Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series)

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Twisted Boss (Dark Romance Series) Page 10

by Suzanne Steele

  Amanda snickered, “Yes James, your modern day way of thinking is refreshing to say the least.”

  “Amanda,” I softly called her name.

  “Yes James, what is it?”

  “I’m going to fuck you like you are my toy tonight.”

  James immediately noted the change in Amanda and he was just getting started.

  “I’m going to fuck you upside down if I decide that I want to. I’m going to suck on those titties of yours until your nipples are so hard that they’ll cut glass, girl. I’m going to take my tongue and run it up and down that sweet little slit of yours until you’re begging me to let you cum.”

  “Damn it James!” Amanda threw her pen down making her way to their private restroom.

  “Hey Amanda, be sure and use baby wipes to clean up that wet little twat of yours.”

  Yes, just as I stated; when a man does something he has a purpose and a desired outcome. Now I’ll be on her mind for the rest of the day. Anticipation is a wonderful thing…

  James and Amanda

  James circled the OB/Gyn table that he had Amanda strapped to. “I like this room, don’t you Amanda? I love seeing you all spread out like a smorgasbord for my enjoyment.”

  “Sucking on those titties of yours and watching you moan and writhe, and knowing that there is no where that you can go; you’re at my mercy Amanda and the sooner that you realize that, the better off you’ll be. You’re such a little princess in front of the world but at night; when you’re with me and I summon that dark side of yours to the forefront, then you turn into my dirty girl.”

  James leaned down and whispered in Amanda’s ear. “Do you remember what I told you that I was going to do to you Amanda? I always say what I mean and mean what I say; but more importantly I always keep my word.”

  James removed his suit carefully hanging it over a throne type chair donned with wrist and ankle restraints.

  Amanda moaned writhing and unable to go anywhere as James lodged between her legs, running his hardening up and down her slit, but refusing to enter.

  “Have you been thinking about my cock today Amanda?”

  He pinned her legs back scooting her to the end of the table and leaving her arms restrained. He thrust all the way into her and pulled all the way back out.

  Her moans though they were agonized; were music to James’s ears. “Nobody can make you feel like this, Amanda.”

  She looked so beautiful to him with her head hung helplessly to the side, as she groaned from somewhere deep in the cavity of her chest.

  “There it is, that’s it baby girl.”

  He pulled out of her and made his way to the head of the table; running the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip as she eyed him adoringly.

  “That’s a good baby girl. Do you remember what Sir said that he was going to you?”

  Amanda eyed the presence that loomed larger than life before her. Sir was his name.

  She smiled at him as a comfort and peace engulfed her. He had come into her life from out of nowhere, one day he wasn’t and the next he was an all encompassing, all consuming power.

  She allowed herself to give into the force that was James; the force that was day by day gaining more of her being. At times like this it was easy to do the one thing that she had never been able to do; let go… and just be…


  I sat at my breakfast nook drinking coffee and eyed the newspaper with disbelief.

  Local woman abducted and brutalized for no apparent reason.

  A local woman was abducted and taken to a warehouse where she was sexually molested and then released. Police are cautioning women in the local area to be accompanied by security when making their way to their cars after sundown. There are no suspects or persons of interest at this time.

  I looked down to see a picture of Cindy huddled in a blanket with tears streaming down her face as she was taken to an awaiting ambulance. I knew, that I knew, that I knew, that James had something to do with this.

  I threw the paper down and made my way into James’s condo. I entered the bathroom where he was shaving and immediately started in on him.

  “You’re a real piece of work, James.”

  James ran the straight razor that he used over his face with the precision of a professional.

  “Well thank you dear, I do have to agree that I’m one of a kind.”

  “Look at you; you could have any woman that you wanted, but no; you have to blackmail a married one. Tell me James; is it true that forbidden fruit tastes sweeter?

  I mean really, are you that warped that you have to blackmail a woman for sex in order to get off. I mean seriously James, who does that? Who goes and finds a strait laced woman and blackmails her for sex; when what you really wanted was a kinky bitch. Oh, wait a minute I get it; you get off on the corrupting aspect. You are one fucked up individual!”

  I turned to leave and before I knew it, I was pinned to the wall with a straight razor to my throat.

  “Not so mouthy now; are you?”

  I looked up into the contorted face of the being that housed James’s body.

  He growled from somewhere deep in his throat as if he were some feral creature coming in for a kill.

  “You fucking cunt, I told you that I was twisted. I gave you full disclosure you lying, thieving little bitch. I own your ass and the only thing that you need to be concerned about is divorcing that joke of a man that you call your husband; before I have his throat cut and leave him dumped in a field for the crows to pluck his eyes out.”

  He threw the straight razor into the sink so forcefully I was sure that it would break.

  He viciously twisted me around forcing me onto all fours as he palmed my back forcing my face into the floor.

  With just the strength of one hand he locked my two wrists behind me back.

  Before I knew it his cock was out of his boxers and nine inches deep in me as I cried out, “Oh God please don’t hurt me James, I’m sorry. Please James.”

  “Shut up bitch, unless you are telling me that you’re getting divorced!”

  My body was betraying me as climax after climax rolled through my core. He was grinding down in me circling in and out to only begin ruthlessly pounding into my cervix.

  “Once again that big mouth of yours has gotten you into trouble. I own your ass Amanda and you are going to get somebody killed if you don’t meet my demands. This is blackmail sweetie, not a date.”

  “Please don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me,” I sobbed as my face scrapped against cold marble flooring.

  I listened to the woman being assaulted as she screamed out, “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeze huuuuuuuuuuuurt meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!”

  When had she gone from a demure housewife, to a woman that not only craved; but welcomed the pain of a blackmailer?

  Chapter Twenty Two


  I sat at my makeup table thinking as I prepared for work.

  This shit is stopping. I’ll be damned if I’m letting ‘Master of the mind fuck’ into my head. I’m not letting him or anyone else ruin all that I have worked for.

  I looked up to view James in the doorway stalking.

  “What are you doing Amanda, plotting?”

  “Yes I am!”

  “Well what do you know, you are not even going to try and hide it. The sneaky little bitch is going to be honest.”

  “I don’t have to lie, manipulate, and blackmail people the way that you do James.”

  “Oh really; huh, you lie to yourself everyday Amanda.”

  “You are a pompous ass James, judging me after all of the crap that I have seen you pull. Go run that psych 101 crap on somebody else; because I’m not buying it. You are in it for one person, you. I at least try to keep a handle on my inner demons. You just let yours run amok, wreaking havoc and destroying everything in their path.”

  “Look at me Amanda.” The still calm in his voice scared me, this was not good.

  I looked into a set of black orbs that h
eld no promise of mercy; only determination.

  “You have two choices, divorcee or widow…”


  I sat on the phone at work listening to John tell me all of the reasons that I needed to move home.

  “Amanda, you have responsibilities….”

  “Turn it on speakerphone Amanda!” James hissed.

  I toyed with a fingernail only half in tune with the sermon that I was getting from John.

  “Damn it, Amanda, you are going to get it!” James hissed.

  Hmm, is that a threat or a promise?

  “Now Amanda Lynn Hendricks, you’re place is with your husband and not with that boyfriend of a boss of yours. It’s evident that he is using you for sex. He is not going to charge you with embezzlement. You’ve probably got that guy wrapped around your finger and you don’t even know it. Stop this little charade and come home.”

  As soon as I noted James’s long lean form arising from his office chair I quickly got off of the phone.

  “Ok, John I have to go, I will give some thought to all that we have discussed.”

  James returned to his seat and I thought nothing more of it. I would learn later on that evening, that once again I had sorely underestimated my blackmailer.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  I listened as the tires ran over the loose gravel on the paved entrance to the warehouse district.

  This is not good…

  I eyed the suit coat that had shifted on James’s form to view a holstered gun.

  “I don’t like this James,” my voice came out as more of a squeak than I had intended.

  “James, I don’t know what you want from me, you’re scaring me.” His face looked like a stone profile of a bust; rather than a living, breathing, man.

  “James, I don’t know what you want.” I repeated.

  He pulled in front of a warehouse and parked the car; slowly turning and eyeing me with a cold air of contempt, as he spoke in a very calm monotone voice.

  “I am anything but an enigma. I have been very clear about what I want. You on the other hand, are the most inconsistent being that I have ever had the displeasure of being affiliated with. I have a little surprise for you Amanda. Now I expect for you to be on your best behavior.”

  Though his voice and demeanor was calm; it didn’t cover up the sinister energy that he was giving off right now.

  James pulled me from the car and ushered me into a dingy open warehouse and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. My husband was strung up with chains which hung from a winch. He had been beaten beyond recognition and stood in only his pants. His arms were strung up above his head and he had been pulled up so high, that he almost stood on his toes.

  He appeared to be in a semi-conscious state. I screamed running to his side, but there was no reaction or acknowledgement of my presence.

  Suddenly a long, lanky male appeared from the shadows pulling me away from John and subduing me with my arms behind my back. My screaming and kicking was in vain due to the fact that he was much stronger than his form had deceived me into believing.

  I watched in horror as James pulled out the glock that his holster contained and held it to John’s temple. “We are going to play a game; I like games, don’t you Amanda?”

  “Oh God James, please don’t kill him.”

  He continued speaking as if he hadn’t heard me.

  “It’s called Russian Roulette proposal. I specifically remember telling you that you had two choices; divorcee or widow.”

  He facetiously eyed me, “Will you marry me?”

  Before I had a chance to answer he pulled the trigger.

  I frantically broke free from the greasy haired villain who had been restraining me and fell at James feet tugging at his pants. “I’ll sign the papers, I’ll do it, please don’t kill him.”

  The cold eyes of my blackmailer looked down on me as he lifted my chin with one finger and declared, “Then get your ass over to that table and sign them!”

  I looked up to view Mike seated at a table holding a pen out in my direction, I hadn’t even noticed him up to this point.

  I ran; literally ran, and signed the papers.

  James pushed a button on the wall which released the winch and I watched as my husband fell in a heap on the concrete flooring.

  “Drop his ass off at his house,” James coldly spoke; there is nothing broken.”

  I blankly stared out the windshield trying to process what I had just witnessed. I had no one to blame but myself. My greed had been the cause of this. I never could have anticipated what would occur when I stole that money from James.

  It was evident after tonight that James had connections that went far beyond anything that I could have ever imagined.

  I had one thing going for me: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” I was literally sleeping with the enemy.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  The next few days went in a blur. I stayed in my condo and James remained in his. He didn’t summon me to go to work and I didn’t offer. Over and over I pushed away the temptation to call John and see if he was ok; but I didn’t want him to get killed and calling him could put him in grave danger. I no longer underestimated my blackmailer.

  I made my way to the bathroom to get a shower. I needed to get dressed and put on makeup just to try and feel some sort of normalcy.

  I felt as if I was in a fog watching events unfold in some dream, but this was no dream, it was a living nightmare that I had not only brought on myself, but on my family. I was grateful that there were no children who would suffer from my stupidity. How could I have been so stupid? People kill for much less than what I had attempted to embezzle.

  Even though I hadn’t known that Jack had a partner, I had known deep down inside that I was stealing someone else’s idea. I just assumed that it wasn’t hurting anyone because Jack had no immediate family. I never could have imagined that all of this would happen over trying to play beat the clock with a dead man’s idea. No matter how many times I played this scenario over and over in my head, there was no undoing the damage that I had done.

  I let the water wash over me and I couldn’t help but wish that it would wash away the stains in my soul. I knew how people would see me now; the vicious bitch who had divorced a good man. I could kiss my TV career goodbye.

  I jumped as I looked up to see James opening the shower door and entering. I backed away into the wall which only permitted him to pin me in with his hands on each side of my head.


  I could see the contempt towards me in her face. I just don’t give a fuck.

  I grabbed a handful of her hair, steering her face where she was forced to look at me as I spoke. “You fucked with the wrong guy, didn’t you little girl? Answer me when I ask you a question.”

  “I hate you, James!”

  “You’ll get over it.”

  “You have taken everything away from me.”

  “But yet it was ok to try and take my company away from me?”

  “I didn’t know that Jack Beardsley had a partner James.”

  “Goes to show that the proverbial ‘ignorance is bliss,’ isn’t always true.”

  “My cock is hard, what are you going to do about it, Amanda?”

  “Jack off jerk, your cock is of no importance to me.”

  “You little cunt,” my mouth crashed down on hers and though she resisted for a moment her mouth opened betraying her with a moan.

  My fingers found their way into her folds and I marveled at how wet she was. She was so angry at me right now and yet her body still betrayed her.

  I pinned her wrists to wall and thrust up and into her, watching her eyes as they fluttered helplessly.

  “Damn girl, so tight.” I picked her up, pumping her up and down on every inch of my hardened member.

  She grabbed my neck shuddering as the first climax coursed through her body.

  “You thiev
ing little vixen, everyday you steal more and more of me. You are making me crazy Amanda. You’re making me do things that I don’t want to do. Quit playing with me girl before somebody gets killed.”

  My thrusts gained momentum with every word that I spoke; as if emphasizing the truth that they held. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s as if I want to hurt her with my cock. I want to control her and make my point. I want to possess her. I want to own her. I want to consume her until I have every ounce of her being. I want………..her…….to……love…….me……….


  I stared down at the five carat rock on my hand. The rock that I was being forced to wear. The ink wasn’t even dry on my divorce papers and I was wearing an engagement ring.

  People were going to think that I divorced John to marry James.

  I looked up from my desk and glared at James. As if he could sense me eyeing him he spoke without even looking up, “Don’t even start Amanda.”

  I continued as if I hadn’t even heard him.

  “You know James I don’t appreciate the fact that all of my TV viewers are going to perceive me as a cold hearted bitch that dumped John to marry you.

  I also don’t appreciate the fact that I lost my TV show because of you. You did that on purpose just to make me dependent on you. Are you that insecure that you need me to be completely dependent on you? You know James I still have this issue of Cindy going to the press, it isn’t like you have solidified me being your little, ‘sub slut’ as you word it.” I rolled my eyes to emphasize my point.

  “I can assure you Amanda, that Cindy will not be posing any threats. I refuse to have my wedding interrupted.”

  “What did you do? Have her killed and thrown into a ditch?

  I’m not marrying you James and I’m sure not giving you the satisfaction of some respectable church wedding.”

  “Amanda, one more word and I’m going to bend you over that desk and spank your ass with my belt.”


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