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Cold Piece of Work: The Erotic Adventures of A Single Woman

Page 13

by Niki Jilvontae

  “Who you said you was gonna drag bitch? Who you gonna drag? How this carpet taste bitch?” I yelled as I got one last kick in before Neco swung around and I slipped out of his hands, flying out into the wall in the hall.

  The impact from when my head hit the wall was so powerful that I felt dizzy and dazed for a few seconds. I had to sit there until my ears stopped ringing and I could hear the she wolf again. As I got my shit together, I expected Neco to come to my aid. I even called his name as I held my head and got up off the floor on Bambi legs. I waited but he never came. As I stood there in that split second I got a glimpse of myself in the mirror down the hall. My hair was all disheveled, shirt ripped, I had scratches all over my face, and I looked deranged like I used to back when I couldn’t control my anger. That was definitely YaYa from the block who stared back at me as I waited on Neco, and at that moment I remembered exactly why I changed into the real me. I hated to be that malicious, angry girl; at least not out in the open anyway. I hated to be that dumb ass girl too, which is why it was so hard for me to understand why Neco would play me like that. I was still in disbelief as I walked closer to the room on wobbly legs.

  “Stupid ass bitch you see what it is, Neco made his choice now get yo maggot ass out of here.” Shayla yelled as Neco told her to shut the fuck up and wrapped his arms around her to hold her back.

  I watched him hold her and try to calm her down as I stared at him in astonishment and Snow came over to comfort me. I felt kind of sad and jealous as I watched Neco show her the love I wanted from a man. Someone who stuck by me and chose my side no matter what, that’s what I really wanted. Not to be caught up in some Love & Hip-Hop shit. I didn’t want anything Neco had to offer anymore, especially after I learned he was a liar. All the shit he had preached about how a nigga should never hit a girl and how he would never disrespect me or put me in a fucked up situation was phony and I couldn’t believe it had taken me so long to see it. Everything he stood for was a lie and that was hard for me to take in stride. My rage bust forward before I knew it as I lashed out at their asses with my words.

  “Fuck you bitch you can have him I got what the fuck I wanted. I been here fucking yo baby daddy for over a week, where was yo big back ass was at then? Anyway, that shit dead now hoe and y’all will never see me again.” I yelled as I stormed into the room to grab my shit and the bitch backed up in the corner with Neco in front of her.

  I got my shit together in record time before I quickly slipped on a blue sundress. Once I had my shit, I walked back around the bed to leave the room, but not before I stopped in front of Neco and his fire breathing dragon. He pressed his body against hers as she pretended like she wanted to get away and get them hands again as I laughed in their faces.

  “You know what Neco, you are something else. Why didn’t you just tell me about all this and her ass whooping could have been avoided? I thought we were better than this, but I guess I was wrong. After all that shit you talked these last few days, only to turn around and spit in my face. It’s okay though, ‘cause I still love ya even though you fucked up.” I said before I turned to walk away.

  “Yass, I love you too, but what you want me to do? You know what it is baby. Ima a thug and monogamy just ain’t in my vocabulary right now.” Neco said and I shook my head because I already knew it was true.

  It seemed his baby mama didn’t know though because suddenly she turned her anger on him as she punched, kicked, and tried to bite him while she yelled about what a liar he was. I could do nothing but laugh as I walked out the door and Snow rushed in to help her brother. I didn’t even look back as I walked out of the apartment and left Neco and all that hood shit behind me. Once I got into my rental car I was mad as fuck as examined my face in the mirror and saw the scratches Shayla had left behind. I wanted to go back in there, drag her big ass again and fuck Neco up, but I fought the urge and made a lap around the parking lot instead.

  Thoughts of revenge invaded my mind as I stopped right in front of Neco’s place. Part of me wanted to make him suffer like I was going to do Wayne, but I just didn’t have it in my heart to do it. I couldn’t do it to him because deep down I loved him and I knew that the whole situation was my fault. I should have never been in his bed anyway knowing how he was, so that was a fuck up I would have to live with. Karma did give me a little revenge though because as I prepared to pull off, a Jordan flew down in front of my car and hit the ground. I rolled down my window to look up, and saw Shayla as she threw Neco’s shit out through the window she had just broken. I laughed all the way out of the parking lot as Neco and Shayla’s loud curses filled my ears and I felt whole again.

  “Poetic justice, a nigga always gets what he deserves in the end. Wayne, now its yo turn.” I said to myself as I turned up my music and sped towards the airport.

  Chapter 7 When It All Falls Down

  The entire drive to the airport I felt numb as I went through the events that led me to that moment in my mind. I couldn’t believe how I let that throb between my legs cause me so much pain.

  “Damn. Why I keep doing this shit? Why is sex so fucking important?” I asked myself out loud as I sped through the streets of Nashville, ready to get home and get my life back on track.

  A brief flashback of my childhood hit me suddenly as I sat at a red light about three blocks away from the airport and the images I saw caused me to become overwhelmed. In the memory I was about eight and I was over my aunt Trudy’s house, like I used to do every weekend when my mother worked until I was about 10. I could see myself as I laid on my aunt Trudy’s big bed and watched Power Puff girls on her big screen TV. I was so happy because I never got to watch what I wanted to with at least 6 of aunt’s Trudy’s kids always around, and I never ever got to go in my aunt’s room.

  That’s why that day was so special because my cousin, Booby who was about 18 at the time, let me go in to watch TV alone and he promised me candy and chips when he came from the store. I remember that I was so excited that I waited on him anxiously until he returned. As soon as he got back he came straight into the room with my snacks and closed the door behind him. He held the bag out with the goodies in it for me to grab but as soon as I reached for it he snatched it back.

  “Ummm nope Yass. Before you get my stuff you gotta promise something.” Booby said.

  “What?” I asked him as I got up on my knees in the bed and crawled over to him.

  I watched a flicker dance in his eyes when I asked the question and he walked over closer to me.

  “So as my favorite little cousin you see there are perks. If you are nice to me, I will be nice to you. The only thing is, you can’t tell NOBODY! I’m for real too Yass. If you tell everybody they gonna want candy, chips, money, and to go shopping and stuff too. And if I start doing that for everybody else you can’t have it anymore. So the best thing to do is to let EVERYTHING we do be a secret. Ok?” He asked me as my little heart raced in my chest.

  I remembered how I wondered was it okay to have a secret with Booby that aunt Trudy didn’t know. I hoped I wouldn’t get in trouble but I trusted my big cousin because up until that day he had done nothing but love and look out for me. That’s why I said what I said.

  “Okay Booby. I will never tell anyone.” I said as he smiled and threw the sack on the bed beside me.

  I quickly opened the sack and looked at the assortment of chocolates, suckers, chips, and gums Booby had brought me and looked up to smile at him as he walked right up to the bed.

  “Now that I gave you what you wanted, I need you to do a few things for me.” Booby said as he pulled down the basketball shorts he had on and revealed his grown man wood.

  I remember I closed my eyes as he grabbed my chin and told me how pretty I was. He told me that I shouldn’t be scared and that all girls did it. I cried as he pushed me back on to the bed and wedged himself between my legs. After that, all I remembered was screams followed by the sudden sound of a car horn.

  The loud honk from the horn broke me out of
my flashback as I realized I was still at the light the entire time. I glanced in my rearview as I took my foot off the break and noticed there was a long line behind me. I drove the rest of the way to the airport in deep thought, because I realized I had blocked out some very hard times in my life. I couldn’t help but wonder what else I had blocked out as I pulled into the car rental return drive. I sat there for a few minutes as I thought about the memory I had. That act alone explained a lot about why I craved to be touched so much. I shed a few tears for the little girl who lost so much that day before I sucked it all up and blocked it all out until I could deal with it properly. I made a note for myself in my phone to call a therapist after my mission was over and prepared to get out of the car. Just as I was about to step out my phone rang and I sat back in the car to answer.

  “Wasup Snow?” I said after I answered the phone and she sighed in relief.

  “Damn wasup YaYa. I thought you wasn’t gonna answer for me, I called three times. You straight?” Snow asked as I heard commotion in her background.

  I could hear Snow’s mother as she talked loud and cursed at someone else in the room before I replied.

  “Yea, I’m good Snow. You know me. I just can’t fuck with yo brother on that level anymore. I still love him though. That will never change.” I said as Snow talked to her mother in the background then quickly got back on the phone.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about that boo cause Neco dumb ass won’t be fucking with nobody for a while. His baby mama called the police on that ass and said he kicked her down the stairs when her big ass really fell. They just took him away. I just had to check on you before we go down there. Are you positive you’re straight Yass?” Snow asked as I suddenly became amused.

  I had to move the phone away from my face for a second so that Snow couldn’t hear my laughter as I imagined the fat bitch tumble down the stairs, and Neco get flapped for doing the one thing he preached about. I couldn’t even hide the elation in my voice when I responded to Snow after that, but I was able to stop my laughter for a second.

  “Yeah, Snow. I know what you really asking and we good. I ain’t sweating that shit. Neco is who he is. I did get some good dick, a good workout, and some of my anger out. On top of that, this shit brought me some clarity, so yeah! I’m good, FINALLY!” I said to Snow before we both laughed then said bye and hung up.

  I got out of the car feeling a little better but anxious to get home and finish the next phase in my plan. Once I was on the plane, I listened to the recording over and over again as I thought about what I was going to say when it was time for me to make my speech. By the time we landed at Memphis International Airport that Thursday at 1 pm, four days before I returned to work, I was pumped and ready to get it over with. I quickly went to get my car and sped off the lot as my mind wondered all over the place.

  I rode home in a melancholy mood really unsure of how I was supposed to feel. A piece of me was happy I had gotten some revenge and was about to get even more. Another piece of me was torn over the memories I had and what impact that illicit act, carried out by someone I loved and trusted, had on my decisions and behaviors as an adult. I decided that was too much to deal with, especially with the performance I had to put on at the banquet, so I pushed all of those feelings, thoughts, and memories to the back of my mind. I drove the rest of the way home with absolutely nothing on my mind as I simply took in the scenery and allowed myself to be happy to be home. By the time I pulled up in front of my condo, I was relaxed and ready to go enjoy some quiet time. My phone suddenly rang and ruined that mood when I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Wayne. He let the phone ring until my voicemail picked up then he hung up and called again. I could feel twinges of anger flare in my heart as my phone continued to ring in my hand and I sat in my car. Finally, tired of the bullshit I answered the phone and Wayne began to beg.

  “Yass, damn finally you answer the phone. Please Yass let me talk to you. Maine, I’m sorry for all those damn voice mails. I know I sound crazy as hell on them. You have to understand though, cause you got me shook. I fucked you over and I’m sorry for that, but now I can’t sleep because I don’t know what you’re going to do. Wasup Yass? Where do we stand ma’am? Should I be watching my back or what because I know your history and I know you can send them goons for me?” Wayne asked as he began to chuckle nervously.

  I laughed too but not for the reason Wayne thought. I laughed because Wayne’s stupid ass had unknowingly just given me more evidence to bury his ass. I hadn’t even thought about the voicemails he sent me when I was in Nashville where he asked what I had on him and threatened me. That was all I needed to finish his ass. I played it cool though and told him what he needed to hear. I wanted to keep him calm and make sure he was at that banquet so I lied my ass off with a smile on my face.

  “We’re good Wayne. You have absolutely nothing to worry about, I promise. I’m not gonna live eye for an eye, just like you said. Now, I have to go, but you enjoy your day sir. No need to call or contact me anymore. I’ll see you at the banquet then I will be out of your life forever. Goodbye Wayne.” I said as he tried to talk but I hung up the phone instead.

  I got my bag out of the car and walked to my condo as the birds chirped in the trees and a plane flew by; I felt relieved to be at home. Once I got up on my porch, I stopped for a minute when I noticed a big, red poster board was taped to my door. Written on the poster board in black marker were the words “STAY AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND & HOME YOU SLUT!” In all capital letters.

  In the bottom corner there was some small cursive writing that I had to walk up to my door to read. As I approached and bent down to read it I stepped on the broken pedometer I had given the girl I thought was David’s girlfriend and I had to laugh. I tore down the poster a bit annoyed, but more so amused as I unlocked my door and went inside. Once inside I sat all my things down and went over to check my voicemail with the big red poster board still in my hand. After I listened to half a dozen messages from tele-markers, Tina, and a few of my girlfriends, I sat down on the couch to read the letter written in cursive at the bottom.

  Yasmine, what we had was nothing and I regret I ever did it. I want to be with Marianna, she’s my wife now so please, never contact me again. I have hurt so many people with my actions but most of all my wife and my child. I disrespected my marriage, my wife, myself, and you all because of my selfish needs. I’m sorry I ever started this. David

  When I finished David’s short little poor excuse for an apology, I quickly tore up the poster and threw it in the garbage as I laughed my way towards the bathroom. I stopped in the living room to look out of the window, when I saw David. She got out of the gray car, smiled at me and walked up the steps to his condo. I laughed right along with his little childish ass as I stared him down.

  “You think it’s a game huh? Well, you will soon see. I’m the bitch yo mammy warned you about fuck boy.” I said out loud as I proceeded to the shower.

  I laughed all the way into the bathroom because I couldn’t believe I had run across some more dumb asses with the nerve to come for me when I never sent for them. They had the right one though, because I already knew how I would get them back. I thought about my plan as I quickly showered, put on my grey cotton, t-shirt dress, and hurried into the living room. I grabbed my house phone off the receiver before I dialed the number to our condo community office and asked for the president of the organization, whom happened to be Tina’s best friend Pamela. When Pamela got on the phone I told her about David’s two unauthorized occupants and insinuated them in numerous violations that happened in the community. By the time I hung up with Brenda, I was confident I would never have to see David or his so-called wife again and one day he would realize it was me who shook up his world; and truly regret he ever met me.

  I laid down on my couch under my soft, fuzzy blue cover and dozed off, satisfied that everyone who had wronged me would get their issue. The mystery man came to me in my dream briefly for the first time in
weeks as I slept and I was so happy that I squirmed in my dream. This time we didn’t have sex though we just laid naked as he caressed my hair and talked while I listened intently.

  “Yasmine you have a beautiful soul. You can’t let other’s ugliness taint the beauty in you. Yasmine you are so much more than hate. You are strength, determination, and ambition. You have overcome and accomplished too much to get side tracked, even though trouble comes your way. You have to keep trying. Stars are never out of your grasp Yasmine. You have to keep reaching.” He said before he kissed me deeply and then he disappeared.

  I woke up sometime later to a girl’s shrill screams and a man’s loud voice as he spoke in Spanish over bullhorn. I quickly jumped up and ran to the window to see the mayhem that I had caused as my heart raced in my chest. The first thing that I saw when I looked out was Immigration and Naturalization Services, which were parked outside, right out front in a long van and several vehicles. A dozen officers were fanned out over the parking lot as they talked to or put people into handcuffs and put them in the van.

  Through the confusion I could hear Marianna as she screamed David’s name, but I couldn’t see her until I put my body up in the window. When I did get a glimpse of her, she laid on the ground and cradled her son while an officer tried to take him out of her hands. I almost passed out. I couldn’t believe my call had led to something as drastic as that and I tried to rationalize that thought as I paced the floor in front of the window and glanced out every other second. Suddenly David appeared all bloody with ripped clothes on as three officers roughly escorted him to the van and threw him in. He looked right up at me as he sat with his head on the window and I regretted the day our paths crossed.


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