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Lavender Excursions

Page 19

by Danielle Engle

  "Surely you can do better than that." Debbie knew, better than anyone, all the right places to prod and make Taryn furious. Moving with the ease of a sailor, she circled the belt around Taryn's wrists and knotted it. It was exceedingly tight. She jerked it once more to tighten the cinch and stepped away from the table.

  "This has gone far enough, Debbie. Let me go!" Taryn growled.

  Debbie laughed and placed her booted foot square on Taryn's ass.

  She bent down and withdrew a knife from the leather cuff. The light struck the knife's shiny surface. It gleamed, producing a very sinister appearance. A few of the women seated nearby were watching, curious but not finding anything of particular interest just yet.

  The same could not be said for Taryn. She drew a sharp breath when she heard the sound of metal brushing against leather. She knew Debbie carried a knife and she'd been prey to it before. What was she planning to do? Seconds seemed like hours as Taryn waited for Debbie's next move.

  The knife felt good in Debbie's hand. She liked the power it gave her – a power she sometimes brandished and at other times willingly used. Tonight she planned to use it. Placing the tip of the knife inside the waistband of Taryn's jeans, she slowly and meticulously cut a square in the seat of her pants. She took special care to avoid nicking her with the sharp edge. Her breath quickened as she prepared to remove the square of material. Slowly, she pulled it away and dropped it to the floor. "Umm," she murmured upon seeing what lay underneath Taryn's pants. She wore a leather g-string, exposing her very nicely for Debbie's purposes. Now that the action seemed to be picking up, a few curious observers gathered nearby. Confident that her captive wasn't going anywhere, Debbie strutted around the table.

  She gazed at the other women who were watching her and admiring her body. Her eyes twinkled with amusement. "The show's about to begin, girlfriends," she said. Sexual politics between women was an arena where she performed quite well.

  Taryn felt her face become hot and flushed as she watched Debbie strutting in front of her. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, a futile but necessary show of resistance. She knew people were gathering around her, viewing her. She knew it by the telltale whisk of air across her bare bottom, women strutting past and staring at her, wondering if they'd get a shot at amusing themselves with her.

  Debbie allowed a few moments to pass, then reached into a leather sling secured to her belt. It was very long and slender, hardly noticeable if one wasn't looking for it. The object she sought was a riding crop made of fine, smooth leather. The grip was sculpted to fit the human hand and it was adorned with suede strips about ten inches long.

  Taryn kept silent, trying to find that place in her mind where nothing seemed real. She thought about Kimberly, how much she wanted her. Her groin tightened as she thought about her lush body and remembered scenes from the video that Pat had taped of her with Mark. What she wouldn't give to have Kimberly wrap those gorgeous lips around her clit and suck her the way she had sucked Mark! And those gorgeous ripe tits; it made her wet just thinking about one of those in her mouth. She started to weave a fantasy, making love to Kimberly for the first time. Whack! The riding crop cracked against the table, missing her face by a bare two inches. She drew a breath and resumed her fantasy.

  Debbie knew what Taryn was trying to do because she'd tried it with her before. "Forget it!" she growled. Leaning down in Taryn's face, she hissed, "You're with me right now. Got that?"

  Taryn nodded, Debbie's wrath causing her to flinch and pull away.

  She watched as Debbie stood and walked behind her. She envisioned the other women, knowing by now most of them were probably lined up around the table. Moments like this were considered very exquisite; this one even more so because it was Taryn's second time being taken down.

  Debbie loved the suspense and tension that surrounded her, the object of her desire humbled before her peers, many of whom would give anything to take Debbie's place. She waited until the moment was pregnant with anticipation, Taryn's bare cheeks trembling with fear and anticipation. Suddenly she snapped the whip, the sound sharp and harsh against the silence. She laughed at Taryn, her fists clenched so tightly the knuckles were white. "What's the matter, Taryn?" she whispered as she strode around the table.

  Taryn held her breath. She felt timid and unsure of herself as she lay there waiting, wondering what would happen next and why she'd even allowed it to go this far. She could only hope that after tonight, she would never, ever want to come here again. It was a noble thought, but the voice inside her head told her differently. Taryn felt as though she was caught in a time warp, spinning irretrievably out of control. The room was growing dimmer, scenes past and present colliding in her mind. Each fought for control of her destiny, struggling to lay claim to some piece of her conscience. She heard the voices and footsteps around her, but paid little attention to either.

  Debbie wondered at the calm that was settling over Taryn. Where was she right now? Debbie also was recalling moments from the past

  – time she spent with Taryn, teaching her to be submissive to other women's needs. All had gone well for a while. Then, before Debbie realized what was happening, Taryn changed and began drifting away.

  She became curious, observing other women and wondering what it would be like to switch roles. Now, three years later, Debbie suspected she was wondering again. This time she planned to play it to her advantage. She cracked the whip again, savoring the crisp sharp sound as it cut through the air over Taryn's bare ass.

  The women grew restless. They'd had enough of the teasing. Now they wanted something to happen. Debbie seemed unusually reticent.

  Someone decided she needed a little jolt to get her moving. "Hey, Debbie," the woman called out. "You getting soft on us?" The other women chuckled.

  Debbie's face flushed with embarrassment. Her expression became stern and rigid as she tried to recover her self-control. Debbie Gaylen was untouchable and every woman there should know that by now.

  She glanced about the room, her eyes daring any one of them to step forward and challenge her. The seconds ticked passed and no one dared move.

  Satisfied that the awkward moment was past, Debbie flexed her muscles, allowing the women to admire her fine physique. Although she pretended to ignore Taryn, she was busy planning her next move.

  She lit a cigarette, puffing just enough to start it burning. The tip glowed as she drew the smoke deeply inside her mouth. There was an air of cockiness about her as she positioned herself over Taryn. The women watched breathlessly as Debbie pressed the hot tip of the cigarette against Taryn's bare ass.

  Although she'd held the cigarette against her for less than a second, Taryn felt its sting burning into her skin. She growled and clenched her fists, trying to stifle the scream that threatened to break. When Debbie walked around the table and stood staring down at her, Taryn snarled and hissed. "You bitch! You think you're going to tame me now, don't you? Well it didn't work the first time and it sure as hell isn't going to work now. Give it up," she hissed. "You mean nothing to me. Nothing!"

  Left to her own devices, Debbie knew she would find a way to tame her this time. Taryn had tried the world on her terms. Now she was back, begging Debbie to take control of her life again.

  Chuckling, Debbie bent down so she was eye-level with Taryn. "I think it's time you take me for a ride," she whispered. She toyed with the riding crop, slapping it against the palm of her hand.

  Taryn could not remove her eyes from Debbie's weapon. Her throat tightened as the fear threatened to overcome her conviction that Debbie Gaylen would never again rein power over her. Not willingly at least. Suddenly, she felt Debbie's hands gripping her behind the neck. She flipped her over on her back and pulled her off the table.

  Defiance steaming from every pore, Taryn gasped for breath. She stared straight ahead, refusing to look at Debbie.

  Debbie laughed a deep throaty cackle that hinted of the rage that would shortly follow. She looked at the circle o
f women. "You," she said, pointing to a young butch whose cock was bulging in her pants.

  "Ever fuck a woman in the ass with that thing?"

  The young dyke smiled and tossed her short dark hair back from her brow. "Yeah, plenty of them," she boasted.

  "What's your name?" Debbie asked.

  "Joy," she replied. "My name's Joy."

  Debbie smiled as Joy sauntered over to stand in front of her. She was eyeing Taryn with a good deal of curiosity, wondering if she was going to get to do the deed. "Joy, take it out and let my girlfriend see it. I want to make certain it will be to her liking."

  Joy grinned and unzipped her pants. She peeled the fly back, then reached inside for her toy. Her shirt was unbuttoned to her waist and she wore nothing underneath. The other women whistled and cheered as they watched her. She took her cock in one hand and pressed it against Taryn's stomach. Grinning like a Cheshire cat, she pulled her shirt open so Taryn could see what she had to offer up there.

  Taryn swallowed, trying hard to control her breathing. It wasn't easy because Joy was one hot babe. She wouldn't mind going down on her at all if she could take Debbie out of the picture. Taryn threw her shoulders back and looked Debbie in the eye. "My, my, you just keep getting them younger and younger. What's the matter, Deb?

  Can't keep it up?"

  Debbie smirked and jerked her arms up enough to make her cry out.

  "I was going to go easy on you, Taryn. Figured Joy could stretch you out a little before I take my turn with you. Guess I'll be changing that little scenario." She motioned for Joy to leave. "Hang around though, Joy. When I finish with her she's open game."

  Taryn was seething, but Debbie's cockiness was working to her advantage. Taking her totally unaware, Taryn lifted her foot and slammed it as hard as she could into Debbie's cunt. She hoped she made her mark but didn't plan to wait around and see. Her adrenaline was pumping and she had her eyes set straight ahead. Anyone or anything that got in her way went down. Taryn was out the front door and the alarm was screaming behind her within seconds of her escape.

  She raced through the snow, trying to remember where she'd left her car. Her bare ass was freezing in the cold but that was the least of her worries. She spotted her car down the street. Her hands searching her pockets for the keys, she breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the cold metal. Clutching the ignition key tightly in her fist, she ran to her car. The motor purred to life and it sounded like music to her ears.

  Taryn had something she needed to do. And it needed to be done immediately. She sped blindly into the oncoming traffic.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lisa yawned sleepily as she padded to the door in her robe and slippers. She peeped through the keyhole, startled to see Taryn standing there shivering and gasping for breath. Hurriedly she opened the door. "Taryn, what's wrong?" she asked, pulling her into the apartment.

  Taryn shivered and started for the living room. "Can you turn the heat up?" she asked.

  "Uh, sure," Lisa replied, eyeing Taryn's bare ass where the seat of her pants had been removed. She turned the thermostat up to ninety degrees and flipped the switch for the electric fireplace. "It's not the real thing but it's as close as I can get," she said. She motioned Taryn toward the glowing logs.

  Taryn smiled and sat down on the hearth. She placed her hands near the heat, rubbing them vigorously to get the circulation back.

  "Thanks, Lisa. I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but I was cold and your place was a lot closer than mine."

  Lisa took Taryn's hands and started massaging her fingers. "It's no problem, Taryn. If it's none of my business, just tell me so.

  Otherwise, I'd like to know what happened to the seat of your pants."

  Lisa's solemn gaze was priceless. Taryn burst out laughing, shaking her head back and forth. "Oh, Lisa, you are a treasure," she said. She hugged her affectionately, then cupped her chin. "My dear, sweet Lisa, so sensitive," she whispered.

  When Taryn leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips, Lisa thought certain she'd died and gone to heaven. Either that or she'd just been awarded the million dollar sweepstakes. Her eyes misted and she smiled lovingly at Taryn. "Let me get you something warm to drink," she said. When Taryn started to protest, she pressed her finger over her lips. "Ssh," she told her. "I'll be back in a sec."

  The room was heating up rather quickly. Taryn wondered how Lisa would feel about her spending the night. Debbie was certain to find out where she lived and Taryn didn't want to be there when she showed up. Debbie Gaylen had a very mean temper.

  "Here you go," Lisa said. She leaned down and placed a mug of hot tea in Taryn's hand. "I added some honey and lemon for your throat," she told her.

  Taryn gave her a puzzled look as she sipped the soothing liquid.

  "You sound hoarse," Lisa explained, sitting down beside her. She, too, had a cup of tea. "Gosh, I figured everyone must have had a grandmother or a great aunt who gave them honey and lemon for a sore throat."

  "You are so sweet," Taryn said, gazing intently into the other woman's face. She wondered at her innocence, the way she trusted Taryn so completely and unquestioningly. She made a mental note to do something special for her. "I've got a slight problem," she rushed on. "I need a place to stay for the next day or so and I loathe hotel rooms. Think you can put up with me if I promise to stay out from under your feet?"

  Lisa's eyes brightened at the thought of Taryn spending time with her. How often she'd dreamed and fantasized of such an event! "Well of course," she said. "I've got a spare bedroom and a couch that rolls out. Take your pick."

  Taryn felt relieved that Lisa didn't expect them to sleep together.

  "Wow, I really appreciate this, Lisa. I'll need to do some work here as well, so I suppose I should stay in the guest room." She took another sip of tea, then stood. It was her signal that she didn't want to talk about why she was there.

  Lisa understood and she, too, got to her feet. "I'll get fresh linen and towels for you. There's a second bathroom right across the hall from where you'll be sleeping."

  Taryn nodded and followed Lisa into the kitchen. They deposited their cups in the sink, Lisa slapping Taryn's hand away when she started to turn on the tap. "I'll take care of it in the morning, silly.

  Now come on and let's get you ready for bed."

  Her face blushing for not the first time that night, Taryn felt shy and had no idea why. Then she remembered all that they'd done together and it made sense. Taryn, who was always cool and in

  control, was suddenly asking someone else for help. She smiled and shrugged. "Lead the way," she said.

  Lisa busied herself making the bed and searching for clothes that might fit Taryn. She spotted a couple of her brother's T-shirts and a pair of his Levi's. "Perfect," she said. "Thank you, big brother." She laid the clothes on the bed and went to check on Taryn. "Finding everything you need?" she asked.

  Taryn pulled back the shower curtain and leaned out. "Shampoo?"

  she asked, sheepishly. "My hair smells like cigarette smoke."

  "Coming right up," Lisa replied. She went to the linen closet and pulled out an extra bottle of shampoo and conditioner. Wondering why Taryn's hair smelled like smoke, but afraid to ask, she handed her the shampoo and asked, "Is this okay?"

  Taryn slipped her wet hand out to take the bottles. "Perfect," she said, smiling at her young hostess. "Do you give everyone such special attention?"

  Lisa's heart fluttered and butterflies danced in her stomach. "Not everyone," she said. "Just the special ones." She winked at Taryn, turned and left the room before she had a chance to reply. Everything was ready and she needed to go back to bed, but Lisa was too wound up now. She decided to check her e-mail, answer a couple of letters, then hopefully be tired enough to go to sleep.

  The sound of fingers pecking on a keyboard told Taryn that Lisa was still up. A towel wrapped around her, she knocked softly on Lisa's bedroom door. "Am I keeping you up?" she asked, a fretful look on her face.
br />   Lisa smiled and shook her head. "No, I just thought I'd catch up on some correspondence. Late evening is a good time to sign on and send e-mail. The Internet is so busy during the day and early evening, I wait and log on late at night. I'm seriously considering cable service instead of modem."

  "Oh," Taryn said. She was towel drying her hair, the soft curls bouncing lightly against her face and on her bare shoulders. She shivered when the cold air came into contact with her skin. "I see I'm not the only one who sleeps with the window open in the dead of winter," she said, pointing to Lisa's window.

  "As long as I live at least two stories above ground, I figure it's safe," Lisa replied. "Even the windy city has better air quality in the winter." She grinned when Taryn scowled at her.

  "Hey, don't go putting Chicago down." Taryn hated it when people from out of state moved to her adopted city, then grumbled about the cold, the crime rates and various other esoteric things people like to complain about. However, she was glad Lisa had relaxed enough to raze her about it. She tousled Lisa's hair and kissed her softly on the cheek. "Night," she whispered. "And thanks again for letting me stay here."

  "No problem," Lisa replied. When the door closed, she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She touched her cheek where Taryn had kissed her, thinking how many different sides there were to this mysterious woman. She smiled and closed her e-mail. Maybe she would sleep well after all.

  For Taryn, sleep seemed next to impossible. As she lay in bed, she realized for the first time how much she'd taken for granted. Who would have thought she'd ever question the choices she had made in her life three years ago? She'd been so infatuated with Debbie that she was convinced she wanted to be just like her. Now she wondered if this was no longer true. Was her initial role in Debbie's life indicative of the role best suited for her? Did she need someone else to be strong and controlling, make all the decisions in her life? Was she searching for that someone now?

  "I hope not," Taryn whispered into the dark. She rolled onto her side and stared out into the evening sky. She thought of the woman in the other room, knowing that Lisa would probably do anything she asked. Then she thought about Kimberly, the strong-willed woman who was getting her first taste of another world, a lifestyle far different from any she'd ever known. She wondered what Kimberly would tell Mark. Would she lie to him? Tell him the truth? Or ignore him altogether? And what about Mark? Would he let Kimberly go without a fight? What about Camarin? Would she let go of Kimberly? Did Taryn want her to? She groaned and pulled the covers over her head. Too many complicating factors to be considered.


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