the right to go out?”

  Gervis smiled. “It is illegal. Lets just say I’m not afraid to play against the rules. That doesn’t mean we can go strolling out during the day. If you want to do this it’s going to be a night dive. We’d have to leave some time after midnight, maybe 1 or 2 am and be back before sunrise.”

  “I’m not…” Gervis waived a hand through the air, cutting Verne off.

  “I don’t want to hear your speech about right or wrong. Here’s the facts; you want to dive with the sharks here about as much as an Irishman wants a drink, I have a boat to take you out, I’m the only one on this island willing to take you out, and that’s it. The price is $600 for one dive.”

  “Six hundred!�
� Verne exclaimed. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Take it or leave it. I’m taking a major chance. Lets just say I could face some major jail time if I get caught. A tourist like you would probably get a slap on the wrist and a fine. I’ll tell you what. You don’t have to give me an answer now. If you want to go I might be here between the hours of 1 and 2. If you show up with your dive gear and the money we’ll go for a boat ride. I’ll even provide the tank and weights.”

  “Thanks, but no thanks.” Verne turned away from Gervis and started to walk away, forcing himself not to show any sign of consideration or second thoughts.

  Even though Verne was walking away as fast as he could without seeming like he was running, he still heard Gervis mutter under his breath, “I’ll see you tonight.”

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