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The Incredible Space Raiders from Space!

Page 13

by Wesley King

  The first was Alex the Adventurer, who stepped out of his room and saw his older sister. They might have been professional competitors, but they were siblings now. He broke into a wild smile, and his sister hurried over and gave him a hug. Samantha stepped back and messed up his hair and hugged him again.

  “How—,” Alex started.

  Samantha nodded at Jonah. Alex looked at him, his cheeks bright red. He seemed almost ashamed, though Jonah couldn’t imagine why.

  “You’re back!” Jonah said. “What happened?”

  “Long story,” Alex muttered. He patted Jonah on the arm. “Thank you.”

  Jonah just smiled. The next one was even better.

  Victoria came running out of her room, saw her brother, and literally screamed in excitement and joy. She sprinted down Squirrel Street, right past Jonah and the others, and wrapped her little brother in a tight hug, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Are you okay?” she said, grabbing his face with her hands and turning him both ways. “Did they hurt you?”

  He shook his head, his eyes welling with tears as well. She hugged him again and looked like she might never let go. She was shaking with sobs now. Finally, she let him go, wiped his cheeks, and turned to Jonah. Before he could say anything, she walked over to him, grabbed his cheeks, and kissed him firmly on the mouth.

  It was only for a second or two, but it felt longer to Jonah. He’d never kissed anyone before. It was a bit strange with their lips mashed together like that, and he didn`t know if he was supposed to do anything, but he could see the appeal. Especially with Victoria, who opened her pretty eyes for just a moment before she let go.

  He felt his cheeks burning as she stepped back and looked coyly at the floor.

  “Thanks,” she murmured. Then she turned to her brother, who looked more surprised than anyone. “Come on, Matty,” she said. “We need to catch up.”

  She took him by the arm and led him to the cafeteria, sparing one last red-faced glance at Jonah before she hurried inside.

  “Did she just kiss my spy?” Willona said to Jemma.

  That comment broke the silence. Everyone started laughing and talking and hugging the freed Space Raiders from Sector Three. Martin and the two captured guards were swarmed by Space Raiders, while the ones from the other sectors watched with big grins. For a second, they were all kids. They were all happy.

  But rules were rules. And there were important discussions to be had.

  “Order!” Lieutenant Gordon said loudly, though even he had cracked a smile. “We’re on our way to see the commander. Follow me.” He paused. “Matt the Amazing can stay with his sister.”

  He continued down Squirrel Street, and Jonah and the others marched after him while the rest of the Space Raiders saluted and laughed and waved good-bye.

  It was the same in Sector Two. The Space Raiders greeted their lost companions with hugs and cheers, and Lieutenant Potts watched in stunned disbelief as Jonah walked by, his pudgy round cheeks flushed red. Lieutenant Gordon slid open the thick double doors to Sector One, and Samantha was greeted with the loudest cheers yet.

  It was the happiest walk of Jonah’s life.

  Finally, they reached the commander’s headquarters, and Erna the Strong watched them approach in obvious confusion.

  Jonah smiled. “Hi, Erna.”

  She just stared at him.

  “Erna the Strong,” Lieutenant Gordon said, “we need an immediate audience with the commander. Tell her . . . well, you know what to tell her.”

  Erna had just turned to open the door when it slid open. The commander, who so rarely showed emotion, looked visibly upset. Her dark, serious eyes were wide open.

  “What did you do?” she whispered.

  • • •

  The meeting was called immediately. The lieutenants and Samantha and the other important Space Raiders sat down at their long tables while Jonah and the other rescued Space Raiders stood in front of them. Erna the Strong guarded the door as always.

  But this time the hall in front of the door was packed with Space Raiders. Jonah could hear them whispering through the door. They all wanted to know what had happened.

  The commander had quickly recovered after her initial reaction. There had been a lot of surprised looks and murmurs after what she’d said to Jonah, but she had taken control back. She’d warmly welcomed Samantha and the others and ushered them inside while calling for order from the other Space Raiders.

  But she’d still given Jonah a dark look as he walked by.

  Now she was sitting at the head table, eyes serious again, her cascading lightning-streaked hair falling over her shoulders, her finger tapping on the metal.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  Jonah explained everything. He saw her frown when he spoke of Sally Malik and Home Sweet Home and his journey into the Unknown Zone. He told them about his climb up the engine room, the super rat and near fall, Project Weed, the plan to rescue the others, and smashing the power line with the bonker. He told her about Martin saving them and Leppy laughing and their narrow escape through the service shaft.

  She listened to everything very quietly, as did the others.

  When he finished, she was silent for a moment. “I don’t know what to do with you, Jonah Hillcrest,” she said.

  Samantha looked at her, frowning.

  The commander met his eyes. “You’ve put us all in danger. The greatest danger the Incredible Space Raiders have ever faced on this ship. There’s a war now, that’s for sure. Captain White Shark will come for us. All of us.”

  There were a few murmurs from the rescued Space Raiders.

  The commander clearly noticed. “But you have also saved our missing Space Raiders,” she said. “Who we thought were gone. That makes you a hero.” She tapped her fingernail on the table. “However, if we give you up, they may leave us alone.”

  Lieutenant Potts nodded. “It’s the only way.”

  “Is that how we treat our heroes?” Samantha asked coolly.

  “They’ll want all the prisoners back with him,” Lieutenant Gordon said.

  Lieutenant Potts turned to him. “If that’s what we have to do.”

  Now the murmurs from the rescued Space Raiders sounded rebellious. The commander’s eyes flicked around the room. Erna the Strong was shifting by the door, clearly ready for action. But even she must have seen the gun tucked in Martin’s belt. If Martin decided to fight, there was nothing she could do. The power had shifted to Jonah and the rescued prisoners.

  He decided to use it.

  “There’s another way,” he said, and everyone turned to him.

  “What’s that?” the commander asked.

  “We leave the sectors.”

  Lieutenant Potts snorted. “That’s insane. We’ll all be eaten by the Shrieker. No one survives in the Wild Zones.”

  “He did,” Samantha said.

  Jonah nodded. “And so does Sally Malik. This is a big ship. We can all split up and hide until we reach the Dark Zone. They won’t find us if we’re careful. We know the crew is coming here. We know they want revenge. We have to leave.”

  He could see the lieutenants were afraid. Even Lieutenant Gordon. They had their rules and order and structure in the sectors. If they left, that was all gone.

  The commander just tapped the table. Her eyes were fixed firmly on Jonah, and she seemed to be struggling to make a decision. Finally, she pushed her chair back and stood up. The other seated Space Raiders quickly followed suit.

  She looked at her lieutenants. “Go back to your sectors,” she said quietly, and her eyes shifted back to Jonah. “Tell everyone to pack their supplies. We’re leaving.”


  * * *

  * * *

  JONAH SAT ALONE IN HIS room, staring out at the stars. He’d been sent to pack his belongings, but since he really only had his journal and a blanket, there wasn’t much to pack. The rest of the Space Raiders were scurrying around Squirrel Street, p
acking food bars and bonkers and maps. He knew the same scene was playing out in all four sectors.

  The Space Raiders had taken the news in stunned silence, which was broken only by a sharp command from Lieutenant Gordon. But as Jonah walked back to his room, he saw the fear in their faces. The sadness. They’d made a home here, and now they were being forced to abandon it. Willona had looked completely devastated.

  Jonah didn’t know what to think. Every time he did something, he managed to hurt the other Space Raiders. But he’d had to save the others. Hadn’t he?

  There was something wrong about all this. He knew that. But without any answers, he was just as lost as the rest of them. And that was a scary thing.

  He pulled out his journal.

  Dear Mom and Dad and Mara,

  I’m back in Sector Three. I managed to survive the Wild Zones, barely, and rescue the captured Space Raiders. It was probably the bravest thing I’ve ever done. I thought that would just make me brave for good. But it didn’t. I think I’m more scared than ever.

  I don’t know if you guys gave me up . . . if I was bad and you signed me up for this mission to save the universe to get rid of me. I like to think that you didn’t. But if you did, I understand. I never said thank you. I mean, I did when you gave me gifts or a ride or passed me the potatoes, but not in general. Not for having me and raising me and giving me a home. I should have said thank you. Because now that I don’t have one, I know that we all need a home. Even if we’re not there all the time. We need somewhere we belong.

  I still think of you guys as home. But the other Space Raiders, they don’t have a real home. This is their home, and now they have to give it up too. They have it worse. So I’m going to keep pretending to be brave, because at least I have a home somewhere.

  This might be my last entry. I’m bringing my journal, but we’re heading into the Wild Zones. We might not survive. If that’s the case, I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for giving me a home. I think I understand what that’s worth now.


  Jonah the Now Incredible

  He read over the note, and only then did he realize he’d signed it Jonah the Now Incredible. That brought a smile to his face.

  Maybe he was starting to feel incredible after all.

  He closed the journal and placed it inside his ratty old blanket. Folding it up, he prepared to take the bundle and head out to join the others.

  But before he stood up, there was a knock at the door. He hurried over and slid it open. It was Victoria.

  “Hi,” she said shyly. Her hands fidgeted nervously at her stomach, while her dark eyes darted from his to the floor. “Can I come in?”

  “Of course,” Jonah said quickly, feeling his cheeks burning. He stepped back to let her in. “How’s your brother?”

  “Much better,” she said, smiling. “He’s already talking about your escape through the ship. He loves adventures. That’s how he got caught in the first place.”

  Victoria walked over to the window and put her hands on the glass.

  “You did get the best view, you know,” she said, glancing back at him.

  “I guess,” Jonah replied. “It seems to make me sad more than anything.”

  She turned back to the stars. “Because you miss your parents?”

  “Yeah,” Jonah murmured.

  “My parents died when I was seven,” she said quietly, still facing the window. “Transport crash. They were heading back to Earth for a vacation. Left us with a nanny, but there wasn’t enough to pay her when they were gone. We had grandparents on Earth, but they couldn’t afford to fly us back across the solar system. So we got put in an orphanage. Matty and me. Lined up for foster care a few times, but we were never picked. We wouldn’t split up, and no one wanted two kids. Not out on Triton. It’s an expensive place. Every time they tried to make us split up, we ran away. Once we even stole protective suits and hid on the surface for three days. We were bad kids, I guess. The last time they tried, we ran away again. They let us stay out there. Use the shelter. We were there, living on the streets and begging, when they took us. Matty was asleep, but not me. I saw the two men right before they zapped us. Then we woke up here.”

  Victoria turned to face him.

  “We liked it here. But when they took Matty . . . ” Her voice faltered. “They took the last thing I had. That’s why I changed my name to the Avenger. That’s all I wanted.”

  There were tears in her eyes now.

  “But I didn’t go after him. I didn’t know how. I didn’t know where to go.”

  She walked over to him and took his hand.

  “I guess I’m just trying to say thank you. Again. You gave me back the only thing I have.” She smiled. “Whatever happens, I’m on your side, Jonah the Now Incredible.”

  Jonah just stood there thinking that the hand she was holding was a bit clammy and was he sweating again and was she going to kiss him and did he have to do it better this time? They met eyes. It was official. She was going to kiss him again.

  She started leaning in.

  “Am I interrupting something?” someone asked from the door.

  Jonah whirled around. Willona was standing there with her hands on her hips, scowling at Victoria. Victoria quickly dropped Jonah’s hand.

  “No,” she said. “Just leaving.”

  She gave Jonah a final smile and hurried out of the room.

  Willona turned her scowl to Jonah. “I’m supposed to come fetch you.”

  “For what?” Jonah asked.

  “I don’t know,” she said curtly. “Lieutenant Gordon wants to see you.” She paused. “So, are you two dating now?”

  “Dating?” Jonah asked incredulously. “We’re on a ship.”

  “It’s an expression,” she said, glaring at him. “Are you together?”

  Jonah frowned. “I don’t think so.”

  “You two were alone in your room,” Willona pointed out, folding her arms.

  “You’re always in my room,” Jonah said.

  “Exactly,” Willona replied, pointedly looking away. “I thought I was the only one.”

  “I’m confused,” Jonah said.

  She turned back to him. “Me too,” she said. With that, she turned and marched down the hallway. “Now hurry up. A little move doesn’t change anything. I have a career to think about. That’s it, apparently. Just career for Willona the Awesome. Anything else just gets you hurt. Space is no place for crushes. Especially on spies.”

  Jonah just shook his head and followed her.

  • • •

  “Come in,” Lieutenant Gordon said, and Jonah walked into his office.

  He was sitting at his desk, surrounded by Ben the Brilliant and Ria the Smart, a short girl with pigtails and shrewd brown eyes. Willona had once told him that she was the smartest Space Raider on the ship, other than the commander. They all watched him enter.

  “We’ve been making plans,” Lieutenant Gordon said. “The Space Raiders are still being broken up into four sectors, of course, and we must each find a temporary home. We can split up even further, if need be. But we can’t decide where to go. Ria the Smart pointed out that no Space Raider knows this ship better than you.”

  Ria nodded. Ben looked venomous.

  Lieutenant Gordon slid the map toward him. “What do you think?”

  Jonah approached the desk and looked over the map.

  “Where are the others going?” he asked.

  “Sector One is going up a level. The commander thinks they can hide in the service shafts there. Sector Two is doing the same thing on the third level. I don’t know about Sector Four, but they may just stay in the service shafts here. Which leaves us with the fourth level, right below the crew’s quarters.”

  Jonah shook his head. “That’s too close. What about the Shrieker?”

  “We have to take our chances,” Lieutenant Gordon said, sounding a bit nervous.

  Jonah looked at the map. In particular he looked at the big blank are
a labeled the Unknown Zone. He knew a lot of that area was the massive engine room. There was also the storeroom and the shuttle bay. But Sally had mentioned something else.

  The Bubble. It had to be in there as well.

  “I think I know a place,” Jonah said. “We should head toward the Unknown Zone.”

  Ben snorted. “Great idea. Let’s go to the most dangerous part of the Squirrel.”

  “I made it out,” Jonah said. “And they won’t look for us there.”

  “Why?” Lieutenant Gordon asked.

  “Because there’s a locked door with a password,” Jonah said. “Which I know.”

  Ria smiled. “Perfect.”

  Lieutenant Gordon met Jonah’s eyes and then nodded. “It’s decided, then. We’ll head to the Unknown Zone. I grant you temporary leadership, Jonah the Now Incredible. I’m still in charge, but in the Wild Zones, you lead the way. You give the orders.”

  Ben looked at him in disbelief.

  “Thank you, lieutenant,” Jonah said, giving him a sharp salute. He was getting better at it now. “We should leave right away. The crew will find Weasel soon.”

  Lieutenant Gordon stood up. “Agreed. Gather Sector Three. It’s time to move out.”

  • • •

  The Space Raiders of Sector Three gathered in Death Alley, all holding sheets and blankets bundled with their few possessions in one hand and their bonkers in the other. They looked grim but determined.

  They were Space Raiders, and they would complete their mission.

  Jonah watched as Willona and Jemma talked near the back in quiet voices, and as Victoria stood close to her brother. He watched as Alex stood with his chest swelled and his bonker in hand, ready to venture back into the wild. He watched as Martin gave him a lopsided grin, his bundle almost as big as he was.

  The commander had confiscated the gun for her use after their meeting, so he was unarmed again. But Jonah knew there was more to Martin than met the eye.

  He was glad to have him on his team.

  Jonah was standing next to Lieutenant Gordon, who was taking a quick head count. When he was satisfied, he looked out over the assembled Space Raiders.


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