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Love Bound

Page 21

by Selena Kitt

  She felt him going in — not in a big hurry, but not exactly taking his time, either. She was already horny from the vibrator on her clit for so long, so there was no problem with her being wet enough. Gordon's cock was larger than average, but not a huge monstrosity, thank goodness. Still, she felt him opening her up, felt her tissues stretching to accommodate him. She felt him go all the way in and then heard him groan, and that groan made her go from moderately horny to over the top horny. She knew better than to come without permission though. Gordon could get very creative with his punishments, and they were never enjoyable. Not even a little bit.

  He started moving and before long he was pounding her. She heard herself moaning and ohhhhh'ing, and felt her voice go staccato as he pounded into her from behind. She wanted to beg to be able to come, but he'd specifically told her not to ask, so she couldn't. She gritted her teeth and held onto her orgasm by her fingernails, taking every ounce of self control she could muster to keep her pussy muscles from spasming into an uncontrolled orgasm. She knew he'd want her to tighten down in a few minutes, and that would make it even harder to keep from orgasming... and there it was. His hand slapping her ass, meaning he wanted her to milk his cock as he fucked her. She tightened down as he was pulling out, and relaxed them as he pushed in, then tightened for him to pull out. She wasn't going to be able to keep from coming, she wasn't... "Sir, I'm not going to be able to hold back... I'm sorry Sir, Oh God, I'm trying so hard!"

  And then he slammed in four times hard and fast and held as he growled out something she couldn't understand as he came inside of her. She was still insanely horny, and that meant she hadn't orgasmed. It had been very close, though. And now she was just hanging, literally, over the back of the sofa... and so damned horny.

  "Good, Pet. Thank you. I feel much better now. And lucky for you, you did manage to hold on. Up you go, and then back on all fours... we're heading to the bedroom now."

  He led her through the bedroom and into the bathroom. She saw the enema bag on the sink, but she knew he'd do a Fleet enema first, something quick to start the cleaning process so she could take more water later.

  Without speaking, without warning, she felt the tip of what she was sure was a Fleet enema. He pushed it right into her ass and emptied the contents into her. She groaned as she felt the fluid going into her, but knew better than to complain. When he'd emptied the container into her he pulled the tip from her rectum and said, "You know how this works Pet, the longer you hold it the more it will clean out of you. You will take the entire two quarts on your next enema, and then we'll work up until you can take four quarts. I would advise you to hold the Fleet at least five minutes, but how long you hold it is entirely up to you. Take whatever position you need to take in order to help you hold it."

  She fell to her side on the floor, grateful for the permission. Later he would use a nozzle that would hold the liquid inside of her, but for now she needed to use her own self control to hold it. She gritted her teeth through the cramps. She knew this was part of his "detox" weekend, to not just relieve her of the emotional stress, but from the physical stress as well. He would empty her, literally. When he was through with the enemas the water coming out of her would run clear, and then she would nap again.

  After Victoria had evacuated the fleet enema she was required to spend five minutes walking and marching in place without needing to go to the bathroom before she was ready for the next enema. She spent about a minute walking in place before needing to go the first time, but eventually she was ready for the next enema. She still had the bondage mitts on, so of course he had to wipe her. She loved that he used the baby wipes instead of toilet paper, her asshole was going to be sore enough when this was over, toilet paper would have just made it worse. After she'd finally managed five minutes walking in place and was sure the enema was gone she crawled to him, staying in front of him for further instructions.

  "Hands and knees on the bed, please."

  She crawled to the bed, and then climbed onto it. He'd put the rubber sheets on and filled the enema bag while she'd been holding her first enema. These sheets had tie off anchors in various places to restrain her if he wished, but he wasn't restraining her yet. She felt the already lubed nozzle go into her ass, felt him inflating the balloons inside of her and outside of her, and knew she would hold this enema until he was ready to let her release it.

  "I'm going to let you start out laying on your side for this one. The water is the temperature you prefer, but I will warn you that there is a lot of soap and a touch of glycerine in this first one. It's going to hurt, and you're going to hold it for fifteen minutes once it is in."

  Victoria nodded her head and stretched out, then rolled to her left side and bent her legs a little at the hips and knees.

  "Here it comes, once we get it started I'll restrain you."

  Victoria felt the water, but he'd gotten it at a good temperature so it wasn't so bad. She knew that would change, but the initial entrance was manageable. She watched Gordon walk around the bed and reach for her left arm. He used the attachment on the bondage mitt to restrain her to the bed, but he used the rope so she'd have some slack.

  "I think that's good for now. You'll have more later, but as long as you continue to cooperate, I'll keep things relaxed."

  And that was the rub with this... he wouldn't stop this enema, she was going to take the entire two quarts whether she thought she could or not, and she would hold it for fifteen minutes, whether she thought she could or not. But then, after this one, he would expect her to take four quarts. She could stop an enema at any time past the first two quarts, and could insist that she must release at any time past the first two quarts. But that would just mean she'd have to do it again. This would continue until she took four quarts of clear water and held it for at least ten minutes. If they had to do it five or six times until she could take all four quarts, then that is what would happen. And after the third enema, he would start requiring her to hold a certain position, or he would restrain her into a certain position.

  Aaaahhh, he'd gotten the temperature right, but he hadn't been kidding about the glycerin and soap. Damn, this had barely started and she was hurting already. She closed her eyes and tried to breathe through the cramps and she felt his hand stroking her face. When they'd first started playing around with power exchange she'd wondered about how he could be the one to cause her pain and also be the one to soothe her through it. She'd over-analyzed it for the longest time, but finally she'd just decided that it worked, and she had stopped with the analysis. So, she let him soothe her, let him help her deal with the pain. She knew he would allow her to ask for a slow down a limited number of times, but it was way too early to ask for that. She'd want it later, she shouldn't ask for it this soon... but... shit... “Slower, please, Sir.”

  He moved his hand to the valve and said, “Already?” as he slowed the flow a little.

  “Yes, Sir. I'm sorry, but it's really hurting.”

  “Okay Pet, how's that?”

  She waited a second and felt the pressure lessen a tad bit and said, “Not a lot better, but a little better, thank you, Sir.”

  “We need to get you clean. I can help take your mind off of things if you'd like, but you won't be allowed an orgasm.”

  She didn't really know how to answer that. She didn't want to be frustrated, but being horny did help with the pain of the cramps. She thought about it a moment and finally said, “Whatever would please you, Sir.”

  “I would be pleased both ways. You tell me which you want.”

  “I don't suppose I could ask you to help me out without frustrating me too much, Sir?”

  He chuckled, “I'll take that into consideration, but you are correct that I'll be the one to decide how frustrated I want you, should you desire my help."

  Apparently he decided it was time to go back to the regular flow, and he adjusted the valve again. Or, maybe he just wanted her to make up her mind in one direction over another.

sp; "Please help me, Sir."

  He smiled, "Of course, Pet."

  He walked to the other side of the bed and sat down behind her. She felt him lift her right leg and put her foot down, with her knee pointing up. A good way for him to get access without having her move around too much.

  He started out with light touches to her outer lips, then a little firmer. Before long she desperately wanted something inside of her, but he kept teasing.

  "Please, Sir."

  "Please what?"

  "Inside. Please. Something inside, please Sir?"

  She felt him slowly put one finger in, then out, then in. But he did it so very slowly she thought she would lose her mind. She couldn't move her hips much in the position she was in, but she levered them forward and back as much as possible.

  He kept at it, teasing, then giving her what she wanted, then teasing again. She asked for the flow to slow two more times, but having him play with her really did help pass the time. When the cramps got bad he would talk her through some simple breathing exercises and then would help get her mind off of the cramps by giving her pussy more attention. Before she knew it she'd taken the entire two quarts and he removed the enema bag, though he left the retention nozzle in place, of course.

  He set the timer for fifteen minutes, and then continued to play with her until a few minutes before the timer went off. He spent the last couple of minutes massaging her tummy, and she hated when he did that. He was gentle enough, but it moved things around even more, and it was so humiliating to her for him to be able to feel of her bowels that way. He owned her, he chose what happened to her body... and it was when he was massaging her stomach while she held an enema that really brought it home. For most people it would be relieving themselves of the enema, of being wiped afterwards. But not for her.

  * * * *

  Two clear water enemas later she hadn't been able to make it to four quarts. She was so tired, she almost sobbed as she crawled her way back up onto the bed. He put the retention nozzle back in and inflated it without saying anything. She stayed on hands and knees since he didn't tell her she could move. She felt him putting the thigh bands on and she almost moaned her distress, but she stayed silent. Complaining wouldn't help matters at this point. She was within a half of a quart of taking the whole thing last time, but it was just too much.

  She felt him attaching her thigh bands to the footboard with rope and then heard, "chest to the bed, ass in the air, arms stretched out in front of you."

  She did as instructed and he attached her wrist cuffs to the attachments at the base of the headboard. He then ran a strap over her upper back that was attached to the hooks in the floor under the bed, and then tightened it down so she wouldn't be able to raise her back. She couldn't go forward or backward, and couldn't raise up. Damn.

  The retention nozzle went in again, then the water started. When he reported she was at the two quart mark he started playing with her again, starting with his fingers and then moving to a vibrator. It helped, but once she was fully into the third quart, nothing could help take her mind off of it. She felt tears forming in her eyes and then finally just gave up and started crying. But she gritted her teeth so her mouth couldn't safeword. This was going to be the last enema, period.

  Finally, she heard the gurgle and knew she'd taken the entire four quarts. Gordon set the timer and then removed the tubing from the nozzle, but left the nozzle in place. There was no way she could hold four quarts without it, and she knew she was in for ten minutes now. She also figured Gordon would fuck her while they waited. She'd never managed to orgasm while holding a large enema, so not being allowed to come wasn't a huge deal at the moment.

  She felt him release the straps holding her thighs in place, then he removed the thigh bands. She heard him putting them away and then he came back and climbed on the bed behind her. He left the band over her lower back in place, and he didn't release her hands. She felt his hands on her hips and then felt his dick going into her pussy.

  "Ahhh, so much tighter when you're holding all of that water."

  He fucked her slowly, not wanting to move things inside of her while she held all of that water. But he loved the idea of fucking her when she was so full, so he always managed to come even though he fucked her in slow motion. Today was no different, he kept up the slow fucking until shortly before time was up and then slammed into her twice and came, commenting on the heat of the water and on how tight she was. She loved that she could still get him so excited, and even though she wasn't even close to an orgasm herself, she loved the feel of him coming inside of her. The cramps were hurting, though. And with him out of her it was harder to ignore them. She took a few breaths to try to relax and heard, "Two minutes Pet. I'm going to be nice and go ahead and remove the restraints so you can go as soon as the timer dings. You'll stay in place until time is up or I'll add time, understand?"

  "I understand, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

  * * * *

  When Victoria awakened again she noted it was dark outside. She realized she was thirsty, and she knew that since she'd had the enemas that this was something Gordon should know. She rolled over and touched him, and he instantly opened his eyes and reached for her.

  "Hi Pet. How are you feeling?"

  "Thirsty, Sir."

  "You had lots of sports drink before you went to bed, how about some V8?"

  "That would be wonderful, Sir."

  "Okay Pet, stay put and I'll get you some. Are you a lot thirsty or a little thirsty?"

  "Umm, ten or twelve ounces, maybe?"

  He smiled, "Coming right up."

  He'd attached her ankle to the hook in the floor last night instead of her wrist, so she sat up and used the headboard as a backrest while she waited for him. He brought her a glass with a straw and held the glass for her. The bondage mitts had been removed before she went to sleep, but she still wasn't allowed to use her hands to do anything for herself. He sat beside her and patiently offered the glass as she drank in between their talking.

  "Do you want to go back to sleep, or are you awake?"

  "I think I'm awake, Sir. I know you won't tell me how long I slept, but it feels like I slept at least 8 hours. It's dark outside, but I feel fully rested."

  "If you're awake then we'll be heading to the basement, and you won't know whether it's daylight or nighttime for a while. If you feel that you need more sleep then you can roll over and go back to sleep."

  She took another drink and then said, "I'm awake, Sir."

  "I'm going to give you a one time option, Pet. My plans for the next 30 or so hours are rough. If you don't think you're up to it then tell me now and we'll end things now. You can get dressed and we'll go out to eat a nice breakfast somewhere. But, if you're up to it then we'll go downstairs and you'll be there until I'm ready to go back to our usual status quo."

  Victoria thought about that a moment and finally said, "You've just succeeded in scaring me shitless", she paused and chuckled, then looked up at him with a shy smile, "No, I guess that was the enemas. But, scared or not, if you've planned it, and if you think I can handle it, then I don't want to back out of it."

  Gordon leaned forward and kissed her, a nice long leisurely kiss. When her arousal level had gone from zero to eighty and she was really getting into it, he pulled back from the kiss. "You may use your hands to brush your teeth again, then brush your hair and put it into a high ponytail. You may use your feet to make your way to the play area in the basement. You may stay upright until you reach the basement. I've got some things to prepare in the kitchen. When I come downstairs I expect to see you impaled with your ass to the wall, you know the position. I prefer you start with the smallest dildo. Lots of lube, Pet."

  She gave the obligatory, "I understand, Sir", as he was removing the cuff from her ankle. She knew why he wanted her to use the smallest dildo, because that way when he took her ass it would be pre-lubed, but wouldn't be stretched very much, so it would be more like taking her ass, instead of a leisure
ly fuck.

  Victoria brushed her teeth and then put her hair into a ponytail. She made her way to the basement and into the dungeon area, which was basically a large windowless room that usually stayed locked so guests and family members couldn't accidentally make their way into it. They had furnished it with a home-made Saint Andrews Cross, bondage table, and spanking horse. There was also a wrought iron day bed with a trundle, a special ordered bondage chair, and a nice comfy chair so Gordon could relax while he watched his sex slave suffer. Victoria went to the six drawer chest and reached for the lube on top of it, using the pump to squirt some lube into her hand. She put her leg on the seat of the bondage chair and bent around to use her middle finger to lube herself, then she pumped more lube into her hands and put a liberal amount on the smallest stainless steel dildo mounted on the wall. She got a paper towel and wiped the lube from her hands, threw the paper towel in the waste basket, and went to her hands and knees and backed up to the dildo. The floor had cushioned mats under the dildos, so her knees would be fine. The dildo was mounted at the perfect height for her, so all she had to do was back up to it and push. The smallest dildo wasn't painful, this was more about submission, more about her taking it into her body because he said to. This was about her being on hands and knees, with something up her ass, impaled and attached to the wall, not being able to move around once she was in place. Once she'd backed up until her ass was touching the wall she slid her arms in front of her until her face and shoulders were touching the floor. It was clean, this wasn't about making her do dirty nasty things, this was about her being a sexual object, a pet, something completely owned and controlled by her master. She didn't have to think, she only had to follow orders. This was about release.

  Once her left cheek and shoulders and breasts were resting on the floor she pushed herself back again, reseating her ass against the wall, and then she relaxed as much as possible into the position.

  She didn't know how much time passed. Probably ten or fifteen minutes, but it could have been five minutes, or it could have been thirty minutes. She had no concept of time while she knelt on the floor, didn't even hear him coming down the stairs, but she heard him walk into the room, and saw his feet as he walked up to her.


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