Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)

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Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) Page 9

by Suzanne Steele

  “I hate this thing,” she screamed out once again stomping her feet.

  “I hate this thing,” he mocked.

  “You bastard!”

  He innocently smiled, taking his finger and flipping her lip up and down so that it made a motorboat noise.

  “I like it when you call me a bastard,” he coyly smiled and leaned in like they had a secret and said, “It makes my dick hard.”

  James rubbed in between his legs and showed her, “See I told you. Do you like it when I call you a slut, Amanda?”

  “Hell no, I don’t like it you bastard!”

  In a matter of seconds his face completely changed to some cold creature with black orbs for eyes. He viciously grabbed a handful of hair lifting her face to eye level. “Then why the hell are you acting like a slut? That is why I made you take a shower; to wash his stench off of you.”

  As soon as she opened her mouth to talk, he coldly eyed her shaking his head no, signifying that he didn’t want to hear it.

  “How the fuck do you think that I feel about me being the only one in this relationship that is monogamous, Amanda?”

  Tears flowed down Amanda’s cheeks and she couldn’t help but wonder why she felt so dirty for sleeping with her husband.

  James disrobed and stood behind Amanda making her wait, anticipation was a wonderful tool to use on a disobedient little victim.

  James slid a finger into Amanda. “Oh my, fear does turn you on girl.”

  Suddenly Amanda felt the cool lubricant of KY being squeezed onto her puckered virginal ass.

  “No James, I have never done that.”

  “Exactly Amanda, since you feel that is ok to give my pussy away; then I feel that is ok to take something of yours.”

  James pushed past the barrier of resistance and stopped. He reached up and grabbed a dildo and slid it into her soaked slit.

  Automatically Amanda began pushing back on James cock to get more of the dildo.

  “Ahh Ja, Ahh, James, soooo fuuuuull.”

  “You belong to me Amanda. I want you to divorce him.”

  He watched with interest as she shook her head back and forth in frustration. He grabbed her hips pushing all the way into her virginal ass; which he had now claimed as his.

  “That’s it baby cum for me.” Her whole body convulsed around him milking him of his strength. He took a moment to recoup and removed her from the device and placed her in the tub. She rested back against his chest in the warm water and let the presence that was James wash over her being. She knew that she was falling in love with her blackmailer, but she would worry about it later. Right now, there was only this moment.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I barely made the TV shoot which just happened to be being taped in the largest church in the area that Sunday; due to the fact that a huge food drive was being held.

  It hadn’t been as hard to leave that morning. It was just me running late. James hadn’t gone all ‘quazzie motto’ (A term that I use for losing one’s temper) on me. I guess that he had felt bad about the week before.

  I stumbled and bumbled my way in and got seated in the reserved seats that had been pre-allotted for John and me.

  “You’re late, Amanda.” John whispered out of the side of his mouth.

  “I’m here, John.” I growled under my breath.

  I looked up to view none other than my arch nemesis Cindy, glaring in my direction.

  This is NOT good!

  I made it through the service and John and I were ushered to the front entrance of the church to shake hands with the parishioners as they exited the service.

  I had made it through about 1500 of the 3000 in attendance when Cindy came through the line.

  She leaned in like she was giving me a hug and whispered in my ear, “I have a friend in the media and she will be getting a call from me. You cost me my job Amanda.”

  “You started this shit Cindy, game on,” I lowly hissed back at her.

  I wasn’t about to let her think that I was scared of her, or any of her tactics.

  James and Amanda

  I paced at the end of the bed while James sat working on the computer in nothing but drawstring pants. Pacing and talking out loud is what I do whenever I get pissed. It really isn’t a successful form of venting because the more that I engage, the angrier I become.

  “You know I thought that I was bored with my groundhog day life, but this is ridiculous. Drama, drama, drama, the last thing that I need is some crazed woman with a bruised ego stalking me.”

  James continued to work as if not listening, but he was listening very intently; along with watching Amanda’s body language.

  I turned and glared at him, “I want out, I’m done!”

  “You are done when I say that you’re done, little girl.”

  “Bullshit! I’m done now. This is totally unnecessary drama. It is all due to being involved with you James. None of these problems plagued me until we started seeing each other. I’m done! It’s over!”

  James sat coldly eyeing Amanda waiting to see just how deep of a hole that she would dig herself into.

  “I’m serious James, I’m done with you. Fuck the company ‘Images,’ buy me out.”

  I stood with my arms crossed waiting for a response. It was only pissing me off that he wasn’t responding. I was on a roll now and my mouth was seriously overloading my ass.

  “I’m serious James, buy me out and go back to that bitch Chlamydia, or Clarissa, whatever her name is.”

  “See Amanda, this is where I get confused, you are talking to me like we are in a relationship and you want to breakup with me. You seem to be getting all vanilla bean on me. I’m just curious Amanda, have you learned anything about the lifestyle?”

  I had now escalated to a full blown screeching scream fest.

  “Are you kidding me? I don’t give a shit about the lifestyle. I want out and I’m going back to normal people!”

  James calmly set the laptop to the side, waiting for just the opportune moment to strike. He was a patient man; but Amanda sure knew how to push his buttons. By now Amanda was screeching and it was becoming more of a challenge to tune her out.

  I stood my ground crossing my arms and glaring at him as he rose up off of the bed. I had no intentions of backing down, but I did have intentions of breaking free from him.

  “I’m not scared of you James. I have just as much to lose as you do. You may live some prestigious white collar business man’s life, but I live a high profile life. I’m on TV dumb ass!”

  Oh shit! I saw him lunge and had no time to react.

  In one swift move James grabbed Amanda and slung her down on the bed. She fought kicking and screaming as she went down.

  He sat on top of her pinning her down and strapping her to the bed with restraints that he kept attached for just such times as this.

  “I hate you! You detest me, you bastard. Who do you think that you are; fucking with my life? You talk a good talk James but you’re nothing but a bully and a brute.”

  “Shut up Amanda!”

  No sooner than the words were out of his mouth; he had stuffed my g-string in my mouth and gagged me with duct tape that he kept in the nightstand.

  He moved lithe, as if he were some wild panther or something.

  “See Amanda; this is a wonderful example of why incorporating BDSM into blackmail works so well.

  You have to shut up and listen now. You are quite the contradiction in terms, Amanda.”

  James began mocking her, “I want out, you’re a bully, I hate you.”

  He then moved into a different arena to prove his point.

  “Oh James, that feels so good, fuck me harder, I’ll do anything.”

  “You see Amanda; I know what I want and I make it happen. You on the other hand, are inconsistent and every time things don’t go your way, you throw a fit.”

  I screamed from behind that gag to no avail. Fighting against the restraints was proving to be a fut
ile struggle.

  You bastard, you blackmail me and take over my life and I’m inconsistent?

  “See Amanda, yet another outfit destroyed due to your bad temper.”

  James cut through material as he spoke and then suddenly quit.


  I felt my cock harden when I pressed the knife to her throat and spoke. “Shut…….The…….Fuck……Up……”

  I trailed the tip of it down her breastbone and watched the tremors that she could no longer control due to fear coursing through her body.

  “Do you want to leave me? See my point exactly, you are inconsistent. Do you honestly think that I am going to let you get away with trying to embezzle me? You fucking cunt! Are you crazy?”

  I bent down and licked all the way up her face just to piss her off. “You aren’t struggling now are you?”

  I leaned down whispering in her ear, “I don’t listen to that big mouth of yours Amanda, I listen to your body. You can dress it up and take it to church, but you my dear have an inner slut and she belongs to me! You have a dark side young lady and every time that you come around me; she is going to want to come out and play.”

  I leaned down nose to nose with her and stated, “And I am going to oblige her. I am going to indulge her. I am going to fuck her like she is my toy, I’m going to punish her like she is my little girl, and I am going to train her like she is my sub!”

  Amanda groaned as she felt the sticky substance flowing down her inner thigh.

  James leaned down and spit hissed, “She is here now!”

  He reached down swiping Amanda’s slit and showed her the creamy substance, “This is what I listen to and all of that other; is needless, bantering, bullshit. Like right now I’m taking your gag off because little Ms. Sub slut wants to beg and I like listening to her beg.”

  James removed the tape. He stared into her eyes as he took a nipple running it between two fingers. “See Amanda, you let that little uptight good girl, get sub slut in trouble.”

  He reached over grabbing a dildo out of the night stand and rolled it around her opening. He gained a rhythm pushing it in and out with one hand, and toying with her clit with the other.

  He purposely brought her right to the edge and stopped.

  Amanda screamed out, violently shaking her head back and forth.

  James coldly eyed her as he spoke, “You need to tell that goody two shoes little bitch to shut up! She keeps getting sub slut in trouble. She is blocking your cunt,” He facetiously said, laughing.

  He began licking her as he pushed the dildo in and out, once again bringing her right to the edge and stopping.

  “I’ll do anything James, I’ll stay, please, I need to cum.”

  “You talk like you have a choice girl; you are sadly mistaken about that. I have your ass over a barrel. I have proof that you tried to embezzle me and I have you under my watch at work due to you losing confidential company documents.”

  “That’s bullshit James and you know it. You keep setting me up.”

  I rose and released her legs from the restraints. I opened her legs like they were scissors and positioned myself where every inch of my well endowed cock could freely plunge into her.

  I love watching her face when I fuck her. I rolled my finger on her clit slowly pumping in and out of her. “You like that don’t you Amanda? Take it baby, that’s a good girl.

  I won’t stop until I take you from him and there isn’t a damn thing that either of you can do about it. That’s it baby girl, you take all of that cock.”

  I watched her eyes roll back in her head as her body told me everything that I needed to know, Amanda……… Belonged……… To………. Me………….

  Chapter Nineteen


  There was a part of Amanda that had been suppressed before now. Up until this point, she had been able to keep that primal dark side neatly hidden and tucked away in some recess of her being. It was away from the prying eyes of her public life.

  James had calculated with precision exactly how to summon that dark side to the forefront. He had purposely for his own pleasure opened Pandora’s Box.

  Amanda was a survivor and she had every intention of coming out of this little scam on top.

  Chapter Twenty


  James sat watching Amanda on TV while she piddled around next door in her condo.

  He watched as she and John bantered back and forth. He rubbed his thumb across the remote as his thoughts overtook him.

  That guy John isn’t stupid; he has a head for business. He knows that Amanda has fans and losing her means losing viewers.

  The ringing phone cut through his thoughts.

  “James, it’s Mike, I have come across some information that may be of interest to you. It seems that Amanda has been putting money back for a few months now.”

  “Outside of she and her husband’s accounts?” James asked.

  “Yep, I hate to say it James, but I think that little lady may be thinking about cutting out on the two of you.”

  James slowly and deliberately ran his thumb over the remote, cutting his eyes at the TV. “Well, we will see about that Mike. I want her watched at all times. And Mike, if you have any other accounts, I suggest that you let one of those boys of yours help you out; Amanda’s a full time job.”

  Mike chuckled, “Yes Sir, I had figured that one out on my own.”

  What James didn’t know, was that the first day that James had called him; he had contracted out any other jobs to his workers and given James his full attention. James was the best paying client that he had and he had no intentions of losing him to his competition.

  James eyed the TV as if Amanda was in the room, “Sneaky bitch, you’re always up to something, but this time little girl you are way out of your league. Yeah, you are real good at hiding your emotions in a crowd. It’s almost as if life is a stage for you Amanda and whatever role needs to be played, Amanda can play it. I know you girl and one on one I can get in your head, I’m already there little girl; I’m already there.”


  John reached across the table and stroked his thumb over the top of my hand as he spoke, “I miss you Amanda.”

  “I miss you too, John.”

  “Then come home, please Amanda. You know that living with your boyfriend is not right; just come home.”

  I moved my hand and eyed John with an air of seriousness. “John, I don’t think that you understand just how dangerous that this guy can be.”

  “Amanda, he has you buffaloed, he is not all powerful.”

  I shook my head almost in sympathy for John, “You are so naïve; you have no idea who and what you are dealing with. This guy takes dangerous to a whole new level.”

  “Amanda, I believe that some of this disconnecting that you do is due to your troubled childhood. You lived upstairs when you were home. You are the only married woman that I know who disconnects from any relationship. You know Amanda you have abandonment issues. It is very troubling for a child to be left by their Mother.”

  “You leave my fucking Mother out of this John!”

  “Don’t leave Amanda, stay and finish lunch. I’ll be quiet.”

  The remainder of lunch was spent in small talk. John just wanted to spend time with her and if it meant doing it on her terms, then so be it.

  Chapter Twenty One


  Cindy made her way out of the grocery store. She was already running late and this van that would need Vaseline to park any closer to her SUV was beyond irritating.

  She turned to address the issue when she heard the side door open, the last thing that she remembered was a prick in her arm.


  Rod circled the chair that the blindfolded, bound, and gagged woman sat in. Her terrified screams from behind the gag were making his cock hard. Though she wasn’t much to look at; the control that he was exercising over her was exciting him. He slowly took the point of the knife and popped through the
buttons on her shirt. He worked his way to her bra and sliced through it with the sharp instrument as if it were nothing more than butter.

  The terrified woman cringed when she heard the whisper in her ear, “I should make you suck my cock.”

  “Damn it,” he growled looking down at his phone to see a call from his boss.

  “Yeah Mike, I’m kind of busy right now.”

  “Don’t you dare sexually assault that girl; I said to scare the shit out of her, nothing more, nothing less.”

  “Sure boss, I gotcha.” He hung up cussing inwardly. Just seeing her like this was an aphrodisiac. Suddenly an idea hit him.

  He pulled his cock out and placed a rubber on. He viciously grabbed her by the hair of the head and spoke as he stroked up and down his member with the other hand.

  “Stay away from Amanda bitch or I’ll kill you the next time that we meet.” He continued tightening his fist in her hair as he humiliated her with derogatory names until his seed spilled into the condom which covered his DNA. He carefully placed the evidence in a baggie to dispose of elsewhere.

  “I would love nothing more than to watch the life light leave your eyes and feel your warm blood course through my fingers after I cut your worthless throat.”

  That wouldn’t be necessary, because Cindy had full intentions of avoiding Amanda or anything to do with her; from here on out.


  I stretched my long legs out and interlocked my fingers behind my head. I stared at Amanda studying her as I spoke.

  “How did your little counseling session with hubby go, Amanda?”

  “Shit here we go,” Amanda thought. “How in the hell did he know what John was up to?”

  She continued working as if she hadn’t heard a word that James had spoken.

  I smugly eyed her as I continued talking.

  “You see Amanda; that is the difference between a man and a woman; when we do something we have an objective. There is a method to our madness if you will. We aren’t like women, all touchy, feely, and all over the place.”


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