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Dragon Guard: Book 1: Prophecy of the Dragons

Page 6

by E. J. Krause

  Andi's parents gasped and took a step back, though Ben no longer felt anything on the back of his neck. This ghost, or whatever it was, wouldn't harm them. He glanced at Andi to gauge her reaction, and found she looked as confused as he felt. His entire concentration went back to the ghost when it talked.

  "Do you remember me, Leon? Cassandra? Did you think me gone forever, never to seek my revenge? At first, I, too, thought you had won. How could I escape from a demon's prison in a realm that wasn't my own? But I had nothing but time, and the demon underestimated my abilities. In fact, he never saw my strike coming, and I soaked up his powers to go along with my own. You've met my pets; no, they weren't meant to be a challenge. I used them as a way to keep tabs on you. You see, Leon, Cassandra, I will have my revenge. I've been planning it for so very long, and I'm close to enacting it. But while I couldn't take you two for my own tonight, I'm at least happy I found temporary replacements." It laughed, a sound that chilled Ben to the bones. "Until we meet again."

  The ghost disappeared, though by now Ben realized it had been a holographic message from another dimension. How he knew that, he didn't know, as he didn't even know other dimensions existed. Something whispered the knowledge in the back of his mind, and he knew it to be true. As if all this wasn't weird enough. Andi's expression hadn't changed, but both Mr. and Mrs. Thomas stared at each other, fear in their eyes, their faces as pale as the zombies they'd been fighting.

  "What was that?" Andi said. "Mom? Dad? Who was it?"

  "Someone from long ago," Mr. Thomas said. "From a time before you were born."

  "It was Derian, wasn't it, Lee? But how is that possible?" Mrs. Thomas shuddered and reached out for her husband.

  "It's not possible, but …"

  "But what?" Andi said. "What the heck is going on? Was that a ghost or what?"

  "Not a ghost," Ben said. "It was a recording. Sort of."

  Mr. Thomas nodded, but didn't say anything. Mrs. Thomas brushed her hand through Andi's hair. "He was a sorcerer who tried to kill us. As he said, we put him into a demon realm. I never thought we'd see him again."

  "No," Mr. Thomas said.

  "Wait," Ben said. "You guys trapped him in a demon realm? What is that? I didn't even know demons existed."

  "They exist, all right," Mr. Thomas said. "Think of a demon realm as a different dimension. That's where demons live, where they're strongest. And there should be no way a mortal could best a demon in its own realm."

  "Derian was arguably the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth," Mrs. Thomas said. "But, yeah, he should have remained a prisoner there forever."

  "The last statement worries me the most," Mr. Thomas said. "Who did he take in our stead?"

  "I don't know, but I think you know what we need to do, Lee." She looked at Ben and Andi.

  "I know," he said, a frown creasing his face.

  They had to mean the binding. Ben looked at Andi, fear bubbling in his stomach. Her eyes were wide, staring back at him.

  "And you know how far we have to go, Lee. You've seen what we're up against."

  "We can't, Cassie. He's after us, not them."

  What was going on? What couldn't they do? Ben knew Mr. Thomas didn't want them bound, but he'd already said they were going to. At least the minor one. So what was going on? Mrs. Thomas grabbed his hand and shoved it into Andi's.

  "Never thought I'd use this spell," Mr. Thomas muttered before adding, "Ready, Cassandra?" When Mrs. Thomas nodded, they both winced and clutched their heads, and tingly sparks shot between Ben and Andi. When it was done, Mrs. Thomas grabbed Andi and gave her a big hug, and then had one for Ben. Mr. Thomas scooped Andi up into his arms.

  That was it? He didn't feel any different. He was about to ask what happened when a wave of emotion gushed off Andi. He could tell she felt nervous, excited, and a bit confused, all at once. It wasn't that he was making educated guesses based on her facial expressions, but he actually knew.

  "Okay, kids, say goodnight," Mrs. Thomas said. "I'll drive you home, Ben. Grab your sword and shield. I'll get you that practice sword tomorrow. Stop by after school. We have a ton to discuss anyway."

  He nodded and looked at Andi. He wanted to walk over, take her in his arms, and kiss her, but he didn't dare in front of her parents. She wanted the same; he sensed that without a doubt. This was going to take some getting used to.

  "I'll go along for the ride," Andi said.

  "No," Mr. and Mrs. Thomas said at the same time.

  Before she could protest, Mr. Thomas grabbed her arm and said, "It's a school night. Off to bed with you."

  "What? I don't even have a bedtime." Frustration pulsed off her, and he had no doubt she felt the same from him.

  "Then you can read a book or watch TV. I don't care as long as you go to your room."

  Ben took a step towards her, but Mrs. Thomas grabbed his arm and dragged him into the hallway. "Get your weapons and let's go. You'll see her in the morning." Her voice sounded as nice as ever, but underneath was an edge that said he should listen.

  By the time she got him to the car, he wanted to run back in. Mrs. Thomas shoved him into the passenger seat of the SUV and locked the door. "Sorry, Ben, but you need to stay away from her for now. Your feelings are going to be enhanced for the next few hours." She chuckled and he saw that she did feel bad for him. "Wait until you get your true binding. This'll seem like a cake walk compared to how much you want her then."

  He couldn't believe anything would be as bad as this. He knew she was up in her room as if she had a GPS attached to her. He also felt lust overtaking all her other emotions, just as he felt the same in himself. Right now he didn't care who that demon killing magician was or anything else. He only wanted to be with Andi.

  Chapter 10

  On the short drive to his house, Mrs. Thomas talked Ben through the basics of what just happened. His feelings for Andi were true, but amped up to the Nth degree. He'd be able to sense both where she was and what she was feeling, though nowhere near as well as when they were bound proper.

  "She's back at the house, feeling lonely, nervous, and confused," he said, but didn't add her lust as he couldn't imagine her mom wanted to hear about that. The smile she gave him, though, showed she'd guessed.

  She also mentioned that a few of his powers would manifest themselves, but they wouldn't know what he could do until it happened. Though they wouldn't be nearly as potent as with a full binding, that didn't mean he wasn't stronger than he was an hour ago. She had no doubt his sword and shield skills would be among them, and after school tomorrow, they could find out how good he'd become.

  When they pulled into the driveway, he grabbed his duffle bag and shield. The bag was long enough for his sword, but the shield didn't fit. They'd come up with the story that he could tell his parents it was a decoration that Andi's family didn't want anymore, so Ben was welcome to it. His parents would buy that, if they even cared to ask.

  Mrs. Thomas pulled away, and he waved before turning towards his front door. After a few steps, the warning tingle prickled on his neck. It felt a bit different from before. Maybe it was a side effect from the binding. Even though it intensified, his thoughts went to Andi. What he wouldn't give to be with her right now. Nothing would be better than to hold her in his arms and give her continuous kisses. The guys at school would laugh at him for only wanting that, but it was true. Not that he'd say no to more. Well, maybe.

  As soon as he opened the front door, the buzzing on the back of his neck almost knocked him to his knees. This was no side effect. Something was wrong. The house was too quiet. Even if Mom and Dad weren't arguing, there should be ambient sounds here and there. He'd called an hour ago on his cell to let them know he'd be home soon.

  "Mom? Dad?" He dropped the duffle bag, pulled out the sword, and fastened the shield to his forearm. A quick look downstairs turned up nothing. Halfway up the stairs, he knew he was on the right track. The pins and needles moved up his skull and down his spine. He gripped his
sword tight and continued up, turning towards his parents' room once up top.

  His whole body buzzed as he peered into their room. A figure stood next to the bed, and for a second he thought it was another image like the old sorcerer. When it started talking, he realized this was an actual ghost. That same voice in his mind that explained the extra-dimensional hologram also told him this was true.

  "Hello, Benjamin. Do you wonder where your parents are?"

  Ben took a tentative step forward. "Who are you?"

  "No one important. A simple messenger. Would you like to see them?"

  "Bring them back," Ben said, hoping his voice sounded forceful rather than scared.

  The ghost laughed and drifted towards him. "I assure you I have neither the authority nor the ability."

  Ben's sword lashed out with more speed and precision than he'd shown all weekend of training, but instead of hurting the ghost, his sword passed right through its neck. He shot his shield forward to buy himself time for another strike, but it, too, did nothing. The ghost laughed louder and clutched Ben's hand.

  "Look where your ma and pa are, Benjamin. And pray you don't join them."

  Ben screamed.


  Andi stared out her window towards Ben's house. Her parents could do this. They always knew where the other was. What a strange sensation. Ben had just arrived at his house, though no other details came. Since it would be more powerful when they had their real binding, she'd probably be able to tell when he was in his bedroom, getting a snack from the kitchen, or vegging out in front of the TV.

  She could also sense his emotions, as if he were telling her what they were. Right now he wanted her, but was nervous about it. No doubt he felt that coming from her, too. Would this become second nature after awhile? With practice, she might not even notice unless there was a drastic change or she made a point of thinking about him.

  Since he'd left, she spent half her time longing for him, and the other half laughing at herself for doing so. If he was here and they were unsupervised, she didn't know what she'd do. She wouldn't let him go, that was for sure. And the quick kisses they'd shared before would look like nothing. When her dad walked her to her room, he'd warned that her feelings tonight were artificial, but they'd both grow into them. That didn't diminish the hurt at not being with him.

  As she stared out her window, Ben's feelings changed. Nervous energy flashed into her mind. His parents weren't getting along, so maybe that was why. He'd confided that he was worried they might get a divorce. What if he walked into a big blowup? Now she wished she was there with him more than ever. She needed to comfort him.

  Shock, then anger, filled her mind. Andi tensed, not sure what to do. She stepped away from the window, ready to run and tell Dad something was wrong. But she didn't have a chance. As Ben's terror filled her, she didn't think. She ran to the window and leapt out, transforming into her dragon form as soon as she was far enough away from the house. Mom drove up at that moment, but Andi didn't care whether she saw her or not. All that mattered was getting to Ben.


  Ben hovered above some sort of huge rock, which hung high over a sea of fire, nothing holding it in place. The rock was round and about a mile in circumference, roughly the size of the field at school. The fire below gave it an eerie orange glow, brighter along the edges and almost perpetual twilight closer to the center. Much of the top looked to be covered with dirt, and besides a small hill on one end, nothing else seemed to exist on the rock.

  Until two small buildings along the far edge caught his eye. He'd not noticed them, as they were made from the same stone underneath and blended into the surroundings. He wanted to investigate closer, and with that simple thought, found himself at the window of one of the buildings. This one was empty, just a room with nothing inside. He glanced to the second building and looked in the window of that one. It wasn't empty.

  "Mom, Dad!" he yelled, but they didn't hear. They sat huddled on the ground next to the wall furthest from Ben. He tried to will himself inside, but couldn't move. Neither appeared hurt, but terror shone in their eyes. What was stranger, what he hadn't noticed at first glance, were their intertwined hands. They'd gone the last few years trying to avoid any physical contact with each other, and now this. They must be more frightened than he could comprehend if they were holding hands.

  "Can you hear me?" They didn't. He attempted to enter the room again, but couldn't. He sighed, not sure what to do next. Andi's parents. Of course! They'd be able to help.

  Now he hovered back where he started, looking down on the entire rock. The only difference this time, apart from knowing his parents were trapped here, was the prickling on the back of his neck. It wasn't a feeling of danger, but of something trying to get his attention. Evil was near, though he was out of harm's way for the moment. At the edge, on top of the small hill, which stood as tall as a two-story building, sat a rocky throne. And in that throne was the sorcerer from the projection at Andi's house, though he was no longer a mere sorcerer, but a necromancer, master of the dead, and he had the power of a demon inside of him. Like before, that new voice in his head laid this out for him.

  The necromancer looked up at him and flashed an evil grin. It spoke a promise of pain, of death, as clearly as if the threat had been uttered. Ben screamed and found himself back in his parent's bedroom with the ghost looming over him.


  Andi touched down on Ben's front porch and changed back to her human shape. She lunged at the door, frantic about what she'd do if it was locked. Ben still felt frightened, and he was still in the house. Sort of. He also seemed a million miles away. Not literally, but far enough where she had no clue where he could be. Maybe he wasn't even in this dimension, though she didn't know how that was possible.

  The front door pushed open, and she exploded through the house to the stairs. Halfway up, Ben's entire essence popped into her mind, all of him somewhere upstairs. Her inner Ben GPS led her to the left at the top to what she figured was his parents' room. She burst through and found a see-through man standing above a prone Ben. She didn't think, but transformed her neck and head into her dragon form and launched.


  Ben sensed Andi before she jumped into the room. This time he didn't bat an eye as her head turned into a dragon's. He lay still for a second and collected himself as she clashed with the ghost. Like him, she couldn't do anything against it either, so he pushed himself to his feet and grabbed his sword.

  The ghost laughed at her, though it, too, couldn't gain any sort of advantage. Ben swung his sword at its torso, and it sliced as if going through smoke. "Wait your turn, boy," it said. "I can send you to be with your family when I'm done. In the flesh this time."

  Ben snarled and struck again, this time concentrating on the blade. It slid through the incorporeal form, but a spark of energy ignited. The ghost's eyes went wide, and it vanished. The prickling on his neck left with it, and he and Andi were alone.

  "What happened?" she asked, back in full human form.

  "I killed it, I think," though he had no clue as to how he did it.

  She nodded, questions still etched on her face, but neither could wait any longer. They leaped into each others arms, and their lips joined as if drawn by magnets. Nothing else existed for either of them.

  Chapter 11

  Ben didn't know Andi's parents were there until Mr. Thomas grabbed his shoulder and tore the two of them apart.

  "What is going on here? Do either of you know what self-control is? Why do you think we separated you?"

  "But …" Andi tried before her mother cut her off.

  "Do you have any idea how many people could have seen you flying? We can only pray I was the only one. You two have eons together. There's no need to be stupid about this."

  "But …" Andi tried again. This time Ben cut her off. He sensed how flustered she was and hoped he'd do a better job of explaining. Besides, this was all his fault.

  "She came t
o help me against the ghost. I'm not sure I could have killed it on my own."

  Her parents looked at him, shock evident on their faces. He moved quickly to cover the uncomfortable silence. "It took my parents and showed me where they were." He paused and frowned. "But I don't know where it is."

  Mrs. Thomas moved forward and gripped his arms. "It took your parents?"


  "Where?" Mr. Thomas said, his rage gone. "Describe what you saw."

  "It was a big rock island floating over a sea of fire. They were in a small room made out of the same rock, and they were sitting next to each other holding hands. They hate each other and wouldn't do that unless …" His words failed him. He needed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas to make this okay right now.

  Dread, already lining his stomach, threatened to bubble over with the look of horror Mr. and Mrs. Thomas shared. He hardly noticed Andi by his side, her arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. He wanted to scream at them, to make them share what they knew, but he held his tongue until he could muster up the courage to speak calmly.

  Andi took the burden off him. "What's going on? Where did it take them?"

  "The demon realm," her father said. "Where we exiled Derian a thousand years ago."

  "The sorcerer we saw in your room?"

  "He's not a sorcerer anymore. At least not just a sorcerer." All eyes shifted to Ben. "I saw him, and I knew that right away."

  "What is he?" Mrs. Thomas asked, her voice almost too soft to be heard.

  Would they laugh when he said it? His answer, after all, was absurd enough to be silly. "He's a demon-infused necromancer."

  That brought more silence. He would have preferred if they had laughed. Then he would have known it wasn't possible.


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