Bitter Hearts (A Southern Loving Book 3)

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Bitter Hearts (A Southern Loving Book 3) Page 21

by Thorn, Ava


  Hank woke early the next morning. When he began to stretch, he noticed it was impossible to move. Opening his eyes quickly, he stared into a pair of green ones. Natalie smiled at him seductively, she was wrapped around him, with her head resting comfortably on his chest. Her arms and legs were intertwined with his. Her flaming red hair was a tousled mess.

  “Morning sunshine,” she moaned, rubbing her hand up and down his arm.

  “What the hell are you doing in my bed?” He untangled their bodies and stood up wearing nothing but his birthday suit.

  “Now sugar, don’t act like you don’t know what happened between a man and wife last night.”

  “We did not sleep together.”

  “How do you know?” she asked with a sly grin, “You was drunk as a skunk.”

  Hank remembered drinking a lot last night, but he didn’t recall sleeping with Natalie. “Get dressed and get out.” He went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Stepping under the hot spray of the water, his mind drifted back to last night. Lathering the soap in his hands, he remembered Natalie coming back to the ranch with boxes to pack. The countless bottles of beer and shot of tequila hindered his judgment last night. He remembered kissing Natalie, who came onto him, but when she kissed him he felt guilty afterwards and immediately put a halt to her.

  “Oh god,” he moaned. Hank couldn’t remember anything else happening between them.

  Stepping out of the shower with a towel wrapped around him, he strolled into the bedroom and froze where he stood. Standing in the doorway in the bedroom was Kari with vacant look on her pretty face.

  “Kari, it’s not what it looks like,” he started to say.

  “Don’t talk to me!”

  “Kari, come on,” Hank said, following her like a puppy downstairs, wearing only a towel. “Will you please let me explain?” he begged as she put on her coat.

  “Explain what? That you were in a compromising position with you ex-wife?”

  “Honey, Hank is still my husband so that makes me his wife,” Natalie interrupted.

  “You guys can have one another,” Kari bellowed, her hand grabbed the doorknob, pulling the door open only to have Hank come up behind her, slamming it shut again.

  “Sit down and let me explain,” he commanded.

  Rolling her eyes, she turned to face him, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door. “Fine…Three minutes and then I’m leaving.”

  “I had a lot to drink.”

  The look on Kari’s face said yeah right. “I’ll give you a point for originality.”

  “I was drinking until midnight. Thinking about us! She came here to finish packing her belongings-”

  “And I just happen to fall on his dick,” Natalie interrupted.

  Kari sighed, she wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe that he was innocent, but the scratch marks on his back told another story. Why should she believe that Hank was different from Sam?

  “Baby, please,” he begged softly, seeing the doubt written all over her face. “I love you. I don’t want anyone else. Please…just think about it this and trust me.”

  She nodded her head. “I need some space.”

  Hank opened his mouth to protest again, he was ready for her to forgive him. Instead, he opened the door allowing her to escape the confines of his house.

  “I don’t know why you’re looking like that,” Natalie hummed walking down the stairs. “Kari is a spoil brat, who thinks she can get whatever she wants.”

  “Natalie, pack you shit and get out before I have you moved forcefully.”

  “She offered me a million dollars to leave you and right now I’m think I should have taken it.” Natalie stormed up the stairs.

  Taking the stairs two at a time, he opened the door so hard that it slammed against the wall. “I don’t believe you or your lies.” He stood there with his fist balled up so hard his knuckles were becoming white. “I chose to be generous in the divorce decree, but today that pretty red wagon has come to a screeching halt.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ll show you better than I can tell you,” Hank snapped, his face was beet red with anger.

  “Fine, we didn’t sleep together,” she chuckled uneasily, “Do you want me to call that gullible woman?”

  “Stay away from her or there will be hell to pay.” Hank turned to walk out into the room but stopped. “I’m sorry.” He turned back and looked at her. “I’m sorry that I dragged the end of our relationship out, as I contemplated our relationship. The many fights and hurling insults at one another. We were stuck in this realm where we thought our relationship was perfect.”

  “It wasn’t.” Natalie sat on the bed with her head in her hands. “It wasn’t working but we tried so hard.”

  Hank took a seat next to her, in a friendly gesture he reached for her hand. “It’s took you being unhappy and running into another man arms, for us to realize this. We should have done this much sooner. I don’t blame you.”

  “I tried to change you, when I should have been trying to change myself.” Natalie pulled her hand from his. “I fought you and hated you because you thought you knew what was best for me, for us.”

  Hank nodded his head and agreed with her. “I want you to be happy and I mean it.”

  They both sat there in silence, the only sound coming from the room was the ticking of the clock on the wall. There were no tears or fighting anymore just acceptance that they weren’t compatible anymore. “I don’t know if Dwight is good enough for you…but you deserve someone who will love you to the moon and back.”

  “Do you want me to talk to Kari?” she sniffled and blew her nose.

  “No.” He stood up and began to walk to the door. “Right now Kari and I just need someone space.”


  “Are you sure you have to leave?”

  Kari ruffled Corey’s hair before she walked pass him with a handful of clothes. “You act like I’m not coming back,” she smiled.

  “Are you? Shit, the last time you left you moved almost 2500 miles away.” Corey pulled clothes out the suitcase. “If you love him then why leave?”

  Sighing, she put down a pair of shoes that fell to the floor with a thud. “I’m going on vacation to Mexico to visit Rita, plus if you haven’t noticed that temperature outside is 30 degrees…I just need a little TLC in Mexico.”

  “You say you’re not running away but you are.” Corey took another piece of article out the suitcase. “Do you think he slept with her?”

  “No,” she replied, putting clothes back in the luggage. “I don’t question his integrity. Earnest Hemmingway says “The only way to know if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”

  “That’s not telling me anything.”

  She picked up the dress Corey pulled out and hit him with it. “With Hank I learned what it meant to trust. Remember when I fell and he caught me?”

  Corey nodded his head. “That day he showed up and had my back, even when we weren’t on speaking terms. I trust him with my heart.”

  Corey applauded. “It’s like watching you grow into this new woman.”

  Kari laughed. “I wasn’t that bad.”

  “Girl, it was like an ice queen times two.” Corey pursed his lips together. “Thought we would have to do an exorcism.”

  “I wasn’t that bad.”

  “The devil is a liar,” he howled. “I’m allowing you to go on your vacation but remember…”

  “I know I will bring you back a souvenir.”

  “Or a nice cabana guy,” Corey said, with his hands clasped together. “But on the real, don’t worry about the studio, I got all your sticky notes and I know you will micromanage from afar.”

  “I was thinking you can become a partner, if you want.”

  Corey’s eyebrow furrowed. “K, what are you talking about? I already have a partner, you know Tony.”

  “I’m meant being a partner in K-design.” Kari knew that Corey couldn
’t’ draw worth a damn, but his business degree came in handy. Especially, when all she wanted to do was focus on the design aspect of the business.


  She stopped packing, “You don’t have to if-”

  “Uh-uh, we’re partners now,” he said excitedly. “Now daddy can buy himself a nice ass Michael Kors bag.”

  “Corey, I want you to know that I value our friendship. I trust you with all my deep secrets and you trust me with all of yours.”

  “Girl, we know each other’s dirty laundry.” Corey laid back on the bed, Kari sat on the other side and laid down too.

  “Our history runs way too deep,” Kari said.

  “You my sister,” he sighed.

  “You my sister too,” she giggled.

  “Argh!” Corey rolled onto his side and looked at her. “Buckaroo really likes you, and I gave him my piece of mind a few weeks ago. He’s handsome and not the most successful guy I would have saw you with but in all reality he loves your little quirks.”

  “A buck-awhat? And I don’t’ have any quirks!” she nudged him.

  “Shh!!! I’m not done.” Corey nudge her right back. “Crinkling your nose when you in deep thought and watching those damn old movies on a Friday night instead of hanging out….Oh you don’t know how to cook, not too many man go for a woman who can’t even boil water.”

  “I’m saving a life when I don’t cook,” she joked, hitting him with a pillow. “Hold up, you cry watching movies too!”

  “Kari, tell me you don’t see a bright, loving and happy future with Hank Jackson. He said ‘I rather hurt myself before I hurt her,’… For once did you see a picture of you guys together picking out paint colors for the walls, naming your future children? K, we both know you didn’t see those things with Sam.”

  “You’re right,” she said. “Hank fills me completely.”

  Corey sat up and looked at his best friend with confusion. “Why are you sitting here packing instead of running to him? Don’t be questioning him and yourself, if it was me I’ll be running right in that bronco’s arms.”

  “Corey, you’re too much.”

  “I should be going,” Corey said as he slipped into his coat. Kari walked him to the front door where he gave her one last look. “This is exactly the kind of love you deserve.”

  She didn’t know what to say but only to give him a quick hug before closing the door.


  Early in the morning, Kari was lugging her suitcase out the door when she spotted a familiar red haired woman standing by her car. Grimacing, she squared her shoulders and sauntered over to her truck.

  “Going somewhere Mrs. Hayes?” Natalie questioned, eyeing the luggage.

  “Is there a reason why you’re here?” Kari asked, putting the last of her luggage in the trunk.

  “Well,” she said, running crimson nails along the side of the window. “I was coming here to tell you that I’m letting you have Hank.”

  “This is a human being we’re talking about not a game, he has feelings.” There was much more that Kari wanted to say but instead she bit her tongue.

  “I’ll give you a few months before you get bored with Hank.”

  She stood there in the cold early morning struggling not to feel anger or resentment with Natalie. Kari told herself to find compassion and empathy for this woman, but she couldn’t. “Your ex-husband is my soul mate. You were a season or stepping stone for him to learn from to be a better husband.”

  “He will never marry you.” Natalie’s face became green with envy.

  “Time will tell.” She opened her car door, before she could leave her heart went out to Hank’s ex. “Open your eyes Natalie, you had a Prince Charming the type of man every woman wants.”

  “Hank is not a Prince Charming,” she interrupted, flipping her hair off her shoulder. “You’ve only known him for a split second.”

  “Instead of keeping your legs closed and eyes and heart open to see that you had a great, generous, loving man who respected and cherished you.” her voice softened as she looked at the woman who she could never be friends with, “you chose to enjoy the comfort of another man who could never teach you to love life and enjoy the moment. You’re right when you say I only know Hank for a moment but I will be with him for a lifetime.”

  “Darling, will see about that.” Natalie voice was southern but lacked the charm. “You will always be second best.”

  Kari couldn’t contain her laughter. “How old are we again?” She stopped laughing and looked at Natalie seriously. “A man who was broken, bruised and bleeding from the betrayal of the bona fide first wife. I’m the woman he took a chance on after that emotional rollercoaster ride. I don’t know what’s in store for Hank and I, but I’m willing to take the chance.”

  “About time you said that.”

  Both woman turned around to see Hank standing looking directly at Kari. “What is up with everyone showing up unannounced?”

  “A little birdy flew by my house last night and told me about the trip you was taking to Mexico for some R&R.” He took a step closer to her. “I decided that a trip to a sunny climate is just what I need.”

  “Corey,” she said under her breath.

  “Yep,” he kissed her lips, as they both forgot about Natalie standing there gawking at them. “Why do you want to spend a lifetime with me?”

  “I don’t’ have a crystal ball that will speak our future. I know that I will hike with you, stumble, walk slow as a turtle and be there for ups and the down until I’m no longer breathing.” She rested her forehead against his. “For me, there is no one is this world for me. You give me all of you and I give you all of me. ”

  “When I hold on to you I feel like I have the whole world in my hands,” he said in a low voice.

  “I can live selfishly…I finally embraced what you were trying to give me. You know I’ve been running a long time and from day one you was patient with me.” She licked her lips and continued. “You bring peace to my world. Hank, you’re my everlasting love who makes me feel whole and healed. You’re my song in my heart.”

  “It’s me and you against the world.” She licked her lips and hesitantly gazed up into his alluring grey eyes. “I’m never going to let you go.”

  “I’m lucky man.” He cupped her face and kissed her.


  Cabo San Lucas

  “This is exactly what I needed,” Kari groaned, wiggling her feet into the warm white sands. She was at peace, something that always happened when she came to her favorite place.

  “You bought the house to be close to me and are never here,” Rita sighed. “It is really a piece of heave here.”

  Kari smiled and looked over at Rita Gonzales, the woman who had a hand in shaping her to the woman she was today. The elderly woman was still breathtakingly beautiful with her long raven hair and tan complexion skin that was voided of old age.

  Adjusting her designer shades, she stared at the cliffs in the distance. The emerald blue sea seemed to go further. The bright sun felt so good on her skin, she could sit here all day sipping her frozen strawberry drink.

  “How things been since arriving here?” Rita turned her head to the side and look at Kari.

  “I think this is what we needed,” Thinking about the making love on the secluded beach had Kari reaching for her cold beverage to cool her down. “Do you think it’s possible to fall in love quickly?”

  Rita laughed and patted her hand, “Oh mi hija, who can stop the burst of happiness that happens when love comes into your life.” Rita took off her sunglasses. “What did I always tell you about love?”

  “You can love him as I love myself but don’t make him mine everything, because when he is gone I’m left with nothing.”

  “Have you lost yourself?”

  Kari dug her toes deeper into the warm sand. “No.”

  “I always told you to take a chance; it’s important when it comes to living and loving.” Rita eyes softened, her voice w
as soft and full of love. “Always love freely and openly even it if means you might get hurt in the end. The rewards that love offers are worth it.” She sighed and looked at her. “Is Hank worth it?”

  Kari looked out into the water, her sucking in the nice tropical air. “I can’t imagine life without him by my side.” This morning when they woke up he told her he was running into town with Rita’s husband Martin. “He changed my life and my ways. I don’t recognize myself anymore. This man taught me love is strong, kind and it sticks around.”

  “Then why did you leave him the first time?”

  Kari smiled and nudged Rita. “I think we needed a break,” she said truthfully. “Plus, it was nice having Hank sweating it out and now look.”

  Rita picked up her glass and held it in the air. “Never chase a man.”

  “Amen.” Kari raised her glass and clicked it against Rita’s.

  “Love is a choice,” Rita reminded her before getting up and walking back to the white three story house near the sea.

  Leaning her head against headrest of the lawn chain. Kari gazed out into the distance, she was alone on the private beach. For as long as she could remember she would always indulge in sadness by allowing it to wash over her and eventually she moved on the better things.

  The happily ever after that she thought would never happen to her was just in her reach, just like the sun setting in the horizon. Part of her was now musing over her future, life with Hank and the kids they would have. After a history of disappointments and fear, she was ready to jump into the sweet unknown with Hank even though it might hurt her. This was the risk that Rita spoke about a few minutes ago.

  Being the ice queen that Corey talked about didn’t fit her anymore. She now believed in love, she needed and wanted it. Kari had that love that thrilled her and challenged her in the best way possible. It gave her moments and memories that she cherished and held near and dear to her heart.


  The next morning Kari woke up to the soothing sound of the waves crushing against the shoreline as the cool ocean breeze blew the white sheer curtains in the air. She looked over at Hank who was sound asleep with a calm expression on his handsome face.


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