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Lavender Excursions

Page 17

by Danielle Engle

  Panting and gasping for air, her ass on fire and her cunt soaked with her excitement, Kimberly let out one final scream. When she collapsed, her face was pressed against Camarin's leg, perspiring from the heat of her exhaustion. She could hear Camarin's heavy breathing and she could feel it on her skin. Like a blast of air from a roaring furnace, it burned against her naked body.

  Both gasping for breath, they clung to each other's bodies. When Camarin looked at the woman lying facedown across her lap, she felt torn inside. A part of her wanted to continue her lustful punishing of Kimberly's flesh. Oh, how she longed to test her limits! To drive Kimberly to that point where she begged and pleaded for her to stop.

  But would she ask? Or would she be dangerously defiant, going beyond the level of her tolerance? Would she allow Camarin to carry her over the edge? And could Camarin bring her back? The questions would go unanswered, for Camarin heard Mark's jeep pulling into the driveway.

  When Kimberly heard him, she was seized with a panic and rage so great, she swore under her breath. "Damn it, Mark!" She pushed herself off Camarin's lap. Her legs were trembling so badly she could barely stand. She pushed her hair back from her face and wiped away the perspiration that beaded on her forehead and upper lip. They needed to do something, but Kimberly was suddenly, inexplicably frozen with fear.

  Camarin knew her fear, the fear of discovery, for she'd been there herself. Knowing she had to take charge of the situation, Camarin jumped to her feet. Hurriedly, she pulled her clothes back on, buttoning and zipping as she went. "Get dressed," she told Kimberly.

  "We can't let him see us like this. We're going out the front door, then into the woods."

  "But how will I explain?" Kimberly began as she fumbled with her clothes.

  Her whimpering tested Camarin's patience. She was trying to protect this woman, to allow her the freedom of choosing when and where and if she would tell her fiancee what happened. Yet, Kimberly's inertia was making it impossible. "You can tell him you went for a walk after I left. Tell him you tripped and fell down a ravine or something. I don't know!" she growled. "Tell him I fucked you for all I care. Just get your clothes on so we can get out of here!"

  The vehemence in Camarin's voice startled Kimberly into action.

  She moved quickly, gathering her clothes and semi-dressing herself.

  Her clothing somewhat intact, she scrambled to put things back into place around the living room. First, the copper shovel that Camarin had welded so skillfully on her backside. She rested it against the hearth. Next, she dried the puddle where Camarin's jacket had dripped onto the floor. She saw Camarin's panties lying beside the chair. Hurriedly, she grabbed them and took one last look around the room.

  They were running out of time. Camarin started for the door, motioning Kimberly to follow her. "Hurry!" she hissed. There was no time to spare. Mark opened the back door just as they scurried across the lawn and into the woods. They sought cover behind a clump of bushes, sitting down for a moment so they could catch their breath.

  Camarin debated what to do next. She couldn't take Kimberly to her cabin because Taylor was there and Camarin had altered their agenda considerably. Not only that, but she'd also just fucked Taylor and it didn't seem a good idea to tell her she'd gone straight from her to another woman. A little wayward perhaps, but Camarin was not a cruel person. She'd run out of ideas and was ready to wait in the cold when she suddenly remembered the old ranger's station near the ski lift. "Come on," she told Kimberly. "I know a place where we can go."

  Each step was a painful reminder of the sexual foray Mark had just interrupted. Kimberly winced as she tried to keep pace with Camarin.

  The woman showed no regard for Kimberly's discomfort, plowing through the broken limbs and brambles as though someone was chasing them. This cold disregard made Kimberly even more determined to hide her pain. She gritted her teeth and followed Camarin through the woods, running at times to keep pace with her.

  The ranger's station had been abandoned for a long time. Local teenagers, and probably a few wayward adults, had long since broken into the building, using it as a place to hang out or engage in what some would consider illicit activities. Somewhere along the way, the break-in was discovered and someone had placed a makeshift latch and lock on the door. Camarin searched her pocket for her Swiss army knife. She had the flimsy lock off within seconds. The next obstacle was getting the door to open. The wood was swollen, jamming the door tight against the frame. Camarin turned to Kimberly. "Help me push this open," she said.

  Kimberly gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. She was convinced now that Camarin hadn't a clue how sore various parts of her anatomy were. On the count of three, the two women charged against the door. On the third try, their weight finally pushed it open.

  They hurried inside the old building. It was dark but there was enough light shining through the solitary window so they could find their way around. Shivering from the cold, Kimberly hurriedly closed the door behind them.

  Camarin laughed and shook her head. "Now how do you propose opening that door again?" she asked.

  Kimberly groaned and clutched her head. A look of absolute despair on her face, she slid down in front of the door and rested her head against the hard wood. "Shit!" She looked at Camarin, hoping to receive some sign of support or at the very least, understanding.

  The angry look on Camarin's face told her otherwise. She looked about the cabin, searching for something with which to pry the door open.

  Camarin shook her head. She considered climbing out the broken window. However, the edges were jagged and a rusted metal contraption of some sort sat directly beneath the window. The last thing they needed was to contend with one of them being badly cut or otherwise injured.

  Realizing she was letting her anxiety snowball, Kimberly closed her eyes and focused on her breathing. She was searching for calm in an otherwise very chaotic day. Camarin was saying something to her but she let the words drift past. Once her anxiety abated, she opened her eyes and searched the room for Camarin.

  "You decide to come back from wherever the hell you were?"

  Camarin asked, her tone very sarcastic and angry.

  Kimberly stood and looked about the room. Her eyes lit up when she spotted a rusty axe leaning against an old metal filing cabinet.

  Shoved into a dark corner, you could barely make it out. Fortunately, a ray of sunlight had managed to find a spot of rust-free metal on the axe, enough to cause a flicker and catch Kimberly's attention. A cocky grin on her face, she strutted across the room.

  Camarin could tell by the way she looked that Kimberly had figured something out. She smiled triumphantly when Kimberly picked up the axe. "Kimberly, you're a genius!" she exclaimed.

  "No, I just took the time to look around instead of getting lost in a panic," Kimberly replied. Hefting the axe in her hands, she checked the head to make certain it wouldn't go flying off the handle when they tried to use it. "Looks intact," she said. "Shall we try it now or wait until we've figured out what I'm going to tell Mark?"

  Now that she was confident they were not trapped here indefinitely, Camarin felt more relaxed. She boosted herself onto the filing cabinet and sat down. "Let's talk," she said.

  Kimberly sat on the floor, the cold seeping through her coat and pants, numbing her butt. Given how sore she was, the numbness was a welcome relief. "First of all," she started, "I don't understand what got into me back there. This is totally out of character for me. I do not engage in sexual intimacy with members of the same sex. And I do not engage in rough sex with anyone. Male or female," she added for emphasis.

  Camarin found her speech somewhat amusing, given the way Kimberly had responded, participated and obviously enjoyed what they were doing only moments earlier. However, she decided now was not the time to argue the point. If all went as planned, Kimberly would have it figured out by the time her excursion ended. "You don't need to explain," Camarin responded. "I don't know what got into me either. Althou
gh I prefer women, I do not typically engage in sex with straight women who want it because they are curious as to what it would be like." Camarin was surprised by the anger that crept through in her last comment.

  "Are you saying that's what this was all about – that I was just curious?" Kimberly asked.

  Camarin shrugged. "Maybe, or maybe it was just a matter of happenstance. I don't know. However, I do think we need to let it go and move on to more important matters. Like what you're going to tell Mark when you go back to the cabin."

  Kimberly sighed and pulled her knees to her chin, hugging herself.

  "Maybe I won't tell him anything," she suggested. "I'll just rent a car and drive back home. Call him later and tell him there was a family emergency or something. If he asks why I didn't leave a note, I'll just tell him I was too upset to think of it." Her eyes wide and questioning, she looked at Camarin. "What do you think?"

  "I think it's going to be hard to rent a car when you have no identification or money or credit cards on you. And why would you leave without taking any clothes? Don't you think Mark will be awfully suspicious?"

  "Oh, shit!" Kimberly exclaimed. "Maybe I should just tell him the truth," she muttered. "I'm fucked up, confused, unhappy and don't know what I want at this point."

  A tear slid down her cheek and Camarin saw it before Kimberly had time to look away. She eased herself off the filing cabinet and kneeled beside her. "Ssh," she whispered, placing her arm around Kimberly's shoulders. "It's all right." Gently, she pulled Kimberly into her arms and held her. She kissed the top of her head and whispered soothing words of reassurance.

  Kimberly clutched Camarin's shirt and pressed her face against her chest. She listened to the soothing sounds of her heart beating and gave vent to the tears she'd repressed for so long.

  Camarin had to think of something fast. Thanks to her little deviation from the script, things were happening much quicker than they'd planned. This changed everything and she had to figure out what to do. There seemed only one solution. She'd have to tell Taylor what happened, and then bring Kimberly back to their cabin for a while. Between the two of them, they should be able to set things right again.

  Feeling better after her cry but still worrying what to do, Kimberly pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I'll be okay," she said, running her fingers softly down Camarin's cheek. "Thanks for letting me cry on your shoulder."

  "Any time," Camarin told her. She stood and offered Kimberly her hand. When they stood face to face, she lifted Kimberly's chin and kissed her softly on the lips. "I'm sure you will be okay, but I don't want you doing something you'll later regret," she told her. "Like I said, it's not my norm to sleep with straight women, but I've done it enough times to know you shouldn't rush into anything." She paused and looked outside. "It's getting late. Let's hike down to the docks."


  There's a pay phone there," she explained. "I want you to come back to my cabin with me. But I need to call my friend first and let her know we're coming. I'm sure she won't mind, but since we're sharing the cabin, it seems only fair that I ask her."

  Although her words belied Kimberly's earlier impression of Camarin, she sounded sincere. "I would appreciate that," she said.

  "I'll call Mark from there and tell him I'm going to be out for a while.

  If her presses me for details, I'll just tell him we'll talk about it later."

  Camarin smiled and lifted the axe. "Sounds good to me," she said.

  "Are you ready?"

  Kimberly nodded and stepped aside. "I take it you're going to do the honors?"

  "Yes." she replied. Swinging the axe at her side, Camarin sauntered over to the door. After making certain that Kimberly was out of the way, she took aim and slammed the axe against the door.

  Having weathered a lot of abuse over the years, the wood cracked and splintered. Two more strikes and the door was shattered. Camarin stepped back and motioned Kimberly to go first. "After you," she said very politely.

  Kimberly smiled, grateful to be out of the cabin with its stifling dark atmosphere and musty smell. With the ease of two old friends taking a walk, she held Camarin's hand and they started for the docks.

  It was a strange and different, but good, feeling that accompanied Kimberly down the mountain. She found Camarin's courtly demeanor to be very flattering. Hmm , she thought to herself. Maybe there is something to this female-to-female sex thing .

  There was only one pay phone and it was being used by a boy who looked to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. He was bragging to someone about a big catch that he'd just made while ice fishing. Very politely, the two women stood to the side and waited.

  The young man could see they were there but they weren't intruding on his space. Their show of respect must have pricked his sense of consciousness. "Well, I gotta go. I'll call you when I get home," he told his friend. "Okay, bye." He replaced the receiver, then turned and gave Kimberly the once over. An appreciative smile on his face, he winked at her and went on his way.

  Camarin laughed. "I think he likes you," she teased.

  "Humph," Kimberly replied.

  Camarin dropped coins into the telephone and dialed the number for the cabin. Taylor answered on the first ring. Gesturing as though she couldn't hear, Camarin pushed the door closed and turned so her back was leaning against it and Kimberly could not see her face.

  Taylor listened patiently to Camarin's description of what happened between the two women. Although Camarin was making an effort to convince Taylor that it was an act of necessity, Taylor felt betrayed and hurt. "How convenient," she said in a voice ripe with sarcasm.

  "Too bad I wasn't part of the script when you fucked me. If I had been, maybe you'd have returned the favor."

  Camarin smarted as she listened to Taylor's painful diatribe. "I'm sorry," she whispered. A moment of silence passed between them.

  Camarin searched for some way of appeasing Taylor's hurt pride, but nothing seemed adequate. Why today of all days , she asked herself, have I suddenly developed a conscience ?

  Taylor, too, was debating the matter. She decided that it was unfair of her to expect anything more of Camarin than she gave her. "It's okay," she said, her voice very soft and low. I have no right to question you about what you do. After all, I'm the student here.


  Camarin laughed. Taylor's humor was a good sign that she was forgiven. "So, do I need to pick up air freshener?" she asked, referring to the fire that occurred earlier that day.

  "Nope!" Taylor informed her. "The smoke finally cleared and I cleaned every porous surface I could find in the place. It's not perfect, but it'll do."

  "Thanks, Taylor. I don't know what I'd do without you," Camarin said. Relieved that Taylor wasn't angry with her, Camarin replaced the receiver and stepped outside. She held the door for Kimberly.

  "Your turn," she told her.

  "Hmm, so it is," Kimberly said, a sound of dread obvious in her voice. "If you don't mind, I'd like privacy, too."

  Camarin winced as Kimberly closed the door in her face. Her comment was clearly intended to let Camarin know she hadn't fooled her when she made a pretense of not being able to hear when she was on the phone with Taylor. Camarin shrugged and leaned against the booth. People were so confusing! Take, for instance, the people on the lake. For the life of her, Camarin could not figure out why anyone would want to go ice fishing. She sighed and closed her eyes, waiting for Kimberly to finish her call.

  Kimberly ended the call with Mark still talking, trying to get her to explain what was happening. She felt like a jerk leaving him wondering, but then, he hadn't been a model of kindness and consideration himself. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

  The blast of cold air felt refreshing after her heated discussion with Mark.

  "Everything okay?" Camarin asked.

  "As well as can be expected," Kimberly replied. "In case you hadn't noticed, Mark is very possessive. But that is his problem," she added. "Now w
hich way to your cabin?"

  Camarin hooked her arm through Kimberly's. "Just follow me,"

  she said, smiling.

  On the way to Camarin's cabin, Kimberly found herself wondering who her friend was and what exactly was her relationship with Camarin. Where they really just friends? That and a million other

  questions assailed her thoughts. She found it was starting to matter less and less to her what she told Mark. Right now, there were more important things in her life, like understanding why she was attracted to this woman walking beside her. "Life is never dull," she muttered to herself.

  Camarin heard the muttering. "What's that?" she asked, pointing to her ear. When Kimberly quirked her eyebrows, Camarin laughed.

  "Honestly, I didn't hear what you said," she insisted.

  Kimberly smiled, the humor breaking her dark mood. "Is that your friend?" she asked, pointing to a woman who stood outside one of the cabins.

  "Well, no, it isn't," Camarin replied. "That's our cabin but the woman standing there is not Taylor." Not knowing what to say or do, Camarin continued to the cabin where Taryn Williams stood waiting.

  "My, my, aren't you a busy girl," Taryn greeted her. Her boot-clad feet at a cocky angle and her hips thrust out, strutting like a prostitute looking for a trick, Taryn approached the two women.

  "Why, you're Taryn Williams, the woman from Lavender Excursions," Kimberly said. Puzzled, she looked back and forth at the two women.

  "No correlation," Taryn said. "Although I do wonder what you're doing out here in the north woods with this cocky reporter." She flashed a smile at Camarin. "I ran into Taylor down at the store and she told me you guys were staying here." Taryn chuckled. "Small world. I didn't know you and Taylor were friends."

  "Yes, Taylor and I go way back. It was my weekend to do ski patrol and Taylor wanted to get out of the city for a while. So here we are." Having no idea what Taryn was planning, Camarin said nothing more. Instead, she gave her an expectant look, one that asked the obvious question, "What are you doing here?"


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