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The Dungeon Fantasy Club

Page 61

by Anya Summers

  Tyler wrapped her body in a warm blanket, still holding her close. God, when was the last time she'd just been held and cared for? Way too long ago. She'd actually forgotten how good it could feel to just have a set of strong arms hold you. Broken women like her, the ones who were barren, needed the comfort more, in truth. Because no matter what, there would always be a part of Elise that felt that, because of her defective womb, she wasn't enough, and when it came to matters of relationships, she'd always be the one who men tossed away and considered disposable goods.

  She snuggled into his embrace, unwilling to move or have him end his hold on her too soon. One day, he'd let her go for good. Men always did.

  Chapter 4

  Tyler lay in bed as the first streaks of sunlight danced across the sky beyond his windows. He liked greeting the sun each morning, and was in the habit of leaving the curtains open. Most nights, anyway, except he'd barely slept a wink this past night as he'd lain awake, pondering the next steps to take with his new sub. And Elise was his, he'd not let another Dom near her. He used every ounce of his willpower to unclench his hands from the bedsheets at the thought of another Dom touching what he considered his—at least, not until her training was complete. And even then, the possessive nature of his feelings toward her, and after only one night, left him feeling rattled and more than a bit exposed.

  Tyler didn't like it when his control and composure were upended. It was why he was a Dom in the first place. He must have control in the bedroom, and everywhere else, for that matter. It was an absolute.

  Elise had been a revelation the previous night. Any doubts he'd initially had as to whether she was a submissive or not had been extinguished when he'd felt the way her pussy had clamped around his hand, followed by her sweet cries in his arms. Her body had shown him, as she'd watched Sean and Molly, that not only did the lifestyle turn her on, but that she'd most likely enjoy participating in a similar type of scene. Tyler wanted to draw her out of her cocoon and show her just how beautiful she truly was, awaken the sensual sub he'd witnessed just waiting for the right Dom to draw her out.

  Tyler planned on being that Dom. Period.

  He had been riveted and rock hard after he'd disciplined her last night. Tyler would have liked nothing more than to tie her down and slide his cock inside her welcoming pussy. She'd been so far gone he could have taken advantage, but something had told him that if he pressed his authority too soon, he'd lose out in the long run.

  It had been her tearful confession that she had disobeyed his command because she wanted more of his kiss, more of him, which had almost been his undoing. So instead of pressing his mastery over her body, he'd gifted her with an orgasm. Elise was stunning when she came. The way her eyes widened in amazed delight, and her mouth; those luscious lips had formed a perfect O as she'd tossed her head back and screamed loudly enough he was surprised the fourth floor occupants hadn't heard her.

  He sighed as his thoughts sent an automatic switch to his dick that made him swell and harden. His cock was still unhappy with him for not allowing him the chance to bury itself in her warm heat. Tyler had been in a semi-aroused state since the club last night. And while he could have gone back to the club—after he had deposited Elise in her bedroom—and sampled someone else from the sub pool, he hadn't wanted any of the other subs. He wanted Elise.

  While he'd lain there, observing the Milky Way passing through the heavens, an idea had formed during his near sleepless night. The best way to train Elise would be away from the club. He was convinced it would be the better methodology. She was shy about her nudity and baring herself to others. Some of that resistance could be dealt with over time, but he knew that, after last night, there was no way he could push her into a scene at the DFC if she didn't know what to expect. Elise would fight him like she had last night. As much as he had loved disciplining her—he still remembered the feel of her smooth ivory globes beneath his hands—Elise was such a newbie to his world and the lifestyle, that if he had to discipline her at every turn, it could backfire and she'd bolt from what she needed. She reminded him of a skittish colt with her wariness. Winning her trust was paramount, and he didn't believe he should do that with an audience. Not with Elise.

  Tyler would clear his plans with Declan first, make it another condition of her membership. He had a feeling she'd jump on the opportunity to explore her erotic nature further without spectators present. That way, once she had become more comfortable with the intricacies of the lifestyle, and comprehended what was expected of her, he believed she'd be more than willing to perform a scene in the Dungeon with him. He'd love nothing more than to paddle her delectable butt until it was ruby red while onlookers watched. His cock twitched at the thought.

  Checking the time on the clock on the nightstand, he sent Declan a text with his plans.

  Keeping Elise from the DFC for the next few nights until properly trained. Making it a condition of her membership, should she say anything to you or Zoey. Any problems with that?

  Tyler hit 'send' and rose from his bed. Not two seconds later, he received a reply from Declan.

  None. Do whatever you feel needs to be done with her training.

  He'd known Declan would back him but the sweet taste of victory still made him smile. Already nude, he strode into the bathroom to take a shower. If he was going to accomplish his aims and get this room prepped before nightfall, he had quite a bit to accomplish, including informing the little sub.

  The thought of having Elise all to himself and at his mercy made his hard-on almost painful. In the shower, once he had the water running at an acceptable heat level, setting the temperature to just below scalding, he fisted his cock, imagining sinking it into Elise's gorgeous pussy. Remembering her taste and how her taut cunt had sucked his fingers inside it, his dick jerked in his grasp. Fuck it. He couldn't walk around all day with a hard-on. Using the water as lubricant, he stroked his member, needing a small measure of relief, even if it was only through masturbation. He swore that his cock would feel her wet heat before the night was through. At that promise to himself he stood under the hot spray, moving his fist up and down his length, placing his other on the tiled wall and closing his eyes as pleasure increased. A myriad of fantasies ran through his mind, and all of them involved different positions and scenes he wanted to try with Elise.

  Except it was the memory of the previous night, as she'd writhed and canted her hips in his lap as he plunged his fingers inside her sheath, that sent him over the ledge. Pumping his fist faster, his muscles strained, his balls drew up tight, and his cock jolted, hot semen erupting as his orgasm shuddered through his system.

  When his climax finally finished, Tyler cleaned up and proceeded to wash himself. After his shower, he dressed for the day and went to the kitchen, hoping to charm Mrs. Stewart into making a breakfast he could deliver to Elise.

  She was already at one of the ovens, withdrawing some type of, he sniffed the air, cinnamon confection that had his mouth watering.

  "Are you certain there's nothing I could do to entice you away from Declan?"

  She set the piping hot tray of scones onto some potholders before glancing his way with a small grin. "Och, heavens, no. As much as I like you, lad, I'm far too old to be starting over again in America. Besides, Declan and Zoey will need me once they start having babies."

  Tyler studied the older woman. Childless and single, she'd devoted her life to raising Declan, and wasn't just his cook but had been a surrogate mother of sorts. He could see Mrs. Stewart playing grandmother to any children Declan and Zoey might have, being as neither of their own mothers were alive.

  "Yes, I suppose he will need you more than me, but a man can always dream," he replied with a wink.

  She chortled and blushed at his words. "What can I do for you this fine morning, Tyler?"

  "I need a breakfast tray for myself and Miss Beauregard. Maybe with a few of those heavenly scones you just pulled from the oven?" Tyler nodded toward them, realizing he was famishe

  At his glance at the pastries, Mrs. Stewart placed one on a small plate, poured a cup of coffee, and set it in front of him on the counter. "For you, while I whip something up for you and the little miss. Hopefully she will do more than pick at her plate, that one."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because she hardly ate a thing yesterday. And I know it wasn't my cooking, since everyone else all but cleared their plates. No, that poor girl is battling something to make her eat so little, if you ask me. I'll load you up with a fine selection and you see that you get her to eat more than a few bites. Can't have Mullardoch's guests wasting away from lack of sustenance under my watch."

  Interesting. It cemented his opinion that her eyes held something haunted in them. The fact that he wasn't the only one who'd noticed meant he wasn't too far off base. That was something he'd get to the bottom of during her tutelage. He took a bite of scone and groaned. The pastry was warm and gooey, melting in his mouth. Tyler savored the cinnamon goodness.

  "I'll see that she eats," he said between bites. He even did the 'cross your heart' hand gesture as he popped another piece of scone in his mouth, chasing it down with a swig of coffee.

  By the time Mrs. Stewart had loaded a rolling cart for him, overflowing with eggs, sausage, a platter of scones, fruit, cheese, coffee, tea, and juice, Tyler had already scarfed down two of the scones and was actually considering a third. She covered all the food with metal dome warmers.

  "There you go, my lad."

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You're truly worth your weight in gold, Mrs. Stewart."

  Tyler wheeled the cart out and headed to Elise's bedroom, feeling like he was on the prowl and about to score himself an unknowing prey. He'd left her door unlocked when he'd departed her room the night before, since safety wasn't an issue at the manor. In the end, it had been incredible foresight on his part, at least from his perspective. Elise may not believe so once he issued the newest edict to her membership, because now he was able to enter her room unobstructed, wheeling the cart in with no problem.

  Elise nestled under the covers where he'd deposited her the previous night. He navigated the cart over to the café style table and chairs near the window and then proceeded to set up the elaborate spread. Even with the two scones he'd already partaken of, the scent of freshly cooked eggs and sausage made his stomach growl. He'd always had a hefty appetite for many things.

  Elise would eat; he'd make sure of it. Then he sauntered over to her bed with his single-minded objective. A groan escaped him as he was brought up short.

  Her hair was mussed from sleep. The shorter locks looked rumpled from a man's hands. She lay on her back, one arm tossed above her head and, sometime during the night, the covers had slipped down to her navel, baring her breasts. The slight chill in the air had made her nipples pucker into dusky rose points that begged for a man's mouth on them. His mouth. He wanted his lips on her puckered nubs. He bit back a growl at the erotic image she projected. A niggle of an idea wormed its way into his brain. That certainly would be one way to wake her up.

  Tyler gently slid onto the bed, bending over her frame until his face hovered over one of her nipples. With his eyes trained on her face, he opened his mouth and tongued the rosy tip.

  Elise swam up from the most erotic dream in her life. All night, she'd dreamt that she had been the one on the St. Andrew's cross the previous evening, with Tyler using the flogger on her, sending her body into the stratosphere of sexual frenzy. Hot warmth enveloped her left breast, with delicious tugs of need spiraling in her body. Her pussy fluttered and quaked in expectant urgency as desire made her float in a haze of need. It was the teeth that woke her.

  Her eyes shot open at the exquisite pleasure pain jolting from her breast directly to her sex, only to discover Tyler's dark midnight mop of hair, and her breast in his mouth, biting down on her nipple.

  "Tyler?" she stammered, attempting to hide her moan as he squeezed the bud again in a series of quick, sharp bites.

  He released her boob with a popping sound and tilted his head up slightly, with a wicked grin slashing his handsome face. He looked like a fallen angel; his devilish smirk turning her insides into heated mush. Overnight, he'd grown more handsome, and his gaze made her want to do bad things, made her want to have him give her a degree in the erotic—and, more than anything, made her want to offer him her breast again and have him continue with whatever it was he had in mind.

  "Morning." The deep timbre of his voice thrummed in her chest and she had to fight the urge to touch him.

  Fingerlings of panic rose in her chest. Already, after just one night with him, he had far too much of a hold on her. Elise wasn't a woman who easily gave her of herself, on any front. Was she that desperate for affection?

  "What are you doing here, in my room?" Sucking on my nipple and making me want more… but she left that unsaid as she attempted to move away from him. There was nowhere to go. He had her caged, with his big body leaning over hers, an arm on either side, holding himself aloft as he hovered over her naked boobs.

  "We have some things we need to discuss with regards to your sub training. I brought your breakfast so we can get things hammered out and finished before you have to start work today."

  Her sluggish brain went through his list. Her heart fluttered. Feed her? He'd brought her breakfast in bed, er, almost?


  Elise couldn't remember the last man who'd brought her breakfast in bed. In fact, it had usually been the other way around, since she was always attempting to make up for her deficiency. The thought of her barren womb was like dumping a bucket of ice water on her head. If he could turn her insides into a melting pot of gooey sighs just with breakfast, she had to tread carefully with him. This was a short-term arrangement, not a marriage proposal.

  "Although," Tyler drawled, "if you would rather we stay in bed, I can certainly oblige."

  The blatant hunger he flashed her way made her hormones goes bananas. Her nipples pebbled and she felt moisture at her apex. She wasn't ready for sex with Tyler. Not yet. It would happen, of that she was sure, but she had to take a step back for some breathing space.

  "Breakfast sounds nice. Thank you," she murmured, panic making her heartrate spike.

  He contemplated her for a moment before pushing himself up into a sitting position at her side. His ease at being so near her unsettled her more than she wanted to admit.

  Elise glanced down at her body and it finally sank in that she didn't have a stitch of clothing on. This was her brain without sleep and coffee. What the hell? Why was she naked?

  "Where are my clothes?"

  She didn't remember getting undressed last night. Hell, she didn't even remember coming back to her room. The last memory she had of the previous night was Tyler fingering her into one of the best orgasms she had experienced in years—if not ever. Goodness, and her body had been so primed for anything he could conceive of, but after her orgasm, there was a blank slate. Tyler was here, in her room, like he owned the place—and, more importantly, her. What had happened last night after the club, and why couldn't she remember?

  "We didn't, I mean, how did I get back to my room last night? And you and I, we didn't?" She gestured with her hand, the implication buzzing in her brain as panic bubbled in her chest. Did she have sex with him and not remember?

  A wicked light entered his eyes and he ran a finger over the slope of her breast, tracing the nipple with his thumb, making her body ache. "Sadly, no, we didn't. You fell asleep in the DFC and I carried you back to your room."

  He recounted the details so matter-of-factly she didn't have time to be embarrassed. She'd fallen asleep. Thank goodness! Probably the combined mixture of orgasmic afterglow and jetlag had sent her over the ledge of consciousness. But she'd left herself completely vulnerable and dependent upon him, which was something Elise couldn't recall doing with anyone before, let alone a virtual stranger. "I see, and my clothes? Why am I not wearing them?"

"Leather can chafe and be a bit too uncomfortable as pajama wear. I thought you'd be more comfortable in your bare skin, so I stripped you and put you to bed." He shrugged, as though a simpleton could deduct his reasoning and it had been no big deal.

  Right. No big deal. From where she was at, it was monumental. He'd taken care of her when she had been unable to care for herself. Other than Kara after Elise had had her wisdom teeth removed, she had not had another person take care of her since she'd been a child. She still didn't trust it. Maybe she'd been in Manhattan too long after all. "And nothing happened after that?"

  "I admit I enjoyed every bit of undressing you, darlin', but I don't make it a habit to have sex with an unconscious woman. And I can guarantee you, if we had, there would be no doubt in your mind about whether we'd had sex or not. That I can promise you." A blast of carnal sensuality covered his features and created a corresponding ache in her body.

  "Oh," she murmured, feeling a blush spread over her body. Well, she really didn't know how to respond to that. And the way he looked at her, like he wanted nothing more than to prove how wonderful sex with him would be, made the air in her lungs clog and her skin shrink to about three sizes too small.

  "Come on, breakfast is getting cold. Mrs. Stewart whipped it up especially, just for you, and you wouldn't want to break that lovely woman's heart now, would you?" Tyler rose from the bed and held his hand out to her.

  "Give me just a minute," she replied, pulling at the sheet until it covered her boobs. She practically ripped at the material until she was able to fasten it around her body like a messy toga.


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