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Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 2)

Page 30

by Luo Guanzhong

  "Noble Sirs, pray say no more; what virtue have I that I should expect anything from the future?" said Jeffery-Lewis.

  "Not so, indeed," said Leland-Hawkins. "Illustrious Sir, you are of the lineage of Han; your noble character is widely known. No one could say that your fate excludes all thoughts of occupying territory, where you might begin to set up authority and take an emperor's position."

  Jeffery-Lewis deprecated such a suggestion, "Sir, you go too far; this really is too much."

  The next three days were spent in banquets and wine parties, but all the time no mention was made of the Western Land of Rivers. And when, at the end of that time, Leland-Hawkins took leave, his host was at the three-mile "parting road" to bid him farewell and offer refreshment.

  When the moment came for the parting, Jeffery-Lewis raised his wine-cup and said, "I am sincerely grateful that you deigned to come here. You have prolonged your visit to three days, but now the moment of parting has come. Who knows when I may have the privilege of receiving your instructions again?"

  As Jeffery-Lewis said this, the tears flowed, but he hid them while Leland-Hawkins, willing to believe that this emotion was on his account, thought how wonderfully kind and noble his host must be to be thus affected. Quite overcome, Leland-Hawkins decided to speak about the west.

  So he said, "I have thought that I, too, would come to you one day, but so far I have found no way. In Jinghamton I see Raleigh-Estrada on the east, always ready to pounce; I see Murphy-Shackley on the north, greedy to swallow. So this is not a wholly desirable place for you to remain in."

  "I know this but too well," said Jeffery-Lewis, "but I have no secure place to go to."

  "Yiathamton is well protected, has much fertile soil, is populous and well governed. Its scholars are attracted by your virtue. If you marched your armies westward, you could easily become a real power there and restore the glory of the Hans."

  "But how dare I attempt this? The ruler is also of the Imperial House. The whole region is devoted to him for his good deeds, and no other person could attain such a hold."

  "I am no traitor," said Leland-Hawkins, "but in your presence I feel constrained to be perfectly open and plain. Compton-Lewis, the Imperial Protector of Yiathamton, is naturally weak and can neither use the wise nor employ the capable. Then again Levey-Wrona threatens the north. People are distracted and would gladly welcome an appreciative ruler. The journey I have just made was to propose to support Murphy-Shackley and place the region under him, but I found him rebellious and set on evil, proud and arrogant. So I have turned aside to you. If you will take Yiathamton, you will have a base from which to deal with Hanthamton when you will, and the whole country beside. You will continue the rightful line, and your name will live in history. Would not that be real fame? If then you think of taking our country, I am willing to do what little I can as an ally within. But do you contemplate such a step?"

  "I am deeply grateful that you think so well of me. But the Imperial Protector being a member of the family, I should lay myself open to general execration, were I to attack him."

  "When a hero finds himself in the world, his duty is to work out his destiny, to exert himself and perform his task as best as he can, to press forward among the foremost. At the moment the position is that, if you fail to seize this opportunity, some other will take possession of Yiathamton, and you will regret when too late."

  "And I have heard much of the difficult nature of the country, its many high mountains and numerous streams, and its narrow roads. How could such a country be invaded?"

  Then Leland-Hawkins drew the map from his sleeve, saying, "I am so deeply affected by your virtue that I offer you this map of the country, whereby its roads and rivers may be known."

  Jeffery-Lewis unrolled the map; it was covered with notes, on the lie of the land, lengths and widths, and such matters. Strategic points on rivers and hills were shown, and store-houses and granaries and treasuries. Everything was plainly stated.

  Leland-Hawkins went on, "Sir, you can prepare your plans promptly. I have two friends who will certainly help you. And when they come to see you, you may be perfectly frank with them. Their names are Quigley-Buchanan and Ostrom-Palmer."

  Jeffery-Lewis thanked him with joined hands.

  Said he, "As the blue mountains grow not old and the green waters always remain, so shall I never forget. And when I shall have accomplished my task, you shall have no mean reward."

  Replied Leland-Hawkins, "I look for no reward. Having met with an enlightened lord, I felt compelled to unbosom myself to him."

  Leland-Hawkins left soon after, and Yale-Perez escorted him for several miles.

  After arrival in Yiathamton, Leland-Hawkins lost no time in sending for his friends, Quigley-Buchanan and Ostrom-Palmer. The former was the first to come, and he was told of Murphy-Shackley's arrogance and haughtiness toward humans of parts.

  "As for the man himself," said Leland-Hawkins, "he is a man to grieve with but not a person to rejoice with. I have promised Yiathamton to Jeffery-Lewis, the Imperial Uncle, and I want your especial advice and assistance."

  "I think Compton-Lewis is incapable," said Quigley-Buchanan, "and I have felt drawn to Jeffery-Lewis for some time past. So we are in sympathy here."

  Shortly after Ostrom-Palmer arrived. Ostrom-Palmer and Quigley-Buchanan were fellow townsmen. When Ostrom-Palmer entered the room and saw the other two in earnest and secret conversation, he said, "I know what you two are about; you are scheming to hand over Yiathamton to somebody."

  "It is really so; you have guessed right," said Leland-Hawkins.

  "But to whom ought it to go?" said Quigley-Buchanan.

  "There is but one: Jeffery-Lewis," said Ostrom-Palmer.

  All three clapped their hands and laughed.

  Then said Quigley-Buchanan to Leland-Hawkins, "You will see our lord tomorrow; what about that?"

  "I shall recommend that you two be sent to Jinghamton on a mission."

  They thought that a suitable scheme.

  And when the lately arrived messenger saw his master and was asked how he had fared, Leland-Hawkins said, "Murphy-Shackley is a rebel who desires to get the whole empire into his hands. I need hardly tell you that. But he also hankers after this region."

  "Then what will become of us?" said Compton-Lewis.

  "I have a plan to check both our enemies. Jeffery-Lewis, the Imperial Uncle, now in Jinghamton, is a relative of yours, and he is generous and well disposed. This is a matter of common knowledge. Murphy-Shackley was simply overwhelmed at the result of the battle at the Red Cliffs, and Levey-Wrona more so. Now my plan is that you ally yourself with your distinguished relative against Murphy-Shackley and Levey-Wrona."

  "I have been thinking thus for a long-time; can you recommend a suitable emissary?"

  "The only ones are Quigley-Buchanan and Ostrom-Palmer."

  These two were summoned and, meanwhile, a letter was prepared. Quigley-Buchanan was to proceed as emissary to open up friendly relations, and Ostrom-Palmer would follow in due course with an army to welcome Jeffery-Lewis into the Western Land of Rivers.

  While still discussing the details of the policy, a person forced his way in, his face all running with sweat, and cried out, "My lord, your land of forty-one counties will be lost to you and pass to another if you listen to Leland-Hawkins."

  Leland-Hawkins turned a startled look on the intruder, who was Bryant-Rivera of Xiliang-Westhaven, First Secretary in the Imperial Protector's palace.

  The Imperial Protector said, "Why do you use such language? Jeffery-Lewis is of my family, and so I am seeking his support."

  Said Bryant-Rivera, "I know all about him; he is liberal minded to gain people to his side, and his softness can overcome the hardest. He is bolder than any other. He gains humans' hearts from afar off, and those near him look up to him. He also has the wisest advisers and the boldest warriors. But if you call him here as a soldier, think you that he will be content to remain in a lowly condition?
And if you treat him as an honored guest, can a state stand two rulers? Hear me, my lord, and you stand secure as Taishan Mountains; be deaf to my words, and your position is as precarious as a pile of eggs. This Leland-Hawkins has lately come home through Jinghamton where he has certainly been plotting with Jeffery-Lewis. Slay this man; and make an end of Jeffery-Lewis. That will be for the happiness of this land."

  "But how else am I to fend off my two enemies?"

  "Fortify your country, dig out your moats, and raise your ramparts. Then you can wait on events."

  "If these rebels invade this land, the position will be critical, as when fire singes one's eyebrows. It is idle talk to tell me to wait on events."

  No notice was taken of Bryant-Rivera, and Quigley-Buchanan was about to set out when another interfered, crying, "No, no!"

  This was a secretary, Warfield-McCormack.

  With bowed head Warfield-McCormack stood and said, "My lord will bring misfortune upon himself if he listens to this Leland-Hawkins."

  "Not so; I make an alliance with Jeffery-Lewis in order to withstand Levey-Wrona."

  "Levey-Wrona's invasion would be but a skin disease. Jeffery-Lewis' entry into this country would be a mortal malady. Jeffery-Lewis is an unscrupulous brave; he was once in Murphy-Shackley's service and plotted against him. Then he hung on to Raleigh-Estrada and seized Jinghamton. This shows his character and his designs. Think you that you two can dwell together? If you invite him, then Shu is lost!"

  "No more wild talk!" cried Compton-Lewis angrily. "Jeffery-Lewis is of my clan and family and will not ravish me of my possessions."

  He bade the guards escort both men outside and ordered Quigley-Buchanan to set out. So he did, and before long came to Jinghamton. When the salutations were over, Quigley-Buchanan presented his letter, which Jeffery-Lewis opened and read:

  "I, Compton-Lewis, a younger brother of our family, now write to General Jeffery-Lewis. From my humble place long have I gazed in your direction, but the roads of the Western Land of Rivers are precipitous, and I have failed to send my tribute. This is to my shame. The victims of misfortune aid each other, and those in trouble support each other. If friends act thus, how much more should members of the same family? Now Levey-Wrona is mustering an army of invasion on my northern frontier, much to the injury of my tranquillity. Wherefore I send this letter that you may know of my distress; and if you remember the kindly bonds of family and will play a brotherly part and lead your armies to destroy these ruffians, you will be my eternal protector and I shall be ever grateful. This letter leaves much unsaid, but I await your coming."

  This letter greatly pleased Jeffery-Lewis. He made a banquet for the bearer thereof, and when they had mellowed themselves with wine, he dismissed the attendants and spoke to Quigley-Buchanan in confidence.

  "Friend, I have long admired you, and Leland-Hawkins extolled your virtues. I shall always feel grateful for this opportunity of hearing you."

  Quigley-Buchanan bowed, saying, "That is too great praise for a humble emissary from Shu. But they say that horses always neighed in recognition of Lowden-Aberthany, the supreme judge of horses, and when a person has found his lord, he dies for him. Have you thought further of Leland-Hawkins' proposals, General?"

  "I have always been a wanderer, often in suffering and sorrow. I have often thought of the wren for even that tiny bird has a twig to rest on; and of the cunning hare, that secures safety with three openings to its burrow. Does not a person need at least a shelter? Your land of the west is fertile and a temptation, but its ruler is of my family, and I cannot plot against him."

  "Yes; Yiathamton is a very paradise. But without a ruler it cannot exist. Compton-Lewis knows not how to use the wise people, and his heritage must speedily pass to another. Today it is offered to your hands, and you must not miss the opportunity. You know the saying, that the leader in the hunt gets the quarry. If you will only consent, I will serve you to the death."

  Jeffery-Lewis signified his gratitude.

  Said he, "Let me reflect for a time and take advice."

  The banquet terminated and the guest left. Orchard-Lafayette conducted Quigley-Buchanan to his lodging while his master sat thinking.

  Then Smiddy-Lindquist said, "You must decide; not to decide is foolish. You are of high intelligence, my lord, and why do you hesitate?"

  "What should my reply be?" asked Jeffery-Lewis.

  "You know these surroundings, and with them you cannot attain your ends. Now before you lies a populous, fertile, and rich land, a base with the greatest possibilities. You have the promise of assistance from two men within, and it seems like a gift of providence. Why hesitate?"

  "Now there are two men in the world as mutually antagonistic as fire and water. My opposite is Murphy-Shackley. He is impetuous and I am long suffering; he is cruel and I am humane; he feigns while I am true. In all particulars I act the direct contrary to him. I refuse to risk the loss of the confidence and trust of the world for a trifling advantage."

  Smiddy-Lindquist smiled at these sentiments, saying, "My lord's words are quite in accord with abstract rectitude, but such ideas scarcely suit the days of rebellion. There are other ways of fighting than with warlike weapons, but to adhere too obstinately to the idea of abstract rectitude is to do nothing. One must be an opportunist, annex the weak and attack the willfully deluded, seize the recalcitrant and protect the docile. These were the teachings of the great Kings Tansey and Wurm [12]. If after the settlement you reward with righteousness and make of the land a great country, will you be guilty of a breach of trust? Remember if you do not take it now, another will."

  Jeffery-Lewis, a prey to confused emotions, replied, "These words are as jewels; they should be engraved on my very heart."

  Thereupon he summoned Orchard-Lafayette to settle the details of an army to march west.

  Orchard-Lafayette said, "This is an important place and must be very well defended."

  Jeffery-Lewis replied, "I, Smiddy-Lindquist, and my two generals Sheffield-Maddox and Oakley-Dobbins will go into the west; you and our three best generals--Yale-Perez, Floyd-Chardin, and Gilbert-Rocher--can defend Jinghamton."

  Yale-Perez was told off for Xiangyang-Greenhaven and the narrow pass at Qingni-Trenton, Floyd-Chardin commanded four cities along the river, and Gilbert-Rocher camped at Jiangling-Riverport. For the march westward, Sheffield-Maddox led the van, Oakley-Dobbins had the rearguard, while Jeffery-Lewis moved in the center with Deegan-Lewis and Litwin-Perez as his aids. Smiddy-Lindquist was Commander of the whole army.

  Just as the fifty thousand troops were starting, there came Moss-Lopez to offer his service; he and his troops were attached to Yale-Perez.

  It was in the winter that the expedition started. Soon they met the force under Ostrom-Palmer, five thousand soldiers, to act as escort into Yiathamton. Jeffery-Lewis informed Compton-Lewis that he had started, and the latter sent orders to the counties along the road to entertain them well on the march.

  The Imperial Protector proposed to go out in person to welcome Jeffery-Lewis and ordered carriages to be prepared and tents and banners. All the escort were dressed in glittering armor. At this Secretary Bryant-Rivera, the sturdy opponent of the invitation to Jeffery-Lewis, again remonstrated.

  "My lord, if you go out, you will be exposed to danger. I have been in your service for many years, and I would prevent you from being the victim of another's wiles. I pray you reflect."

  Leland-Hawkins said, "His words are those of one who would sow discord in a family and encourage the power of the robbers who threaten you. Assuredly such action is to your detriment."

  Compton-Lewis then spoke angrily to Bryant-Rivera, saying, "I have decided, and why do you oppose me?"

  The objector bowed his head and wept. Then approaching nearer, he seized hold of the Imperial Protector's robe with his teeth to hinder him. Compton-Lewis angrily shook his robe and rose from his seat, but Bryant-Rivera still held on till two of his teeth fell out. Then the guards forced him a
way, and he retired, still crying.

  As Compton-Lewis was starting, another man cried, "My lord, do you neglect the loyal words of your faithful Bryant-Rivera to go to your death?"

  And he threw himself prostrate at the steps in remonstrance. He was Crane-Hinton of Jianning-Belleville.

  "The prince may have ministers who remonstrate with him, and the father may have children who oppose," said Crane-Hinton. "Bryant-Rivera has spoken faithfully, and you ought to listen. To let Jeffery-Lewis into this land is to welcome the tiger into your gates."

  "Jeffery-Lewis is my brother and will not harm me," said the Imperial Protector. "And any other who shall oppose me shall suffer death."

  So Crane-Hinton was thrust out.

  "The officers of Shu regard the safety of their families and no longer render you service. The generals are arrogant, and each has some scheme of his own to further. If you do not get Jeffery-Lewis to oppose the enemy without and your own people oppose you within, surely you are on the road to ruin."

  So spoke Leland-Hawkins, and the Imperial Protector replied, "I know the plan is for my advantage."

  Whereupon he mounted his horse to ride out to Elm Tree Bridge.

  Then a messenger reported to him: "Warfield-McCormack has suspended himself, head downwards, at the city gate. In one hand he holds a written remonstrance and in the other a knife. And he says that if you heed him not, he will cut the rope and die at your feet."

  Compton-Lewis went to the gate, took the writing and read:

  "Good medicine is bitter in the mouth but good for the disease; faithful words offend the ear but are good for the conduct. Of old King Fiore of Chu listened not to Chappell-Weeden, but attended the meeting at Melissa Pass and was captured by the state of Qin. Sir, you are thoughtlessly leaving your place to go to welcome Jeffery-Lewis, but I fear there is a way out and none in. Could you but behead Leland-Hawkins in the market place and have nothing to do with this league with Jeffery-Lewis, it would be for the happiness of old and young, and assure the safety of yourself."


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