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Love by the Mile

Page 4

by Heather Young-Nichols

  The parents were leaving that evening but would be back for Christmas, and Maria wanted to make sure Gramps didn’t starve while she was away.

  “So, tell us about the guy.” I nudged Gemma. She’d mentioned a boy in one of her classes when we first got to Bianca’s.

  “Well.” Her face flushed. “He’s cute. I think I’m going to flunk Econ because all I do is stare at him.”

  We burst with laughter. Gemma was basically describing my Calculus class in high school. I spent more time staring at Damon Hartling than I did learning.

  “Why’d you turn him down when he asked you out then?” Bianca asked.

  Gemma focused in on Bianca like they were in a staring contest. Neither of them blinked. This thing between them wasn’t a contest. It was a silent conversation that I wasn’t a part of and one I couldn’t figure out.

  “Ask him out,” I said when I was done being on the outside. I believed girls shouldn’t just wait around for the guy to make the first move. It wasn’t fair to the girls who sat and hoped and it wasn’t fair to put all the pressure on the guys. “You’ve done that before, right? Asked a guy out?”

  “Not really.” Gemma shifted her weight around, bringing her legs underneath her so she was perched on her knees. She bounced just enough to notice, something I’d come to know she did when she was nervous or anxious. She did it back when she was working at Romano’s before Bianca and Gio broke up. We’d spent a lot of time together back then. “Usually I just sort of let them know I’m interested and wait.”

  She passed another look to Bianca that I couldn’t get a read on. There was definitely something weird going on between those two. I rolled my eyes and decided to bring this topic to a close.

  “Well, I still say it’s time for you to try it. Go for it.”

  “You would.” A deep tenor startled the lot of us.

  We each snapped our heads toward the door where Gio and Sal stood. We hadn’t heard the door open but now we were all alert and ready to fight if necessary.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

  “Just seems like you go for it a lot,” Sal said.

  What the literal hell? We’d gone out and had a good time. Did he suffer from a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde syndrome? Nice sometimes. Asshole others.

  Plus, I didn’t appreciate what his words implied. Who was he to pass judgment on me?

  Gio puffed out his cheeks then moved away from Sal, I assumed, in case I went nuclear. Good move on his part. Nobody got to talk to me like that, and nobody should want to.

  I so didn’t like the direction this was going. Last night, when we sat in my car outside the apartment, there was a moment when I thought he was going to kiss me. Right here he didn’t sound like a guy who thought about kissing me last night.

  “And what’s wrong with that?” I narrowed my eyes at him hoping he could feel the daggers of death I was trying to shoot his way.

  “Nothing if that’s the kind of girl you want to be.”

  I turned to look at my best friend with wide eyes, my mouth hanging open, just to find her staring right back at me, eyes just as wide. A silent conversation passed between us. Yes, this was her man’s cousin, but he deserved anything I threw at him just for being a complete asshole.

  “What kind of girl is that? The kind that asks a guy out?”

  “Not the asking out. It’s what you do once you’re out.” Sal folded his arms across his chest.

  “So it’s about sex? You do know this isn’t the fifties anymore right? Girls are allowed to have and enjoy sex these days, Grandpa.”

  “True, but I’m not sure it should be with so many people.”

  “It’s so easy for you to judge, isn’t it?” I shook my head. “It’s fine for guys to sleep around but heaven forbid a woman do anything a man might find distasteful.”

  Gemma started to say something from her spot, but I lifted a hand, silencing her. This wasn’t for her to get into. I could handle Sal.

  Since meeting Sal, yes, references had been made that I wasn’t a virgin but most of that had been a joke. The only people who would’ve known the real story were my friend. They wouldn’t say anything because my life was my business.

  But then there was one person who might not have felt quite so loyal to me.

  My scalding stare jumped to Gio.

  “What the fuck did you tell him?”

  Gio ran a hand over his jaw that was covered by a day or two worth of stubble.

  My temper got the best of me. I knew things were going to get ugly, but I wanted to take the higher road. I didn’t want to be the cause of tension during this short visit. I had to leave. Shoving my feet in my shoes, I didn’t bother with socks even if it was cold outside and the polish on my toes was still wet. Then I pushed my arms into my jacket.

  “You’re both fucking pathetic,” I said to Sal and Gio while shaking my head.

  “Nice mouth,” Sal said with a chuckle as I was about to get through the door.

  “Haven’t had any complaints yet,” I yelled back and didn’t hang around to see if he had another retort.

  After I’d punched Gio in the dick for breaking my best friend’s heart, I thought he and I were good. Friends even. Guess I misjudged that if he was the one to tell Sal things about me. Things that likely weren’t true.

  As I stepped off the porch I heard Bianca, who rarely yelled, raise her voice in frustration.

  “Really?” she called out with annoyance.

  I had no idea who she was talking to but my guess was both of them.

  “Bianca, let me—” He tried. Had to give Gio that.

  “No way. Gemma, you should stay here and try to teach these two some manners because I don’t hang out with assholes.” She was quick. I was stomping along to my car which I’d parked in front of the neighbor’s house when Bianca threw an arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Five

  Bianca and I dropped onto my couch after I drove around for fifteen minutes trying to work off some steam. Driving aimlessly sometimes helped. I popped back up off the couch and paced. Back and forth in front of the sofa like a caged animal. My skin was the cage and I was ready to break loose.

  Honestly, Sal’s words shouldn’t have bothered me as much as they were, which made me angrier. I shouldn’t have let him get to me.

  Bianca followed me with her eyes without saying a word.

  One of the perks of knowing each other so long was that she knew when I needed a hug and when I needed space. This was the situation where I needed some space to work off some of the pent-up energy I now had.

  “What the hell. It had to be Gio. Do you think this is some sort of payback for punching his manhood? Because he fucking deserved that.”

  “More than you know.” She sighed.

  “What does that even mean?” I threw my hands in the air then let them fall. Her face paled just a shade, so I slowed myself down and stood still for the first time since we’d come into my apartment. “Look, I know there’s more to the story than what you told me. I feel like the only person who isn’t inside the circle of trust.”

  “That’s not true.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You and Gemma have these silent conversations and little understandings. I see the fucking looks, Bianca. And I’m still in the dark.”

  “I’m sorry about that but it isn’t for me to tell you. There are things about the way they grew up, I can’t… ” She started shaking her head like she struggled with whether to tell me or not. “Let’s just focus on you and Sal.”

  I had to let her off the hook.

  I may be her best friend, but Gio is the love of her life, and I couldn’t try to bully her into betraying his trust.

  “OK, OK. I get it. But whatever it is I can’t know, do you think that has anything to do with how Sal was at your house?”

  “Maybe.” She admitted. “I think… I think that was either Sal’s attempt at joking or his attempt at flirting.”

  “Ha.” My
laugh was a humorless one and it came out without permission. She couldn’t be further from the truth. “Flirting? I don’t think so, lady.”

  “I’m serious here. I told you he doesn’t do well with people. Even people he probably wants to do well with. He did have what might pass for a smirk on his face.”

  I still stood looking at her, my head tilted and my eyebrows raised.

  “You know what a smirk is. Sort of like a smile but not really. Remember, Gio wouldn’t have sex with me because he really liked me and that was your wisdom, not mine.”

  This time I bit my lips together to keep from laughing and shook my head.

  “Yeah well, I don’t like him so it doesn’t matter.”

  I dropped back on the end of the couch opposite Bianca and didn’t like that I was starting to feel bad for the entire Diamati family for whatever jacked up childhood they had.

  Even if I didn’t know what the hell kind of childhood that was.

  “I swear to all that is holy in this world that Gio better back the fuck off.” Sighing I decided to drop the tough girl act. “I thought he and I had become friendly. I don’t get why he’d tell Sal things about me.”

  Her jaw tightened and her eyes darkened as much as blue eyes could.

  “Yeah, I don’t either. But you better believe I’m going to find out. He of all people has no right to judge someone else’s life.”

  “What’s that even mean?”

  “Never mind,” she said shaking her head then sighing. “I’m sorry Sal hurt your feelings.”

  My gaze jumped to her but I remained silent. That’s what the issue was. My feelings were hurt but I’d never admit that to anyone, not even her.

  Bianca stayed with me until she determined I was in a better mood. Said she’d stay the entire night if necessary. I appreciated the time with her, but I really wanted to be alone.

  When I drove her home, I waited for her to get through the front door where I saw Gio standing just inside before I pulled away from the curb. I didn’t envy him.

  What I needed was something to change my mood. I still wasn’t going to drink but was sure I could find some fun at our local bar, Bill’s. Bianca and I grew up going to Bill’s and learning to play pool.

  Being the weekend, the bar was busy. Busy enough that When Isaac, a friend from high school, asked if I wanted to play pool with him and a few others we graduated with, we had to wait until a table opened up.

  After a couple of hours, I received a text from Bianca saying they were coming for a drink. I wasn’t sure who all that meant and I told her I was already there playing pool with Isaac.

  Isaac looked for any reason to brush against me, to touch my arm as we talked. He’d lean in to whisper in my ear, his lips brushing against my skin. I returned some of the sentiment. It was all just friendly flirting.

  I’d bite my bottom lip and do all the other crap I knew guys loved. When I threw my head back in laughter at something he said, I noticed Bianca and Gio come through the front door.

  “Hey, Bianca’s here. I’ll be right back,” I called out over the music.

  “Hurry back, baby.” Isaac took the pool cue from me then returned to the game.

  “Hey, girl.” I wrapped my arms around Bianca when I got to her.

  “Wow.” She laughed. “Someone feels pretty good.”

  “So do you.” I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively. “Actually, I’ve had nothing to drink. This is a natural high, baby.”

  Gio slid into one side of a booth, Bianca followed. It seemed off that they sat next to each other… unless… yup. Sal dropped into the other side.


  “Anyway, I’m playing pool with Isaac Resler who turned out hot by the way, if you want to join.” I only glanced at Sal when he came into the booth before going into ignore him mode, hoped he didn’t think the invitation extended to him. Actually, it only extended to Bianca and I wasn’t afraid to make that completely clear.

  There hadn’t been enough time between Sal’s douchiness and that moment. I was still kind of mad at Gio, too.

  “Maybe.” Bianca drew the word out which meant, most likely no.

  “Well, you know where I’ll be.” After turning on my heel, I only got two steps away before I heard my name called by a decidedly familiar male voice. “What?” I snapped as I turned quickly and Gio almost slammed right into me.

  “Can I talk to you?” he asked. “Outside?”

  I nodded. This conversation had to happen sooner or later. May as well be sooner.

  Pushing through the door, I instinctively wrapped my arms around my body as protection against the crisp air. My jacket was still over by the pool tables.

  “Here.” He shrugged off his own coat and wrapped it around my shoulders. The leather was still warm from his body heat and smelled like his cologne.

  “Ok. I get it, you’re chivalrous. Now, what do you want?” There was an edge to my voice that I hadn’t intended on being there. “Sorry. Thank you, Gio. Now what?”

  “I want to apologize to you.” He shoved his hands deep into his jean pockets and he fell back against the brick building. “I didn’t tell Sal much about you but he made some assumptions by what I did say. I should’ve set him straight. I’m sorry.”

  “Why would you be talking about me at all?”

  “He asked.” Gio shrugged. “One question after a-fucking-nother and I just wanted to shut him up.”

  “What was he asking?”

  “Everything. Nothing specific. He said he had a good time with you the other night.”

  “Right.” I rolled my eyes. Maybe being in a relationship skewed Gio’s view on how to tell if a person liked another person. Implying awful things about me sure wasn’t one of those ways.

  “He did and that took him by surprise. Shocked the hell out of me, too.”

  I looked up at him with my best scowl. I didn’t like what him being shocked implied. I was fun. Of course, we’d have a good time even if it wasn’t a love connection.

  “No really,” he insisted. “But he’s not used to being comfortable with a girl. I was like that with Bianca. It just takes time.”

  “That was him comfortable with me?”

  Gio nodded.

  We’d have to agree to disagree.

  “Ok,” I said then sighed. “Thank you for apologizing. I accept. As for your cousin, I don’t even care. I’m over it.”

  A cocky smile spread across Gio’s face. “Sure you are.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I thought about another slap to the dick, but Bianca wanted kids one day so I didn’t do it. Gio knew I loved a challenge though.

  Just before we parted ways back inside, I pushed his jacket off then tossed it over to him harder than I needed to, making him laugh. A laugh that was utterly contagious.

  While I was gone, Isaac finished our game with one of the other guys that had been hanging around. The room had turned into a mini-high school reunion as it filled in with people we graduated with.

  After another two games in which I’d kicked his ass, Isaac said he had to go. I pulled him into a hug before he left right as Bianca’s group approached the table.

  “Here.” Bianca handed me a shot glass brimming with clear liquid. Tequila. “I think you might need this.” We tapped our glasses together, put them to our lips and tipped our heads back then slammed the glasses on a nearby table.

  I’d only do the one shot.

  “Did we chase the latest conquest away?” Sal asked as he carefully inspected each cue stick before choosing one, acting like he wasn’t actually talking to me.

  “When exactly do you leave?” I asked as sweetly as I could muster.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll be out of your hair tomorrow.”

  “Great. The town will be minus one douche.”

  “Why don’t you both shut the fuck up and someone break.” Gio slammed his stick on the table as he spoke and it startled the crap out of me.

  “What are the teams?” Bianca asked. �
��Girls against boys?”

  Sal chuckled, which made me want to slap him even more and from the look on Bianca’s face, she did, too.

  “They’re going to make you regret that,” Gio told him. “What’re we playing for?”

  “What do you want?” Bianca smirked back.

  “Hmmm… ” He leaned toward her over the pool table. “How about a kiss?”

  She smiled widely but I rolled my eyes.

  “If you win. And if we win?”

  “We will buy you a round.”

  “Ok, that is just dumb.” My snapping broke their connection. “First, I’m not kissing him.” I pointed directly at Sal like I was accusing him of something but I almost poked him in the eye. He was standing closer than I remembered from a minute ago. He looked just as annoyed as I felt. “Second, you’ll buy her drinks anyway.”

  “Are you worried that they’ll win?” Bianca cocked her head toward me.


  “Then no big deal. It’s just a friendly bet.”

  Physically fighting the urge to roll my eyes again, my silence was my agreement.

  The guys decided to “give us the advantage” and let us break. That line came from Sal. What he didn’t know was that having played them once, we had their number now. They wouldn’t be as lucky as they were in Gio’s basement.

  Bianca did the honors, sinking two right off the bat. When she took her next shot, she missed. It was a tough one. As the game intensified, I went around the table to get to my shot.

  As I turned the corner of the table, my foot hit something hard, hooked underneath it and I tumbled to the floor. Right before my face hit the fake wood floor something or someone grabbed my arm and stopped me from getting a really nasty bruise. Or worse.

  I was pulled to my feet. When I finally looked up, I found Sal grasping both of my arms. Once I had my sea legs back, he let go.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.


  “My feet were in the way. You tripped on them.”

  “Oh,” I said still somehow confused. Then it clicked. “Oh. Yeah. No big deal.”


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