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The Originator Wars: Search for the Lost: A Lost Fleet Novel

Page 17

by Raymond L. Weil

  “I will send the order,” Second Commander Telan replied.


  Fleet Commander Solten received the orders from Fleet Commander Norlan. “We are to test the defenses of the Shrieel,” he said to Second Commander Albor.

  Albor frowned and then spoke. “We lost many of the ships in our portion of the fleet in the recent battle. We only have twenty-eight hundred ships remaining. Will that be enough?”

  Solten turned to stare coldly at Telan. “We are the Eternals. Twenty-eight hundred ships will be sufficient. Fleet Commander Norlan will be directly behind us. If the Shrieel’s defenses are stronger than expected his ships will advance and add their firepower to our own.”


  Rear Admiral Mann studied the advancing Eternal warships. They had divided up into two formations. The first had nearly three thousand warships and the second close to eight thousand. Her own fleet had nearly seven hundred remaining heavy dreadnoughts, but many of those were damaged, some so severely they would not be of any use in another battle. These she had sent to the rear of her formation. She still had twelve hundred Originator battlecruisers remaining but many of them were also damaged. She had a shattered fleet but she had no intention of allowing the Eternals to reach the Shrieel unopposed. If the blue energy spheres and the weapons on the surface of the Dyson Sphere failed to destroy the Eternals, she would commit her remaining fleet to battle.

  “Maklyn reports the Eternal vessels are well within range of the blue energy spheres,” reported Lieutenant Sparks, glancing over at the admiral. “He asks we move our fleet to the side to give them an open field of fire. They now have enough information from our battles that they believe they can annihilate the Eternal fleets.”

  “Do so,” ordered Hailey, glancing over at Commander Sutherland. She felt relief that her fleet might not have to fight the Eternal warships. Too many lives had already been lost.

  She could feel the tension building in the Command Center. These next few moments would let them know if the Eternals could conquer a Dyson Sphere. If they could, the war would be over. The Dyson Spheres were the fortresses which could not fall.


  Fleet Commander Solten watched in confusion as the Originator fleet in front of him suddenly moved to the side, flying parallel to the Shrieel but putting several million kilometers between them and the Eternal fleet.

  “We have a clear field of fire,” said Albor. “Nothing can stop us now from taking the Shrieel.”

  “Stand by to fire,” ordered Solten. “Target all visible weapons emplacements.” Solten had a strange feeling all wasn’t right. What was he missing? He checked the tactical displays as well as the viewscreens; he could see nothing abnormal.


  Inside the Shrieel, Maklyn ordered all weapon emplacements to prepare to fire the blue energy spheres. There was no known defense against the spheres and they were the most dangerous weapon to ever be developed by the Originators. He was in one of the two Control Centers in the Shrieel specifically built to direct the firing of the deadly blue spheres.

  “Stand by to fire,” he ordered. There were several other military AIs in the Control Center as well as the auxiliary one. “Target all the Eternal ships in the nearer fleet. We will destroy it and then target the second one.” Rear Admiral Mann had performed well in her two battles with the Originators. It had allowed the Originator AIs inside the two Control Centers to better analyze the strength of the Eternals’ energy shields. The AIs were confident the blue spheres could easily drain the power from the shields before attaching themselves to the hulls.


  On the Shrieel thousands of circular hatches suddenly opened. From each one spheres of blue energy rose up and accelerated into hyperspace. Each sphere targeted one of the Eternal battlecruisers.


  “What are those?” demanded Fleet Commander Solten, his eyes narrowing sharply.

  He had never witnessed such a weapon. He felt fear in the back of his mind, something he had never experienced before. It was an emotion the Eternals had nearly eliminated through the use of their mechanical nanites. He watched as the spheres left the hatches on the Shrieel only to vanish into hyperspace. Moments later they began striking the energy screens of his ships.


  As each sphere struck the power from the energy shield of the targeted vessel was drained away and then the sphere latched onto the ship itself. A large portion of the hull glowed blue and then the very molecular structure of the ship began to lose cohesion as the atoms could no longer hold their bonds with one another. The ship’s hull became transformed into a gray, thick dust. As the sphere sunk deeper into the ship vital systems became compromised as parts of them simply ceased to exist. Power systems began to die and lights faded away.


  “The ships are not being destroyed fast enough,” reported one of the Originator AIs inside the primary Control Center.

  “Our energy spheres are destroying the Eternal vessels, but the process is much slower than it should be,” added another AI.

  “They’re too large. It’s going to be necessary to hit each vessel with two energy spheres to complete their destruction and neutralize their weapons.”

  Maklyn was surprised by this. The Eternal ships must be comprised of some very heavy metal alloys. “Continue to launch the energy spheres until all the Eternal ships in the nearer fleet have been destroyed. If necessary target individual ships with two of the spheres to ensure quicker destruction.”

  This concerned Maklyn as it would increase the time it took to destroy the Eternal ships. It might give them time to launch an attack against the Shrieel though the hull material was nearly impervious to weapons fire.


  Fleet Commander Solten gazed in disbelief as his fleet was being annihilated before his eyes. “What are those?” he demanded in a shrill voice turning toward Second Commander Albor for an explanation.

  “Some type of sphere composed of exotic energy particles,” replied Albor. “The computer has no record of anything like this. It is a weapon we have never encountered.”

  Before Solten could reply, two spheres suddenly struck the Warbringer’s energy screen. The screen was quickly depleted of power and then the spheres crashed into the hull. On the damage control console, red lights started blinking on in rapid succession and alarms began sounding. The viewscreens flickered and then went off. Life support suddenly failed and there was no movement of air in the Command Center. The lights dimmed and stayed dim.

  “We’re losing hull integrity and our power is failing,” warned Albor as he scanned his control console. “We’ve lost contact with most compartments of the ship.” Moments later the power faded from Albor’s console and it went dark as did all the others in the Command Center.

  Fleet Commander Solten heard a strange, almost rustling sound coming from the massive hatch, which protected the Command Center. Looking toward the hatch, he saw a blue glow, which quickly spread across the hatch and the wall. Solten felt his heart skip a beat and knew not even the mechanical nanites in his body could save him. With a loud whoosh of escaping air, the hatch and wall turned into a gray dust opening up the Command Center to the harsh vacuum of space.


  Fleet Commander Norlan watched in silence as Solten’s fleet was destroyed by the blue energy spheres. His fleet was two hundred thousand kilometers behind Solten’s and Norlan suspected it was not enough. This was a weapon the Originators must have developed sometime in the distant past but never used. His mission was in danger of failing unless he did something desperate. “Order all ships to perform a hyperspace jump to one thousand kilometers above the surface of the Shrieel. As soon as the jump is complete all ships are to launch their warrior robots and shock troops.”

  Second Commander Telan looked over at Fleet Commander Norlan as if he were insane. “That’s too close to an object of mass! We’ll risk losing ships as well as suffering severe damage to our hyperspace drives.”
/>   “It’s a risk we have to take. If we remain here, we will be destroyed. If we retreat we lose our chance to conquer the Shrieel.”

  Telan stood absolutely still for a moment and then passed on the order. He was an Eternal and would obey the fleet commander.


  Rear Admiral Hailey Mann watched the viewscreens as the three thousand leading Eternal warships were destroyed by the Shrieel’s most deadly weapon. She had heard how this weapon had destroyed Simulin and Shari vessels in the Milky Way Galaxy. Now she fully appreciated how dangerous the blue spheres were.

  “It’s taking longer than expected,” Commander Sutherland said from his command console. “Maklyn says the size and metal alloys of the Eternal vessels are causing them to use two energy spheres instead of one. He says one would eventually destroy the vessels but it would take several minutes.”

  “They’re switching fire to the second fleet,” reported Captain Adams. He adjusted one of the viewscreens from his sensor console, which showed thousands of blue energy spheres exiting hatches on the Dyson Sphere to promptly vanish as they made the transition into hyperspace. Captain Adam’s eyes narrowed sharply as he saw several Eternal vessels vanish from the sensor screen only to reappear next to the Dyson Sphere. “Eternal fleet is jumping into pointblank range of the Dyson Sphere!”

  Hailey looked at the viewscreen, seeing hundreds of Eternal vessels appearing almost on the surface of the massive megastructure. Several exploded from jumping too close to the sphere. Looking at other screens, she saw that many of the ships of the Eternals’ second fleet had been caught by the last wave of blue energy spheres. Several thousand ships were still at the previous position of the fleet covered in a slowly spreading blue radiance.


  “Target the hatches those energy spheres are being launched from,” ordered Fleet Commander Norlan as the Devastator exited hyperspace. He heard the ship groan from exiting hyperspace so close to the megastructure. A number of red lights appeared on the damage control console. “Ignore the regular weapons emplacements for now. Priority targets are the hatches.” He knew if he could destroy the hatches the spheres were coming from, he still had enough ships left to conquer the Shrieel.


  All across the section of the Shrieel, the Eternal fleet was hovering over antimatter explosions and energy beams began to strike the hatches. Six thousand Eternal vessels had managed to jump while two thousand had been caught by the blue spheres. Several hundred ships blew apart from the stress to damaged systems from jumping so close to a mass as large as the Shrieel. All the surviving battlecruisers were firing every weapon they had at the surface of the Shrieel targeting the hatches of the blue energy spheres.


  “Eternals are targeting the hatches we use to launch the energy spheres,” reported one of the AIs who was monitoring the battle above the surface of the Shrieel. Seventy-two percent of the hatches in the region beneath the Eternal fleet have been damaged, preventing more spheres from launching.”

  Maklyn shook his head. This was an unexpected turn of events. “Fire all weapons; we have enough ion cannons and gravitonic cannons to cripple that fleet.” He turned toward several AIs at a large control panel. “Reprogram the other hatches near the affected area. The spheres can be programmed to fly at angles which will allow them to intercept the Eternal ships.”

  “It will take time to make the adjustments,” replied one of the AIs. “We never expected to lose the hatches.”

  “Get to work on it,” Maklyn ordered. “Also, put me in contact with Rear Admiral Cross. We may need his warships quicker than we thought.”


  On the surface of the Dyson Sphere beneath the Eternal fleet hundreds of weapon emplacements became active. Ion cannons began firing, freezing Eternal energy screens and gravitonic cannons began blasting away, tearing open massive holes in the hulls of the affected Eternal battlecruisers.

  From the Eternal battlecruisers small attack shuttles began launching. In moments thousands of them were falling toward the surface of the Dyson Sphere.


  “What are those?” asked Commander Sutherland, seeing thousands of small red threat icons suddenly appear. They nearly hid the Eternal fleet.

  “Attack shuttles,” Hailey said in realization. “They’re going to land combat robots and try to force open one of the main hatches. If they can get their fleet inside the Dyson Sphere, they may try to attack the Control Centers. We can’t allow them to gain access.”

  “I have Rear Admiral Cross on the comm,” reported Lieutenant Sparks. “Maklyn is recommending his fleet exits to join up with ours. Maklyn says this current attack represents a real danger to the Shrieel. The Eternals have destroyed many of the hatches to the energy sphere launching tubes. It will be a while before they can launch more.’”

  “Benda nodded. “Tell Rear Admiral Cross his fleet is to exit the Dyson Sphere and join up with mine. Once he has we’ll make a coordinated attack against the remaining Eternal vessels.”

  Looking at the main viewscreen, she could see explosions rocking the surface of the Dyson Sphere. Occasionally an ion cannon would explode as it was blown to pieces or one of the many gravitonic cannons embedded in the surface. To the hull itself little damage was occurring because of the dense material it was made of.


  The swarm of small attack craft began landing. As soon as they touched down on the hull the large warrior robots of the Eternals began emerging, followed by their shock troops. They fanned out across the hull setting explosives wherever they found an active weapon turret or cannon. The location they landed was near the site of one of the main entrances for the Shrieel. They just needed to find a way to get the hatch open so the orbiting fleet could enter. Once the fleet was inside the Shrieel would be theirs.


  Several million kilometers away a large hatch slid back on the Dyson Sphere and Rear Admiral Cross’s fleet began to emerge. He had five thousand Originator battlecruisers and two hundred heavy dreadnoughts under his command. The ships quickly emerged and then joined up with Rear Admiral Mann’s fleet.


  Rear Admiral Mann had been watching the battle above the Dyson Sphere. Surface weapons had managed to take out several hundred more of the Eternals’ battlecruisers and damaged many more, but now those weapon sites were being taken out by orbital bombardment as well as the combat robots and Eternal troops on the surface. The situation was rapidly going from bad to worse.

  “Rear Admiral Cross’s forces have been integrated into our fleet,” reported Commander Sutherland. “We can attack the Eternals whenever you’re ready.”

  Hailey took a deep breath. The coming battle would determine the victor. No one had expected the Eternals to jump so close to the Dyson Sphere, neutralizing the Originators’ primary weapon. “We’ll advance and engage the Eternal fleet. Once we’re within range Rear Admiral Cross is to launch his defense globes. They’re to target the most heavily damaged Eternal vessels.”

  “Suicide attacks?” asked Commander Sutherland.

  Hailey nodded. “It’s the only way. At the same time we’ll move into pointblank range and assault the rest of the fleet.”

  “They still have nearly six thousand ships in that fleet,” Sutherland said. “We may not have enough ships.”

  Hailey knew Commander Sutherland was right. “We don’t have any other choice.”


  Fleet Commander Norlan gazed in satisfaction at the main viewscreen showing the decreasing fire coming from the surface of the Shrieel. His shock troops and warrior robots had already found the large hatch and were attempting to gain access. They had found several small hatches, which most likely led into the Shrieel. If they could force them open and send warrior robots and shock troops inside, then it would only be a matter of time before the large hatch could be opened. Once that was accomplished the battle would be over shortly afterward. Norlan’s confidence was growing that soon the battle would be over
and the first of many Shrieels would be in the hands of the Eternals.

  “More enemy ships have emerged from the Shrieel,” warned Motan from his sensor console. “The sensors are detecting an additional five thousand Originator battlecruisers and two hundred of the larger ships of their proxy race.”

  Norlan turned to study the tactical display. This time the enemy would have him outnumbered but his ships were larger and more powerful. Once again the proxy race had managed to surprise him. He had not expected them to have so many ships hidden in the Shrieel.

  “Enemy fleet is advancing toward us,” said Second Commander Telan.

  “We have no choice but to engage them,” Norlan said, his eyes narrowing sharply. “We have superior firepower and we will destroy them. They are only delaying the inevitable.”

  “Our shock troops report they have managed to breach two of the small hatches and are going inside,” Telan said as he received a new report from the surface. “We’ll have the hatch open in minutes.”

  Norlan frowned. He would like to get his fleet inside the Shrieel as soon as possible. “We’ll have to deal with this fleet first. Once it’s destroyed we’ll enter the Shrieel.”


  Rear Admiral Mann felt anxious as her fleet neared the Eternals. “Launch defense globes now!” she ordered.


  From the two hundred heavy dreadnoughts in Rear Admiral Cross’s fleet twenty thousand of the small deadly globes emerged. Upon emerging from the ships they promptly accelerated on their gravity drives, targeting the most heavily damaged of the Eternal vessels.

  From the Eternal ships heavy energy fire broke out attempting to destroy the small drones before they could reach their targets. Thousands died under the heavy fire and antimatter explosions but nearly four thousand managed to reach their targets. In the Eternal formation, more ships died in small nova-like explosions. At that moment the large hatch on the surface of the Dyson Sphere suddenly opened.


  “Eternals have the outer hatch open,” warned Commander Sutherland with deep concern in his voice.


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