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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 11

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Perhaps,” Norlan replied. “There is much about them we don’t know. In time, we will learn where they come from and their numbers. If they can be useful to our race, we will teach them what it means to serve the Eternals. If not, then their world or worlds will die.”

  Norlan watched as a number of spatial vortexes formed and ten more battlecruisers emerged. His fleet was growing and soon it would be time to test it against the Originator AIs, their proxy race, and the weapons of the Shrieel. The Eternals were coming and there was nothing the forces of Galaxy X-938 could do to stop them. This proxy race was about to learn what real power was.


  Jeremy was back home with Kelsey. Ariel was present also in her holographic form.

  “I just overheard Katie tell Kevin she’s having twins,” Ariel said excitedly. “Kevin’s face is quite pale.”

  Jeremy laughed. “I can imagine. Why don’t you give them some privacy? I’m sure they have a lot to talk about.”

  Ariel looked crestfallen but nodded. She enjoyed spending time with any member of the Special Five.

  “Angela’s going in for a pregnancy test in a few more days,” Kelsey announced. “She’s pretty sure she’s pregnant.”

  “That will make five!” Ariel said jubilantly, her dark eyes glinting with excitement. “I can’t wait to tell Clarissa.”

  “Speaking of Clarissa, have you heard anything back from the Distant Horizon?” asked Kelsey.

  Jeremy knew Kelsey wished she could have gone on the mission but due to her pregnancy had stayed home. It was the same with Katie.

  Jeremy sat down in his favorite recliner. “They haven’t arrived there yet but should shortly. I’m hoping to know something by the end of the week. We did send a message informing them of the successful rescue of Grayseth.”

  Kelsey nodded as she sat down on the sofa with Ariel coming over and sitting down next to her. Ariel had become quite adept at making her holographic form seem real.

  “How’s progress on your new exploration dreadnought coming?” Jeremy knew both Kelsey and Katie were spending a lot of time working on their new project.

  “Bartoll has been really helpful. He’s assigned a number of Originator AIs to help in the design as well as two Originators. The latter are Damold Brim, who is a research scientist and ship construction expert, and Arian Pantol who’s done a lot of research on galactic phenomena and is the head of their department of intergalactic studies. We have an entire floor in the Tower dedicated to designing and then building the ship.”

  Jeremy was surprised at this. He knew there were a number of floors in the Tower not being used. “How soon before you actually start building the ship?”

  “Six or eight months,” replied Kelsey, pursing her lips. “We need Andram and Clarissa to help with a few things but we can work around their absence for now.”

  “What type of crew are you envisioning?” Jeremy hadn’t told Kelsey he was considering Rear Admiral Barnes as the ship’s commanding officer. He wanted to talk to Kathryn first before he mentioned that.

  “A combination of all three races we have here on the Dyson Sphere,” Kelsey replied. “Humans and Altons will make up most of the crew with a Carethian security force. Pack Leader Belal has volunteered to lead the security force.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Isn’t he the one who led the Carethian security force when you first came to the Triangulum Galaxy in the Distant Horizon?”

  “Yes,” Kelsey answered a little sheepishly. “Belal and twenty of his clansman came on board. He’s very good at what he does and extremely loyal.”

  Jeremy knew Belal had supported Kelsey when she briefly mutinied and took command of the exploration dreadnought to save the ship. He would be a good choice and ensure Kelsey and the others stayed safe.

  “Have you spoken to Marille since Grayseth returned?”

  Kelsey grinned. “I understand their bonding as mates is scheduled for next week. She’s been quite busy making preparations. There has been a lot of celebrating in the Carethian city over Grayseth’s return.”

  Jeremy grinned. “Yes, I’ve heard the same thing. We will be attending the bonding ceremony.”

  Kelsey already knew that. “I need to go shopping so I will have something appropriate to wear. I’m going to call Katie and Angela. I’m sure they need some new clothes as well.”

  Jeremy grimaced. What was it with women and clothes? At every big event they always managed to claim they had nothing to wear. “I’m sure they’ll be excited to hear from you, but before you call Katie I would give them some time. I’m sure at the moment Kevin is still in a state of shock.”

  “He is,” confirmed Ariel. “I only looked in briefly. Should I make reservations for all of you to go out and celebrate?”

  Jeremy looked over at Kelsey who nodded.

  “Sure,” Jeremy answered. “But give Kevin another hour to come to grips with his new situation and then you can tell him and Katie about the reservations. Make sure to include Angela and Brace as well.”

  Jeremy leaned back in his recliner. It was good to be back home, at least for a while.


  Kathryn was in her quarters on the Distant Horizon sleeping when she was nearly thrown out of her bed. Almost instantly, the Condition One alarms began sounding and Commander Grissim’s voice came over the ship-wide comm announcing the setting of Condition One throughout the fleet. A moment later her personal comm next to her bed began buzzing.

  Reaching out Kathryn pressed the button, activating the device. “What is it?” she asked as she began to put on a clean uniform. She would have been up in another thirty minutes as the fleet was scheduled to drop out of hyperspace near the star cluster shortly. It was why Commander Grissim was in the Command Center so early monitoring their approach.

  “We don’t know,” Anne replied. “The entire fleet has been thrown out of hyperspace. Camlin and Jolban believe it might be some type of hyperspace interference field surrounding the star cluster.”

  “Like the one around the Eternals’ galaxy?”

  “The same,” answered Anne. “They’re doing some checking now along with Andram and Clarissa. We should know more shortly.”

  “Very well, I’m on my way.”

  As Kathryn made her way to the Command Center, she couldn’t help but think this might be a positive sign the lost Originators were indeed in this star cluster. Who else could have built a hyperspace interference field around an entire star cluster?

  As she stepped inside the Command Center, she noticed immediately how intent everyone was at their consoles. “Status?”

  Andram looked away from his science console. The venerated Alton scientist had been on nearly all the Distant Horizon’s missions. “We’ve established there is a hyperspace interference field around the star cluster. As near as we can tell from our scans, it begins about ten light years from the cluster and extends out for another twenty. Any ship that encounters the field instantly loses the ability to travel in hyperspace. We’re only about half a light-year into the field due to our speed. Slower vessels would be right at the edge and could probably use their subspace drives to eventually escape.”

  “Admiral Pence reports all of his ships are affected,” said Captain Travers from Communications. “They have the use of their gravity drives but that’s all.”

  “Commander Zafron reports the Dominator is affected as well,” Clarissa said. “Kazak is testing various devices on the Dominator to see if he can find a way around the field.”

  “The Dominator,” said Shilum Torre, looking thoughtful. Shilum was an Alton and well versed in hyperspace studies. She had been working with the Originators studying their knowledge of hyperspace ever since they had arrived at the Communications and Transport Hub. “Is it possible if this field was put up by the lost Originators they would recognize the Dominator? After all, it was sent out to find a cure. Wouldn’t it make sense that it would be the Dominator that would come seeking them?”

  Kathryn sat
down in her command chair. “Camlin, what do you think?”

  “We could have the Dominator broadcast a wide band hyperspace signal toward the cluster identifying who we are and see if we get any response.”

  “I’m detecting some very large space stations around the cluster,” added Captain Reynolds. “Our sensors only reach partially into the cluster and we can only scan part of this side of the hyperspace interference field, but we are detecting three large space stations. All indications are they are the source of the hyperspace interference. They are also surrounded by stealth fields.”

  “Just like the ones around the Eternals’ galaxy,” said Camlin as she studied the long-range scans.

  “Clarissa, inform Commander Zafron and Kazak of our findings. Also suggest they send a wide band broadcast toward the star cluster informing them of who we are.”

  “I would suggest we send the same broadcast to the space stations,” said Clarissa, her deep blue eyes focusing on Kathryn. “We might get a quicker response from one of them.”

  Kathryn nodded. “Make it so.”


  For several tense minutes they waited. The hyperspace interference field remained intact and then suddenly, with no warning, it vanished.

  “Interference field is gone,” confirmed Clarissa.

  “The hyperdrive is functional,” reported Sible, looking pleased.

  “Commander Zafron reports they have received a message from one of the stations,” reported Captain Travers. “We are not to approach any of the space stations but are to proceed into the cluster. He has a set of coordinates we’re to go to.”

  “We found them!” Camlin said excitedly, her eyes lighting up. “We’ve found the lost Originators.”

  “Perhaps,” said Nomar Krill, who had remained silent throughout all of this. “I have been examining the nearest space station and it does seem to be of Originator design. There are some design modifications I am not familiar with. I’ve also detected powerful offensive and defensive weapons.”

  Kathryn looked around at her expectant crew. “We will proceed to the specified coordinates and see what’s there. The fleet will stay at Condition One. I want the Dominator to take the lead since it is probably recognizable to the Originators who built these space stations.”

  “I’ll notify Cynthia we may soon be in contact with the lost Originators,” Nomar said. “She will need to begin making plans for dispersing the cure for the pathogen.”

  “It may still be a while,” cautioned Kathryn. “So far we just have a set of coordinates.”

  Nomar nodded. “I am aware of that. But Cynthia should be notified so she can be prepared.”

  “Very well,” Kathryn replied. She then turned her attention to Clarissa and Camlin. “We have no idea what we may be facing when we arrive at these coordinates. We must be prepared for anything. Clarissa, I want you to monitor the long-range sensors for anything that might be unusual in any of the nearby star systems once we arrive at our destination. Camlin, I have a strong suspicion if there is a welcoming party it will be made up of Originator AIs. If that is so, then you and Kazak may need to establish contact with them. Once we’ve established who they are and who they represent we will allow Commander Zafron to reveal himself. There will be no discussion or mention of the cure until we find out more information.”

  Camlin nodded in agreement.

  Kathryn turned her attention to Sible who was at the Helm. “Sible, take the fleet to the designated coordinates. Make sure the Dominator is in the lead.” Another reason for having the Dominator go first was because it was their most powerful warship. If this were a trap, the Dominator would be the most likely ship able to detect it and escape.

  Sible used her neural interface to communicate with the ship’s computer as well as its navigation system. Moments later the fleet jumped back into hyperspace, only this time they were using their normal hyperspace drive and not the intergalactic one since they were so close to their destination.


  The minutes passed rapidly by as the fleet flashed up to and then entered the star cluster. It didn’t take long to reach the designated coordinates where the entire fleet dropped out of hyperspace, the Dominator first followed by all the other ships.


  “Are we detecting anything on the sensors?” asked Kathryn as she gazed at the viewscreens. All they showed were the various ships of her fleet.

  “Nothing,” reported Captain Reynolds, sounding confused. “There’s nothing out there.”


  “Nothing,” Clarissa said after a moment, looking mystified. “There are a few planets in this star system but no sign of any artificial constructions. As near as I can tell from our sensors, there’s nothing here.”

  Commander Grissim looked over at Kathryn. “Why send us here if the system is empty?”

  At that moment the lights in the Command Center went out, the consoles died, and life support faded away to silence.

  “We’ve lost all power,” Andram said from the darkness. “None of our consoles are functioning. Even the emergency systems are down.”

  “We’re totally defenseless,” Commander Grissim said with concern. “No energy screen or weapons.”

  Kathryn remained silent for several moments and then spoke. “Well, obviously something is here, we just can’t detect it. We just have to hope it’s not a threat.”

  “What do we do?” asked Sible from the Helm.

  It was strange to be talking to everyone in the darkness. Kathryn could see absolutely nothing. With a deep sigh of resignation, she replied. “We wait. Eventually whoever is doing this will want to make contact. For now we are in their power and it is up to them to make the next move.”

  Kathryn leaned back in her command chair. So far this mission was turning out far different than anyone expected. She wondered what other surprises awaited them in this star cluster.

  Chapter Seven

  For what seemed like an hour Kathryn sat in the dark. The crew spoke in whispers as if afraid they would be overheard by some enemy. The air was already getting more difficult to breathe as the carbon dioxide content slowly increased. With surprise Kathryn saw the hatch to the Command Center suddenly open and Nomar stepped inside holding a light. Four Marines were behind him and it was evident from the tools they carried they had helped force the heavy metal hatch open.

  “Admiral, I believe you might want some light,” said Nomar with a smile.

  “How?” Kathryn asked. They had tried everything in the Command Center and nothing had worked. Even the emergency hand lights were dead. Whatever had struck the ship had drained it of all power and was keeping it drained.

  “It was quite simple,” Nomar said as he stepped over to the life support console and began wiring in a small device he was carrying. “All of our AIs are still functioning which indicated to me their internal power sources were still operating.” Nomar finished his work and pressing a button on the console caused it to come to life. “The power source in our AIs is shielded to prevent detection. I rigged up a similar shield on this small power device and it worked.”

  “What did you use for light?” asked Commander Grissim, sounding mystified. It had been pitch black in the Command Center.

  Nomar’s smile broadened. “I lit a small fire. It furnished enough light to allow me to complete this small device. I was a little concerned about the oxygen though as the fire was steadily consuming it. Once I finished the device I rounded up a few of your Marines and came straight to the Command Center. I was afraid you might be getting a little low on air by now.”

  Kathryn heard the life support system activate as fresh air began coming through the vents. “Can we do this to shield one of our antimatter chambers?” Kathryn new the main life support systems were still not functioning. The one Nomar had activated was an emergency one for the Command Center only.

  “Jolban is already working on it along with some other AIs and your own engineers. We should have som
e power back shortly.”

  Kathryn was deeply concerned. There were compartments on the ship small enough that there would soon be a shortage of oxygen. All across the fleet it would be the same. This loss of power could very easily cause a widespread loss of life.

  “Why did they do this?” asked Commander Grissim, her eyes narrowing sharply. “It makes no sense.”

  “They’re testing us and perhaps studying us at the same time trying to determine if we are a danger,” suggested Camlin.

  Even as Camlin spoke, the power came back on as all the consoles in the Command Center began to function once more. A look of relief spread across the faces of the command crew.

  “We have sufficient power for the shields and weapons,” reported Major Weir.

  “Activate our energy shield but hold off on the weapons for now,” ordered Kathryn, leaning forward in her command chair. “I want to know what’s going on first. I want the tactical displays up as well as the viewscreens.”

  “Tactical displays coming up,” reported Commander Grissim.

  “Captain Reynolds, is there anything out there?”

  “Four ships of Originator design,” Reynolds reported as four red threat icons suddenly blossomed on one of the tactical displays. All four ships were around the Dominator.

  “Ships are Originator battlecruisers,” added Camlin as she studied one of the two-thousand-meter vessels now showing on the main viewscreen. The viewscreen covered three walls of the Command Center but could be set to show multiple views as it was now. “They are the same as the ones we use. I see no major updates or changes. These have to be ships of the lost Originators.”

  “The Dominator still has power,” reported Captain Reynolds as he studied his sensors.

  “Captain Travers, see if you can raise the Dominator,” ordered Kathryn, her eyes narrowing slightly. “I want to speak with Commander Zafron.” Why did the Dominator still have power or had they figured out a way around the energy drain problem?


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