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Control (Kenshaw Ranch Book 4)

Page 17

by Piper Frost

  “Come on, we're going home, Affton.”

  “No, Bo.” I try to push away from him but his arms tighten. “Bo,” I shriek when he lifts me off the ground. I start flailing but soon Tommy grabs my legs so I can't kick. “You can't do this! Bo! Don't be fucking insane! Thomas!” I shriek while they carry me toward the front door and as I look behind us, Chase picks up my suitcase. “Bo!” I flail as hard as I can and he loses his grip, almost dropping me.

  He lets out a grunt and I think he's going to put me down, but Tommy grabs me and Brandt grabs my legs. I'm still trying to fight but I'm not getting out of their holds. I don't know how but their restraints are somehow softer and they seem more caring than when Corey does it. That idea is more insane than me convincing myself Corey doesn't mean it each time he hurts me.

  “This is fucking abduction!” I growl while Tommy pushes me into the backseat of the huge truck.

  “It was going to be murder but he ain't here right now,” he grunts, slamming the door after he slides in next to me. “This is all of us cowboys saving your life, Bean.”

  “Hey, thanks for packing that shit up for me. I was about to go through all your drawers,” Chase says, sliding in next to me on the other side.

  “You cannot fucking do this!” I'm panicked and shocked. Even though I was leaving, it wasn't like this. These guys weren't involved! “Bo! Please, please! Think about this! Please! I have a fucking job!”

  Bo ignores me and I look over at Tommy who won't look at me. I feel like I could be sick. That entire scene looked like four cowboys just broke into my house and abducted me. Jesus fucking Christ. This is going to be on the news...until Corey gets the divorce papers and the threatening letter that I'll uncover everything he's ever done to me if he doesn’t go through with filing.

  I try to reach over Tommy to open the door and jump out as Bo starts the truck.

  “Don't,” Tommy's pained voice stops me. “Jesus, Affton, please don't be that stupid.” His hand finds mine and I think he's about to restrain me again, but he wiggles my wedding rings off my finger. I open my palm for them but he rolls down the window and throws them with so much anger he grunts.

  “You fucking assholes!” I scream at the top of my lungs and Chase is the first one I hit. Then I elbow Tommy in the gut and I try to scramble over one of them for a door, but if I throw myself out of this truck, I'll die. I don't know what I'm fighting for anymore.

  Giving up on busting out of the truck, I start flailing, hitting all of them. It doesn't make me feel any better; it just makes me break into sobs when Tommy finally wraps his arms around me, controlling me.

  “Beany, stop,” he whispers. “It's okay. It's gonna be okay.” His arms hold me tight so I can't lash out again. “We got you.”

  “This is a mistake,” I mutter a few times. “I have to go into hiding. You don't understand,” I try to plead with Tommy again. “I left him. I was leaving him!” I insist. “I was going to Mexico for a while. I was leaving him, Tommy! Now you're just making things worse! He'll find me. Find all of us! Bo! Please! Someone listen to me.”

  Bo only responds by pressing on the accelerator.

  “You ain't getting out of this truck, Affton,” Brandt says, resting his head back on the headrest. “Maybe you should take a nap.”

  “You were going to Mexico without telling me?” Tommy whispers.

  “Oh, here we fucking go,” Chase mumbles, curling against the door.

  “Forget about me!” I scream in Tommy's face. He doesn't understand that Corey has no mental stability anymore!

  “I can't fucking forget about you!” His face is red as he screams back at me. “I tried! For fucking years I tried! And then...this?!” He waves to my arms. “No! Fuck!” He punches the seat in front of him.

  “Yo, I’m sleeping!” Brandt bitches. “And Affton, it’s not cool that you planned on leaving without telling him. Sucks to do that to people that love you.”

  “Lay the fuck off,” Bo growls, shoving Brandt.

  “Tommy,” I whimper and grab his hand. “Please, please.” I shift as much as I can in this tight space so I can look him in the face. “Please bring me back home and let me leave on my own. You go home. I'll contact you when it's safe. Please, you promised you wouldn't tell.” I hold his hand tighter and my tears fall to our fingers.

  “You also told me you'd come back that night.” He clears his throat but I see the glistening in his eyes. “Beany, I gave you so much time to contact me. I texted you so much. A month ago I told you you had a month and look where that got us.” He blinks and swipes at his eyes. “Hate me all you want for this, but I don't regret a single second of breaking that promise. I just wish I had done it sooner. Maybe...maybe if I had he wouldn't have gotten to you again.”

  “You're signing my death certificate,” I whisper because I'm fighting back a sob.

  Letting his hand go, I shift in my seat to look forward and drop my head. The space back here is tight. I'm surrounded by men that won't back down now that they're involved. Closing my eyes, dread turns my sick stomach.

  “We'll keep you safe, Affton,” Brandt finally speaks up. “We wouldn't have done this if we didn't think we could all take care of this situation. You're one of us. We don't let any of ours get tossed around like that.”

  “I'm not one of you. I left,” I mutter. “I left you all and I didn't plan on ever returning. This isn't a game. This isn't like you boys scuffling in the dirt fighting over a girl. This is life and death and it's me that will die for this.” My lip quivers and I shake my head. “Why don't any of you care? Bo?” My voice squeaks and the only response is his jaw going tense.

  “He's not fuckin' touching you again, Affton.” Tommy won't even look at me while he makes that claim. “He'll never lay another hand on you.”

  I clamp my lips because there's no getting through to any of them. I'm not sure if I fucked up more by letting my life turn to this, or by telling Tommy the truth. I don't want to die, but more importantly than that, I don't want any of them or their families in danger.

  The ride's silent besides the never-ending country music. A few songs take me back to being a kid and a nostalgic feeling warms me from the inside, but then I remember the situation I'm in and it quickly fades.

  When we stop for food and to use the bathroom, Bo follows me to the women's.

  “You've got to be shitting me.” I stare at him with my eyes wide.

  “Give me your phone.” He puts his hand out.

  “Bobby Hart, I swear to God I'll whoop you worse than our granddaddy did when you lit firecrackers in the cows' barn.” I don't know where that southern tone or slang came from, but I'm so angry right now, my ears are hot.

  “I'm worried you'll run off to call him.”

  “Bo.” I lean against the wall and break down. “I'm trying to get out. Trying to better my life.”

  “And we're going to help you.” He's still holding out his hand.

  “No, you're going to end up getting hurt.”

  His jaw sets and I know the look on his face. He's never liked it when someone told him he'd get hurt.

  “Phone, Affton.”

  “You're making a mistake,” I mutter, slapping my phone into his palm before going into the bathroom.

  I didn't plan on calling Corey; I needed to call my lawyer and Diamond. Diamond is the only one that knows I was going on a hiatus. She doesn't have the details but she doesn't need them.

  A million escape plans run through my head, but I know I won't get away from them, so I get back into the truck, wanting to get this ride over with.

  When Tommy gets in on my right I scoot away from him, until Chase gets in on my left. With a huff I sit pinned between these boys and try to devise a plan, but I can't think anymore.

  “He's going to find out where I am,” I mutter when we're back on the road.

  “He won't,” Tommy whispers. “You never told the man where you were from. Right?” He looks over at me and cocks an eyebrow. “Too
ashamed of your roots? Guess that was the one good thing you did in the last few years. The man doesn't know where to start.”

  “Oh fuck you, Tommy,” I hiss and fling myself forward. “Brandt!” I yank at his arm, not sure what I'm trying to do but I need away from Tommy. “Let me up front! Move, switch seats,” I'm pulling at him, but he's not budging.

  “Not a chance in the world, Affton,” Brandt says, not even bothering to look at me.

  “Brandt smells like day old cow manure,” Chase mutters.

  “Then you switch. Come on. Switch.” I pull at him, trying to slide under, then over, but he's not moving either.

  “Tommy, your girl's tryin' to get all up on this.” Chase laughs, pushing away from me and getting as close to the door as possible.

  Tommy doesn’t say anything. He sits there, staring out the window shaking his head.

  “Please! Someone! Bo, let me drive.”

  Bo snickers and shakes his head, turning up the music.

  Tommy Barns is the best and worst thing to happen to my life, but right now, worst is outweighing best.

  “You'll all regret this,” I grumble, crossing my arms and sitting back.

  Tommy turns to me, more fire in his eyes than I've ever seen before. “The only thing I regret is not savin' your ass a month ago when you ran out on me and back to the asshole that did that to you.” He nods to my arm. “And I'm sure there's more under that pretty face of makeup you painted on. I ain't scared of him. Your brother and I were hopin' to have a little chat with him today but the fucker wasn't there. I say let his ass come to the ranch. We'll be waiting.” He lays his head back on the seat.

  “He's not gettin’ to you with all of us around,” Brandt states.

  I sigh and drop my shaking head back. They're all bullheaded. Stubborn. Delusional. None of them understand because...none of them have ever been in this situation. Only I would get myself in a situation like this. I talked a big game when I was younger and I grew up to be a person I would at one point criticize.

  “You can't do this to me,” I whisper, turning my head so I can see Tommy.

  “I can and I fucking will,” he growls. “End of story, Affton.”

  “You're not going to control me!” I scream at him, not prepared for my own outburst.

  Tommy's eyes are wide and a small smirk flashes on his lips right before he slams his lips to mine, his hand snakes around my head and through my hair. A low growl escapes him. He pulls back just as quick as the kiss happened and his eyes lock on mine.

  “Good. Don't let anyone control you again.”

  “Well...” Chase whistles. “Brandt, I'm comin' up there before they fuck.”

  I tuck my fists under my legs and chance a look toward the rear-view mirror where my brother's eyes keep flashing from us to the road. I clamp my bottom lip between my teeth and drop my head back, closing my eyes before they all notice what's going through my head.

  I've said it once, and I'll probably say it a thousand more times. Tommy Barns is the best and worst thing to happen in my life.

  As we get closer to home, my heart starts to hammer. Bo's had my phone since our first stop and I'm terrified to find out what's waiting for me.

  I want to know where I'm going. Whose house I’m supposed to stay at. How long they plan on keeping this up. But I don't want to talk to any of them, and even though my lips have been tingling since Tommy kissed me, I don't want him to pull that again in front of my brother. When we make it to the Kenshaw Ranch, I exhale a sigh. My sight darts out the windshield and I see three women all walking toward the truck. Brandt's, Bo's, and Chase's wives are headed for us and I couldn't feel any more stupid than I do right now. I'm sure they all fucking know. And I'm sure they're all wondering why the fuck their husbands just drove for almost two days to kidnap me.

  “Tommy.” I grab his wrist before he gets out.

  He looks at me and I can't read the look on his face. He's tired, but it's more than that. “Come on, Bean,” he mutters, popping his door open.

  With a sigh, I let his wrist go and follow behind him. When my brother whips around and his eyes land on me, I shrink back and slowly drift behind Tommy. Bo turns around to talk to Kinlee again and I exhale a held breath.

  “Please get me out of here,” I whisper at Tommy's back.

  He reaches behind him and takes my hand. ”I'm gonna grab her bag, Bo,” he says, nodding toward the truck. “I think we're heading out.”

  “You're what?” Bo's expression says more than his words are.

  “I'm taking her back to my place.” Tommy stands his ground. I notice Brandt cross his arms and watch Bo carefully, Chase's stance almost mimicking it. “We'll be fine,” Tommy mutters.

  “Bo, what the hell did you think would happen when you dragged me here?” I quietly ask my brother but six sets of eyes are on me right now and this conversation is far from private.

  “You're coming to my place, Affton. No room for discussion.”

  “I think she'd be better at Tommy's,” Kinlee speaks up, stepping in front of Bo and turning to look up at him. “Our house is kind of insane with Bobby there.” She shrugs. “She can at least get some rest at Tommy's.”

  I'm too tired for this. I'm too old to be treated like this. And I'm too exhausted to put up a fight anymore.

  Still holding Tommy’s hand, I try to walk away but abruptly stop when someone grabs my other hand and I look back at Bo. “She's my goddamn sister, Tommy,” Bo quietly growls.

  “She is. But I need her at my place. And I really hope you can accept that.”

  “Affton Hart.” A voice comes from my right and everyone looks. “I thought I was seein' things when I saw you at your mom's funeral. And right now, I'm not sure if my eyes are playin' tricks on me again.” Garrison Kenshaw looks from my face down to my hand that Bo's holding, trying to pull me one way. Then he looks to the hand Tommy has, trying to pull me the other direction. “So what's all this about? What're you doing back?”

  I yank my hands away from both of them. “Impromptu trip and these boys are so happy to see me, they can't decide whose house I should stay at.”

  “Yeah well.” He looks from Bo to Tommy with a stern glare. “Always plenty of room at ours if they can't figure it out.” Looking at me again, he tips his Stetson. “Nice to see you again. You need anything, come see me or Donna.”

  Everyone remains quiet until he walks away and then I huff. “Bo, I'll be fine at Tommy's. I won't be here long anyway.” I turn my back but quickly spin around. “Girls, I never wanted your husbands showing up for me. So I'm sorry I took them away from their families and responsibilities, but you all have some stubborn cowboys on your hands.”

  The three of them laugh.

  “Don't we know it,” Kinlee says, smiling sweetly. “I'm glad they did what they did. And I'm glad you're okay. We hope you stay.”

  I give her what I'm hoping is a smile, but I'm too drained to know what emotions I'm portraying. “You know where to find me, Bo,” I mutter while he hands my phone over to Tommy before nodding and pulling me in for a quick hug.

  “Get rest. There's a lot to catch up on.”

  I snicker. They all think this is some sort of grand family reunion. No one realizes what this actually means.

  Bo follows Tommy to his house since Tommy had his bike at the ranch and there’s no way I’m getting on that death trap. The ride is silent, mostly because I have nothing to say to my brother. When we walk inside Tommy's I take my suitcase and stand in his living room, almost in shock I'm here right now. I don't know what to do.

  “Can I have my phone?” I grumble, holding out my hand.

  “No.” That's the only response I get before he heads for his bedroom. “You know where the bedroom is. Make yourself at home.”

  A sudden burst of energy flits through me in the form of rage and I stomp to his door and kick it. “I need my fucking phone, Tommy! I have to call my office! I don't work on a motherfucking farm!” I scream so loudly my throat h
urts. “I have an office job! You son of a bitch!” Kicking his door again, my eyes fill with tears.

  The door swings open and he's standing there with my phone to his ear. Before I can register what's going on, he starts to talk. “Hi, Diamond?” He's locked his eyes on mine and he's not budging from his spot. “Yeah, Tommy again. Yeah no she's fine.” He chuckles. “Don't worry about her. But can you do me a favor and let everyone know she's going to be taking some time off?” His eyes lock on me. “Great. Thanks for everything. I owe you more than you'll ever know.” He ends the call and shoves my phone in his back pocket, stepping closer to me. “There. That's taken care of. I like her.” He smirks.

  I stare in utter shock, quickly brushing away a tear. “You have no idea what you're doing,” I inform him before turning to walk away.

  His gentle fingers wrap around my wrist. “I don't think you know how much everyone here loves you, Affton.”

  “This is all a game to you guys.” I look him in the eyes and hold my head high, but I don't feel strong right now. I'm scared shitless. “This is my life. And now you've gotten people in my office involved. You've seen what he's capable of and you don't think twice about pissing him off. You don't know what you're doing,” I tell him again.

  He watches me, his jaw tight, and shakes his head. “I'm sorry you feel that way, Beany.”

  There's so many emotions running through me right now, but I only know how to get it out as anger. I grit my teeth. “Stop calling me that. I grew up, Tommy.”

  He blinks a few times. “I'm gonna take a nap, Affton.” He sounds defeated. “I'm sure your brother's watching this house right now, knowing Bo. Don't try to leave.” The bedroom door closes in my face.

  Storming to the front door, I step onto the porch until I see my brother's big black truck across the street by the fence. This is insanity!

  How I usually deal with insanity is to avoid it. And now that I don't have a job anymore, the only place to hide is in this bedroom. For the next few days I hear Tommy moving around the house. The smell of cleaning products have filled the air. Country music has blared through what sounds like a surround sound system. We haven't talked; we haven't even come face to face with each other. Yesterday I got caught up watching him through his kitchen window while he played in his yard with that goat like it's a dog. Shirtless, sweating, jeans riding low. For a few minutes I forgot who I was, what I've been through. I allowed myself to enjoy the boy that I used to like, who's since turned into a man that I'm finding myself craving. I didn't go blind or ignorant in the past seven years of hell. But damn if I don't feel guilty ogling him because I'm technically still a married woman. And there's not one part of me that thinks I deserve to lust after him.


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