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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 8

by Anya Summers

  Her world boiled down to these two men and the mind-numbing sensation of experiencing them both. Jared was just as experienced in oral sex as Declan was, licking, sucking, and driving her body to within a hair's breadth of release—only to back off and leave her whimpering.

  Declan never stopped playing with her breasts. They felt like two engorged melons ready to burst, they were so swollen from his attention. She could feel his thick cock nudged up against her rear and knew that the only reason he wasn't hilt deep inside her was the barrier his pants created. A low keening of frustration built with every graze of Jared's tongue across her core. He circled the engorged nub, nibbled the swollen flesh, sending sparks of electricity lashing her core higher, making her insides coil tighter until she was strung out like a bow about to snap. If he would just give her a bit more friction she could come. The man actually started to back off, leaving her sobbing for release.

  "Let her come, Jared. She's earned it," Declan murmured. Jared attacked her pussy with renewed vigor, lapping her clit, lashing it with his tongue. All of a sudden, she felt her body splinter.

  "Oh, oh, oh," she cried. Her head fell back against Declan's chest and he pinched her nipples, causing more ripples of electricity to surge straight into her pussy. Jared continued sucking on her, lapping at her juices until her tremors subsided.

  Jared swiped at her sex with his tongue one final time before he sat back on his heels, admiring his handiwork. He patted her mound, stood up, bent over her, and captured her lips in a drugging kiss. She tasted herself on his lips.

  "Thank you." Jared pulled back and she could see the large, firm bulge in his pants. Zoey knew that Jared would like nothing more than to screw her brains out. What was more surprising was that she would let him. She wanted to feel the fullness of his erection.

  Declan nuzzled her neck, pushing her forward slightly, and she heard the sound of his zipper, along with the foil wrapper of a condom. With a slight tilt of his hips, he settled her over the top of his large erection, and was pushing his way in past her swollen pussy lips until he was seated to the hilt. She groaned at the feel of his large penis inside her this way. His tip was touching her womb in a half pleasure, half pain way so that the two mingled together, taking her higher.

  He held there, his erection thumping inside her as he pulled some restraints from inside the back of the couch cushions. He maneuvered her legs until she was straddling him in a kneeling position, and secured both of her feet on either side of him. Then he attached her wrists with a secondary restraint that pinned her arms at her sides.

  Jared sat on the couch across from them, had undone his pants, and was holding his thick member in his hand, stroking himself.

  "Watch him masturbate as I fuck you," Declan ordered and began thrusting inside her. Zoey couldn't move, could only feel as he moved her up and down on his thick cock. Jared stroked himself in time to Declan's thrusts as he began pounding inside her. There was something so carnal about watching Jared fist himself, stroking his hard length as Declan speared her depths with his erection. She felt her muscles clench around his penis. Zoey had leapt over the abyss of pleasure without looking where she would land. Desire ratcheted higher with each sure stroke of Declan's firm length shuttling in short brutal digs inside her. She wondered what Jared's cock might feel like in her mouth, licking her lips as she stared at the ruddy head with a silver bead of moisture at the tip.

  Declan thrust hard, fiercely, and she moaned, keening as he kept his relentless pace, but still not allowing her to come. She needed the release, felt like she was crawling inside her skin, and if he could just…

  Declan plunged his length and pinched her clit simultaneously and her world tilted as her orgasm barreled through her. Her body trembled; clasping, contracting around Declan's erection as he continued stroking his long cock inside her. But neither man had come yet. He bent her forward slightly as far as the restraints would allow and slammed his cock in short, brutally hard digs, his cock sliding against her g-spot at this angle. Each thrust hit that spot and she surrendered, allowing the pleasure to take over. She strained.

  Jared was still fisting himself, rocking his hips, and growled. Declan plunged inside her, his fingers dug into her hips and he let loose, biting her shoulder as he pummeled her. His cock jolted and his straining orgasm sent her over the edge as his fingers pinched her clit, as he hammered his release, and she screamed. Her eyes glazed over.

  "Ahhh." Jared came, spurting his seed in white jets on his chest.

  Zoey slumped, her body lay limply against Declan's chest as he undid her restraints. He shifted her legs, her muscles cramped from the odd position, and he massaged them back to life as he slid from her body, repositioning her beside him on the couch. He cuddled her close and she sighed in sheer bliss.

  Declan kissed her forehead. "There's a good lass."

  They reclined in a delicious afterglow haze, snuggled together on the couch. Declan's pants were still undone, his shaft limp, and cum leaking slightly from the condom. But he had not divested himself of his clothes and she didn't have a stitch on.

  Jared broke the spell. He stood, fastened his pants, then stripped his cum-soiled shirt off. He walked over to where she was cuddling with Declan on the couch. His hand grazed her cheek lightly before he spoke. "You're lovely, lass. Thank you." And he exited the room.

  The afterglow extinguished, Declan helped her dress. Then he escorted her back to her room, depositing her in her bed, where she drowsily curled up with a yawn. So many orgasms had made her sleepy.

  "Rest," he murmured. "I have some work to do today, but then I want you rested for tonight."

  She moaned at the thought. He chuckled and gave her a brief kiss on the lips before leaving her to her own devices.

  Chapter 6

  Zoey awoke with a start, hearing a click of the bedroom door as it closed. Yawning, she rose, wrapping the robe around her nude body. Declan seemed able to get her out of her clothes in record time. She'd spent more time here undressed than clothed. She noticed a stack of attire on the loveseat. Getting out of bed, she padded over to it.

  They were her clothes! How did they get there? And, by the looks of it, it wasn't everything from her suitcase.

  There was a knock on the door.

  "Come in," she called.

  Sherry opened the door toting Zoey's toiletries bag, her purse, which she thought she'd dropped on her hike somewhere, and another small stack of her clothes. "Here you are. Master Declan said you might like to know that Jared recovered your possessions from the rental car. They were frozen and we have been working to repair them for you as best we can. This is what we have been able to retrieve thus far."

  "Thank you so much. This is great. And Declan mentioned you had loaned me some of your clothes until I could get my own and I wanted to thank you," Zoey said.

  "Us subs have to stick together right? Otherwise the Masters would keep us naked at all times. Can't let them think they have the upper hand all the time, now can we?" Sherry grinned.

  Zoey couldn't help but return the warm-hearted smile. "Right," she responded. So, Sherry was a sub, too.

  "Let me know if I can get you anything else. Master D said you can have whatever you want."

  He did, did he? He had mentioned an indoor pool, Zoey thought, fingering her bikini. She had packed it on a whim. Now she was glad she trusted her instincts. On more than one account.

  "Do you think I could have lunch in the pool area? I'd love to go for a swim, but I'm a little hungry."

  "Certainly, tell me what you would like and I can have Mrs. Stewart whip it up for you," Sherry said, eager to please.

  "A chicken spinach salad with some fruit would be sheer heaven. If that's not too much trouble." Zoey hated making extra work for people, even if it was their job.

  "None at all. Do you know where the pool is?"

  "I think so, I did a little tour last night. It's on the first floor, west, past the kitchens, right?" Zoey hoped Sherry didn't
notice the blush she felt spreading at the mention of the previous night.

  "You've got it. I will meet you there in, say, fifteen minutes." Sherry beamed.

  "Perfect. Thanks," Zoey replied, thinking how lucky she had been to get stranded on Declan's mountain. She had a luxurious room, maid services, and could have made to order meals at any time, day or night. A girl could get used to this type of lifestyle very fast.

  Sherry nodded, exiting the room. Zoey dressed in her black bikini with shimmering blue swirls. It didn't hide the small bruises on her hips from Declan's 'tender' ministrations. Just thinking about him, her blood pulsed and spiked to life. Putting the great big black monstrosity of a robe on, she hurried down to the pool area.

  The room was the size of a small gymnasium, but so much nicer. It was tiled and designed to resemble the inside of a Greek temple, with ivory columns and carvings of Greek deities decorating the walls. The pool itself was a shimmering blue lake, roughly half the size of an Olympic pool, and titled to resemble the dark blue waters of the Mediterranean sea. There were black lounge chairs and tables placed near the entrance. At the far opposite end of the room, overlooked by a life-sized white marble statue of Aphrodite, was a bubbling hot tub.

  Zoey tested the water with her toes, finding it pleasantly heated. This was luxury, this was what wealth could buy. She had the entire pool area to herself. A heated indoor pool while outside there were piles of snow. She felt a bit like Alice in that she had fallen down a rabbit hole and into a world of fantasy. All the stress and strain from recent years was beginning to recede, almost like they were a bad dream. Except the fantasy would end when her week in Scotland was over.

  She shoved the depressing thought from her mind, determined to soak up enough of the fantasy to make it last a lifetime.

  Draping the robe over a chair, she dove into the pool, swimming freestyle laps. What kind of woman was she? She'd had sex with a man she didn't know. Really great, likely the best she's ever had, mind-blowing, how many times can one woman orgasm before launching herself off the planet sex. In all her life, she'd never had casual sex, and definitely not with a man she didn't know, until now. She'd had serious boyfriends over the years. Men she had dated and with whom she been intimate—but without a true love connection.

  In the last twenty-four hours she'd engaged with and allowed a man she didn't know to tie her up and do things to her—and with her—that she'd never imagined people did in real life. She had assumed her fantasies, some of the things she'd read about, were more fiction than truth. After a dozen laps she rested against the edge, her body floating. Except now she knew that world did exist. If she was honest with herself, last night with Declan had been the most freeing moment of her life. It had been a sense of selflessness, like she no longer belonged to herself but to him. Then this morning… her face flamed at the memory of Jared between her legs.

  Think of the devil and he appears.

  Zoey inaudibly groaned as Jared strode into the room carrying a tray not a minute later. He arranged the tray on a nearby table. Then scooped up her robe and stood near the stairs, apparently waiting for her. He really was the sexiest butler she'd ever seen. This was the first time she'd been alone with him since she had arrived, and knowing that he had not only seen her without her clothes on but had joined in love play with her and Declan, made her belly quiver.

  She climbed out of the pool, allowing him to help her into the robe. She shivered as his fingers lightly grazed her collarbone and felt her nipples harden at the contact. She was thankful that the robe covered her boobs at least, so he couldn't see that it just took a touch and she was turned on.

  And he had only given her oral sex.

  How could she want two different men? What the hell was wrong with her?

  She allowed him to lead her over to the table. There was quite a bit more than just a spinach salad with chicken laid out before her. There were slices of cheese, grapes, warm French bread, and a crock of honey.

  "But there's so much food," she said, looking up at Jared, confused by everything as she sat.

  "Eat as much as you can. Declan said to make sure you were getting extra to help replenish your energy for tonight." He smiled knowingly, his gaze tracing over her body.

  Even though she was fully clothed, his gaze raked her with heat in his eyes. She blushed under his frank stare. He knew exactly what she looked like without a stitch on—and what was more, what she tasted like.

  Desire punched through her system, remembering how much she had wanted to taste him. How could she be feeling passion for two men? Granted, both were some of the finest specimens of the male sex that she'd ever encountered, but it didn't make her conundrum any less of a mess. She'd come to Scotland to get away from messy situations.

  Zoey tried to shoo her thoughts away from the dangerous direction they wanted to race down; one where she and Jared built on their experience that morning. "Did you want to join me?" she asked. There was more than enough food to feed a family, let alone just her. And it would give her something to do other than fantasize about what she'd like to do with him.

  As if he could read her thoughts, his gaze heated. "You could tempt a saint. Eat up, American lass. You will need it for the night's pleasure."

  She gulped as he chuckled, giving her a wink and leaving her alone with her thoughts. Once she started eating, she discovered that she was famished. She filled up on bread smothered in honey, her salad, eating every last bite, and then topping it all off with some of the Manchego cheese.

  When Zoey had finished, Sherry came strolling in.

  "All finished?" she asked, taking inventory of the near empty plates.

  "Yes, thank you. It was wonderful." Zoey felt replete with a full tummy and relaxed from her swim.

  "By the way, I think you might be missing this." Sherry laid Zoey's cell phone on the table. "They found it behind the bench in the front entryway."

  Her cell phone! She'd worried that it had been lost in the snow somewhere. It must have slipped out of her purse when she had fainted in the foyer. She had better hope that the apocalypse never happened, roughing it was so not her forte.

  "How did they find it?" Zoey questioned, curious and thankful all at the same time. Her life was regaining some semblance of balance with the returned phone.

  "Master Jared heard it ringing, and moved all the furniture in the hall until he discovered, 'What the bleeding hell was making such a god-awful noise,' as he put it."

  Zoey burst out laughing. Her ringtone was rather annoying when she thought about it. She'd picked one that she could hear even if she was playing music or watching a movie. Glancing at her phone, she saw she had half a dozen missed calls from Ophelia and Lucy.

  "Thank you. If Declan needs me, I'm heading back to my room for a bit to make some calls and change."

  "I'll take care of this for you." Sherry lifted the tray.

  Zoey nodded her thanks and went back to her room. After another shower to rinse all the chlorine from her hair, she tried unsuccessfully to reach her sister.

  "Lia, it's Zoey. Change of plans, I'm not staying at the Thistle Bed & Breakfast. There was a freak snow storm, if you can believe it, and I'm staying at this historic manor house. Try not to worry, I'm fine, doing what I can to figure my life out." She left the message and hung up. Lucy wasn't to be reached either, and Zoey realized that, with the time difference, they would both be asleep.

  Figure her life out. She wasn't even close. Sometimes she felt like everyone else had been provided with the script for how life was supposed to run and she had somehow never received it. She'd always thought that if she faked it until she made it, she would eventually make it. And she would have, too, if not for that backstabbing little prick who'd leaked client data to the press and then blamed it on Zoey.

  With their clients being some of the most wealthy and powerful people in Hollywood, having an agency release private client data online was akin to committing career suicide. She'd never get another age
ncy to hire her. Her name had been bandied about on the five o'clock news with vicious relish. The image of that little prick's smile as she took the fall for his misdeeds made her want to commit violence. She'd never forget being led from the building, and the position she'd loved so much, with her small box of belongings, shell-shocked about being accused of leaking client data for money.

  They had traced the leak to her computer. Only Zoey didn't do it. And she had realized, as she was escorted out of the building, that the snide little prick had set her up. He'd used her computer to leak all the information knowing it would automatically tank her career. They'd both been competing for the same promotion and that little worm had ensured he clinched it.

  She'd done what her parents had asked her and look where it had gotten her. Zoey wondered for the umpteenth time where her life would be if she had gone to the culinary arts college like she'd wanted. Maybe it was something she could look into when she returned to Los Angeles. But the thought of going back to LA was depressing instead of comforting as it had once been. The familiarity of staying in the home their parents had bought and paid for before their deaths had been good for both her and her sister. That created a bit of a cushion for the two of them, softening the blow of suddenly becoming orphans.

  Zoey dressed, knowing she would see Declan and, more importantly, have sex with him. As part of their agreement, he could use her whenever he wanted. The logical side of her brain believed she should feel shame at the deal she had struck. Except she didn't, she was taking a vacation from her life in the truest sense of the word.

  Leaving her room, she started exploring the magnificent estate she found herself in. Starting on the first level, she walked through rooms that made her think of the Victorian England manor homes Jane Austen wrote about. The ballroom was enormous, as large as her high school's gymnasium, if not more so, with gilded ceilings, chandeliers, and glistening marble floors.


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