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Loch: A Steel Paragons MC Novel

Page 5

by Eve R. Hart

  Halfway through my rant, I noticed him grinding his jaw. He knew I was right and there was nothing for him to say back to me. Or so I thought.

  “Brothers don’t pay to drink here, so you flirting right now is worthless.” My face fell. How the hell was I supposed to know that? Also, how the hell did the bar make any money?

  “Good to know.” I turned around and walked off. I needed to get away before I let my temper get the best of me and I uncontrollably spewed words I would later regret. He was my boss, after all. And he was nice enough to give me a job. I had to keep reminding myself of that as I stomped over to the pool table, handed the beers out, and took the empties away.

  I made my rounds, reading their cuts trying to remember faces and names. I had a feeling I would be seeing a lot of these guys. Some greeted me with a chin lift as they looked me up and down. A few of them didn’t even acknowledge that there was a human handing them their beer. While others actually chatted with me a bit. I got asked the typical questions like where was I from, who was I, what was I doing there, and so on. I was as vague as I could be and scooted on to the next person.

  I recognized the two guys that were at the bar yesterday with Bocca. The one with the lip ring looked down at me, face impassive, as I handed him his beer. There was something unreadable in his eyes. But for some reason, my body understood its meaning, and I flushed hard. With a hard swallow I looked and saw his name was Diesel. Seemed fitting. I turned my attention to to the other guy. His shaggy, brown hair tamed by a back ball cap. Prospect. No name.

  “Thanks, Reagan,” he said, taking his bottle. Seemed he remembered me from the day before.

  “You know my name, shouldn’t I know yours?” I said, cocking my hip playfully. He let out a huffed laugh as he ducked his head for a moment. Like he wasn’t sure he should be laughing or even talking to me.

  “Brandon,” he said, looking up at me again with a boyish twinkle in his eyes. I smiled.

  “Cool.” I turned my attention away from him, not wanting to get him in any kind of trouble. If that what was even the problem. I didn’t know their rules, but I had a feeling I should not push to break them.

  My gaze landed on a tall, bulky guy. My eyes widened as I took him in. He was casually leaning against the wall. Something about him screamed deadly. He was off to the side, almost like he wasn’t part of everyone else. I got the feeling he liked to be in the shadows. I took in a deep breath as I approached him, fresh beer in hand. The closer I got, the more intense his gaze became on me. But he wasn’t checking me out. No, he was sizing me up. Figuring me out. He didn’t freak me out in a bad way, but something about the way he studied me made me twitchy.

  “Seven,” I huffed out in a nervous laugh as I read the name on his cut. “How does one go about getting a name like that?” I asked before I had a chance to think better of it.

  My mind ran in many different directions. Had he killed seven people? All at once? That almost seemed like too easy of an answer. I just hoped it wasn’t anything that scary. But then again, these were bikers.

  His eyes narrowed at me for a long moment. I started to squirm. I was about to open my mouth and tell him to forget it when his face relaxed.

  “I ate seven snakes at once. Tails and all. Alive,” he said in a straight tone. Then he flashed me a wide smile. One that made me wonder if he was telling the truth or not.

  I blinked at him waiting for him to tell me he was joking or start laughing. But it never came. I had no choice but to walk away wondering how crazy he was.

  Around midnight, most of the guys had headed out. Bocca, though, sat at the bar like he was waiting for something. Nate was clearing off the tables, while I was cleaning up the bar top for the night.

  “They need to get a part for your car. It’ll be ready tomorrow,” Nate said, coming up behind me and making me stiffen. How did he do that? I never heard him approach. I was starting to think I needed to keep one eye on him at all times.

  Did that mean he was giving me a ride home? A thrill shot through me and I held back the urge to jump up and down while clapping like a teenage girl.

  “I can take her home,” Bocca said, standing as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He tossed a crisp twenty on the bar and winked at me. The guys may not have paid for drinks, but they did tip well. For that, I was super grateful.

  “No,” Nate said firmly. I was standing between them. My eyes moved from one to the other and back again trying to figure out what was going on.

  “I know how you don’t like to put anyone on the back of your bike,” Bocca said, smirking. “I have no problem with her being there.” I was at a total loss as to that what the hell was going on. Nate’s jaw ticked for a few seconds and his nostrils flared the tiniest of bit.

  “No sense in you riding in the wrong direction when she lives right next door to me.” Nate’s tone left no room for discussion. It seemed logical to me. There was so much tension hanging thick in the air and I had no clue why.

  “No, it’s cool, Nate. I don’t want to ruin your reputation or whatever. He can take me. Seems like he actually wants to, so…” I said. My tone may have been on the bitchy side. But I was ready to get off of my feet and go home. Seeing as I had a sit-down job for a while before this, I wasn’t used to standing for so many hours at a time. While the boots I’d worn were comfy, they weren’t enough to stop the throbbing.

  I grabbed my phone and started for the front door. Before I even rounded the bar, a rough hand wrapped around my arm. My body whirled around so fast I felt dizzy. I crashed into Nate’s hard chest, my hands pressed up against it trying to brace myself. My head tilted back to look at him but his eyes were locked like laser beams on Bocca.

  “Lock up,” He said to Bocca, as he pulled me down the hall and out the back door. I had no choice to go along, my feet stumbling along at his pace.

  Before I knew what was going on, he plopped a helmet down on my head and fastened the straps. I stood there stunned as I watched him climb onto his bike and start it up. What a sight it was. He looked at home sitting there. His toned arms stretched out to the handlebars. A whole sexy scene within my reach.

  “You gettin’ on? I’m not waitin’ all night.” His voice, deep and dark, ruined my happy trance.

  I rolled my eyes and swung my leg over. There was a good half a foot between us. I didn’t trust myself to be any closer than that. I took in a deep breath, giving myself a moment to prepare for the ride. He reached back and wrapped both his big hands on the outside of my upper thighs. He was close enough to touching my ass that it made my breath hitch. His hands clamped onto my bare skin hard and then with a quick jerk, he pulled me flush to his back. My legs were quivering. Hell, my whole body was trembling. As I wrapped my arms around his waist, he tugged them tight. Heat flooded my entire body as I breathed in his scent. Without another word, we were off.

  The warm air whipped around my body as we rode. I felt safe with him. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt like that. I pressed my face tighter into his back, his leather vest was surprisingly soft against my cheek. I was sad that it didn’t take long to get home. He pulled up into his driveway and I sighed. I sat there for a moment not wanting to get off. After a minute I felt his tense body relax, the tiniest bit, into me. I smiled against his back.

  “It’s late. You should get some sleep,” his voice low and raspy. He patted my hand as he said it. I took the sign that he wanted me to release him, even though I wasn’t ready to yet.

  “Yeah,” I said in a hoarse whisper. He reached his hand around the front of his body and held it out for me. Deciding not to be stubborn for once, I let him help me off. I took off my helmet and handed it to him. “Thank you. Good night, Nate.” I turned away before he could say anything back and took off for Nan’s house.

  I didn’t find sleep that night. I wished I could’ve said it was because I couldn’t stop thinking about Nate. But it was because I kept replaying that horrible scene from my birthd
ay, over and over again. The bruises were fading, but I could still feel his hands on me like it was happening at that moment.



  I lay there all night thinking of how shitty the evening had gone. I knew I wasn’t being the most pleasant person to Reagan. I left her alone half the night knowing she would be bored out of her mind. I sat in my office convincing myself that I had paperwork to do, but I didn’t. I didn’t have a damn thing to do. I spent most of the time watching the door, wondering what she was doing and if she was going to knock or not. I half expected her to blow in the door, catch me doing absolutely nothing, and unleash her fury on me.

  And fucking Bocca. I wanted to bash in his fucking face. I knew he knew what the fuck he was doing. Everyone noticed her, but even Diesel didn’t try anything. That was saying a lot. I said she was off limits, though I had no right to, and I meant it. Bocca knew better. Still, he pushed buttons.

  I didn’t know what upset me more, the fact that he flirted with her or that it seemed like she was flirting back. She looked genuinely at ease around him and I wished she was like that around me. I knew I hadn’t made it easy, though. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I was being an ass. Now that I had started, I wasn’t sure how to stop. I had never felt the way I felt when I was around her. Like I want to lay her down and forget the outside world. Like I wanted to tell her everything I kept hidden deep down. It wasn’t good, and I sure as hell didn’t know how to deal with it.

  I won’t lie, I felt her body respond to me on my bike. I heard her breath catch when I put my hands on her. Sure, I didn’t need to put my hands on her, and it was a real asshole move to grab that close to her nearly exposed ass. But I didn’t regret it for a second. Her bare skin was soft and smooth against my rough hands. Her body radiated a burning heat against my back. Her hands were dangerously close to my impossibly hard dick. Fuck! That ride was way too short.

  I had too many things coming up. I didn’t need a distraction. And that’s what she was, a big distraction. On top of how she was driving me crazy on the inside, there was still that pesky thing about what she was hiding. I had a feeling it was something big. I needed to know. I didn’t like surprises and I despised secrets. Whatever it was, she was keeping it locked up tight and I hated the thought that someone might be after her. A surprise I needed to be prepared for.

  The next morning I decided to stop by the bar before I headed to the clubhouse. I counted the money in the register. Considering we hadn’t made any money the night before, the till should have been an even two hundred dollars. I had pulled out the deposit yesterday before I opened and put it in the safe. So, I was surprised to find an extra five hundred and change in there. I knew it was Reagan. It must have been what she had left over from the money I’d given her to get clothes. A smile spread on my lips and I shook my head. Damn that girl. I had a feeling that she was going to be determined to pay the rest back. I didn’t want her to, but I also knew she wouldn’t hear me no matter how loud I told her.

  I took the money and went into the office. I tossed it into the safe before I headed back out. I tore out of the lot, leaving a cloud of dust behind me.

  As I pulled into the clubhouse lot, I wondered if the guys had her car fixed up yet. I knew they were going to send one of the prospects out bright and early to the next town to go get the part. Figuring it was close to noon, I knew they would’ve been working on it by now. I found Diesel out back in the garage, elbows deep in her engine. The gravel crunched under my boots as I approached the opened bay. Diesel stuck his head up when he heard me coming. When he saw it was me, he stood up tall.

  “This thing is a shit box,” he said, leaning his hands on the edge of the hood. “I don’t know how the damn thing is still even runnin’. Look,” he jabbed a frustrated thumb in the direction of what he wanted me to see, “there are hoses under all that duct tape. I fuckin’ hope she wasn’t dumb enough to do this.” He shook his head at the stupidity.

  “Hm,” I said, scratching my chin. The thing was a hunk of junk. I remembered telling Ethel to get rid of it years ago, but she swore it was a good car. I was happy when she finally let go of it and replaced it with a nice, new, safe Cadillac. I didn’t know she had given the damn thing to Reagan. Of course, back then I probably wouldn’t have cared as much. “How the hell is it still runnin’?”

  “You should just buy her a new one.” His sarcastic tone laced with the humor of a man that was hardened from the shit things in life. I narrowed my eyes at him, thinking that it wasn’t such a bad idea. He held up his hands in retreat. I sighed, torn between what I wanted to do and what Reagan would let me do.

  “Yeah, I see that going over real well,” Bocca said coming up behind Diesel. “She’ll probably tell you to fuck off and throw the keys at your face.” He laughed and Diesel nodded in agreement. They hadn’t spent that much time around her but of course, they picked up on her fiery attitude.

  He wasn’t wrong. I saw it going down that way in my mind.

  “Just fix it,” I grumbled. “Make sure it won’t blow up.”

  “Give me an hour.” Diesel said.

  “I’ll be in my room.” I wrapped my knuckles on the metal frame, then walked off.

  I decided to drop the car off to her myself. I figured I could grab my truck and get one of the prospects to drive it back while I took my bike. If it came to it I could load my bike on the back of my truck, but it was such a bitch to that. The car shook the whole short drive there. I wondered why she didn’t say anything, then I remembered how headstrong she was. I was planning on leaving it in the driveway, keys in the ignition. But I found myself walking up the front steps, keys in hand. I knocked and waited. The door pulled open. Her hair was down and the wind whipped around making it fly around her face. She swatted it out of the way then turned her attention to me.

  “You need a new car.” It was more a demand than a statement.

  “Okay,” she said and shrugged. She reached out for the keys and I pulled them away from her. She huffed and tapped her foot.

  “I’m leavin’ for the weekend. You will be workin’ with Chris. Call me if you need anythin’.” I placed the keys in her hand and paused for a moment. Then I found myself pulling my truck key out of my pocket. “Here, drive my truck while I’m gone.”

  “Uh… thanks.” The hesitation was noticeable as she reached out and took the key, looking at it like it was a giant spider. “Wait, you’re leaving?” I saw a flash of disappointment come across her face. She quickly straightened herself and put her wall back up.

  “Yeah, some of the boys are goin’ to Tennessee. I’ll be back Monday. When we get back, we’re gettin’ you a new car.” With that, I turned and headed down the stairs. I left her there with her mouth hanging open about to protest. One that I wasn’t about to let come out. I cut across the yard and headed inside my house.

  I showered, taking more time than usual. I couldn’t get it together. I gave her the keys to my truck. I demanded that she drive it while I was gone. And then I told her, in a tone that let her know there was no other option, that she was getting a new car. It wasn’t that I minded her driving my truck, the brothers used it all the time. It wasn’t that I thought she would wreck it. I wasn’t really sure what it was. At that moment the last thing I wanted to do was leave town, and I knew it had everything to do with Reagan.

  I shut the water off and ripped the towel off of the bar, taking all my frustration out while drying my skin. I shaved, trying to get her out of my head the whole time. I got dressed in a hurry. Snagging the spare key to my truck off of the hook by the door, I headed out again. The distance from my house to hers was not enough space for me at that moment.



  Nate had given me the night off. It being Thursday, Nan was out at bingo. I decided to spend the evening on the couch. I flipped through the channels, never stopping long enough on one thing to get involved. My mind kept going back to Nat
e. I was curious why he was leaving and where he was going. Would there be girls there? Would he be having sex with them? I told myself it didn’t matter. One, we were not involved in any sort of way. Two, I didn’t want to be.

  Well, okay, that might have been a small lie. I may have spent way too much time thinking about what it would be like to have something more with Nate. But I couldn’t actually go there. It was the last thing either of us needed. I hoped the distance apart would give me time to clear my head.

  The next day I heard him take off on his bike a little after three in the afternoon. I pinned myself to the couch so that I wouldn’t go running to the window to watch him drive away. Disappointment filled me that he didn’t even say bye. It was silly. He was only going to be gone a few days. And it wasn’t like we were even friends.

  Boredom had me heading to the bar an hour earlier than my shift. I was working with Chris that night. I had yet to meet him and I was hoping that he would be friendlier than Nate. I smiled at the possibility of having someone to talk to.

  I stepped outside and started walking to my car. I paused at the driver’s side door, remembering that Nate demanded I take his truck while he was gone. I cocked my head and looked across the yard to Nate’s driveway. The damn thing looked way too big for me to feel comfortable in. No, I told myself. I wasn’t going to let some man tell me what to do. Sure, it may have been out of concern, but my car had gotten me to and from a lot of places. I was sure it wasn’t going to fail me now. Except for the air conditioning, but that didn’t have anything to do with how it ran. With my shoulders thrown back in a silent defiance, I climbed into my car.

  I walked in the door of the bar a little after five. Of course, the place was dead, as in not a soul for a customer. I looked behind the bar to see a tall and lean guy not much older than me. He had shorter hair, parted on the side and styled up a little on the fuller side. It was a nice honey brown color. He looked over at me and smiled. His face was definitely not bad to look at. Small but strong nose. Beautiful full bottom lip. Thick brows over eyes that matched his hair. His face looked baby smooth.


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