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Rise & Fall

Page 4

by Charlie Cochet

  Sloane turned his smile on Dex, and it took his breath away. “Yeah, I am.”

  With a nod, the doctor left the room. Dex took a seat. His partner’s expression turned pensive, and Dex gave his hand a squeeze.

  “I’m sorry I told the doctor about us. It was the only way I could stay with you.”

  Sloane’s smile reassured him he hadn’t messed up. “I’m glad you’re here. Remind me to change my emergency contact form.”

  “Okay.” Dex couldn’t keep his dopey smile off his face. At least until Sloane’s smile faded.

  “What if my leg doesn’t regain its strength? Sparks can’t have a defense agent who can’t work out in the field. I’ll be transferred to God knows where and put behind a desk. I’m not qualified to work Intel. Algorithms drive your brother crazy, and he loves that shit. Recon still requires a hell of a lot of fieldwork. What’s left?” His eyes went wide. “Oh God, what if they try to stick me in Public Relations or Human Resources? I’ll have to talk to the public. The media. I can’t talk to the media. Just looking at them makes me want to shoot something.”

  “Easy there.” Dex brushed his lips over Sloane’s knuckles, watching him relax. “Whatever happens, we’ll work through it together. And we both know no one in their right mind would stick you in either of those departments. You’re a defense agent. One of the best. It’ll be okay.”

  “You’re right,” Sloane said, letting out a shaky breath. “Besides, I’ve been through worse.”

  “Why don’t you get some rest?”

  Sloane was reluctant at first but soon settled back against his pillow. “What would I do without you?”

  “Lead a quiet, peaceful existence?” Dex teased.

  Sloane frowned. “Sounds boring as hell.”

  A few months ago, Sloane’s answer would have been different. Dex tried not to get too sappy over his partner’s reply. “Can I get that in writing and notarized?”

  Sloane chuckled before letting out a yawn. “Shut up.” He closed his eyes, a smile on his face as he drifted off to sleep, his hand still holding tightly on to Dex’s. Whether it was the near-death experience, the meds, or something more, Dex wasn’t going to question it, simply enjoy it. He kissed Sloane and settled back into his chair, grateful his partner was on the mend. It could have turned out so much worse. Tomorrow Dex would have to report back to work, but until then, he’d spend the rest of the day offering his partner whatever he needed. Whatever came their way, Dex would face it with Sloane.

  Chapter 2

  “I’D LIKE to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for your hard work, dedication, and perseverance. This has been a difficult month for Unit Alpha, especially for Destructive Delta. Sloane Brodie and Ash Keeler are two of our most experienced Therian Defense agents, and we wish them a speedy recovery.”

  Lieutenant Sparks stood behind the sleek black podium at the front of the expansive conference room in her signature white pantsuit and five-inch heels giving a speech on Unit Alpha’s performance and how pleased the higher-ups were with the results. Thanks to Destructive Delta’s hard work, Reyes was behind bars, though not before handing Sloane a list of the remaining active members of the Order during their intense interrogation session. Because of Ash’s undercover work, the Coalition was disbanded, for the most part, and the members who’d been arrested the night of the trade-off were starting to crack under the pressure. So far none of them knew where to find Hogan as the guy never spent more than a couple of nights in the same place, but they were able to provide a list of previous hideouts along with interesting facts Dex hoped would turn into leads.

  At the office, everything was business as usual. Not that he’d expected Unit Alpha to come to a standstill after what happened to Sloane and Ash, but it was an odd feeling, witnessing the world go on as if nothing had happened. Then again, that was the job. No matter what was going on around you, you had a duty to perform, and Dex was looking forward to getting on with his duty by catching that son of a bitch Beck Hogan.

  “I’m happy to report agent Brodie has been transferred from ICU to a private room where he’ll be monitored until the doctor sees fit to discharge him. He has a long recovery ahead of him, and I’m certain he’ll appreciate your well wishes. HR will be arranging a party for him upon his return. They’ll be sending a memo closer to the time.

  “Now, as you all know, this case was issued a Threat Level Red. Beck Hogan is our priority, and we’ve been given the all clear from the Chief of Therian Defense to bring Hogan in using any means necessary. Hogan and what remains of the Coalition have gone underground, but our SSA on this case has informed us they’re still in the city. We believe Hogan won’t be going anywhere until he’s finished what he started.”

  Dex’s jaw muscles clenched. Well that made two of them. Until Hogan paid for what he’d done, Dex wasn’t going anywhere. There was no safe place for Hogan to hide.

  A hand landed on his shoulder, and Dex tilted his head back to find his brother giving him a warm, sympathetic smile. Dex returned the gesture with an added wink to ease his little brother’s concern. They’d texted while Dex was at the hospital, but it had been days since they’d really talked, which wasn’t like them. He’d have to set some time aside to hang with his bro. The screen above Sparks came to life, catching Dex’s attention. It showed eight mug shots, a few of them already familiar to Dex and his team.

  “Hogan and his followers have been hunting down these Humans. Former members of the Westward Creed who were responsible for the deaths of several Therians during the Riots of 1985. Among the Therians killed, we’ve discovered two of them were related to Hogan. His mother and sister. All except for two of the Westward Creed went on to become members of the Order. As it stands, Angel Reyes and Richard Esteban are in prison. Albert Cristo and Craig Martin are deceased, as is Toby Leith.” Sparks tapped the podium’s interactive surface zooming in on three of the mug shots, one of which was labeled deceased. Wait a minute. When the hell had that happened? As if reading his mind, Sparks answered.

  “Leith was found by the HPF late last night over in the Bronx. A large Felid Therian mauled him to death. Evidence suggests it was Hogan himself. We expect Hogan to go after the remaining members, Ox Perry and Brick Jackson. We’re attempting to make contact, but it looks like they’ve caught on to Hogan’s plan and have gone underground as well. Since our SSA informs us Hogan and his crew are still somewhere in the city, it’s safe to assume the same goes for Perry and Jackson.”

  Dex held a hand up. “Excuse me, Lieutenant? Why wasn’t Destructive Delta called out for Leith’s murder?” Even if he was in the hospital, he would have been called in, or at the very least his team, and he knew for a fact Destructive Delta hadn’t been out in the field since Ash had been shot. What the hell was going on?

  “Because Destructive Delta is no longer working this case.”

  Dex launched to his feet. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You’re to gather whatever intel you have on Perry and Jackson, finish any pending reports from this case, and submit them to Themis. As of this moment, Team Leader Sebastian Hobbs will handle Hogan and his crew. His team, Theta Destructive, will be the lead team on this. Destructive Delta is officially on leave.”

  Cael gasped behind Dex. “On leave?”

  “For how long?” Dex asked. He was having trouble processing the blow they’d been delivered.

  “Until I feel the team is no longer under threat from Hogan and his crew. I want you all in secure locations watching your backs. Protective details will be assigned where necessary. You’ve nearly lost two agents. Let’s not go for a third. You and your team are dismissed. I expect those reports by the end of the week.”


  Sparks’s piercing blue eyes pinned Dex with a subtle warning, her tone firm. “Dismissed, Agent Daley.”

  The room was deadly silent with none of the other agents daring to make eye contact with him. This couldn’t be happening. Dex left the room wit
h the rest of his team on his heels. He headed for his office, not giving a second thought to the fact everyone was following him. Numbly, he dropped down into his chair. The door to his and Sloane’s office swished closed, and the walls went white, sending the room into privacy mode before Letty exploded, startling Dex.

  “This is motherfucking bullshit!” Letty fumed, pacing from one end of the office to the other, her sparkling brown eyes ablaze. “How can she pull us off the case? She saw what those assholes did to Ash! They fucking shot him. Son of a bitch ordered his little bitches to kill him, and then they almost killed Sloane! Mierda. Carajo!” She let out a frustrated growl, looking like she was about to punch something. Rosa grabbed her by the shoulders and brought her pacing to a halt.

  “Oye, calmate,” Rosa ordered in Spanish. She said something else to Letty in Spanish Dex couldn’t understand, but there were definitely some colorful expletives thrown in there. She subtly nodded toward Dex, but he’d caught on to it. Letty inhaled deeply and let it out slowly before turning to him.

  “I’m sorry, Dex. This is fucked up.”

  All Dex could do was nod. He glanced up to find his team standing behind Sloane’s desk, all watching him.


  “Are you okay?” Calvin asked from beside Hobbs who looked equally worried. “You’re quiet. I thought you’d be….”

  “Flipping your shit,” Letty finished.

  “Leave him alone,” Rosa huffed and came around the desk to wrap her arms around Dex’s neck. She gave him a comforting squeeze before pulling away. “Come on. There’s nothing we can do. Sparks gave her orders. You all best watch your backs. I don’t trust any of those putas.” Rosa turned to Cael, asking him where he was going to stay. Cael mentioned something about hanging out at Tony’s, and Dex might have heard his brother say his name, but he was too focused on trying to remain calm and not flipping his shit as Letty had suggested. The rest of his team left the office one by one, each giving Dex a reassuring pat on the shoulder, insisting he call if he or Sloane needed anything. Cael was the only one who stayed behind.

  This had to be a mistake. Sparks couldn’t take them off the case. They’d been working this thing for months. First they’d gone up against the Order. Then Ash had risked his life to infiltrate the Coalition. The bastards had tried to kill him for it. And what they did to Sloane….

  “Sparks.” Dex shot to his feet. “I need to talk to Sparks. This has to be a mistake.” He turned for the door when Cael stepped in front of him, his hands to Dex’s chest to stop him.

  “Don’t.” His little brother looked up at him, his big silver eyes pleading. “Don’t do anything stupid, Dex. Sparks isn’t Dad. She’ll suspend you if she thinks you’re going to be a problem. She’s done it before.”

  “I need to know why.” Besides, what would be the point of suspending him if he was already on leave and off duty? Surely she wouldn’t ask for his badge and gun for a simple question. She might be a hard-ass, but she was fair and reasonable. “I need to know why.”

  Cael’s arms dropped to his side, his voice quiet. “Sometimes we don’t get a why, Dex, no matter how bad we want one.”

  Dex hated seeing his brother looking so miserable. Cael was referring to more than their current situation. His brother was still hurting over Ash’s rejection. Even after admitting there was more than friendship between them. Hell, the guy had taken a bullet for Cael. Ash obviously had his reasons, but why wouldn’t he share those reasons with the guy he was so crazy about he would die for?

  “Lieutenant Sparks rarely pulls a team from a case,” Cael added, seeming to gather himself. “If she does, it’s for a good reason.”

  Dex didn’t reply. Mostly because he refused to accept the decision or whatever reason was behind it.

  Cael motioned to the door behind him. “I’m heading home to pack. I’m gonna hang at Dad’s for a while. You know his place is like a fortress. If the Zombie Apocalypse ever comes, you know where to find me. Sparks will probably reassign him until we’re brought back in. You should stay with us. It’ll be fun.”

  “Thanks, bro, but Sloane’s staying with me while he recovers.” Dex was really looking forward to spending some time with his partner, just the two of them. Looked like he was going to have a little more free time than he’d expected.

  “Right. Sorry. Dad mentioned it. How is Sloane?”

  Dex felt his heart squeeze in his chest and his anger flaring up, but he tamped it down. He didn’t want to end up snapping at his brother. It wasn’t Cael’s fault, and he had his own worries. He didn’t need Dex being an asshat. “He’s pretty banged up, and he’s got muscle weakness in his right leg, so he’s going to be placed on a mobility plan, plus therapy.”

  “Shit. How long?”

  “Doctor said in Sloane’s shape it should take a month at most. If not it could be two to three months before strength in his leg muscles return. Sloane’s really worried about it.”

  “Of course he is,” Cael said, shoving his hands in his pockets, his expression turning somber. “Large Felids don’t do well in small enclosures for extended periods of time. They need space.” He seemed to drift off into his thoughts again, and Dex had no doubt which Felid Cael was thinking about.

  Dex took a seat on the edge of his desk, reminding himself his little brother wasn’t so little anymore. Cael didn’t need him riding in and fighting his wars for him, making a fuss and coddling him. But nothing was going to stop Dex from being there for his brother like he’d always been. “How are you holding up?”

  Cael shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m trying to keep myself busy. I don’t want to think about it. It’s easier with him not being here.”

  “You miss him, don’t you?” Falling fast and hard was a trait he and his brother shared, and despite Cael’s initial reaction to Ash’s rejection, his brother had put away his claws—for the time being anyway. Dex had expected Cael to shred Ash to pieces for breaking his heart, but instead, Cael was licking his wounds and regrouping. It would appear his brother knew how to handle Ash better than anyone. Dex had witnessed it himself countless times and been stunned stupid. If Cael could manage before, he’d do it again. It was only a matter of time.

  Cael let out a heart-wrenching sigh. “I’ve wanted to call him so many times, but I kept thinking about that day in the hospital. Whatever it is he’s dealing with, it’s important to him. I wish he’d confide in me.”

  “Give him some time.”

  “Thanks, Dex.” Cael gave him a small smile. He walked over and gave Dex a hug. “Be careful.”

  Dex returned his brother’s embrace. “I will,” he promised. Cael left, and Dex sat in the silent office on his own, his gaze landing on the empty chair across from him. Right now, Sloane should have been sitting there, telling Dex he hadn’t had enough coffee to deal with his shenanigans. Damn it, he needed answers.

  Determined, he left the office and made his way through Unit Alpha’s bullpen, aware of the concerned gazes following him. The door to Lieutenant Sparks’s office was open, and she was typing away at her desk’s interface. Before he could knock, she addressed him without having to look up.

  “Come in, Agent Daley. Please close the door behind you.”


  “Your scent.” She stopped typing and met his gaze. “You’re the only agent in Unit Alpha who uses a Citrus Splash and Berry Fusion body wash.”

  Damn. His eyes landed on the mark on her neck. Right. Cougar Therian. Smell. He wondered if she recognized every agent by their shower gel or if his was weird enough to stand out. Most likely the latter.

  “Can I speak with you a moment?”

  “Of course.” She motioned to one of the two empty chairs in front of her sleek black desk. “I know you don’t agree with my decision.”

  Dex sat and pretended he wasn’t as nervous as he felt. Sparks wasn’t just intimidating as a Therian and commanding officer. She had a way about her and a gaze that made him feel like she could uncove
r his deepest darkest secrets. Sloane was mysterious. Sparks was an enigma. It was like she was made up of the job and nothing else.

  “With all due respect, Lieutenant, no I don’t. How can you pull us off the case after all the work we put into it, after everything we’ve been through?”

  “That’s precisely why I’m reassigning the case, Agent Daley. You’re two agents down, and one of those agents is your Team Leader. They’re also the most experienced members of your team.”

  Agents were shuffled around where they were needed, when they were needed. When Hobbs and Cael had been in the hospital, Taylor had been called in to back up Destructive Delta. Couldn’t she do it now? “Yes, but you can temporarily assign someone.”

  “I can, but I’m not going to.”

  “Why?” He tried not to come off as insubordinate, but he needed to understand. It would seem needing to know ran in the family. Not a great trait to have when working for an organization often insisting they didn’t need to know. To his surprise, Sparks’s expression turned sympathetic.

  “I’ve been doing this job a long time, Agent Daley. When a team is hit this close to home, it’s difficult to maintain objectivity. I assure you, it has no bearing on your professionalism. Over two years ago, Destructive Delta suffered the loss of one of their own, a loss they found difficult to recover from. They performed their duties admirably, but the strain was beginning to show. Then you came along and inspired them. From the moment Sergeant Maddock suggested you as a possible candidate, I knew I’d found the right fit for Destructive Delta. However, you’ve also had an intense first year. Not many rookies have endured what you have in such a short period of time. I should have sent you on leave earlier, but you possess a resilience and ability to endure I admire. You have a lot of potential.”

  “Then why not let me work this case?”

  “Because Hogan has issued a threat against your team, two members of which he’s successfully put out of commission. I won’t put the rest of the team at risk. Destructive Delta needs a break whether you agree or not. Sebastian Hobbs is more than capable. Go home, check on your partner, make sure you’re both safe. Maddock informed me Sloane will be staying with you. I’m putting a protective detail one block away from your residence. If at any point you feel you’re in danger, call it in. I know this is difficult, but my decision is final. You’ll have access to Themis until the end of the week. Finish your reports, and Maddock will notify you the moment anything changes.”


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