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Green Agate Pretender (Demon Lord Book 9)

Page 9

by Morgan Blade

  “Kimberly’s fine. Colt, pleased to meet you.”

  Colt said, “You have pretty eyes.”

  “The eyes of seer,” I said.

  She smiled at Colt. “Pleased to meet you. Are you fey or…” Her stare swung to me. “One of us outworlders?”

  A servant passed by with goblets on a tray. I snagged one. She took a cup and sipped.

  Colt said, “I’m—”

  I interrupted. “He’s heir to the Dragon Lands of Fairy, the Dragon World throne, the L.A. Demon clan, and the Prince of the Red Moon. He gets around as much as I do.”

  Kim nodded at the katana that dangled from one of my hands. “Nice sword. Is the roast going to be that tough?”

  I smiled. “I hope not. That reminds me…” I looked at Colt. “Do your Old Man a favor; I need some leather-work, a sheath and belt for this.” I held out the weapon’s hilt.

  He took it with relish. Kids and swords, there’s a match. He gave the sword an experimental swish. A servant with a tray of baked pastries dodged aside, muttering a curse as he escaped impalement.

  “Going to cost you,” Colt said.

  “I’m your father!” I protested. “I should at least get a family discount.”

  He gave me a stare of disbelief, “That’s not the dragon way!”

  “You’re also Villager, enhanced human. Besides, you get a lot of perks being my son.” I leaned in and whispered. “Hey, I’m doing you a favor. You’re missing a chance to show off in front of a pretty girl. Weren’t you planning on expanding your harem?”

  His eyes widened. “Yeah! You got a point.” He held the sword in front of him, balanced across both palms as he stared at the titanium blade. His eyes flared with copper-red light. More semi-divine energy danced over the blade. Several of the milling nobles stopped to watch the show. The light solidified into a red leather sheath. There were three thumb-sized rubies set in the leather. The sheath had straps connected to a belt with an oval silver buckle that had engraved indentions making it a dragon’s eye.

  “Nice,” I said.

  “Very nice.” Kim’s smile dropped off her face as she concentrated on the workmanship. Her amethyst eyes seemed to glow a little bit. “That’s not glamor. It’s real.”

  The eyes of a seer can’t be fooled.

  Colt shrugged it off. “My mother’s a goddess. Basic energy to matter conversion isn’t hard.”

  Holding my cup in my mouth, by the rim, I freed up my hands, took back the sword, and buckled it on. I took the cup in hand again. “Perfect fit.”

  Attempting to be smooth, Colt eased closer to Kimberly. “So, you maybe want to hang out some time?”

  She ruffled his hair. This time, he didn’t seem to mind being found cute. “Well, I wouldn’t mind someone showing me around. I’ve never been to the Winter Court before.”

  “I haven’t seen a lot of it either. They do have a cool dungeon though,” Colt said.

  I shook my head at him, offering a little parental guidance. “Not on a first date.”

  “Date!” Kimberly stiffened. “How old are you? Eight or nine? And you’re dating already?”

  “Nine, going on ten.”

  I sighed. “Blame it on me. I’m a bad influence.” I said this to her tits, imagining their fullness, their taste. I could all but taste them.

  I’d do her, I decided.

  Colt gave her puppy dog eyes. “So, you don’t want to?”

  She stared back. “Well, I…”

  “Not like he’s asking you to join his harem—yet,” I said.

  She shifted a panicked stare to me. “He has a harem?”

  “Technically, no. He lost his first recruit when she turned evil and we had to kill her.”

  Kim gave Colt a tremulous smile and clutched her wine cup a little too hard. “I’ll have to, uh, think about it. My training with the Oracle does keep me rather busy.”

  As if summoned by her title, the Oracle appeared at Kimberly’s elbow. Her hood was thrown back, revealing fine, silver hair with a beautiful metallic gloss. Her blind eyes looked even more like opals up close, milky with pale green and blue shadows swimming in their depths. Though one of the oldest of fey, no wrinkle or sunspot aged her face. It could have been a porcelain mask. Of course, as a powerful fey, everything we saw could be illusion, the truth sealed away by glamour.

  She smiled at Colt. “I’m free, young man. Perhaps you’ll share your time with me.”

  “I warn you,” I said. “If you’re going to join his harem, he’ll expect you to know how to grill a ham-and-cheese sandwich. Boy’s got standards.”

  Her blind eyes somehow centered on Colt. “I could fill your dreams with them.”

  “Really!” He looked happy enough to burst. I had to wonder what it was Selene fed him on the Red Moon. Or maybe, she let the iron gargoyles do the cooking.

  Time to burst Colt’s bubble. “She’s a queen. Technically, you’d be her consort, and you’d be the one making the sandwiches.”

  “I keep burning them,” he said. “My dragon flames are a little uneven.”

  The Oracle turned to me. “Lord Deathwalker, may I have a private word with you?”

  “Colt,” I said, “why don’t you take Kim over to the table. It looks like breakfast is being served.”

  “Okay.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her away.

  The Oracle held out her hand. I took possession and drew her along to an alcove that wasn’t in use. “Here’s a private little room. Planning to take advantage of me?”

  She smiled. “You wish.”

  “Ah, business, then.”

  Inside, I paused to close the silver-blue curtains across the entrance to give us privacy. The alcove was stone lined-with woven tapestries on the walls. There were padded benches around a fountain. The water above the central jet had been frozen mid-leap. It glittered in the weak light of a ceiling crystal that rendered everything in shades of blue. I led the Oracle to a bench and seated her facing the fountain’s ice-sculpture, as if she could appreciate it.

  She shed her white fur cloak letting the top half drape to the floor as she sat on the rest. She patted the space beside her. “Join me. I’ve never found looming to be attractive in a male.”

  “Sure.” I sat beside her. “Say, I don’t think I caught your name. Everyone calls you the Oracle.”

  “Prelleen. It’s a name I’ve given to few. It is a name of power. Do not speak it often, or without need.”

  She shifted to stare at my face. “Do you mind if I touch you?”

  “I thought you weren’t planning on taking advantage.”

  She removed the white gloves on her hands. “Is sex all you think about?”

  I widened my eyes. “There’s something else?”

  “Fool. I want to see your face with my hands. The images I’ve acquired from dreams are disturbing and hardly credible, especially where your manhood is concerned.”

  “My cock is one thing I don’t need to exaggerate. But if all you want to do is feel my face, go ahead. I won’t even charge you for the thrill.” Displaying my bestial lasciviousness often gets people to underestimate me. I encourage it.

  “So kind…” Her hands were youthful, strong, moving to my face. Her fingers followed the contours, gliding whisper soft, avoiding my eyes. She gave a nod of satisfaction and her hands retreated. She replaced her gloves. “It seems you show your true face in the dream world, no play to vanity—except with your member.”

  “It’s as perfect as the rest of me. You’re really missing out by doubting me.”

  “Hah! As if any man could possess such ridiculous size.” Challenged by my confidence, she put a hand on my chest, trailing it down to my crotch. I was only about half hard from mooning earlier over Kimberly’s tits. The Oracle’s hand tightened on me in shock. This had the effect of stiffening me even more.

  “I’m not even really hard yet. You know, there are women that can’t even take my full length. Or girth. They miss out on so much.”

; Her gloved hand came away. “Apparently, what I have seen in dreams is entirely true.”

  “It’s the dragon DNA in me,” I said. Well, if you don’t want a ride, what do you want?”

  “It’s what you want and what you are doing that brings me here, dragon lord. At last, you are moving on the kingdoms of Fairy, gathering the ties.”

  “Yes, I am. It’s needed.”

  I looked at the moonstone pendant she wore. In the back shadows of my mind, my inner dragon stirred. Golden eyes opened. He looked at the stone as well. Mine!

  I ignored him.

  My neglected cock twitched, tight in my pants. He said: I thought I was getting lucky. What happened?

  Shut up.

  I want out! Cock said.

  We second…and third…the motion, my balls added.

  All of you, shut-up! I thought.

  Oblivious to my inner dialog, Prelleen continued. “It is indeed necessary. I have known this all my life. I have seen branches of the future where this is not done, and death and madness are left to reign alone until finally all magic dies and Fairy blows away like a crumbled dream. I have seen branches of time where wrong saviors arise and wars rend the domains, leaving the wildlands to sweep in, destroying the survivors. In only one future have I seen true hope—the one in which you are High King.”

  “So, you’re going to help me?” I asked.

  “On one condition. You must impregnate the queens of Fairy, I have seen that this is necessary, too. The royal bloodlines need an infusion of outworld strength. From vital rulers, vitality will flow to the Land and to the people. Sterile heirs on the thrones of Fairy will change nothing.”

  “Izumi, my queen, may object to such a condition.” And may rip my balls off.

  “I have heard she carries your child. She will forgive you. And she is fey; her mother will have raised her knowing that passion is as much a political tool as armed threat.”

  “True, but the Lords of the Land will not want to share their queens with me. And I draw the line at rape—and paying for it.”

  Prelleen nodded. “I agree, take no one unwillingly. In any case, I insist you start with Kimberly.”

  That surprised me. “Why? She’s not even fey.”

  “She doesn’t know, but she is my true daughter. Her sight comes from me. Only her father was human, a passing dalliance that bore fruit even I did not foresee. Should I openly claim her, many of the Land’s lords and ladies will object, as they object to you. Her future is entwined with yours. If you triumph, she will reign with far fewer challenges.”

  Kimberly’s power—and how she could be accepted as acolyte to a fey court—were explained now.

  “Well, if I have to…” I thought a second. “Have you told her that she must give her body to me? I don’t know why, but she might not be willing.”

  “I will tell her that she is my daughter, my heir, and that our people need a sacrifice from her. She will come to you, grudgingly. In fact, I am sure of it because I intend to blame you for such a price, for our kingdom to be left in our hands.”

  “I understand. You don’t want your daughter to think: Dear mommy is whoring me out.”


  “Give me the moonstone.”

  She rose, leaving her cloak on the bench. Her hands removed the necklace, letting it dangle from a white-gold chain. She held it out. I took it from her hand.

  “Awful trusting,” I said.

  “You will do all I have seen. I am leaving the fur cloak because the floor is cold and hard. Once I leave, I will send Kimberly to you. Remain here.”

  “Fine, but do me a favor.”

  She tilted her head, listening.

  I said, “Colt kinda likes Kimberly. I don’t want him getting hurt, me being chosen over him. Before she comes here, have her firmly tell Colt that she’s not interested in his harem. And I need you and Kellyn to keep him distracted so he doesn’t come looking for me while I’m, uh, busy.”

  “Easy enough.” She turned toward the curtains and left, retracing her earlier path as if she weren’t forever locked into darkness.

  I waited.

  My cock said: So, I am getting some!

  “Angry sex.” My voice echoed in the room. “Yes, cock of mine, I am whoring you out. Necessity.”

  Necessity is a wonderful thing.


  “Hot and naked is really the way to go.”

  —Caine Deathwalker

  I expected Kimberly, not for the floor to turn black as obsidian and for the Shadow Queen to rise up out of it like a specter. With her presence, the gloom deepened, growing colder.

  Like breathing shadow in a tomb. Looks like Kimberly’s going to have to wait.

  “Something I can do for you?” I asked.

  She looked at the moonstone necklace dangling from my hand. “I see the deal is made. I come to offer one of my own.” She swept closer, looking every inch a queen, no longer the simple mother of three that I put on the throne of the Shadow Court. She slid her black cloak off and laid it beside the white one on the floor. She wore a midnight purple gown and the black diamond necklace that was the tie to her kingdom.

  Seeing the diamond so close, my cock grew stiffer. Again, my dragon DNA at work.

  Her voice had a soft velvet purr. “Since you made me queen, there have been many changes in my life. Sometimes, I think the person I was has been entirely swept away.”

  “Yeah, well, life is change, or it becomes death.”

  “I don’t blame you. My people prosper as best we can in a world that knows no true sun, but we fare better than when the last queen ruled. She and her nobles never cared about the suffering of the people.”

  “So, you don’t want to kick my ass? Everyone finds a reason, eventually.”

  “Maybe later. I have spoken at length with the Oracle. I believe her when she says you are a necessary evil to the Land, in fact, essential for its survival. I have resigned myself to aiding you and making your enemies mine.”

  “That’s always nice to hear. Did the Oracle tell you what she expects for her support?”

  “That’s why I’m here.” She removed the black diamond necklace and tossed it to me. I caught the stone, feeling its power as well as the moonstone’s magic tingling my hand.

  “My life, my people, are in your hands. I ask but one thing of you for myself.”

  Everyone wants terms of surrender. This is so déjà vu.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Kimberly and I have a certain relationship. We enjoy each other, fully, if you know what I mean.”

  I nodded knowingly. “You’re into girls, which is why her mother is so concerned. She wants grandkids. So, you want me to walk away from Kimberly?”

  “No. that would resolve nothing. You should proceed, but not alone. I, too, am a queen of Fairy. I, too, can make sacrifices for my land and people.” She let her dress fall and kicked it away.

  I stood there and watched. “If you expect to join in, don’t you think you should at least tell me your name?”


  The curtains of moved behind her. Kimberly walked in. Showing no surprise or anger, she stopped beside the Shadow Queen. They kissed with chaste reserve. Kimberly’s gaze came to me, dark, unfathomable. And she, too, stripped.

  Tenting my pants under my coat, my cock grew ever harder. He and my balls joined in on the Halleluiah Chorus.

  I sighed. The sacrifices I make to save the land…

  My clothes fell at my feet, a cushion for the sheathed katana, the backpack with the ties, and the two necklaces I’d acquired. On my chest I formed the Dragon Fire spell I’d used with Izumi. I figured at least one toasty-warm body was going to be needed to get us to mutual orgasms.

  The lines of moving shadow and words of invocation drew Syrah’s attention to me. She watched as I surfaced a pulse of golden dragon magic to energize the pattern. As the golden light briefly flared, the dark shadow in the air reflexively flinched back, o
nly to return as the dragon magic sank back into me.

  Coming forward, with Kimberly trailing, Syrah walked onto her cloak and traced fingertips over the shadow pattern, as if to read it by touch. Her fingertip trace went from hesitant to full palm. There was wonder in her voice. “I now understand how you destroyed the old queen. You are the marriage of fire and shadow; darkness and light. Such a thing is not possible by all the laws of magic I know.”

  I slid retaliatory thumbs across her nipples, murmuring, “As we all know, I’m an outsider. The rules of Fairy don’t apply to me.”

  “Nor the rules of fidelity,” Izumi said. “A threesome, Caine, and I’m not part of it? Really?”

  I looked past Kimberly and saw Izumi inside the silver curtains.

  “It’s not what it looks like,” I said. “I’m being extorted. I’m the victim, here.”

  Coming forward, pressing between Syrah and Kimberly, Izumi looked at my fingers squishing Syrah’s firm tits. There was a slight twitch of humor from Izumi’s lips. This let me know I might get to keep my balls after all.

  She said, “My, how you’re suffering.”

  “It’s the price of the two ties.” I pointed at the necklaces on my piled clothes. “And for the military support of two kingdoms. You can ask your mom. She’s in on it, too.”

  Izumi sighed. “There’s just so long I can fight the tide. If I have to share you, I will. I have done so, grudgingly, all these years. But I am no longer willing to be left out. Selene was right. Getting snippy and running away only hurts myself.”

  Before the Old Man’s wedding in Las Vegas, Selene had driven Izumi from my bedroom by making sexual advances on her, offering to let her take part in our lovemaking. That event seemed to have gotten Izumi thinking about her resistance to her own fey upbringing. This acceptance was the result. She no longer fought her sensuous nature, quickly tearing off her clothes, as if to commit herself before thinking better of it.

  Kimberly and Syrah watched this development with great interest.

  Tears of joy brimmed my eyes. My prospects had moved from an angry fuck, to a threesome, to an orgy!

  Can life get any better?


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