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Cold Piece of Work: The Erotic Adventures of A Single Woman

Page 20

by Niki Jilvontae

  “Come on home Yass, we’re starting early. I know you’re already dressed.” Tina said after I answered the phone and we both laughed.

  It was funny to me how well she knew me, so much so I could hardly contain my laughter.

  “Okay ma, I’m on my way.” I said to Tina before I knew it and we both instantly got quiet.

  I knew Tina was taken aback because I had only called her ma once and that was at my mother’s funeral. I could tell she was overwhelmed with happiness too as she got choked up and I heard her whimper.

  “Don’t be over there doing all that crying.” I told her as she finally began to laugh.

  “Girl, you just caught me off guard because I haven’t heard you say that in a while. I love you Yasmine Porter. Now bring yo ass home.” Tina said as we both laughed again before we said bye and I hung up the phone.

  After that call I wasted no time as I packed up my things and left. As soon as I stepped inside the Porter house that day, the festivities began and I felt complete. I was surrounded by the entire Porter extended family all night as we played games, laughed, and danced. By the time we sat down to eat dinner, my heart raced in my chest as I anxiously watched the door for Courtney. Kyle could see my anxiety from across the table as he fed his girlfriend a piece of my cheesecake. In pure super little brother style, he stepped in and tried to calm my weary mind.

  “Yass don’t worry, he’ll be here. His flight was probably just late.” Kyle said as he smiled at me and I tried to stop the screams inside.

  I did my best to push my anxiety to the side as the dinner progressed but the more time passed, the more anxious I got. By the time dinner ended I had given up hope and decided I would go home early. I made my rounds and handed out hugs with a fake smile on my face before I headed for the door. Kyle stopped me before I rushed out and gave me a hug that made me feel a little better.

  “It’s okay big sis, you know how Courtney feels about you. I’m telling you there has to be a good excuse for his absence, so please don’t take it to heart. Go home, smoke, relax and I guarantee he will call you.” Kyle said as I faked a smile and tried to believe in what he said.

  I tried, but it didn’t seem reasonable after Courtney had let me wait like that. Secretly I lost hope in love for myself at that moment, but I didn’t let Kyle know. Instead I put on that fake smile I used in the corporate world and told him exactly what he wanted to hear.

  “I know you’re right Kyle. I’ll be okay.” I lied because at that moment I wasn’t so sure.

  I hugged Kyle again before I rushed out the door, into my car, and pulled off. I rode home in silence, lost in my thoughts as my heart told me it was all a dream. When I got home I showered and settled in on my couch with Netflix and a piece of cheesecake in hand. I didn’t want to fall back into depression, so I figured I would bury my pain in sweets and mindless laughter. After I put on Kevin Hart’s newest standup, I snuggled up under my favorite blanket and ate as I cleared my mind. Moments after I got settled and had started to feel better, my cell phone rang on the table. I reached over and grabbed it before I glanced at the caller ID. It was a Florida number I didn’t recognize so I wasn’t quick to answer it. However, after four rings and it kept going, I decided to pick it up and push talk. As soon as I did his voice filled my ears, warmed my heart, and I knew there was still hope.

  “Yasmine baby, I’m so sorry but my flight just got in. Please forgive me baby and give me a second chance to show you how much I love you.” Courtney said as my heart began to beat in my throat and I tried to find the words to say.

  It seemed like my mouth was glued shut as I tried to tell Courtney I loved him too and he never lost his first chance. I didn’t though, instead I tested him to see how much he really cared.

  “If you really were sorry and care for me like you say you do, you would be here right now with a dozen of blue roses, a box of Pot of Gold chocolates, some Chex Mix, and the strongest loud that money can buy. That’s if you really loved and knew me like you say you do.” I said to Courtney as I heard him chuckle on the other end.

  “Is that right Ms. Yasmine?” Courtney asked as I heard a car door close in the background.

  “Yes, that’s right.” I said as I smiled.

  Just then my doorbell rang and I froze in my spot. I didn’t know whether to answer the door or go run and hide, because no one ever came to my house unannounced. I didn’t move after the first ring, I just sat there with the phone still up to my ear. I could hear Courtney as he laughed in the background and my heart raced.

  “Answer the door Yasmine, I can hear the door bell ringing from here. You never know, it may be the man of your dreams at the door. You feel me knocking? Well, let me in!” Courtney said as he laughed and I knew that it was him.

  I sprinted across the living room and down the hall in three seconds flat. I didn’t even disable my alarm as I snatched the door open and Courtney rushed into my arms. We kissed for what seemed to be an eternity as my alarm sounded and our hearts beat as one. After a few minutes the sound began to annoy me, so I broke away from Courtney to turn it off as he came inside and closed the door. Once I had disarmed the alarm and answered the phone for the alarm company, I ran back down the hall to find Courtney with blues roses, a box of Pot of Gold, and a king sized bag of Chex Mix in his hand as he stared at my pictures.

  “If I loved you and knew you huh?” Courtney asked me as he turned back to face me and I walked right up to him.

  “See I told you that I was the one for you back when you were 20 and I was 18. I told you that age was just a number and that no one would ever love you as much as me. I told you Yass and I told you one day you would see me like I saw you.” Courtney said as my emotions over took me and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  I kissed him so hard and with so much passion, I felt my soul shift as he dropped all of the things he brought me on the floor and wrapped his arms around me. In seconds we were wrapped up in our love as we kissed and rubbed our bodies up against one another. The passion between us was so strong, all I wanted was to feel him on top of me and inside of me forever. I quickly pulled my gown over my head as Courtney stood back and watched me with a funny look on his face that made me stop as soon as I had pulled it off.

  “What’s wrong Courtney? It’s what I told you huh? That made you not want me like that?” I said as my happiness faded and I reached down to grab my gown up off the floor.

  Before I could, Courtney stepped forward and grabbed the gown up in his hand before he pulled me into his arms.

  “That’s not it YaYa. That’s not it at all. There’s nothing in this world I want more than to make love to you right now. I just don’t want us to base this relationship off of sex. I want us to base this off love. Let me make love to your mind and spirit first Yass. Let me show you that love goes beyond the physical. Just let me love you baby.” Courtney said as tears fell from my eyes and he kissed me deeply again.

  After that, I was lost in love as Courtney carried my naked body into the living room and laid me on the couch. He rubbed every inch of my body as he kissed me gently in every spot that his hands touched while he described our future to me. When he was done, he laid beside me on the couch and wrapped me in his arms before he tucked my favorite cover around us snuggly. We stayed like that until late in the night as we discussed what we wanted in life. I fell asleep that night in my huge bed with the man who usually invaded my dreams right beside me. I woke up several times throughout the night just to look at his face and touch his skin to ensure that it was real. When I woke up the next morning and found that he was gone, I thought that it was all a dream. I jumped up quickly and put on my robe as I made my way downstairs. When I got to the top of the stairs the smell of breakfast told me that Courtney was still there. I floated around the corner into his arms as he waited with a plate of breakfast.

  “For my queen.” He said after I kissed him and he handed me a plate of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and fresh fruit.

  I coul
dn’t hide my amazement as I quickly took a bite of the eggs and looked at him and smiled.

  “This is amazing Courtney, I didn’t know you could cook and I had no idea you were this sweet. Not after all the hell you and Kyle used to put me through.” I said as I laughed and sat down at the island to eat as he sat down with his plate right next to me.

  “Well baby, I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. You haven’t seen nothing yet. And you know all of that hell I gave you back in the day was just my way of showing you that I liked you, well loved you. I’ve always loved you Yass. This is just the beginning for us though baby. It just gets better from here.” Courtney said before he smiled and kissed me with his big juicy lips.

  “Now eat this food before it gets cold so we can get up out this house. We’re on a day of fun and love Miss Lady just you and me, the way it should have always been.” Courtney said as he looked at me while he stuffed bacon in his mouth.

  “That’s the way it will be from now on.” I said and I believed every word I said.

  It was true too, because from that day forward there wasn’t a moment Courtney wasn’t in my life. For six months he and I were joined at the hip when we weren’t at work or with friends. Courtney and I became so close that I couldn’t imagine what my life was without him. He gave me six months of pure happiness without even a word about my honeypot. Instead, he focused on our relationship to make sure I knew he loved me for me and not what was between my legs. On June 18, seven months after our reunion on Thanksgiving, Courtney got down on his knee to ask me to marry him in front of all of our friends and family. That was the happiest day of my life as the man of my dreams vowed his love and devotion to me while he slipped a 4 carat ring on my finger. I felt nothing but his undying love for me and mine in return as I told him I would and all of our family cheered.

  Courtney and I got married two months later in a small ceremony on the beach in Barbados. I walked down the aisle with Ryan on my arm as everyone looked on. As I stood at the alter in front of God, the preacher, and my family, I vowed my life and loyalty to the best thing that ever happened to me. When the preacher announced that we were man and wife and Courtney could kiss me, I cried the entire time. I cried tears of joy because for the first time in my life, I felt I had made the right decisions. I walked away from the alter that day feeling like a new woman, with a world of opportunities ahead of me. We had a huge reception with a DJ on the beach a few hours later and I had the time of my life. Towards the end of the night I noticed this tall, caramel skinned man with eyes like mine as I walked to the bar. I had noticed him all day even at the wedding as he sat there and smiled proudly. I wondered then who he was just like I wondered as I approached Tina.

  “Ma, do you know who that man is over there in the Armani suit.” I asked Tina as she finished her conversation with Courtney’s mother Laura and turned to see who the man was.

  I watched her face as she glanced at him and something in my heart told me what my mind already knew.

  “That’s your daddy baby.” Tina said and I almost fainted.

  I had to grab Tina’s arm to catch myself as I breathed heavily while I kept my eyes on the man. He must have seen what had happened because suddenly he rushed over.

  “Is everything alright? Are you okay Yasmine?” He asked and I fell apart.

  I rushed into his arms as he wrapped me in his love and told me how sorry he was.

  “I’m so sorry for everything baby. I’m sorry I left you, I’m sorry I did what I did, and I’m sorry I didn’t protect you. Please forgive me Yasmine.” He pleaded as he cried on my shoulder and I buried my head in his chest.

  After a few minutes, my emotions began to calm and I looked up into the eyes of the father I adored. I remembered every happy time we had together as I wiped away his tears and told him I forgave him long ago.

  “Thank you baby. Please let me make up for all the time we lost.” He said as I hugged him again and agreed.

  For a while after that I stuck close to my father until Courtney came over and I introduced them. I stood there as they talked and I watched two of the most important men in my life bond over their common love for me. By the time the night ended and Courtney and I got ready to catch our boat to the secluded island he had rented for our honeymoon, I felt like the luckiest girl in the world with more love than I could handle. I promised to see my father when we got back into the states as Courtney and I got onboard and waved goodbye to all our friends and family. Soon all the waves and I love’s you became so distant, I couldn’t see or hear them again as we sailed away to ecstasy. I snuggled up next to Courtney as he drove our boat and we looked forward to what was to come.

  When we arrived at our hideaway on The Island of Love as Courtney called it, the sun was about to come up. We quickly docked and grabbed our things before we hurried into the house.

  “Come on baby.” Courtney said as he pulled me through the huge house out to the deck on the roof.

  To my surprise he had a romantic scene already set up with champagne, strawberries, chocolate, and whipped cream on the table next to a vase of blue roses. I couldn’t help but to tear up when I saw all the thought Courtney had put into everything. There were even blue rose petals all over the ground everywhere that you stepped.

  “A scene fit for a queen, my queen.” Courtney said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the chaise lounge pointed out towards the ocean.

  I sat down and he sat beside me before he opened the champagne and poured us both a glass. After that, he sat back and I snuggled in his arms as we sipped and watched the sun come up together.

  “This is the first of one of our many sunrises together, because I never want to miss a second of life with you. This here is eternal Yasmine, you got me for life.” Courtney said as he kissed me and both of our passion exploded.

  Before I knew it, Courtney and I were wrapped in a passionate kiss as he slipped my beautiful Anne Sue gown over my head. He had me naked in seconds as he pushed me back on the lounger and stood up to take his clothes off. I watched him undress as I bit my lip and admired his sexy ass body. I stared at every muscle, ripple, and spot on his body until he pulled out the biggest, prettiest dick I had ever seen. I felt my heart race and my mouth get wet as he held himself and smiled down at me. There was no tingle between my legs, just a tingle in my heart as he began to kiss up my leg. I laid back and closed my eyes as Courtney kissed and licked up to my moist center. When his big lips finally touched my coochie the sensations were so intense I cried out.

  “OH MY GOD, YESSSSSSSSS!” I screamed as Courtney teased my clit with his tongue.

  Suddenly he blew on it before he took it into his mouth and sucked it like it was the last ring pop on earth. I rubbed his wavy head and stared into his eyes as he ate me while he looked up at me. I felt our souls intertwine as he sucked and kissed my lips while he continued to stare straight into my soul. Soon the sensations were too much for me to bare as I reached that climax I chased faster than I ever had. Courtney didn’t let up as my body shook and I squealed, instead he continued to suck me dry. When he thought he had the last drop he kissed his way up my body and only stopped when he got to my breast.

  “You are perfect Yasmine, just the way you are. I couldn’t ask for a better person to spend my life with. I love you with all of me and I promise to make every day just like our honeymoon.” Courtney vowed before he took my breast into his mouth.

  Before long, I was wetter than ever as my husband kissed up my neck to my lips before he kissed me deeply. As he kissed me he used his right hand to run his dick up and down my lips before he teased my clit again. Courtney wrapped his hand in my hair as he used the other one to push his manhood inside of me and at that moment my world moved. I had never felt the feeling I felt when his love finally mixed with mine. All I knew was that I wanted it to last forever. Courtney and I thrust our bodies together as he looked me in my eyes. I squeezed my pussy muscles and threw that pussy back at him as he dug to the core of my heart. He h
it my g-spot over and over again as he drilled me and rotated his hips. I felt my legs tremble every time he did it and set off mini orgasms that made me scream.

  “Yasmine, this is forever baby. Damn, your loving so good. Don’t ever leave me baby, please. Please say you’ll stay with me forever.” Courtney said before he kissed me and hit my g-spot again.

  When my trembles stopped I looked into his eyes as he slow grinded my pussy even wetter. I saw forever in his eyes as he looked back at me and I knew there was no other place I’d rather be.

  “Baby, I’ll love you until the end of time.” I whispered in Courtney’s ear as he picked up his pace.

  We thrust our bodies together as we kissed, sweated, and panted I Love you’s until that drug I used to chase consumed us both. We came together right there under the sun with nothing but the clear sky above our heads. When it was over I lie there in his arms as he played with my hair while I listened to his heart beat.

  “There’s no place I’d ever want to be other than right here with you. I love you forever and always Yasmine and I promise nothing but happiness from this day forward.” Courtney said as he leaned down to kiss me and I knew what he said was true.

  I fell asleep in his arms right there that morning and woke up to the same happiness I fell asleep to the next day. We made love again right there in the same spot before we showered and explored the island as a newly married couple. By the end of our honeymoon I was a whole different person, a shell of the Yass I once was. For once in my mind, I had true happiness and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.


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