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Terran Times 18 - Emerald Envisage

Page 36

by Viola Grace

  No, he knew in answer to the first. He would never forget. Not a moment of it, not an instant. And yes, inexplicably, to the second. He would desire again. He would desire more intensely than he’d ever dreamed of desiring. Lifting an unsteady hand to hold it before his face, to shield his parched and aching eyes from the terrible light that scorched down upon him, he knew he would be absolutely free to desire. When he found The One. The Right One. The One who was meant for him.

  He would know her the instant he saw her. He would recognize her. And then, with his heart leaping painfully, awkwardly into the base of his throat, his gaze focused. He took in details he’d missed before. One detail in particular.

  Across the palm of his hand, seeming an inborn part of the creased M that made up a part of every human palm, ran a bright, narrow line. A bright thread of emerald that curved around the pad of his thumb as if it had been tattooed there by a master artist.

  It hadn’t been there before, that stripe of green. He knew positively it hadn’t. Much as he knew, just as positively, it would remain there from now on, a vivid and permanent…

  Marking. Fundamental difference…this will mark you in some way.

  Gaelle’s words came to him then, Gaelle’s promise. As clearly and indisputably as if it was she who knelt over him in that moment and not a red-smocked supermarket attendant. Gaelle had made a promise to him. The line upon his palm was evidence of that. It was the gift she had given to him. She had made sure he would be all right. He would find his right one.


  Jen Suits

  With food gathered and plans finalized for their two-week hiking trip to the woods in the Pennsylvania Mountains, the twenty male college friends packed the six SUVs.

  “There are two side-by-side cabins waiting for us,” Daniel shouted, sliding behind the wheel of the lead SUV. “Let’s go!” The loaded vehicles headed for the hills. After four hours of singing and joking, along with back-and-forth walkie-talkie chatter, they arrived at their destination, unloaded the duffel bags, food coolers and grocery sacks inside the twin cabins. Back outside, they collected firewood, built a campfire and used some of the gnarled logs as seats.

  “Got a problem there?” Jim snickered.

  Daniel shifted a second time. “It’s called knots where they shouldn’t be.” With a huff, he stood, kicked the makeshift seat onto its side, then sat.

  “Bark can get rough, too.”

  “Better rough bark than a protruding knot.”

  Laughter, jokes and tales of times before filled the air until midnight.

  A deep, pulsating sound interrupted their conversation. Looking up, a triangular shaped dome-light pattern in the air above the canopy caught their attention.


  Scrambling too late, each one was caught in a ray of light and lifted, briefly blinded as the illumination from above grew brighter. Inside the hovering machination, a very large, light green, alien female took them into custody. Her wavy, burgundy hair fell around her shoulders. Hairless warts randomly dotted her face and neck. Her abnormal appearance was shocking to the men who were used to pretty college girls.

  A white cloth, held snugly in place by a reddish-gold clasp over her navel, wrapped her shapely body. Steely gray eyes with pearly white slit irises scrutinized each male. Her right cheek and brow held a single eye spectacle in place. Her three-fingered hand held a clipboard and writing implement. Two other alien women stood near a closed door.

  The brightly lit room was predominately white, devoid of color except the creatures standing within, surveying the current human occupants. A chair stood at one far end of the room. The floor directly beneath the men’s feet had a seam that seemed solely for the purpose of opening and shutting. A mirrored wall gazed back at them.

  Jim spoke, “Where are we? What do you want from us?”

  The alien woman shifted her attention to him. “You are included in a group of humans to be integrated within our species. Those not interested shall be relieved of duty. I will choose a select few men to remain and some will be dismissed accordingly. Please, stand in line so that I may assess you.” Guiding a few men into a line, she waved her hand to the mirror.

  Several seconds later, two dozen human-looking women entered the room and lined up in a similar fashion across from the men. Each female specimen was an absolute beauty. Hair, eyes, lips and flesh of every color ranged over figures from tall and short to plump and slender to athletic and soft. Breasts, ranging in size from a handful to double, bounced with each shifted stance. Curvy figures and long legs aptly held male attention. Sexual desire radiated from the silent women as they and the men surveyed each other.

  Kevin cleared his throat. “And that means?”

  “It means you would have to stay with us and travel to our home planet,” the alien madam announced. “Doing so means you’ll have to breed with them, too.” Rounding back to the first man in line, she noted his handsomeness and grinned. “Do you wish to stay?”

  Looking at his friends and receiving approval, Jim turned back to the green madam. “Yes.”

  “Good. Time to check the package.” Her smile broadened, deepening the recesses of her cheeks as another alien woman came close, accepted the offered clipboard and stepped back. Slipping her hand inside his pants, the madam ran her long fingers over each detail, every ridge of his swelling shaft. “Code Twelve.” Taking out his cock with ease, she held it on her palm. She turned her writing implement sideways and glided it mere inches above his erection, then withdrew it and admired her handiwork. A bright orange stamp with black lettering that read Depart. 9 ran the length of his cock, beginning just under the ridge of the head.

  In a short time, sixteen men were eliminated and released, one of his own accord, and asked not to reveal the secret of their encounter. Each was given a small pouch as payment while the selected men were taken to Department Nine and given the same toga-like garb as the women.

  “Please wear these for the rest of the trip. There are dressing areas behind the curtains, if you need them.” The instructing alien motioned with her hand and smiled. “Once you are dressed, you will be shown to your quarters.”

  Jim chuckled. “What’s there to hide?” Stripped and dressed in minutes, he watched several of the men do the same as a few ducked behind a curtain. He smirked as a female stepped to his side, smiled and motioned to the door. Following her, he took in his surroundings. “We’re on a spaceship, huh?” At a nod from his escort, he silently noted how everything was devoid of color. Soon, they stopped and he was motioned toward a door sliding open. The quarters were masculine, well furnished. “Nice. Are you coming in?”

  With a shake of her head, she left.

  * * * *

  As Daniel settled in his room, a knock came to his door. He opened it and stepped back. “Uh, hello. I’m Daniel. Some just call me Dan.” He studied the redhead. There wasn’t anything unattractive about her. “Come in.” Taking her hand, he led her inside and seated her on the couch. “There’s some tea if you want something to drink. I don’t know who brewed it, but it’s tasty.”

  “I would like to get to the point with you,” the woman announced. She rubbed his hand and pulled him to sit next to her. “I find you very attractive and I want to have sex with you. Now.” She lowered her hand between his legs and stroked his growing erection. “You have all the makings for a perfect brood of children.” She slid closer, lifted a leg over his thighs and moved aside the cloth hiding her goal.

  “Not so fast,” he said.

  “What else is there to procreation?”

  “Are you serious?” At her confused expression, Daniel compelled her onto her back, settled between her thighs and undid the reddish-gold clasp. Her white garment fell open, its movement a subtle whisper as it glided across her creamy flesh, revealing a delightful feminine figure that stirred his hunger. “This.” He cupped the perfect breasts and slid his thumbs across the nipples. As the nubs hardened, he leaned forward. “
And this.” He licked one nipple, then bent and repeated the action on the other. Capturing one in his mouth, he sucked, gently at first, then more hungrily, his suckling intensifying in time with her mewls.

  Small hands fisted his hair and wanton gasps filled the room.

  The grind of eager hips drove at him and he released her nipple with a pop. Daniel eased down her body, licking and kissing the soft, creamy flesh now his for the taking. He lifted her toga. “And this.” His insistent hands spread her legs wide and opened her folds while he lowered his head and inhaled her feminine scent. He tenderly kissed her clit.

  “Oooohhhh!” She bucked.

  “No.” Refusing to relent, his hands firmly held her in place as he licked his lips. “Sweet is an understatement and I could do this for a while so I hope you’re ready.”

  “Just that?”

  “And this.” Daniel slid his tongue between her folds and caressed the silken nubbin.

  “Oh stardust glimmer in a black hole! They didn’t tell us…”

  Her voice faded into moans as he eagerly lapped between her legs. His hands fought with her writhing hips as he pinned her to his whim. An occasional flick of his tongue over her clit followed by long, feasting sucks sent her into a torrent of pleasure-declaring screams. When his tongue slid the length of her folds only to delve deep inside her pussy in search of more sweet cream nectar, her back arched and she fed him with an orgasm unlike any he ever encountered.

  No woman he had sex with ever tasted this sweet. Her juices were addicting and he craved every succulent drop. Her scent, her flavor, her every uttered sound turned him on so intensely desperation became passion and lust drove his need. Working his way back up toward her lips, he struggled to regain control, but his body was having none of it. With his hips firmly wedged between her thighs, he plunged his hard-on deep and buried his shaft inside her pussy. Her scream rent the room and he froze. “I’m sorry—”

  “More. Now, Please…” She clawed at his shoulders, pulled him into her and stared deep into his eyes. “Please.”

  “With pleasure.” Daniel withdrew, rammed in again and watched her body shudder as wetness enveloped his shaft. “Oh god, woman.” Without another thought, he pulled out, slammed in deep, paused, then repeated the action. Fast and hard, he hammered. Deep and slow, he stroked. His speed changed to match the thrust of her hips, the command from her lips, the need that sucked at his cock.

  Sucked? His rhythm stumbled at the thought. Hands grabbed his hips, clawed and directed. He relented, pounding into her soft and giving body. The arch of her back and jumble words tumbling from her quivering lips announced her climax. With a merciless ram, he joined her. Filling her with his seed, he pumped her until both were completely drained. The amazing and fantastic sucking pulse of her pussy continued to pull any remaining seed from his depleted cock.

  She rolled over, pushing him onto his back until she straddled him. Rocking gently, she left little to question concerning her intentions.

  “Some men aren’t accustomed to round two so soon.”

  “Men with us will be.” She leaned forward, cupped his face and licked the tip of his nose. “Especially after a kiss.”

  The gentle, insistent brush of her lips ended as the pressure increased. A kiss, hell, it this was an aphrodisiac! The rock of her hips combined with the thrust of her tongue hardened him in mere minutes. Daniel whimpered as she broke the kiss and sat up.

  Lifting her arms, she tossed aside her toga. “Now let me show you our skills. We enjoy milking our donors.”


  “Yes. Now hush.”

  A nipple brushed his lips and he lunged for the offered breast. Sucking with hunger, he gasped as the heat from her moist pussy left, then retuned and enclosed on his hard-on. His hands drifted to her hips, grabbed firmly and increased her rising and falling on his shaft. Each stroke demanded, took and gave. The caress of her inner walls was almost like a sucking, her body feasting on his cock, her demand for his seed.

  Daniel released her nipple, slid his hands around her back, pulled her down and kissed her neck to her shoulder. She broke free of his grip and he returned to the abandoned nipple’s twin. Her moans increased in sound and sent him over the edge. Pressure welled and he released inside her. Thrust after thrust, strong at first, weakening as they rocked in unison, poured his seed into her womb. He lay there, panting.

  She rose and dressed. “Thank you.”

  In a struggle to sit up, he grabbed her arm. “Wait, what’s your name? Why just a wham-bam-thank-you-sir? What’s going on here?”

  “I can’t really talk about that, but my name is whatever you deem it to be.” She shrugged. “We don’t have names like human beings do.”

  “Sheila.” He smiled. “I’m from Australia and the girls, they are sheilas.”

  “Well, Daniel. I am Sheila. I will be seeing you again in two days for another encounter.”

  “But why do you not stay? Why in two days?”

  Hesitant, she sighed and sat down on the couch. “I can see you are very inquisitive. We are beings that have lost their male counterparts in warring with other planets in the Surnobian Galaxy.” She frowned. “Since you are questioning, I will tell you all of it. My son and husband died in those wars and now we are on a mission to repopulate our race. The world we come from is a beautiful place and our people are relatively peaceful, well about as much as a small, obscure village on your planet might be.”

  “Why in two days?”

  “As we understand, it takes around two days for sperm to build up enough to be worth the sex involved,” she smiled.

  “You are really beautiful. Why is the woman that checked us in not like you?”

  “We look like that, well, not like her flabby skin, but the greenish tint of it is what we all look like.” She never broke the gaze he gave her. “It’s understood not many species care, but from what I learned of your race in our studies, you do care.”

  Nodding, he agreed. Daniel realized he was no exception, but wanted to change that personality flaw. “Show me. Teach me. I want to know you better.”

  “Come here.” She rose, grabbed his hand, went to a slide-out monitor he never noticed before, then pulled on a lever, pushed a few buttons and prompted the monitor to show a view of their homeland. “This is a recording of how my life once was before the need to reproduce outside out galaxy.” Her life was majestic, uncomplicated and simple. “Sure,” she agreed openly, “a picturesque scenario, gone to shit.” She let go of his hand and frowned.

  “What do you want of us? Of me rather.” Daniel felt remorse, for her, her species. He turned to her and saw her true form. Her skin was smooth, free of flaws or imperfections, with a slight tinge of green. Her lips were full. Her hair and eyes were shimmery silver, the slit irises, black and deep. Her overall appearance with her body shape and stance remained the same as her masked version. “The eyes are different.”

  “Her eyes are gray eyes with pearly white slits because she is older, past the breeding stage. You still like me?”

  Not answering a moment, he nodded. “Yes. Don’t change back. Stay like this.” He slid his fingers gently across her cheek to her supple earlobe. His hand trailed behind her head to her neck, his whisper soft, “The amount of time depends on the man and I want you again.” Pulling her to him, he kissed her mouth, her real lips and, with the other hand, pulled her closer to him. His body pressed against hers. Hearing a small, throaty moan escape her, he backed her to the wall. Easing his hand down her waist to her hips, he braced her leg upward and around his hip. Slowly burying his erection inside her hot channel, he made love to her, as she was, honest and beautiful.

  * * * *

  Her moans and soft cries mingled as the heat of passion and relief flooded her senses and overwhelmed her. Pleased at his reaction to her revelation, she relinquished herself to him, giving him every desire he wanted from her.

  * * * *

  Jim opened the door to a woman in
sleek, black leather pants and a corset tightly laced with the shape of her figure. His smile broadened as his gaze trailed every inch of her perfect body. Her blonde hair fell in long layers, like a waterfall, to her lower back. His eyes widened when his gaze fell upon the whip in her hands.

  She pushed him inside the room, stepped in and slammed the door behind her, then stalked him to the foldout bed in the center of the back wall of his quarters. A smirk graced her face when he stumbled over a small table, knocking over flowers, spilling the water and breaking the glass vase.

  Seductive in her every move, she stripped off her jacket and pants, but left the corset and heels. “On your feet, boy!”

  Jim scrambled to his feet, but the crack of her whip in the air over his head compelled him to duck. As she slowly pulled back the whip’s three tendrils into her hand, dropped the end, snaked it on the floor, then cracked it a second time, he crouched down.

  “Need I tell you twice, boy?”

  He rose.

  She pushed him down onto the bed with the tip of the whip. “As I understand, you like things a little rough. Am I mistaken? Am I wrong?”

  Shock flooded his senses, tensed his body and caused a general fight or flight reaction. Quite surprised his mind chose flight, he whimpered a soft reply, “No, ma’am.” Jim pulled in his arms close to the front of his body, protecting himself from a possible strike of the whip while trying to make himself a bit smaller for a possible miss of her wild lashing. He swiftly scooted across the top of the bed away from her. Even faster when she lunged toward him. Until the wall stopped him

  She held onto the whip’s handle and slow-crawled up his body. The whip’s tendrils trailed alongside his legs to his hips. This female had the predatory skulking down to perfection and it spooked him. With her body settled atop his hips, his body quivering beneath her, she grinned wickedly and raised her whip level with front of her chest. With all the straps of the whip collected, she snapped it tight. Her tense thighs bound him as she bent toward him. The swiftness of her hand as it ripped free the cloth covering of his chest earned his gasp.


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