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Love Bound

Page 6

by Selena Kitt

  She didn’t have far to look. Sitting on the edge of the dancing area with the brunette woman standing behind him, he seemed as comfortable as a feudal lord who knew everything he saw was his. The surge of Moroccan music filled the air as she took her place with the rest of the dancers. Lowering her eyes, she pushed everything to the back of her mind and allowed the music to wrap itself around her. First her hips began to sway then settled into the familiar hip snaps she’d been taught before her slender arms joined in. As the music built in both intensity and speed, she allowed her body to respond to it - to move faster until she became part of it. Within minutes of Addie beginning her dance, she was totally absorbed by the music, no longer caring about her audience. As she let it carry her away, much of her control slipped away, as it always did, and she gave herself to the emotionally charged dance.

  * * * *

  Sitting about thirty feet away from the dancers, Dom tightened his fingers around the fragile champagne flute. It gave an ominous crack before Lauren pried it from his grip with a soft murmur. He was only vaguely aware of his date standing behind him. In front of his very eyes, the sensual woman he knew Addie to be, who had fought to keep that part of herself hidden, emerged. He had to take a deep breath to keep from taking her down to the floor in front of his business associates and fucking her. Every cell in his body ached to claim the voluptuous creature in front of him. She was temptation in flesh. Behind the crisp tuxedo pants he wore, his cock lengthened to press persistently at the clothing restraining it.

  As she undulated to the sultry beat of the music, he tried to hold onto his raveling control, but it wasn’t easy. She was the picture-perfect image of everything he wanted in his mate. When she lifted her eyes, blazing with both need and her half-hidden desire to submit, before lowering them again, he knew without a doubt she’d be his perfect submissive. Now he just had to find out what was holding her back and destroy the barrier.

  “I see why you want her, Sir Dom. Even I can tell she’s dying to have a man take her control from her. She’s an un-awakened submissive. She longs for it but won’t reach for it without a good bit of encouragement, but once she does, then she’ll be perfect for you.” Lauren’s voice was almost reverent. He glanced up at his friend’s sub and realized having her reaffirmation about Addie’s hidden nature was the main reason why he’d asked Lucian to borrow her for the evening.

  “Thank you, Lauren. I was hoping I wasn’t mistaken. She’s a control freak, but once I have broken her self-control and she realizes she has nothing to fear from entrusting her body to me, I’m going to warm her ass until it’s red while she’s crying out for release. I may even shackle her to the cross while I’m at it.” Keeping his voice pitched low so others wouldn’t hear his private conversation, he couldn’t help but laugh when her eyes went wide.

  “What did she do to piss you off, Sir Dom?” Her voice was breathless and he knew Lucian would thank him later. Lauren was exquisitely responsive, so the idea of him punishing his wayward sub was enough to have her begging at Lucian’s feet for her own punishment.

  “She tried to lie to me.”

  She frowned. “That’s not a good thing. With no trust between the sub and her master, the relationship is doomed.”

  “Exactly, but even worse - when she tried to fake her pleasure and I called her on it - she ran from me.” His chest fell rapidly even now as the memory of her crying and fighting to free her hands from his grasp. Then when he tried to calm her, she’d shut down and totally refused any response.

  Lauren’s eyes widened and her own hands flew automatically to her bottom. Faking an orgasm was a sure-fire way to get a sub’s ass beat. “Oh dear! Tell me she didn’t try to fake her climax.” The disbelief in her voice told its own story. As a true submissive the thought of faking a climax was horrifying - truly difficult for her to accept. Nibbling on her lower lip, she struggled with the idea. “Perhaps she wasn’t ready to climax, Sir Dom?”

  His eyes darkened before he shook his head. “No, Lauren, she was trembling on the edge of a huge orgasm, more than likely a multiple, if she would’ve just let go and surrendered. I don’t know why she held back but she was right on the edge then froze. Before I could help her, she tried to fake her orgasm. Why the hell did she have to be so stubborn? She’s…”

  “…trying to sneak away, Sir Dom.” Her gentle warning had him turning back around to face the dance floor. The music had faded and the object of his lust was slipping through the crowd with practiced ease.

  “Oh, no you don’t, Adalia Diamonte.” He stood and held his hand out to Lauren. “I want you to do me a favor, little Lauren.”

  “Of course, Sir Dom.” She smiled up at him.

  “Tag after her. Let me know where she goes. When she enters my room, come get me.”

  “Your bedroom?”

  “Yes. Once there it’s only a short trip to my playroom.” He raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Sir Domnhall, you’re just plain evil.” Her giggle ruined the admonishment.

  He winked. “Of course I am, Lauren. But would you have me any other way?”

  * * * *

  Cursing under her breath, Addie kicked the safe closed. “Where the hell did you hide it, Domhnall O’Shanahan?” So far she’d checked the desk in his study, his leather valet in his walk-in closet and even the small safe nestled beside his bed. The marquise diamond ring was simply nowhere to be found.

  She was tempted to go downstairs and kick Dom’s ass. Her frustration with this assignment was that high. Especially after feeling Dom’s eyes slithering over every inch of her while she danced. She’d expected relief to be her primary feeling when she slipped away through the crowd. Instead when he’d turned to his date and seemed immersed in their discussion, she’d felt forlorn and almost violent enough to rip the little brunette’s hair out when she caught the hungry look he gave his date. Her heart had nearly stopped, but she had to remind herself, she no longer had the right to feel this way. She’d chosen to walk away from him rather give him any control over her. Sinking down on the bed, she rubbed her neck and wondered what would’ve happened if she’d given him what he wanted. She’d come closer than she’d ever had the night she’d walked out…

  Feeling the silk sheets against her back, she fought the demands of her own body even as her thighs trembled with the need to climax. Between her raised thighs, Dom lay sprawled on his stomach, his lips wet with her juices as his fingers slid inside of her aching pussy. He’d been toying with her body for nearly an hour but she wasn’t any closer to giving him what he wanted than when they’d started. She just couldn’t let go - no matter how close to climaxing she was. She hated the idea that when she failed once more, the frustrated look he’d give her would turn into one of resignation as he said good-bye.

  “Ahhh…I can’t…” She grasped the pillow under her head when he curved his fingers and brushed a spot so sensitive she couldn’t help but flinch.

  A growl escaped him. “Yes you can. Relax. Give yourself to me, baby. I’ll catch you.”

  His harsh command had her stiffening. While his voice was coaxing she could hear the steel determination behind it. Instead of giving her the push to let go, her response was to freeze. The pleasure which had been so close to erupting slid away as she sobbed in denial. More than anything she wanted to please him. He’d been so patient with her despite the fact she hadn’t been able to orgasm with him.

  A low moan escaped her when she felt the brush of his tongue over her clit as he toyed with the small hoop which pierced it. Despite the fact her clit was swollen and every tap and tug on her clit ring should’ve coaxed her nearer to and then over the edge, she felt helpless against the wall that separated her from the pleasure she’d heard all her girlfriends talk about.

  “So wet and needy.” His head lifted and he looked up at her. “Now, come for me.”

  Staring into his intense eyes, she panicked and did what she done with other lovers but had sworn she’d never do with Dom - s
he faked it. Giving a low moan, she rhythmically squeezed her muscles around his fingers and arched up against him. When it felt like she’d drawn it out long enough to be convincing, she sank back down to bedding, her breathing still raspy. She’d never considered the fact that her muscles clenched in protest as he removed his fingers or that her nipples were still distended — these telltale clues gave away her ruse.

  A low curse escaped him as he rolled away from her. Standing next to the bed he propped his hands on his naked hips, unconcerned with the erection that nearly reached his navel. “What was that?” His voice was colder than she’d ever heard it.


  “We agreed, Adalia, we’d be honest with each other.”

  She flushed, “Of course.”

  “I will not abide with liars in my bed, Ms. Diamonte, and faking an orgasm is the ultimate lie between lovers.”

  She swallowed and moved to leave the bed.

  “Stay put. I’m very angry with you. In fact so angry that you’d try something like this I need to get away from you before I take you over my knee and paddle your little ass.” He turned and stormed from the room.

  Licking her lips, she stared at the closed door before standing on wobbly legs. Her thighs no longer trembled with unslaked desire. Now they shook from not fear but anguish because she’d just lost something she didn’t even realize she had. Grabbing her clothes off the chair where she’d draped them, she quickly dressed. Slipping past the closed study door, she ran silently down the hallway and let herself out, leaving behind the only man she’d ever come close to giving up her control for…

  * * * *

  “Revisiting the scene of the crime, Adalia?” Dom’s cool voice had her flinching and jumping to her feet. She looked at him and tried to judge the distance between him and the door. Could she make it?

  “Don’t even try it.” Kicking the door shut, he pressed the electronic lock and leaned up against it.

  “Dom, I wasn’t expecting to see you…” She moved towards the French doors on the other side of the room.

  “Why ever not? This is my home and while I enjoyed your little show downstairs, it only pisses me off that before tonight you refused to dance for me.”

  Clenching her teeth, she tried to control her temper. “Just because you paid for the lessons doesn’t mean I am obligated to dance for you, Domhnall!”

  He shrugged before pushing off the door. “No it doesn’t.” He reached up and loosened the tie around his neck. “But you are deluded if you think that walking out of here that night last year cleared you of your obligations to me.”

  She froze like a deer ready to flee. “Excuse me?”

  “You owe me an orgasm, Addie and that is one debt I intend to collect.” His hazel eyes were full of determination.

  “Excuse me?” Her eyes were wide as he pulled the tie free of his collar.

  He smirked. “You heard me, Addie.”

  She gave a frustrated sigh but kept her distance from him. As always Dom could be very unpredictable. She wasn’t going to be foolish enough to get within his reach. “What is it with you men? Why can’t you let it go, Dom? I can’t orgasm. I’ve learned to deal with it. Better untouched than trying to explain to a man he can try all he wants and still get nada in return.” She moved to the other side of the room and placed her hand on the French doors.

  “You don’t have a prayer in hell of leaving this room untouched tonight.” He took a step towards her. “And you will come tonight, repeatedly. I will settle for nothing less.”

  She gave him a sarcastic look. “Been there, done that, even got the t-shirt to prove it. It didn’t work last year, it won’t this time either. Why not save yourself the headache and me the embarrassment?” She couldn’t believe she was actually arguing with her ex-lover about orgasms when she was supposed to be finding Bathilda’s missing ring.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, the scrap of black silk dangling from his fingers. “Why do you think it would give me a headache to pleasure you?”

  “Let’s face the reality here, Dom, you had several months to try and it didn’t happen. I’m done beating my head against that particular wall. Besides I didn’t come here to open old wounds. Bye.” She turned the knob and was halfway through the door, when his voice stopped her.

  “What about the ring, Adalia?”

  She froze before looking over her shoulder at him. Then she gave him a small smile she knew didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Do you have it?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “The question is: are you willing to pay the price to find out?”

  A shiver of both fear and excitement filled her. “We’re not playing let’s make a deal.” She’d seen him do this a numerous times with her father. In fact that’s how she’d met him; at a business luncheon her father had demanded she host for him. But now, just like then, Dom had a shrewd look on his face. He had an ace up his sleeve and she had a feeling she was going to end up on the losing end this time, instead of her powerful father.

  “Why ever not, Addie? From what I hear, you’re really good at it.” His voice was cool.

  A wave an embarrassment followed by fury washed over her. She didn’t need his brutal reminder of how many times she’d played this game with her own family until she’d finally gotten fed up and had left. Never again, she’d vowed.

  “And if you don’t, you’ll have to go back to Bethilda and admit defeat.”

  Shaking her head, she released the door handle and walked over to face him. Reaching up, she patted his cheek. “So that’s your Ace. I may be desperate for work, but even I won’t whore myself out to you to find some damn ring which I’m suspecting now was never stolen and may not even exist. You and Bathilda can kiss my ass.”

  “Oh I’ll do more than kiss it, Addie.”

  The heat in his eyes had her breath catching, but she knew regardless of how much he wanted her she could never satisfy him. Giving a grunt of exasperation at both herself and the situation, she turned to leave when she was suddenly grabbed from behind. Before she could even cry out she found herself pressed up against the wall with her arms restrained behind her. When she felt the brush of silk as he tied what was obviously his tie around her wrists, she cried out. “Dammit, Dom!”

  “Hush. I’m not going to hurt you much, but tonight you’re going to lose some of that formidable self-control for me.”

  She was sure he meant his voice to be reassuring, but the idea he wanted to strip her down to her base emotions terrified her. She couldn’t — no, she wouldn’t - give up her control to him.

  “Don’t do this to me.” Her eyes welled with tears at her own foolishness in getting close enough to him that she ended up in this position.

  “Do what? Make you come? Sorry, baby, that’s a foregone conclusion for tonight along with the punishment you earned by both lying and running from me.”

  She stiffened at his words. “Punishment! Are you outta of your mind, Domhnall? Who do you think you are? My master?”

  He leaned forward and pressed his mouth against her ear. “Yep, you’ve pretty much driven me crazy since you snuck out of my house over a year ago. You’ve no one to blame but yourself for what’s going to happen tonight.” He nipped her ear before spinning her around. Before she could blast him, his hard mouth covered hers and muffled any protest she could’ve mustered if he hadn’t shocked her right down to her innermost core and into silence.

  Electricity shot through her when his tongue thrust past her lips to tangle with her own. Despite her own lack of climaxing during sex, she’d always loved his kisses. Even if she couldn’t come, she’d take what little pleasure she could from offering her body to him, including the way he cuddled her afterwards as if she were the only woman on Earth. She whimpered when he lifted her off her feet and was vaguely aware of him moving. Her nipples peaked against the beaded chiffon top of her harem costume. A sharp inhale accompanied his tweaking her nipple with a toothy tug through it.

  When he finally
lifted his mouth, she expected to find herself by his massive four poster bed. Instead she found herself in the most arousing but scary room she’d ever seen in her life. Gazing at what she assumed was BDSM gear on the walls, and the various furniture scattered around the room only reinforced the idea she was in his private dungeon or playroom. She could only guess at the various uses of the items, but she knew she was in trouble here. She’d never have guessed her ex-lover was into this kind of lifestyle. She’d been sarcastic earlier when she asked him if he was a master. From the look of things, he obviously figured that if gentleness hadn’t broken her control, then he was prepared to play rough.

  Fear ran through her as the diaphanous material between her legs grew moist at the thought. She was afraid he might just be right. She’d been fascinated by BDSM for years but had lacked the courage to enter the scene. After all, Daddy would’ve blown a gasket if she’d smeared his good name by wanting edgy, rough but fulfilling sex. But the idea Dom would give it to her had her looking for a way out. She didn’t want to be vulnerable to him.

  The snick of another electric lock as he shut the door made her realize he’d cut off her only means of escape. Perhaps if she tried to reason with him? Her breath caught in her throat as she stood frozen watching him shed his tuxedo jacket and hang it on a peg next to the door. When he released the studs holding his dress shirt closed, a surge of panic nearly brought her to her knees.

  “Come on, Dom, you don’t want to do this. You’ve got a party and girlfriend downstairs waiting for you.”

  She swallowed hard when he pulled the tails of his shirt out of his waistband. Her breath came faster as he stopped mere inches from her. So close she had to look up to see his hazel eyes but still felt the heat pouring off his body. As he lifted his hand to the strap on her bikini top, she took a step back.

  “Touch me and I’ll scream bloody murder.” Even to her own ears her protest sounded weak.

  “Go ahead, Addie. Nobody will hear you. This room is soundproof.” Running his finger over the enticing décolleté top of her costume, he seemed intrigued. “And you’re very wrong. I do want to do this.” Flicking the front closure nestled between her breasts, he popped it open. A startled squeal escaped her when her breasts bounced free of the cloth and into his waiting hands. He tugged lightly on the small silver nipple rings running through them. “New?” When she flattened her lips and refused to answer, he gave them a sharp tug. Unbidden a cry of pain tinged with pleasure filled the room as she arched towards him. “Answer me, Adalia.”


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