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Page 10

by Marcus LaGrone

  “There is a reasonable chance nothing will happen today,” chirped Kestrel’s voice over the comlink.

  “Notice he said 'today,'” observed Gillian. “Hold your head high, girl. Edward has done this many times.”

  “And every time, quite admirably,” smiled Tatiana. “If you are confident, Edward, then let's do this. Anything to help it end sooner.”

  The car pulled up in front of the hotel as normal, and, like normal, a small but loyal throng of fans was there hoping to meet her.

  “May I mingle?” asked Tatiana suddenly bubbly.

  “Yes, just stay very, very close,” replied Edward.

  Edward stepped out of the car and held the door for Tatiana as he gritted his teeth in anticipation. Tatiana nodded and fluffed her hair as she climbed out of the car; her smile could have lit up the block. Well, it probably would have if it had only been darker outside. Tatiana was in seventh heaven while Edward's stomach just rolled and rolled as the time ticked away. Then, there it was—a sharp pop and crash as a small charge went off behind them. Edward raised his armor more out of reflex than need; there was no real threat. But he quickly scooped up Tatiana and rushed her inside to the waiting team.

  “No joy on the three hot spots. But we may have a hit on the crowd itself,” chirped the comlink.

  “You okay?” asked Edward as he turned to Tatiana.

  “Yeah. After last night, that was actually anticlimactic.” She grinned. “Go chase 'm down. I'll be fine.”

  Alex nodded to Edward and took her to the private elevator.

  Edward nodded to Meeka and Kadu, “Ready for the hunt?”

  “Just need a target,” replied Kadu.

  “You heard the lady, Kestrel. Who's the target.”

  “Outside, female Taik, black hair, red coat with black tics. Age, mid-thirties, wearing a blue skirt and matching top. Hard right as you leave the doors. Be civil. We only have a 95% on this. We have a good radio signal with a high convergence and she turned away just before the blast.”

  “Heading out now.”

  Edward and the two Shukurae exited the building, and he quickly put on his best smile, “Was everyone all right?” He scanned around for the lady in question. He spotted her in an instant and they locked eyes. In half a heartbeat, she ran off like a shot!

  “Kadu!” yelled Edward as he crashed through the crowd after the lady. She was fast, but Edward was no slouch and soon he'd have Kadu. Kadu was there faster than he thought! The crowd would only part so fast for him, but a Shukurae? Oh, they got clear of Kadu and Meeka in a hurry! As Kadu passed, Edward jumped on her back and grabbed the straps. “She cut the first corner on the right.”

  Kadu nodded as her great form picked up speed. In the straightaways she could easily outpace their target and, in spite of her great size and speed, she could turn corners remarkably well too! Well, much better than Meeka, that was for certain. As they rounded the corner, they quickly reacquired visual on their target. And their target suddenly seemed far more concerned than before! Having two Shukurae chasing you down an alley could do that to you! Suddenly there was an enormous explosion behind them in the direction of the hotel.

  “Massive damage on the hotel! Contact the fire brigade! We have a massive fire burning here!”

  “Alex! Alex!” screamed Edward over the comlink.

  “We have no contact with Alex or the client,” came the reply.

  “Kadu, abort. We need to get back to the hotel.”

  “And risk losing the suspect?”

  “Rather that than risk losing the client!”

  “Meeka is continuing without us,” barked Kadu over the comlink. “We are returning to the hotel.” Kadu wheeled around and lurched back the way they had come.

  “Thank you, Kadu.”

  “As you said, the client is more important than us acting as law enforcement. Besides, I know of no one that can get here quickly whose protective gear can handle that blaze and protect the client. Remember, the armor does not provide air.”

  “Practical as always.”

  “You expected me to suddenly change?”

  As the pair rounded the corner, the full situation at the hotel hit them. The upper two floors of the hotel were in complete flames around the entire front face.

  “Is the client in the elevator car or in the penthouse?” called Edward over the comlink.

  “Elevator was in return mode when the blast occurred, so we think she'd be in the penthouse.”

  “Twelve stories up, Kadu.”

  “I can toss you on top of the mezzanine if that will help.”

  “That's two floors, every bit helps. Talk to you tomorrow, Kadu.”

  “Talk to you then. Be careful with your timing, five minutes and fifteen seconds.” Kadu grabbed Edward by a big handful of fur behind the neck and with one smooth motion tossed him high in the air and up onto the hotel's beautiful mezzanine. Swifting they called it. Adrenaline taken to the next and most extreme level as Edward took his last breath for the next five minutes and let his body take over control. Climb! Climb was the command and climb he did, springing from ledge to ledge. He sprang up the side of the building like a feral cat might climb a tree. Branch to branch, be it window ledge to balcony ledge. As Edward hit the upper floors of the building his Live Steel armor engulfed him reflexively. Good thing too as his higher brain functions weren't all there; he was on pure instinct. Climb, find girl, escape.

  He climbed through the flames and onto the landing of the penthouse, at least the floor was intact. Smoke inhalation was the greatest danger at this point. Not for him, he wasn't breathing, but for her. He crashed through the main door to only a mild haze of smoke; he quickly tried to call out, but suddenly realized how unintelligible, how very feral one sounded when swifting. He briefly dropped his armor and carefully took a long sniff through his mouth and nose as he tried to locate Tatiana. There she was! Good strong scent! He plowed ahead and quickly found both Tatiana and Alex in the far guestroom.

  She had blockaded the door for smoke and was trying to hail people out the window. Alex was unconscious on the floor. To say she looked overjoyed at seeing Edward was an understatement. To say she was confused to see him operating in such a primeval mode was also an understatement.

  Edward, however, wasted no words, partially because he couldn't form any, and partially because time was of the essence! He threw Alex over his shoulder like a ragdoll and scooped up Tatiana in his arms. His Live Steel armor engulfed the three of them as he lumbered back into the main living room and threw himself out the window.

  There were long shrieking gasps from the crowd below as they saw the trio plummet from the twelfth story window. They were quickly replaced with shock, disbelief, and relief as they smashed to the ground below and then appeared no worse for the drop as Edward lowered his armor in its signature blue shower of sparks. While the trio had been spared the side effects of transfer of momentum and kinetic energy, the pavement was not quite so lucky, and it took a bit of care for Tatiana to thread her way out of rubble up to the waiting hands of the Shukurae. There was more to do, that was for certain, but Edward's reserves were running out. Relieved in the knowledge that he had gotten Tatiana to safety, Edward blacked out.


  Edward woke up to find himself in an exceptionally elegant bedroom of an unfamiliar hotel. He was sore and hungry, quite normal after swifting. Not really worse for wear, just tired. He'd done it many times in training, but this was the first time in many months that he had been forced to swift in an uncontrolled environment. Tatiana! Alex! How were they? Edward sprang out of bed. Oops! A quick check of the drawers finally disclosed his clothes and he quickly made himself presentable. He headed for the door—bathroom! Try again! Edward laughed to himself. This was a big place! He finally found the door out, and it opened to a large living room where he found Gillian reclining and enjoying a hot drink while Trevor sat talking to her.

  “Ah, I had thought I heard someone moving!” called Gil
lian as she got up from her seat. “We were all very worried about you. Kadu kept saying not to worry, but it was still very nerve-racking.” She hugged him warmly and he happily returned it.

  “Yeah, swifting is a little weird, but I've trained to do it. Kadu knows exactly how hard I can push myself,” Edward tried to reassure her.

  “Kadu said you easily had ninety whole seconds left,” she said with a grin.

  “Wow, I was moving faster than I thought. How are Tatiana and Alex doing?”

  Trevor fielded that one. “Alex is in hospital for at least another day. A large concussion charge went off at the door of the fire escape stairs. Rattled him pretty badly, that and mild smoke inhalation. Tatiana actually dragged him all the way back to the apartment.”

  “And Tatiana?” urged Edward.

  “Scared about you, rattled a bit, but doing quite well otherwise. She and Zoë are out clothes shopping right now. They should be back in about an hour or two.” replied Gillian.

  “The Saturday reception? Sorry, I'm not sure if I slept one day or two.”

  “Only one day,” answered Trevor, “and everyone involved agreed moving the reception a week was a good idea.”

  That was a huge weight off of Edward's shoulders, “What happened at the hotel? How bad were the injuries of the rest of the patrons?”

  “No fatalities, worst injuries were from smoke inhalation,” replied Trevor methodically. “Only three people required hospitalization; the rest were treated and released. The damage to the hotel was on the order of five to ten million.”

  “At least no fatalities. Was the person a distraction or what?”

  “Our first guess, and it is only a guess, is no. The fire at the hotel was a reaction to prevent the person from being captured.”

  “Did we get her?”

  “Yep, not without a bit of a chase. The locals really came through there. Meeka came up short at first as the suspect got into a car and sped off. Meeka did, however, get a partial plate off of the car. We had a partial image, a good description and a partial plate. You put all that together and we got a name and face that matched perfectly. The debrief is going to be complicated; I'll fill you in on that later. I can say we don't have the ring leader, but we now have a lot of good leads and things are starting to unfold.”

  “Finally,” murmured Edward.

  “Exactly. Our problem now is to work with the police and run those leads down faster than they can cause problems. Time is on our side now. All those previous bombs were the product of long-term placement. With a complete move, things have changed.”

  “Won't they get riskier then?”

  “They might, but we thump harder.”

  That was Trevor.

  “Is there anything we can do for you?” asked Gillian still smiling.

  “Well, quite honestly, I'm very hungry.”

  Gillian nodded, “Kadu said you probably would be. I'll get something sent up presently.”

  “Thank you, Gillian.”

  “What? You aren't going to call me 'Mom'?”

  “Well if you prefer...”

  “Am I interrupting?” asked Kadu from the edge of the room.

  “Not at all!” beamed Gillian. “You’re his partner, come on in.” Gillian glanced around, “I’m not sure we have any chairs that fit you well, sorry.”

  “That is quite understandable, Lady Gillian. This room isn’t meant to cater to one of my size. I’m just pleased to see Edward is up and doing well.” Kadu stood there with a broad toothy smile. Edward knew it was a ‘friendly’ smile; others not so familiar with Shukurae might have easily been terrified at the brazen display of razor sharp teeth and tusks!

  Edward smiled broadly back to Kadu, “Hey! You are actually standing up straight! There is something to be said for these posh hotels and their grandiose sense of scale.”

  “Indeed. It is an unexpected level of comfort. My primary concern is still that of your health and comfort, not mine.”

  “I’m doing fine, Kadu. I’m darn hungry, but outside of that I’m doing quite well, thank you.” An evil grin flashed across his face, “It’s okay, nanny. Mom is taking care of me.”

  That got a good laugh out of both Kadu and Gillian.

  “Ouch,” bellowed Gillian. “I know I started that. I think I’m going to regret it.”

  Kadu smiled and bowed out, “If you are doing well, then I will head back out. For the record, my room is adjacent to your room. There is a preset linear shaped charge in your closet that will cut a hole between the two rooms if needed. I’ll talk with you this evening then.”

  Edward got up and uncharacteristically hugged Kadu. “Thanks. Thanks for worrying about me. It’s silly, but I do appreciate it.”

  Kadu would have blushed if her hide permitted it; instead her ears simply went soft and drooped. “I do appreciate that as well, Edward. Now go eat!”

  Edward sighed as Kadu left the room, “Don’t laugh Trevor.”

  “Hadn’t crossed my mind, Edward. Many of us have been worried that you were too detached with the world at large.”

  “So,” Edward asked as he rejoined the pair, “where is my room anyway?”

  “You just left it a few minutes ago,” observed Gillian.

  “Um, so whose living room is this then?” asked Edward nervously.

  “That would be ours. Yours, Tatiana’s, and mine.”

  Edward’s fur stood straight up on end and he fought to keep his color from cycling. “Um.”

  “Eloquent, isn’t he?” observed Trevor.

  “One of many talents,” concurred Gillian with a smile.

  “You are here as close as possible to the client. Kadu is through the wall behind you, literally. Alex and Meeka are across the hall, or at least he will be as soon as he is out of hospital,” began Trevor. “With everything that has been going on, we have really tightened up the lines. Can you handle that?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Oh come on, Edward. You haven’t ‘sir’ed me in ten months. Can you handle the arrangement?”

  Edward took a deep breath. “Can I be frank?”

  Trevor nodded, “By all means. The 517th is a volunteer unit; there is no reason for subterfuge. Should I get Takru on the line?”

  Edward nodded so Trevor paged Takru on his comlink, “Takru here. Problem?”

  “Edward wants to talk about the present arrangements.”

  “Understood and anticipated. Continue, Edward.”

  Edward stared at his feet, “I am concerned that I am not able to continue this assignment at the level of professionalism that you have come to know and expect.”

  “Are you anticipating that the risks are becoming so large that you are unwilling to protect the client?” came Takru’s voice.

  “Not in the least.”

  “Are you uncomfortable with working with your present partner, Kadu?”

  “Heavens no!”

  “Do you have problems with, or question the competency of, myself or Trevor?”

  “No. Not even remotely.”

  “Then I am confused. What seems to be the source of the problem?”

  “The client,” Edward offered meekly.

  “I was under the impression that, jovial barbs aside, she was not a difficult person to deal with.”

  “That is the problem.”

  “I am confused then, Edward,” came Takru’s even voice.

  “May I interject an observation?” offered Gillian.

  “By all means, Lady Gillian. Present course of communication is not producing useful data.”

  Gillian gave Edward a motherly smile ignoring the fact that his fur was now sticking straight out. “I believe Edward is concerned that he is becoming emotionally attached to the client, and that this emotional attachment may cloud his judgment.”

  “Would you agree with Lady Gillian assessment, Edward?”

  Edward nodded.

  Trevor laughed, “Takru can’t hear you nod, Edward.”

  Edward was
flustered, “Sorry. Yes. Gillian is mostly correct. There is a further complication.”

  “Zoë,” beamed Gillian.

  “I’m pretty pathetic aren’t I?” asked Edward.

  “False,” replied Takru. “She does complicate things, however.”

  “There is a fourth bedroom in this flat,” observed Gillian. “We may see about moving Zoë here until things calm down.”

  “Breathe, Edward. Breathe!” came Trevor’s voice as the world started to lose color. “I think we will need to continue this after Edward has had something proper to eat.”

  “I concur.”

  “No, I can finish this now. Let’s say, for the sake of the argument, that I have become too emotionally attached. That makes me a broken link in the chain of command.”

  “Alternatively, we could treat you and Kadu as independent operators and the rest of the team works around you,” suggested Trevor.

  “That seems like a waste of resources and, well, just kind of silly.”

  “Negative,” came Takru’s voice. “I have seen a motivated Highlander and what he is capable of doing. Treating you as an independent operator lets you operate at full form. That may be the most robust method of assuring the safety of the client.”

  “That seems kind of dangerous.”

  “That is the plan,” countered Takru with the most sinister laugh Edward had ever heard.

  Edward wolfed down his first plating with reckless disregard for table manners. By the time the second course came around, the concept of utensils had reentered his skill base. Gillian laughed and excused herself from the room while Trevor stayed with Edward.

  “Some things you should know: the lady that was picked up was recently out of a mental institution. Records and discussion of such are complicated. Jake and Kate first proposed what they called a ‘Scarecrow’ gambit.”

  “What the heck is that?” asked Edward between mouthfuls.

  Trevor laughed, “It’s actually a really weird bit of human pop culture fiction involving… well… let’s just say it’s weird even for humans. The short of said gambit is the thought of someone inside the mental institution, a care giver, manipulating people for their own criminal plans.”


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