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Thieves 2 Lovers

Page 22

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Oh, Linc,” she whimpers, her tears splashing my chest.

  I pull from her hold on me and reach up, ignoring the pain tearing across my muscles, and grip her jaw. Her eyes are wide as I pull her down to my lips. I may not be able to toss her around and own her like I want but I can do this. My lips power over hers. I let her know with a kiss that I’ll always protect and cherish her. That I will love her with every ounce of me that I have. Those are my vows.

  “I love you,” she murmurs between kisses. “So much.”

  I slide my other hand into her silky hair and kiss her hard. “I love you more, Rey. I always have.”

  “Stop babying him,” Reagan teases, her pretty mouth curled into a smile. “He’s eating this up. Aren’t you, babe?”

  I clutch my chest. “Owwww. Andie, please give me another slice of coconut cake.” I give my sister my best puppy dog eyes. She’s growing soft in her old age because her face crumples.

  “Of course. Don’t move, Linc.”

  Reagan shakes her head at me. “You’re impossible.”

  Molly shrieks as if to agree with her. Roman laughs and pats her back. “The kid agrees. I totally fucking agree.”

  Andie slaps his shoulder before leaning across the table to hand me the plate. She gave me an extra big piece. “Leave him alone, guys. He’s still hurt.”

  I wink at Reagan and flip Roman off. They both groan.

  “I can’t believe Dani is getting married Saturday. Pretty soon, you two will be next.” Her blue eyes are lit with happiness as she teases us. It’s such a good look on my sister. Pride thumps in my battered chest.

  Roman makes a grunting sound and wears a smile like he’s the cat that ate the fucking canary. Reagan shoots him a warning glare.

  “Rey,” I say after I polish off my second helping of cake. “Can you help me go to the bathroom?” I shrug. “I’m practically an invalid.”

  Andie’s mouth parts, and I swear she’s about to cry. “My poor big brother.”

  Reagan laughs. “Oh my God. He’s not helpless. Trust me on this.”

  I turn my puppy dog eyes on my woman this time. “Please, angel. Help me upstairs. I might need to rest a moment.”

  Andie shoos us away. “We’ll clean up down here. Help him, Reagan.”

  I play the part of wounded victim as Reagan helps me from my chair. When I twist a little too quickly, the hiss of breath and wince are real, though. Reagan senses this and her arm wraps around my side. She guides me upstairs. I point at my sister’s room.

  “In there.”

  She frowns up at me. “Why?”

  “I’ll show you.”

  We shuffle down the hallway. Once we make it to their room, I shut the door and lock it before flashing her an evil grin.

  “Wanna fuck on their bed?”

  “Lincoln!” she screeches but she’s already peeling away her shirt.

  “I knew you’d be down, bad girl.”

  She tosses her jeans and panties to the floor as she backs up to their bed. I shove my jeans and boxers down my thighs far enough to pull my hard dick out. She sits on the edge of the bed. I give her a tiny push until she’s on her back. Then, I grab her hips and yank her toward me. The motion has me gritting my teeth because it hurts like fuck, but I power through it and hope to hell I’m not grimacing. When I tease the tip of my dick at her entrance, I’m pleased to see she’s wet and ready. With a quick thrust, I’m inside of her. I fuck her as roughly as I can without hurting myself too much while I finger her clit. The moment she comes, I spill my seed deep inside of her.

  We’re all smiles and jokes as we clean up and redress.

  While she smooths out her hair, I pick up Roman’s big expensive watch from the dresser. “Who even wears something this big? It’s an old man watch.”

  Reagan laughs. “Mom got that for him.”

  “Of course she did,” I say, my lips twitching. “It’s big as fuck. Like it should be a mantel clock. In fact…”


  “I think—”


  “—it would look great—”


  “—on the mantel, next to the picture of him and Molly we took last time—”


  I laugh as I set the watch back down. “What? You act like taking his ugly watch and doing him a fashion service is the worst thing we’ve ever done to your big brother. I’m pretty sure me fucking you on his side of the bed was right up there in the number one slot.”

  Her face turns bright red and she shakes her head. “You’re crazy.”

  “Crazy for you,” I challenge.



  She picks up the abomination and shoves it in her pocket. “How long you think it’ll take him to notice?”

  “Oh, I imagine tomorrow morning, he’ll be over with the sunrise and another laundry basket to collect his things,” I say, my chest rumbling with laughter.

  “We won’t answer the door.” She grabs my hand and beams at me.

  “You know he secretly likes when we steal his shit.”

  “You just like to live dangerously. And if we keep swiping his stuff, he’s going to kill us.”

  I pull her into my arms and kiss her forehead. She hugs me tight. Our eyes meet and say so many things our lips never seem to be able to express properly.

  “At least we’ll die together,” I tell her. My hand strokes through her hair and my thumb brushes along her cheek.

  “Thick as thieves,” she murmurs, her eyes full of love and adoration. “In it until the end.”

  My mouth crashes to hers and I kiss her with that very promise. She’s mine until the end. And then she’s still fucking mine because that’s the way love is.

  It’s selfish and powerful.

  It’s ridiculous.

  It defies reason or logic.

  Love follows no rules.

  I’m smirking as we kiss. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks.

  Love is a fucking rebel.

  Wedding Day

  It’s Just the Beginning, Baby

  I’M RUNNING THROUGH THE CHURCH hallway, dodging guests left and right. Dani pulled me aside earlier asking if I could do her a favor and to keep it between us. With no thought, I agreed, being the good bridesmaid I am.

  I almost make it back to the bridal suite when I spot Linc. He’s standing in a huddle with the other groomsmen, laughing at something Ram just said. I take a quick moment to watch them. Ram looks happy. Anxious, but he’s been waiting for this moment since the day he met Dani. Linc looks beyond handsome in his tuxedo. He lifts his arm to pat my brother on the shoulder when his newest tattoo pops out through his linen shirt sleeve. The view causes me to smile, lifting my fingers to graze down my own arm.

  Thick as thieves.

  A symbol that tells us that no matter what obstacles we face—good or bad—we’ll face them together. Because we are a forever thing. That’s our promise.

  I know Linc senses me, so I duck out before he sees me. I don’t have time to get tossed into the broom closet and lose a few sequins off my dress. He already caught me this morning trying to sneak out of the house, letting me know I’d forgotten something.

  I’m sneaking back into the bridal suite just as Mom is helping Andie into her dress. I find Dani sitting at the parlor table while the stylist finishes curling her hair. I bend down, slipping her what she needed, and whisper in her ear. “In and out. Like a ninja.”

  She offers me her sweet smile, her wedding day beauty radiating. “Thank you.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek and head back to Andie, who seems to be having some trouble getting her zipper up.

  “Sweet girl, just stay still, it’s probably just stuck,” my poor mother says as she looks at me, giving me that it’s not stuck, it’s too tight look.

  “How hard is it to make a dress that fits? That dress tailor was not listening to me!” Andie gripes as she sucks in another breath befo
re my mom attempts another tug. Relieving her of her duty, I nod to Mom to move aside as I take over wrestling with the zipper.

  “Mine was tight, too. Don’t worry. We just need to wiggle it a bit. Ready?” We both count to three and with a big suck of air in, the zipper cooperates and slides up, allowing me to clasp it at the top. “There you go! Perfect.”

  Andie turns around and we both look at ourselves in the full-length mirror. It’s almost impossible not to make fun of the disco dresses Dani picked out. With each ray of sun that assaults us through the window, we turn on, creating a 360-sparkle show.

  “You both look so beautiful.” We both turn to see Dani, her eyes beginning to fill with tears. She’s the one who’s beautiful. Her dress that lies on her perfect little form as if it was made just for her. I think about what Ram is going to do when he finally sees his bride and it causes my eyes to fill as well.

  “Oh Jesus! No crying right now! We just spent a shit ton on makeup, and if someone has to fuck with these fake eyelashes one more time, I’m going to flip out.” We both laugh at Andie who also seems to be fighting back tears.

  I take a step closer to my soon-to-be sister-in-law. “You look absolutely breathtaking, Dani.” Might not have been the right thing to say, because the first tear falls from her cheeks. “I’m sorry, please don’t cry. This is a happy day.” She grabs me and hugs me tightly. I embrace her, feeling such love for my growing family. “This is going to be the best day ever. I’m so excited for you.”

  She pulls away as we both wipe at our wet cheeks. “Reagan, I have no doubt that your day will be coming very soon—”

  “Already has,” Andie mumbles under her breath.

  We both whip our head to Andie.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Dani asks.

  I follow up with, “You know?”

  Andie shrugs her shoulders, adjusting her boobs in her dress. “Well, you should know already that Roman can’t keep a secret for the life of him. And, no, it has nothing to do with the fact that he’s scared of me.”

  “I’m not following,” Dani says again, while my cheeks burn with guilt.

  “Oh, come on. You think it wasn’t obvious that my brother asks my husband ‘an important question’ in the same timeframe you two escape for an impromptu vacation to Vegas?”

  My tongue is stuck in my throat, feeling such guilt that I kept this from my two best friends. Dani steps forward placing her hands on her hips. “Okay, out with it.” Andie raises her brows while I slowly turn to Dani.

  “So…” I start as I slowly dig my fingers into my bra, grabbing at the round piece of jewelry I have stashed between my boobs. Once out, I lift my hand to Dani and slowly, slide the ring on my left index finger.

  “No…” She gasps, covering her mouth.

  “We wanted to wait till after the wedding to tell everyone. We didn’t want to overshadow your day.”

  “No!” She squeals again, causing Andie and I to jump. She grabs at my hand bringing my fingers super close to her face. I’m worried she’s upset. I fumble for words, all the while mentally noting to kill Andie for this later.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to steal your—”

  That’s when Dani squeals so loud, I think she gives my poor mother a mini heart attack. I’d thought Mom would be upset when I told her I ran off and married Linc. She simply beamed at me and told me she couldn’t be happier. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Linc is a suck up and they cook together now for family dinners, like they’re on their own little cooking show.

  “You’re married,” Dani utters in shock. “You’re really married? Oh my goodness! You’re married!” She starts jumping up and down while still holding my hand. I have no choice but to follow my hand and jump with her.

  “You’re not mad, are you?”

  Dani stops. “Mad? Why would I be mad? This is the happiest news I’ve ever heard. Reagan, I love you. I’ve loved you as a sister ever since the day you came and talked me off my ledge. If it weren’t for you, Ram and I might not have found our way back to one another. I owe you so much. I pray at night for your happiness. All I wanted was something wonderful for you, and I know Linc is that kind of wonderful.”

  I barely allow her to finish before I’m throwing my arms around her. “Thank you,” I whisper, fighting off the heavy tears. Looking back, it’s been such a long road for all of us. Pain and loneliness all wiped away by great men. We all started at the same place. And in the end, we all found our happiness. We found our forever. Together.

  I think I could continue hugging Dani forever, but the sound of weeping coming from next to us has us breaking apart.

  “Are…are you okay?” We both ask Andie, trying not to laugh. Being the toughest girl we know, she sure has turned into an emotional mess this past year.

  “Yes. Shit. No. Shit!” She wipes at her face and turns to go walk into the corner of the room.

  “What are you…” Dani tapers off as if something clicks.

  “I should have known the second the gas issues began.”

  “You’re not…” Dani breathes out.

  A guilty look washes over Andie’s face. “Fuck, I am! I don’t even know how this happened! Roman just won’t leave me the fuck alone!”

  “Wait…you’re pregnant again?” Shocked, I watch as Andie swipes at the air around her butt and walks back over to us.

  “Yeah, I can’t even believe it myself. I thought I was just moody because of the lack of sleep, but with my past experience with Molly, the second I started getting bad gas, I knew it. Your damn brother knocked me up again.”

  We both squeal, going in for a group hug, jumping up and down. “Oh my God! That’s wonderful news! Another princess to spoil. Or prince! Do you know what you’re having? When did the gas start? Is that a common sign of pregnancy…”

  That’s when my words taper off.

  And something else clicks.

  I stop jumping.

  And I slowly turn to Dani.

  “You…” I point at her, accusingly. “Wanna tell me why you had me get you Gas-x earlier?”

  “It’s a dick, isn’t it?” Ram questions, his lips quirked into a half-grin.

  Roman snorts, which makes Molly jump in his arms. “It’s worse.”

  I start laughing but don’t take my hand from my pocket. “It’s none of your business.”

  Ram tugs at his bowtie, which looks like it was purchased to go to a discothèque, and darts his gaze to the back of the chapel. “What’s taking so fucking long?”

  Molly whimpers, but Roman pats her small back until she falls back asleep. “I’m pretty sure she’s planning her escape.”

  I point out the window behind him. “Wait. Is that her running through the parking lot? She’s going to get frostbite in that snow.”

  Ram jerks his head backwards and nearly topples over the steps at the front of the chapel. “Fuck you, Linc.”

  Roman and I both start laughing.

  “The minister is giving you the stink eye,” I warn.

  Ram rolls his eyes and tugs at his shiny bowtie again. “I hate this thing. I’m itchy and need out of these clothes.”

  “Slow down, killer,” I say, laughing. “Honeymoon is after the wedding, not before.”

  “Do you think Andie is going to kill me?” Roman asks suddenly, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

  Ram laughs. “Wait. You haven’t shown her yet?”

  Roman’s jaws clench. “Not exactly.”

  “Pussy,” Ram and I both mutter at once.

  “At least I didn’t get a dick tattooed on my finger,” Roman shoots back at me. This makes Ram chuckle.

  “It’s not a dick, fucker. It’s an image of your mom’s—”

  “Gentleman,” the wedding coordinator interrupts. “The ladies are running a few minutes behind. Looking good.” She grins and bounces off, hissing in her earpiece.

  “What is it really?” Ram demands again.

  “It’s not a gay-ass Ch
ristmas tree, that’s for damn sure.”

  Ram starts to flip me off but Roman swats him away. “She likes Christmas,” Ram huffs in defense.

  I gesture at the chapel that has more holiday decorations than Macy’s the day before Christmas. “Clearly, man.” I turn to regard Roman who looks serene as hell holding my niece. We may have had a fucked up start, but Roman is growing on me. I still like giving him shit, but at least he doesn’t want to kill me anymore. If anything, he treats me like a special agent who’s supposed to help me get Andie to not kill him. As if I know secrets about her that unlock the mystery that is her. I don’t think anyone will ever figure that woman out. “She’ll like yours. It’s badass.”

  He smiles. He’d gotten his first tattoo last night with Ram and I. While the girls stayed at the house working on favors for the reception, the guys went out for drinks and then tattoos. The girls weren’t privy to that part. Ram got a dumb Christmas tree in the middle of all his other tattoos. Damn tree only had one ornament on it. That one, I did not design. That was all Ram. There’s no way in hell I’d own that shit.

  But Roman’s?

  He asked me to design something that would have meaning to Andie. I’d sketched from memory the big red heart she’d tagged the grocery store with long ago. But then I drew barbed wire that was wrapped around it in an iron grip. Her and Molly’s names are written inside the heart. Fucker was proud as punch when the artist finished the tattoo I’d sketched. That is…until Ram reminded him that Virginia was going to flip her shit that her perfect, untouched son now wore ink, like her other two kids.


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